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FIRST MILESTONE - A noob works out for the first time
FIRST MILESTONE - A noob works out for the first time ManOnAMission 10 Views • 2 years ago

My journey has officially started with my first workout. Now I try to make working out a habit. I have no idea what I'm doing yet, but I'm sure I will figure it out. If you guys have any suggestions or tips, I would be very thankful for your advice. <br>Peace, guys!

How to plan a LIFE OF HAPPINESS - Chapter 1: My plan
How to plan a LIFE OF HAPPINESS - Chapter 1: My plan ManOnAMission 23 Views • 2 years ago

In this video I want to talk about how to make a plan in order to improve your life. This plan will be executed on June 20 2022, where I will start my first workout of my journey. Best of luck to all of you guys who try to improve their lives as well. <br> <br>Check out my channel on YouTube: ⁣ManOnAMission - YouTube

My journey to improve my life - Introduction: My Story
My journey to improve my life - Introduction: My Story ManOnAMission 13 Views • 2 years ago

⁣In this second Introduction video I want to talk about myself. The idea behind it is to give you some context, as to why I became a MGTOW and why I'm trying to improve my life. <br>If you have any suggestions about my journey or my videos, please let me know. Also feel free to post your progress and your journey. I'm curious to hear from you guys! <br>I hope you enjoy my videos and have a wonderful day!

My journey to improve my life - Introduction: A Man On A Mission
My journey to improve my life - Introduction: A Man On A Mission ManOnAMission 14 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Hi everyone! This is the Introduction-Video and the first Video of a longer series, where I (a regular, average guy) try to improve my life. I hope I can be an inspiration to some of you, so you will take action and strive for a life that you desire. <br>I think that in this day and age, there is a lot uf confusion among younger people, especially men, who don't know where to go in life. They live from day to day, never truly being happy or have a fulfilled life. I hope that my videos will give some of you the inspiration or maybe even the tools to start leading a life that is worth living. <br>If you have any suggestions about my journey or my videos, please let me know. Also feel free to post your progress and your journey. I'm curious to hear from you guys! <br>I hope you enjoy my videos and have a wonderful day! <br>Visit me on YouTube: ⁣ <br>ManOnAMission - YouTube

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