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MGTOW meet the middle age female sex tourists.
MGTOW meet the middle age female sex tourists. GrizzlyRising 158 Views • 3 years ago

⁣YouTube shut down my channel over this video...even though it was marked as private. Communist level censorship at its best. Meet the middle age female sex tourist who travel to places like Jamaica, Africa and middle eastern countries and exploit broke and poor young men for sex. The hypocrisy runs deep with these nasty, slopped out, walled out and stalled out, piece of shit white women.
Meet the middle age female sex tourists:
Western Women on Khao San Road Speak Out About Thailand's Sex Tourists:

No! She's Not A Disney Princess - MGTOW
No! She's Not A Disney Princess - MGTOW Sandman 349 Views • 4 years ago

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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

High Plains Drifter - Let Go Of Me

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, This is my last topic but not my last donation. The reason this is my last topic is because you've talked about everything that I can think of as a topic. From now on I just wanna hear from you and what topics you will have. Over the past couple of months I have been told that I have become cruel. My friends my family members and even my girlfriend have said I've become cruel to them. I was 1st criticized when I smirked and said that a woman that cheated on a man got knocked out with one swing by this man she cheated on who said "that she got what she deserved". Another time I was with one of my old female friends with benefits buddies. She came back calling to me and I 1st offered her A maid job at my apartment where she would live in one of the apartments for free. After seeing where she was staying and hearing the stories about how she can't stand living with her sister I was nice and offered that to her. But because her boyfriend was jealous over my success they both refused this offer and now a year later she's looking to see is that offer is on the table. I told her not to darken my door step when she breaks it off with him. I then proceeded to shame her cruelly and hung up the phone and my girlfriend said that that was a little cruel of me to do to an old friend. I responded she was terrible and didn't show up to either my parents funerals. She also blocked my number because her boyfriend didn't want us talking. We've been friends before they were a thing and she did the same to my other friend. The problem is not the fact that she cut us out of her life the problem was she came crawling back expecting me to openly accept her. The newest incident happened right before I sent you this topic. I was at a fast food place trying to get something to eat. In front of me was a woman I've never met nor did I care for her. She assumes that I was trying to look at her or take a picture of her because I had my phone out while oddly enough listening to one of your videos. She says to me it's very disgusting to take pictures of people without asking or to stare at them. I looked up from my phone and asked if she was talking to me she's response yes. I told her that I'm watching a video on my phone about a guy teaching me not to give women like you the attention you desperately crave. She then starts to insult me and call me names. I simply responded by saying I can tell you what love by your parents because your parents must have dropped you off at an orphanage because they don't want your ungrateful ugly $5 ass. So Sandman is this what Daisy Cousin was talking about when it comes to an extreme side of the red pill? Is everyone right that I have become cruel or is this just me getting my justifying retribution?" Well Teaven thanks for the donation and topic. Keep the topics coming because it saves me time having to search for one in my usual spot, Reddit. Also you're not being a cruel man with toxic
masculinity. What you're doing is standing up for yourself against those hoes. I'll get to my thoughts about how you're treating those ungrateful thots in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism:

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Men Don't Want Leftovers - MGTOW
Men Don't Want Leftovers - MGTOW Sandman 381 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

A Leftover Woman tried to SEDUCE me!

shocked that a man doesn't want leftovers

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from a more than generous donation from Riley. The first of two videos I'm dedicating to him. In this video I'd like to explore the idea of leftover women by bringing up a video I found recently called: "A Leftover Woman tried to SEDUCE me!" by a YouTuber known as Serpentza. As well as a Reddit post called Thot Shocked That A Man Doesn't Want Leftovers. Which I've also put a link to down in the description. In this video what I'll do is not only explore why most guys don't want leftover women. But also why in some cases it may be advantageous to get married to and trap a leftover woman in a place like China. I can't believe I'm saying that but for some of you that can't keep it in your pants. I've found a way for you to free your willy safely and it doesn't even have to be at sea world with Shamu. But before I explore this topic let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the video. So the first link I shared is a story from a guy named Winston from South Africa that used to live in China until he just about had enough of the CCP. He was hired by a successful Chinese woman with her own business and Mercedes to teach her English. The first English lesson went fine but the second and third ones got strange as when he came over there were adult magazines all over her apartment. I guess she was trying to get him in the mood so that he would pay a visit to her fart compartment. He was already in a relationship and would probably never dream of cheating on his wife, wink wink, nudge nudge. His wife of course being a more attractive and successful Chinese doctor. Why would he take advantage of a woman desperate for that type of attention by getting involved with her? He explains the reason why even in China, a country with a shortage of women because of the one child policy there are leftover women is because a man's family doesn't see a woman over thirty as being ablt to be all that fertile and bring them the blessing of their very own little emperor. So he eventually turned her down even though the next time he came over to teach her English she brought out a photo album filled with pictures of herself in skimpy clothing. After every page she flipped over she was wearing less and less clothes in them until she wasn't wearing anything at all. He obviously got the message that she was trying to seduce and massage his meat stick. He said she wasn't all that bad looking and that if he had to guess he would have said she was a six or a seven on the looks scale. He turned her down but I believe he said she found a Dutch guy that was living in China and they got married and started a family.

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Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Μήν την πληρώνεις - MGTOW
Μήν την πληρώνεις - MGTOW Απελευθερωμένος Άνδρας 50 Views • 4 years ago

Πόσο ανώφελο είναι να πληρώνεις μια γκόμενα;

Ron Jeremy & Justin Bieber Get MeTooed - MGTOW
Ron Jeremy & Justin Bieber Get MeTooed - MGTOW Sandman 388 Views • 4 years ago


⁣⁣⁣Sponsor Link 2:

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Ron Jeremy: Adult star charged with rape and sexual assault

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Pete the red pill plumber. He didn't send me a specific topic so I thought I'd cover a couple of guys that seem to be up to no good. Justin Bieber and Ron Jeremy. As most of us know Ron Jeremy has made over 2000 adult films and slept with 1000s of women and got paid to do the deed. But now he's being charged with three counts of rape from 2014 to 2019 in a West Hollywood night spot. 2 women claim he did the deed in 2017 and another woman in 2019. There was a fourth case from 2016 but that one was dropped because there wasn't enough evidence. Remember what I've said about metoo before. That one woman coming forward usually means nothing. But when you get a cluster of women coming forward then there might be something more to it. But with Ron he's been with 4000 women in his lifetime so three or four women coming forward for him is like one woman coming forward for the average man. Even his lawyer argues that he's a man where women would literally be throwing themselves at him. Why the hell would he do something like that when he's still getting paid to have sex? But the damage is done to his career which has taken it up the rear. Dante Rusciolelli, Jeremy's manager dropped the actor as a client. I put an article in the description telling you guys more about the story. He's 67 years of age. Maybe the women haven't exactly been throwing themselves at him over the last five to ten years and maybe that led him to get frustrated enough to go through with the terrible acts he's accused of? I don't know. His identity is more wrapped up with having sex than the average man and what if
suddenly no one wants to have sex with him? It would be like cutting off the oxygen to his cock and watching it turn into a purple eggplant and fall off. If convicted he's facing 90 years in prison to life. There must be enough evidence for him to be charged. Or it's the shear number of women, 4 of them that claim it happened. But hey four out of four thousand ain't all that bad. Anyways, before I discuss more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor also the Red Pill Plumber: Anyways now back to the Ron Jeremy and then later Justin Beiber beaver situation. When Metoo began LA setup their Hollywood task force and it's investigated more than 20 men, but Jeremy is just the third to be charged. Jeremy's said said Jeremy often gropes women with their consent during public appearances, and suggested his long life as an adult performer makes him less likely to have committed sexual crimes. He also said this and I quote: ""There is absolutely no reason for him to ever be aggressive with women," Goldfarb said. "He's had more women than you can count." He added that the bail amount was "horrendously high." unquote. It looks like the judge thinks that Ron Jeremy is going to jump bail because it's set for 6.6 million dollars.

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Mike The MGTOW Monk (M TMM) is our guest today!.mp4
Mike The MGTOW Monk (M TMM) is our guest today!.mp4 Portuguese_MGTOW 77 Views • 5 years ago

mgtow the portuguese mgtow shows

MGTOW IS FREEDOM - MGTOW is NOT Men Feminism - a MUST watch video!
MGTOW IS FREEDOM - MGTOW is NOT Men Feminism - a MUST watch video! MGTOW_Is_Freedom 283 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣(MGTOW is Freedom) Mirror Status

Power by : Johnny Mgtow

Dating Beta Females - MGTOW
Dating Beta Females - MGTOW Sandman 371 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Colby and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, It’s Colby. You previously did a video titled “21 year old Asian”. You were very accurate, and I have since studied a lot of psychology, sociology, as well as learning about the dark triad. I went to therapy to get some answers from a less biased source about things I was noticing about myself. He told me that I have “sociopathic tendencies” and since then I’ve noticed more and more how right he was. I bring this up to give some background info why I think what I’m doing now is interesting. I would like to know what you think about my latest experiments. At first I decided to go monk and I found that pretty easy to do. So then I thought it would be interesting to start the pump and dump to see if this was difficult to find my actual smv. It turned out I was quite high up, so I decided to stop doing that and find a long term subject to explore. This is not me blue pilling or looking for validation. I found a girl that dropped out of high school and was below me financially, and intellectually. Being that I have sociopathic tendencies I’m quite manipulative, so I’d say I’m pretty equal in manipulation ability. I also enjoy the games/shit testing to see what types of behavior cause different reactions. I think all men should try to do this as it’s very enlightening, nothing shows more clearly how female nature really is than being the alpha in the dynamic. I control her to a ridiculous level, I have all passwords, her banking info, gps tracking must remain available to me, she must ask permission to leave her apt, etc. I do not have any end “goal” here other than to see how long she can remain behaving within the parameters I’ve set. This has been going on a bit over 6 months. Do you find this interesting? Is there anything you think would be interested in me incorporating to see what happens? The most impactful experience was a time when she started to talk back to me/complain and I told her that was unacceptable and if she wanted to be with me to never do it again, she has not so far. The weird part is her immediately switching, I’m impressed she’s been in chameleon mode for this long with how strict I am. Another interesting story is when she one tried to use sex as a bribe for going to a zoo she likes. I put a hard stop and explained that I don’t want to be with a prostitute. The interesting part is that she will never use sex as a weapon nor a punishment. It seems to have flipped where she begs me. I do not expect this to last however. Also I should note that when we met she was 19 and I was 25. I do not think this is wise to do with women older than twenty as she seems to treat me like a father figure at times, although she does and has have her father in her life." Well Colby the man with the name that rhymes with Dolby thanks for the donation and topic. Just telling me about your story ended up explaining a lot about the two major adult relationships I had in my life where I was with women that had lower sexual marketplace value. I suspect I was trying to cheat the gods of their pound of flesh by getting together with women that couldn't bitch as much as the beautiful ones. I suspect that to some extent you're bargaining with reality and getting sexual gratification while also cheating by hacking your way into a 19 year old hynie. I'll get to my thoughts about you intentionally dating what amounts to a beta female in a moment so that you can seemingly have control of that thought in a second but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

MGTOW Censorship Is Working
MGTOW Censorship Is Working Sandman 441 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sandman Sponsor Link:
Brave Browser:

⁣⁣⁣Sponsor Link 2:

Sponsor 2 YouTube Link:

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I forgot to ask you this in my previous message. Do you think an idea can die with its people or will it live on in another generation and in another group? What makes me ask that question is as long as there are crazy feminists we will have these crazy ideas and problems in the world. But if we were to use artificial wombs or sex bots with artificial wombs and give them caring mother personalities And make these sex bots 100% completely obedient to their masters. If men replacing wives and girlfriends with such things mean that far left ideology would die out? Thanks. Well Teaven thanks for yet another donation. There is no way to stop feminism because it's female nature meaning it will always survive. Just like there's no way to stop MGTOW philosophy either because ideas never die. Men discover MGTOW on their own but don't have a label for it. Women discover feminism on their own but don't have a name for it. It's only when it's labelled and promoted does the network effect take effect. For example each man going his own way might was well be a smart phone that's not connected to the internet. But when he connects to other phones or men on the internet that's where the real power comes from. That's why the feminists over at Youtube are shadow banning our ability to network with each other by limiting us in the search results, limiting our ability to get new subscribers and grow our channel through recommendations. Even Facebook has been throttling down my MGTOW content. The travel videos would get 1000 people seeing their links on Facebook. The MGTOW content only gets six hundred. So they are shadow banning MGTOW too. But so long as feminist content is not shadow banned they can grow new followers and MGTOW is no longer a threat. I'll discuss your questions Teaven and much more in a second but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways now back to the show. Feminism can not be stopped but it can be slowed down to a trickle. All those dopes that think that patriarchy will end feminism are just smoking their own belly button lint and getting high off of fleecy. It will just go underground and women will find new ways to complain about being supposedly oppressed by men while they do the oppressing. Women are leftists by nature so giving them the vote makes them the useful idiots of Marxism. If we ever get female robots with caring mother personalities many men still won't be happy. Especially incels because they want female validation above all else. They can't be validated by a robot. So I suspect that many of them would program their robots to go on a rampage with them.

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Stealth MGTOW
Stealth MGTOW Shadow Monk 99 Views • 4 years ago

Never tell any women you're MGTOW, Always use it as your secret identity.
10Hz serotonin release frequency

MGTOW Update Current Events
MGTOW Update Current Events Sigma RoDan 38 Views • 4 years ago

Talking about the Brian Banks Movie and Current Events in MGTOW

Sandman Is A Hypocrite - MGTOW
Sandman Is A Hypocrite - MGTOW Sandman 407 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Ancient Purity
- (Save 10% enter the code MGTOW in the check out)

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from George. He didn't send me a specific topic so I've decided that I want to talk about something that's been dividing the MGTOW community for quite some some time now. I'm being called a hypocrit because I've been a MGTOW monk now for 5 years and have had zero desire for relationships and sex after hitting that second red pill rage stage. Yet at the same time I'm telling many of my younger listeners to go out there and date like a champ. Some guys have told me it's disingenuous for me to give advice to others that I myself am not following. First off I'm not the only one that's been giving this advice. I first heard huMAN and Spetsnaz discussing how they were running into a lot of younger guys that were nihilistic in their late teens that had completely given up on dating. I also spoke with a bunch of teenage guys on a podcast a while back and they were all petrified about the dating market and worried about false allegations even when I told them about regrets later in life. The situation is a catch 22 of kobiashi maru. It's a no win scenario for many guys. If they date while younger they run the risk of having their lives ruined. But if they don't date then they run the risk of having regrets later in life once they get into their thirties and beyond. Many are inexperienced in their thirties, build up resources and find to their surprise women throwing themselves at their feet. Remember if women don't want you when you're under the age of 25 for your looks and personality but suddenly want you after that you don't know why then it's because of resources and their desire to settle down with a man with the highest sexual marketplace value they can find. Anyways, I'll discuss this further in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity:
Anyways, now back to the show. If I were in my teens and early twenties today I would date and get involved in relationships if I was in high school or college but would only do so with girls from other high schools and colleges. That way if I received a false allegation it would be far less likely to ruin my life by kicking me out of school. I would still do what I did in the past at that age which was to avoid sex. Because if you don't then your grades will suffer. Well at least they would form. I find it disheartening that guys don't understand that I suggest different behavior for guys depending on their age. As if my MGTOW advice is a one size fits all solution. I'm just discussing things from my perspective. What I would have done and what I have done in my past.

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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Feminists Get Blue Balls, Younger Women To Blame - MGTOW
Feminists Get Blue Balls, Younger Women To Blame - MGTOW Sandman 445 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Luminous YouTube Channel

⁣⁣⁣Sponsor Link 2:

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Feminists trying to change the definition

Why Child Abuse Is More Likely In Polyamorous Homes

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from no one because well I didn't get one for today. So I thought I'd take some time and discuss a post I saw on Reddit a while back called: "Feminists are trying to change the definition of a pedo due to not wanting to compete with younger girls." I put a link to it down below and here's what someone named Throw Away Abdi 95 has to say: "It has been proven by so many studies that men prefer women in their late teens and early 20s. This includes men in their 30s and older however many women spend their 20s on the carousel plus pursuing worthless careers rather than marrying a stable guy and starting a family. They waste their youth on sex and the city lifestyles then when they are finally really to settle down, the type of men they want would obviously prefer women in their early 20s or even late teens. This is natural and logical as these women are most likely to provide healthy babies whereas post-wall women in their 30s are used up, bitter over getting rejected by Chads and having to "settle" for the nerds they rejected throughout their 20s. They bitterly resent successful men such as Leonardo Dicaprio
rejecting women his age as it is well know any man with high status wants young, beautiful girls. These men do not care about their careers but their youth and beauty so it makes them realise how worthless they are. Paedophilia means pre-pubescent so it disturbs me how it is just thrown about. A 30 year old man dating an 18 year old isnt a pedo. These same people probably had grandparents with these age gaps. My own grandmother had my father at 16 and she must have married at 14. My grandfather must have been around 19. Throughout human history, puberty meant a girl was ready for marriage. The fact that they are now saying that an 18 year old woman is dating a 30 year old man is pedo land is absurd and clearly a sign of feminist jealousy as they know they are competing with girls that offer more to high-status males. I personally wouldn't go for high school girls but I understand men that do as this is peak female beauty and natural." unquote. I'll get to my thoughts about these words in just one sec but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Luminous Let's Play:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Jean-Claude Van Damme - License Free Green Screen Footage

Domestic Terrorist Website KiwiFarms fails at thwarting MGTOW(First Amendment Audit)
Domestic Terrorist Website KiwiFarms fails at thwarting MGTOW(First Amendment Audit) BlackPilledBeltMonkkido 284 Views • 4 years ago

Joshua Conner Moon and his Jezebel Feminazis.

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I highly recommend Cudo Miner for crypto mining.
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Earn money by taking surveys, being in focus groups and testing in home products:???

Hammerhand the MGTOW movie (reupload)
Hammerhand the MGTOW movie (reupload) AngryVeganCyclist 264 Views • 4 years ago

Content produced by Hammerhand.

Shaming Traditional Women - MGTOW
Shaming Traditional Women - MGTOW Sandman 256 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

⁣⁣Sponsor Link 2:

Sponsor 2 YouTube Link:

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

A Brisbane mum has been SLAMMED

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman will you talk about the controversy of an Australian TV show that Mocked a woman for being traditional and everything that they are not? I don't know if you heard of this story but basically it goes like this a woman on Facebook said in a Facebook post That she cooks cleans gets up at 4:30 in the morning to make breakfast for her 4 children and coffee for a husband and that she doesn't go to bed until everyone else is in bed and their lunches for work and school are ready for tomorrow. I hope this will be a good topic of conversation for your next video keep up the good work and Cheers. Well Teaven thanks for the donation and topic. You forgot to mention that this Australian woman also picked out her husbands and children's clothing for the next day as well. That was the part that really pissed people off on that TV show. You see pictures of her, Brooke Smith, the woman that's being made fun of and realize that she's gorgeous and she's got blonde hair and blue eyes and her kids all appear to be the same way. I'm surprised they didn't call her a fan of Mr. Moustache too. But before I share more of my thoughts on this situation let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back with the show. I put a link to that Australian Today Show episode from Brisbane in the description and it's called back to the 50's. On that show we see a fat Australian Incel shaming Brooke's husband by claiming that he's disabled and that he needs to get a grip and then we see the two female post wall tv personalities around him laughing like hyenas. He sort of reminds of a Ferengi rubbing his lobes. As someone that was raised by a mostly traditional mother myself many people don't really look at the advantages and disadvantages. If you're a male and your mother behaves like this making your food and doing the housekeeping then when you get older you'll go out into the world and try to find a woman that behaves like your mother. But you can't because they are no longer there in the west. The problem of course is that over the last few generations women with those values have started to disapear but
some women are figuring out that if they act all traditional that they will attract the best quality men out there that come from families where their own mothers were like that and if that's the case then their fathers must have been very successfully financially. So either they stand to inherit a lot of money through their husbands father. Or the son followed in the footsteps of his successful father too. Remember that the divorce rates for the upper middle class and above are substantially lower than the middle class and below.

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Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

She Lies & He Gets 25 Years In Prison - MGTOW
She Lies & He Gets 25 Years In Prison - MGTOW Sandman 258 Views • 4 years ago

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Crash & here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I hope you are well? I don't really have a specific topic but I thought I'd share one of my "lawyer stories" with you for the education of your audience. Years ago a client I had worked for previously called me to tell me he was charged with felony rape by force. That is a very serious charge in my state carrying a minimum penalty of 25 years if convicted. I already knew this man, he is a very talented artist and pretty well known in my city, I couldn't see him doing that to anyone but I always keep an open mind. Years of practicing law teaches you to do that. My clients accuser claimed the deed occurred in a small hotel room with double beds while her friend and an army soldier were sleeping in the bed next to the one she and my client were in. The beds were only a couple feet apart! My client claimed the act was consensual and the two girls even spent the night in the hotel room. Upon investigating the case I found out the accuser had been out the night before getting wasted and making out with random men and women. Neither her friend nor the soldier said they heard or saw anything she said happened. I questioned the accuser on the witness stand at a pre trial hearing and she testified that she said "no and stop" one time each to my client. Since other people were in the room I asked her "How loud did you say this, did you say it loud enough for my client to hear it?" Her answer was "I don't know." I was shocked! To make a long story short I ended up getting the case tossed out but not before a trial date was set and my client's freedom was truly at stake. I think this woman just had morning after regret and decided to claim it was rape so she wouldn't look like a slut to her friend and all the other people who saw her that night. I was a blue pill idiot at the time and I didn't see the red pill truths underlying this case and the lessons to be learned about female nature. Hopefully it will help your audience understand that not all sexual assault allegations are true and to keep an open mind when it comes to these kinds of things. Lawyers widely believe that there are more innocent men in prison for sexual assault related crimes than all the other crimes put together. Thanks for all you do." Well Crash thanks for the donation and topic. But before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor ABC Circuits:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:

1. Attractive young businesswoman using tablet with circuit. Technology and computing concept. Double exposure

2. Full of sweet chocolate flavors. Cute girl having fun with cookies. Pretty girl covering eyes with cookies. Bakery style chocolate chip cookie recipe. Bakery shop. Following a cooking recipe.

3. Young attractive female digital electronic engineer checking electronic circuit in laboratory

Single Men Require Supervision - MGTOW
Single Men Require Supervision - MGTOW Sandman 282 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sandman Sponsor Link:
Brave Browser:

⁣Sponsor Link 2:

Sponsor 2 YouTube Link:

MGTOW Myster Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Juan and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, first I want to thank you for the good fight you doing for all of us, for freeing us from our own demise (slavery mindset). If you can talk about a topic related to me having been a Godfather. For I was once a Godfather of 4 children 3 girls and 1 boy. Then I walked away from all responsibilities due to being used as an ATM. I was only invited to birthday parties , Christmas and when there was a mechanical failure on cars and barbecues. I'm an American-Mexican and that's how you suppose to say it but hey who cares. So being a Godfather is a among a true honor where you're supposed to provide the children with wisdom, joy and of course allowances once in awhile. But due to this MGTOW awakening (thank you of course) I now realize I have never was truely honored with that responsibility. I would constantly ask if I could take my god children hiking, bowling, to historical arcade rooms, shooting ranges etc, where kids are allow to be educated about guns. There were also road trips, water parks and so on. But they told me no if I were to do it alone. So when I went to visit each family to see my Godchildren I felt like I was under supervision there too because I'm a single man with no wahman and they kept insisting that I just keep dating lol. In my mind I was laughing my heiny off but then I finally got the hint. The translation is that if you don't have a wahman by your side you won't be able to hangout with them alone [maybe you should call this video dirty minds on account of my relatives]. So I tested my theory with other Godchildren and guess what they did let them go to the movies under one condition that my ex significant other would go too. I agreed. So when I can asked my significant other about all this she said you need to try and understand that you're a single man. So f it i decided to walk away from all the responsibilities that I'm not rewarded for. 1 and half years later I'm enjoying my life's journey posting pictures online just a bit so they could see what a single man is capable of, Trips across North America, building some investments for retirement and so much. So time went by and my sister asked me in front of the family (shocking right) would you like to be my unborn child's Godfather? I looked her right in the eye and said no I'm good and then proceeded to keep eating my tacos. When everyone left my other sister ask me why I did that, telling her no? She said that when someone asks you to be a Godfather you can't say no. I got furious and asked then why bother asking? My sister said I need to be courteously. Well I courteously said no. So brother use this donation for your videos if not use it for any topics of your choice." Well Juan thanks for the donation and most interesting topic. I'll get to it in a sec but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

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4 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.






MGTOW = Men Guarding Their Own Wealth
MGTOW = Men Guarding Their Own Wealth Sandman 278 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sandman Sponsor Link:
Brave Browser:

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations. The double whammy of having my channel throttled down by YouTube and everyone watching videos about corona and nothing but is not only slowly killing my channel but many others as well. Back in 2008 during the financial crisis I had a bunch of websites that were generating money through Google Adsense and my revenue dropped by about eighty-five percent. As some of you know I have my Kool Buildings channel and it is fully monetised. Looking at it over the last month or so the income from ads has dropped somewhere from about sixty to seventy percent as the economy has shrunk. I knew that at some point much the same way Google took my websites out of the search results back in 2007 to 2011 and killed that business they would most likely do the same so I saved every dollar I could and invested it so that I could replace the gradual drop in traffic and income from my channel and still be able to pay for everything. But as of right now I find myself in a very interesting predicament. I have money and could invest it but won't because there's panic out there. I also rehearsed financially about what I would do if the stock market was to crash. I knew there would need to be a trigger event and it would happen well into a tired bull market. I thought it was going to be in early 2019 but that was a head fake. I knew that Corona would but the plausible deniability event to create the market carnage. People say you can't time the markets but if you can see the warning signs I believe you can and I'll explain that to you in just a minute as well as discuss how I'm going to keep my content production going forward. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser:

MGTOW = Men Guarding Their Own Wealth - Photos

Photo Credits

4 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.






Welcome To My Channel Gents
Welcome To My Channel Gents MTMM 321 Views • 4 years ago

?Lets Educate Men The World Over..

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