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The Difference between Incels and Femcels: My Two Cents
The Difference between Incels and Femcels: My Two Cents MikeGolfTangoOscarWhiskey 26 Views • 3 years ago

Just my two cents.

The Juice isn't Worth The Squeeze: MGTOW Poetry
The Juice isn't Worth The Squeeze: MGTOW Poetry MikeGolfTangoOscarWhiskey 63 Views • 3 years ago

e Juice isn't Worth The Squeeze: A MGTOW Poem written by myself.

Thumbnail is also mine

What Marriage Has Become: A Short Essay
What Marriage Has Become: A Short Essay MikeGolfTangoOscarWhiskey 78 Views • 3 years ago

My thoughts on the current state of the social marriage contract

MGTOW Actualisation Goal Achievement 1: First Solo Flight
MGTOW Actualisation Goal Achievement 1: First Solo Flight MikeGolfTangoOscarWhiskey 15 Views • 3 years ago

First unsupervised solo flight out of Camden Aerodrome (YSCN) on April 25, 2021

Mad Random Shit: Bird fight
Mad Random Shit: Bird fight MikeGolfTangoOscarWhiskey 22 Views • 3 years ago

Two Mynah Birds fighting in a shopping centre carpark.
Just a random video to have something on my account.
This is a crossover from my Youtube channel, Madness To The Method

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