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Live Free & Die MGTOW
Live Free & Die MGTOW Sandman 263 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

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Nobody Will Remember Carl

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he briefly has to say: Hey Sandman, You mentioned the content producer blackpilled and his movie reviews in one of your videos. I enjoyed his movie critiques, but now he is criticizing mgtow. Would be interested to hear your response to him saying we need a partner or we'll die alone as shut ins." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I watched that video titled Nobody Will Remember Carl and Devon over at Black Pilled doesn't make fun of MGTOWs but he presents some valid concerns about men that live and die alone. His point about having a woman in your life to ground you so you don't go insane or out of touch with reality is a very valid one. But friends do the same thing. But before I discuss this further let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, back with the show. Just to give you guys a background to the Carl video I put in the description, Devon gets his hands on an old property and finds out that it was owned by a man named Carl that died alone with no family. Carl was a failed software devoloper and lived in relative obscurity as a hikiomori in the last decade or two of his life. His neighbors never saw him and didn't know if he was alive or dead. The man died with nothing but a house full of trash to show for his life. Devon over at Black Pilled argues that it's bad that no one will remember you when you die. But let me ask everyone a simple question. Do you remember your great grandfather or great grandfather? I didn't even get a chance to remember my grandfathers as they both passed away before I was born. From one of them all I have are a few pictures and stories. From the other one I have a few pictures and his military sword. I can't remember someone I've never met. Two of great grandfathers died in the great war. I don't know their names and have never even seen pictures of them. Another one of my great grandfathers was shot by the communists at the end of the second world war because he was very wealthy. So what if you die and you have a son, daughter, wife and grand kids that remember you? After a couple of generations you will once again be forgotten. The only people that don't forget are the ones that win the historic lottary. The ones that spend most of their lives changing the world and history. It's really sad. But the truth is the majority of humans are unremarkable and cookie cutter clones of each other even though they see themselves as unique and special snowflakes. I don't want to be a special snowflake. I want to be a unique form of weather phenomena that no one has ever seen before. Sure nobody will remember Carl. But people will remember Tesla, The Wright Brothers, Newton and other men that went their own way and gave their lives for human progress.

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Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Help Me Sandman! I'm A Nice Guy - MGTOW
Help Me Sandman! I'm A Nice Guy - MGTOW Sandman 214 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
Body Transformation Made Simple

The REAL Reason Don Cherry Is Hated By The Canadian Establishment...

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from FersureMatt and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I have been watching mgtow videos for sometime now. But I have had problems with cutting off women completely and not seeking validation from them. I was considering myself a purple pilled guy, thinking you can tame the woman if you understand the woman. Since you know women are emotional creatures. I was with one woman and really tried to get her to open up about her emotions and help her understand herself. I also thought we might be able to have mutual openness and share something beautiful. I tried teaching her about herself and what women do. To try to show her not to be like that. We agreed on a lot of things. I thought she understood it. Yet, after starting to date because I told her either we date or I'm leaving. She agreed to date (mostly because I think she was lonely and damaged). I know she felt pressured but she would say its her insecurities and uncertainties. That she felt like a burden and such. Of course I was a great guy, this was a long distance relationship. I tried preaching about how to have a healthy relationship and what we need to work on communication and understanding. Teach her how to love herself. She agreed but she made little effort. After a week of only sending messages and her feeling tired all the time. I gave up. It's like she wanted me to break up with her so she didnt feel like the bad person. And then she asks me to block her. I was probably too available. Too open. She would admit to me some dark stuff about her with mental health and her ex's, cutting and stuff. I told her she usually seeks the love she thinks she deserves and to be better than that. She told me I didn't do anything wrong and that she doesnt hate me. She just didnt feel comfortable. So instead of buying minecraft, I want you to have the money instead. Please if you would make a video on really how to get over me being a genuine guy. I need to give up hope of finding any decent women and I need to release myself from this female validation like crazy. Also come to terms with reality that it's better to be sleeping alone than with someone who doesnt love you like a man would love. I hate the mind games. The dating games. I've always believed in my morals, and not to change into a guy that women like just to impress them. Just to put on a show so they like me." Well FersureMatt thanks for the donation and topic. But before I get to it let me first tell you about today's sponsor Body Transformation Made Simple:

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Ad Image Credits:

1. Cheerful young couple in love having fun outdoors. Man and woman screaming and fighting for fun. Bride and groom posing for photographer.

2. Collage of upset brides- square banner size

3. Muscular young woman with beautiful body doing exercises with dumbbell. Sporty girl lifting weights in gym.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

When Big Daddy Government Runs Out Of Money - MGTOW (Reupload - Proper Video)
When Big Daddy Government Runs Out Of Money - MGTOW (Reupload - Proper Video) Sandman 124 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Jerry and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, What do you think will happen when the US government and other western governments go bust? I keep seeing many guys posting in the comments section saying that this will solve the problem of feminism. I'm optimistic that it when the crash and purge happen women will suffer and for society to go back to a proper patriarchy this process is necessary. I'm looking forward to the the day when women might be forced back to the bargaining table and we go back to traditionalism. As always keep up the good work and cheers!" Well Jerry thanks for the donation and topic. But before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWs Guide To Retiring On 200K in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back with the show. A while back someone named the sober king left a comment that reads as follows and I quote: "There was once a defenseless lion stuck in a hole. People were cruel and threw rocks at the lion. Little did they know the more rocks they threw, the more they gave the animal a step up. Eventually the lion had enough rocks to step OUT! He was starving and hungry when he got out. The lion had a feast. This is what that tax and spend gynocentric governments of the world are doing to men right now. They have thrown us into a pit of debt and feminist control while at the same time provoking us by trying to take our right to freedom of speech and bare arms. Eventually if they throw enough things at us quickly enough, which they have been doing recently then we will revolt. But Jerry I don't think the governments will go bust anytime soon and that women will get their comeupance if we look at the example of Japan. I'm thinking more and more this is the future of western nations. Their central banks owned by the banksters have seemingly found a way to keep their populations in perpetual slavery. What they are doing is basically printing money for me, the banksters while not printing any for thee, the peasant serf. We aren't seeing either hyperinflation or deflation. We need to look as something other than money matters to reset the bad gender dynamics that we face in our society. Big daddy government has already run out of money and the banksters keep lending them more while lowering the interest rates. I know that many of us were looking forward to a crash to reset the system and bring everyone back down to zero and on equal footing. If that were to happen You wouldn't believe how fast all the unattractive women out there lose the weight get in shape and start to become willing to trade bjs for big macs. I saw that in former Yugoslavia when I visited there as a teenager. Women just ran back to traditionalism. In as society like that I'd invest in makeup studios, nail shacks and tanning parlours as there was an attractiveness arms race as the economy crumbled fast. But our decline is slow and most people aren't even noticing it. In a fast crash the cost of labor and housing falls but physical goods such as food and drink rise.

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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

He Left Me Waiting At The Alter! LOL - MGTOW
He Left Me Waiting At The Alter! LOL - MGTOW Sandman 162 Views • 5 years ago

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Terry. He didn't send me a topic so I wanted to pipe in on the topic of women complaining about where have all the good men gone. Why they are doing it and why we have to keep listening to them complain about a lack of suitable men for them even though many men in the manosphere already know the answer to this question. But women are smart enough to know the answer too. Yet why keep asking the question over and over again insistently when I assume they know the answer. Of course there is more than one answer for this. It's obvious that when women complain about something society at large and men specifically listen to their problems and provide them attention and white knights naturally start looking for answers to their problems or perceived problems. I say perceived problems because in this case it's not that women can't find good men it's that they are too good for the men around them. They have elevated themselves above many of the men around them socially and financially while still demanding men that are above them. But before I share my thoughts about this let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor ABC Circuits: Anyways, now back to answering the question why can't women find a good man? As women continue to gain power and financial assets in western society their hypergamy encourages them to marry men that have more than them. Because to marry a man with less means that he can divorce her and take her stuff instead. Marrying down does not provide safety and security for today's modern woman and puts her at risk of losing her assets and having her wages garnished if they end up getting a divorce. Of course many men don't care about marrying down because love clouds their judgement the way diarrhea clouds a land whales toilet. What does this one thing say about women's ability to love men in the crazy way that we love women? In the past however restrictions placed on women limited their options and the fear of ending up all alone in poverty was enough to encourage the majority of women to get married as young as possible. Women's lack of freedom and options led to a society where they were forced to marry men that were above them financially, yes, because men were the primary and better paid bread winners. But also marry men that they didn't find as physically appealing and they also had to forgo riding the cock carousel because in order to secure the best looking, hard working and successful man possible they had to leverage their youth at the point when it was the highest. Ie in their early twenties. The longer she waited the worse her life would be going forward because the best men were already taken. Today the same thing happens. The smart women find the best men before the age of 25. Meanwhile women that run off and focus on their careers instead of looking for guys to give it up their rears run out of good options when they are finally ready to typically settle down in the their thirties. By asking that question where are all the good men they are trying to evoke sympathy for their situation. A situation they put themselves in to begin with.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:

1. Attractive young businesswoman using tablet with circuit. Technology and computing concept. Double exposure

2. Full of sweet chocolate flavors. Cute girl having fun with cookies. Pretty girl covering eyes with cookies. Bakery style chocolate chip cookie recipe. Bakery shop. Following a cooking recipe.

3. Young attractive female digital electronic engineer checking electronic circuit in laboratory

Fake Alpha Males - MGTOW
Fake Alpha Males - MGTOW Sandman 217 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

PUA ( = faking alpha ) is very dangerous.

PickUpArtist is losing their $h$t lol

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by another Donation from Mike the guy that was involved with the damaged Brazilian woman. He didn't send me a topic so I've decided that I want to discuss a couple things. The first one is a redddit post called: PUA ( = faking alpha ) and is very dangerous. It's about an article called "Lied your way into sex? Well they you could be a rapist. The article is from the telegraph. So if you lie about you social status and sleep with a woman because of that lie then you could be going to prison for it. The second article is called Pickupartists are losing their poop LOL. PUAs are realising that they have to do something different because people are being put in prison but the PUAs simply won't admit that MGTOW were or are right. But before I cover these things and more let me first tell you about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the topic of PUAs or fake alpha males faking their way into panties. So the telegraph article discusses how Troy Singleton is trying to make rape by fraud illegal in New Jersey. So if a guy overembelishes his accomplishments to get under her skirt he can be screwed for life after screwing her. Of course what is truth if there's no evidence besides a woman's word that you told her you were a doctor or an airplane pilot and that you lied. But of course you told her you worked as a bank manager. Maybe she was drunk and thought she heard the word pilot when she didn't? Remember that the pickup artist community is all about sweet talking women to get them in bed. Women with low self esteem that fall for sweet nothings in their ear are more likely to regret sleeping with a guy once they find out his personality is just an act or fraud to gain access to her camel toe on Tuesday night. Fiona Elvines, from a national Crisis, explains and I quote: that “It shows that consent is contextual. It’s about making someone say yes to something they would otherwise say no to. You could compare it to grooming - just telling someone things that are manipulating them to make a decision they wouldn’t otherwise make.” unquote. So we can all see where this is heading. If she regrets things in the morning and has suspicion that you lied about anything or misrepresented yourself she has a case. But ironically women lie about things all the time and misrepresent themselves by doing things like saying they are on the pill or that she doesn't have any STDs when in fact she's not on the pill and she's just finished swimming in a herpes hot tub and you have no idea. What about bras, makeup and lipstick? All of those things misrepresent a woman. But the courts won't care.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

We Live In A SOYciety - MGTOW
We Live In A SOYciety - MGTOW Sandman 224 Views • 5 years ago

We Live In A SOYciety - MGTOW

Sponsor Link:
Richard Elsliger

Kool Buildings

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Eric and here's what he has to say: "Dear Sandman, Countless men owe you a big thanks. I was sorry to hear that you are running a little dry on topic requests. There is plenty more to cover certainly. Besides pure MGTOW issues, I think you have a very good grasp of issue involving freedom, western society, totalitarianism, and the Left vs. Right. Your upbringing in eastern Europe makes you keenly aware of the creeping advance of Leftism. I believe your MGTOW audience would be very receptive to these types of topics and perhaps you could expand your audience. Americans need to wake up. I think only someone who has seen what you have can wake them up. I admit we have become weak and decadent. Trump has been a very positive development but we need others to help bring these important issues to light. Thanks again for everything." Well Eric thanks for the donation and topic. I'll cover what my thoughts on the decline of western Soyciety in the first half of this video and in the second half I'll discuss a solution that one of the anonymous people I was having a coaching call came up with. But before I cover those two things let me first tell you about today's sponsor Richard Eslinger: Anyways, now back to Eric for the first half and how leftism is creeping into our society and poses a massive threat. As of right now I need another 3-4 successful years to get enough fu money. But it may not matter if we don't have a proper western society to enjoy it. I don't really want to go back to Eastern Europe but if the west imports the whole third world in we won't have any other options but to fight or flee. My thinking is find a nice rural small town setting near an agricultural or mining industry to ensure the town won't die out. If that becomes unsafe then back to Eastern Europe I go. I problem I see is that many of the boomers out there sold out their own children we might have to fight for our homelands. I see Canada in the vanguard letting in millions of low IQ people into this country and it's the Canary in the coal mine. I know there's gotta be a solution out there somewhere and the situation is getting worse and worse right now because the fight against the sjws and the left seems pretty hopeless when we can't even enjoy a film like the Joker. Communist China's influence is growing as well. More companies are worried about offending communist China so they are censoring their speech. A police station in Australia put the Chinese flag above the Australian one and there were men protesting this saying that the Chinese were buying up Australian real estate and colonizing the country economically. The same is obviously happening in Canada. Apparently the Communist Party of China is now the largest land owner in Canada.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:

1. Beautiful sexy woman working to repair the car in the showroom the style of fashion photography on the background of wheels and tires

2. Beautiful sexy brunette woman in swimsuit washing a car. Sexy car wash.

Explaining Stocks To Women LOL - MGTOW
Explaining Stocks To Women LOL - MGTOW Sandman 154 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

Hip Mobility Course

The few times I tried to explain stocks to women.

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Evrett and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I leave the topic completely up to you. I'm trying to promote a video e-course for hip mobility training on my website. It teaches people how to do maintenance on their hips for better performance in the gym and longterm health. It's 15 videos long and over two hours of content. I've also attached my my website to this message. It's a bit hard to "go your own way" if you need a double hip replacement at 50 years old from sitting in a chair for decades and destroying your hips. Thanks!" Well Evrett thanks for the donation. I put a link to your Hip Mobility Course in the description. I'm 41 so thanks for waking me up to yet another health issue I'll probably face in the next ten years. When I think of people that need hip replacements I think of guys like Prince while he was still alive and going up on stage all the time destroying his hips. He was going his own way and died tragically because he was a Jehovah's Witness and didn't do a hip replacement surgery because it would require blood transfussions and that was obviously against his religion. So the pain meds took
his life in the end. But I had no idea that simply sitting and working at a desk like I do most of the day will mess up a man's hips. Thanks for the heads up. As of the topic of this video I want to discuss a reddit post by someone named koloburnt that I've put in the desciption called: "The few times I tried to explain stocks to women." Here's what Koloburnt has to say and I quote: "Women at my workplace know I know a lot about stocks/401k. Every now and then, they get into the mood to come ask me to teach them. Almost a minute or two into it, their eyes glaze over and they get bored. Finally, I got one lady to start putting 1% of her paycheck into 401k, but a year later she withdrew all of it to put tires on her car. I try not to generalize, but this is consistent with all women. If you talk about anything to do with saving money, or sacrificing today for greater gains five years+ down the road, it's like their cooches dry up instantly. Now when they ask, "Hey, guy who reads books. Can you teach me how to invest the $130 I have in savings to help me make passive income despite having $30K in credit card debt), I politely decline." unquote. I'll get to my thoughts on explaining stocks to women in a second but let me first tell you about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission:

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Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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