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Chinese Women Are Destroying China - MGTOW
Chinese Women Are Destroying China - MGTOW Sandman 441 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Rub Done Right - The Everything Rub!

Demography — China's Reckoning (Part 1)

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Landon and here's what he has to say: "Greetings Sandman, I wanted to explore the subject of Australia's unintended consequences of ending immigration due to the coof. It seems they now have a gross domestic product of 200%. Also tied into the subject is that China has been heavily cracking down on feminism. Both are signs of two world powers realizing the way forward to ruling the planet. This seems to be a showdown of communism vs. Capitalism. Maybe I'm wrong? It seems consequences were unintended in the benefit of Australia when they shut down immigration to Australia and saw their GDP rise. Whereas china seems to have taken a proactive approach to solving their problem by yanking the root out of the ground. I was reminded of what Turd Flinging Monkey said that taking women's rights away and raising birth rates might be an essential ingredient to the formula of being the world's leading superpower. What do you think of China vs Australia in regards to the topic? It would seem to me that if China decided to stop immigration or Australia took women's rights away then it would be a complete shift of our worldly dynamic. As I said, this is a huge concept that I have taken much time to consider. I eagerly await your video as I know you have an analytic mind such as myself." Well Landon thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Rub Done Right: Anyways, now back with the communists thinking they can stop female nature clown world show. The Chinese Communist Party probably thinks that America is it's greatest enemy. What they don't realize is that gynocentrism, feminism and their own women are undermining their growth economy. You can't grow your economy without more human beings. It looks like the population of China has already peaked because there was some sketchiness for the numbers of their latest census. The government of China is using shaming language on women to get them to procreate. What they don't realize is that with dating apps and the one child policy they have created a situation where there are surplus of men means that many Chinese women have so much choice that they will have analysis paralysis. They won't be able to pick a man to settle down with. Plus many are focusing on their careers and refusing to settle down or get married. China's population decline could be faster than what we've been seeing in Japan. China is crazy if it thinks it can empower women to work, consume and have rights like women in the west while fighting feminism. They are empowering women yet think that somehow women will do what they want. China is a xenophobic sealed off place that limits immigration yet they don't see that greatest threat to them which is their own women. Landon I put the first link to a great series on China in the description called: "Demography — China's Reckoning (Part 1)" and the other two parts are about water and housing in China. What happens when that aging Chinese population all tries to cash out their property so they have money to live in their golden years because there is no welfare state in China? It will be the largest crash in the world. What happens to Australia when they can't grow their population by importing people to prop up the housing market? We see what Australia and Canada are doing. In Australia money printing continues to enrich asset holders at the cost of the middle and lower class.

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Something Scary Is Happening To Women - MGTOW
Something Scary Is Happening To Women - MGTOW Sandman 446 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The MGTOW Book

Why Is Transgender Identity on the Rise Among Teens?

Something Scary Is Happening To Men

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by the Randy the Dakota MGTOW. It's the 2nd of three videos he wanted me to make. So for this video I want to cover an article I've linked to in the description called: "Why Is Transgender Identity on the Rise Among Teens?" That article talks about a recent survey of families whose children developed symptoms of gender dysphoria during or after puberty and Lisa Littman the professor of behavioral science at Brown University found that 80 percent of the youth in the survey were female at birth. Usually kids show signs of gender identity issues before puberty but none of these girls did until they hit that age. It's almost as if there is some sort of social contagion effect where it's popular for girls to identify as guys and the research found that 63.5% of the dudettes that now identified as dudes had one or more people in their peer group that had come out of the closet as being trans. These girls watched YouTube videos and social media that influcenced their decision to do the same thing. Of course they did because they saw the tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of views those transition videos get and all the attention they got online and they figure they might as well do the same thing because attention is harder and harder to get in a digital world. Plus the left has convinced many young women that people that are cis-gendered to be evil breeders. I'll discuss more about what's happening in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book: Anyways, now back to the women that want to be men with a cooch clown world show. The parents of these trans boys and men are being attacked by their kids that are becoming the pronoun-police. These kids are just paroting what they hear online and they say they sound scripted repeating what others are saying word for word. This isn't so called gender dysphoria among a growing number of girls. four times as many girls are falling for what appears to be mass psychological illness. It's being called a sociogenic plague. This is rapid onset gender dysphoria in girls according to the researchers and I just call it attention seeking behavior. Psychologists say that girls and young teens exhibiting this sort of behavior that caution needs to be taken when giving out hormone replacement therapy like candy. But in places like Canada if a girl picks up the sociological disease of wanting to change her gender because she thinks it's cool or will get her a lot of attention then parents can't do anything. A while back a father went to jail for either not using the right pronouns or giving his daughter gender reassignment resources. This sort of behavior is also coming from the top down. The leftist media is promoting the trans agenda and then a few people take part in it. If you do a Google trends search you'll notice that searches for trans man have gone up two to three times higher from around 2013. After a while the media can step back and let ordinary people on YouTube spread their ideas for them and they don't have to do a thing. At the same time as this is happening to more young women for men there's also something scary going on with regards to dropping testosterone levels. Sperm counts have dropped 59% from 1973 to 2011. If the trend continues half of all men will have a zero sperm count by 2045. The other half will have a very low count. The average 22 year old
male today has the same levels as a 67 year old in the year 2000. So what is happening?

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Turkish Women - MGTOW
Turkish Women - MGTOW Sandman 330 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
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Farmer Sold Sheep To Pay For Wife's Plastic Surgery

Turkish man sues wife for battering him over cosmetic surgery

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Salvadorian MGTOW and he very briefly said Hi Sandman, Thanks for all you have done to help men. So with no topic I thought I'd discuss a story about a Turkish Sheppard that sold his flock of sheep to pay for his wife's plastic surgery to make her happy because that's what she wanted. They have three children and when his wife asked for plastic surgery he sold his flock at half price to pay for his wife Maryl's plastic surgery. He went onto Turkish television and complained about it broke down crying from what I hear. What's also incredible is that before her surgery she looked like a very traditional woman wearing a Burka and giving birth to three children before the age of 26. But as we all know between twenty and twenty-five are a woman's prime carousel riding years and she missed them. So I suspect she got thirsty for other men's hot beef injections and asked him for the surgery. I guess he didn't pass the shit test. Sorry I mean the sheep test. Now he's out back banging dolly while his ex wife is banging every man wearing a fez on both their big heads and little heads in Istanbul tonight. Unfortunately the Turkish Sheppard sold his whole flock so he can't turn Greek even if he wanted to. She is in Istanbul banging away and she even stopped wearing her Burka and probably wears a bikini instead to show off her new body. The moment the surgeries were finished she told him she was leaving him and moved to Istanbul. Ironically now he's cursing the day he agreed to the request as he was happy with the way that she looked in the first place. I'll discuss more in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring On 200K in Southeast Asia: Anyways now back to the women wearing bikinis sitting next to women wear burkas Turkish clown world show. Turkey is an interesting country because Istanbul and much of the west is more modern and European when it comes to culture. But other parts of Turkey are still very Islamic and traditional. The president Erdogan is a very Patriarchal and traditional dude and he represents the shifting demographics in that country from secularism to Islamic Fundamentalism. That's what happens when you have a country where the traditional people have tons of kids and the secular people have maybe one or two at the most. At least that's what I thought. But when you hear about how a so called traditional family woman in Turkey gets plastic surgery and runs away from her family you know that stories like this are probably more common than you think. The Sheppard didn't understand that if he boosted his wife's sexual marketplace value that she would no longer be with him because now she could find better men. I wonder if she decided to take the kids to be corrupted in Istanbul too cutting them off from their father? Or if she just left them in the country to ride the old Constantinople cock carousel? No one teaches men that when a woman you're with in a long-term relationship improves her looks that odds are pretty good that she might be trying to monkey branch to someone else. Women on the other hand know this and project female intentions on their long term husbands and partners as if they are women. For example I found another story also in Turkey called: "Turkish man sues wife for battering him over cosmetic surgery" which I've also put a link to in the description. So a man named Hasan is suing his wife Emine for beating him after he had cosmetic surgery. He's a 40 year old man that works as a medical staffer at a hospital in Istanbul and he recently had botox treatment on his face. My thinking what that he probably wants to look good because he works with plastic surgeons?

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Hot Russian Woman - MGTOW
Hot Russian Woman - MGTOW Sandman 262 Views • 3 years ago

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⁣Video of Irina's suicide:
News Article regarding Irina:

News Article regarding Irina:

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from John and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I've been watching your videos for around a year now on Bitchute and thought it was time to start donating. I don't know if this qualifies as much of a topic but I wanted to hear your opinion about a video that was posted there about half a year ago. It shows a woman, Irina Slavina who was an editor-in-chief for a Russian independent news site known as "Koza Press". She committed suicide by self-immolation following a police raid in a probe "targeting an opposition group". Apparently the police had confiscated much the gear she used for her job it's assumed that this was what prompted her to commit such a violent act of suicide. Aside from the disturbing video I've attached to this message, I'm even more disturbed that a woman like this was willing to leave behind her family over the whole thing. Surely she knew what she was getting into and part of me is left wondering if this was some kind of publicity stunt she was trying to pull in response to the raid - thinking someone would stop her from going through with it in time and causing a big enough scene to gain attention. Clearly it didn't end that way and another part of me thinks that maybe she did intend to go through with it to such a violent end, hoping to get the same outcome either way. Either way, she ended up leaving behind a husband, a daughter and other family members, and with this disturbing footage of her last moments on this earth. Either way, I can't help but feel that it was rather selfish and overall thoughtless of her to do this regardless of what she stood for. But that's just my opinion on the matter I'd like to hear yours." Well John thanks for the donation and topic. I've included the link to Irina having a hot time in all of my posts except the one on YouTube. They would have a problem with it. For those of you that want to watch it please be aware it's pretty disturbing in an Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru way from Star Wars kind of way. Before I discuss my thoughts about this hot Russian woman that went to flames to protest what the Russian police had done to her let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Me the Sandman: Anyways now back to the Russian doll clown world show. Just for shits and giggles someone should create a Bubushka doll of Irina where as you get closer the doll in the middle each one is progressively more on fire and burning up until you eventually get to the tiny one in the middle that's just colored black. I can understand why people in Russia like her are pissed off that their political voices can't be heard. There is no real democracy in Russia because Putin is at the top. He's a former secret police guy and while in the west you get to choose between the puppet on the left and the puppet on the right in much of the world you have defacto dictators. But regardless of what people say I like Putin because he's going his own way and not getting married. Although there are rumor of him having a couple of kids with a gymnist. In much of the west, until Trump was elected people had the illusion of choice with regards to political power and the left and the right are always fighting each other and the people that say they are in the middle are the people that have begun to realise that that the real battle is not between the left and right but between us and the elites. In Russia the strong man Putin and his men rule by force and they don't care if they hurt women are not. Even a woman setting herself on fire won't phase them. I'm thinking that Irina probably thought that her actions might fire up, no pun intended, other activists and journalists to rise up in opposition against Putin. But Russia is not like the west.

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I'm Dating A 45 Year Old Single Mom With AIDS - MGTOW
I'm Dating A 45 Year Old Single Mom With AIDS - MGTOW Sandman 307 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

JENNIFER’S HIV/AIDS Story (in Pictures)

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James. He didn't give me a topic so what I'd like to do its cover a story by someone named Jennifer Vaughan that posted a video called: "JENNIFER’S HIV/AIDS Story (in Pictures)" This story reminded me of Forest Gump. In that film the main female character's name was Jenny and she went around America for most of the film humping all the dirty hippies she could while Forest Gump worked hard to build up resources until she was finally ready to settle down now that she had an incurable disease. Plus she had a kid with him and Forest had the privilege of taking care of the Aids baby. Although in the film it's not clear if either forest or the baby had HIV. During the whole film he was being told to run forest run and yet no one told him to run away from the aids cock carousel. As for the story of this other Jenny she connected with her boyfriend on Tinder and they decided to have a long distance relationship. He's from Montreal and she's from Commiefornia. So they had a Skype relationship and she was with her kids and he was in Canada. The video now has almost three and a half million views. I can't believe no one sent me the link to it before. In 2016 Jennifer she got the flu and felt not like herself. She kept going to the doctor for blood tests and finally found out that she had Aids. Luckily Eric didn't get HIV from her so instead I nominate him for the Forest Gump award. An award that's given out to the man that sleeps with a woman with Aids and miraculously doesn't get it. Conveniently this new Jenny she didn't know where she got aids. It seems that her first instinct was to wondering if Eric her Canadian boyfriend gave her Aids? That question crossed her mind as well as many others. I'll share what happened in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to Commiefornia with Aids clown world show. So Jenn didn't think to have herself tested after being in a relationship with a man that was raw dogging her? I don't feel any sympathy for her because I've been in relationships where women asked me to get tested before we had sex and I did and I was negative even though I always wrapped up my junk. I was with a woman that was overly cautious and yet here we have a woman that didn't think to do a blood test after sleeping around. So she found out one of her ex boyfriends was positive and that he gave her name and number to the health clinic that confirmed his results two years before she found out. Then Jennifer show pictures of herself nude in the bathtub covering her boobs, which is something that would have my channel instantly banned but she can get away with because she has female with aids privilege and I'm sure this gets her a lot of sympathy and attention as well. Then she goes into the hospital because of her low T Cell count. Yet she doesn't seem to take responsibility saying that her ex boyfriend never contacted her and neither did the health clinic he supposedly told to get in touch with her. Now she's sitting there with full blown aids. I suspect the guy never told the clinic and never told her either because he was probably pissed off at her for something. Maybe she ghosted him or did something really unsavory to. To not tell your ex girlfriend that you gave her aids intentionally odds are she must be a real character. So then we see tons of pictures of Jenn in the hospital. Why the hell would anyone be taking selfies on their death bed and ill like that? She says she was worried that she could die in her sleep but she still has the strength to take selfies. She complained about losing weight and becoming frail. This is something that a lot of people should have no excuse for. You're dying of Aids and losing weight because it's shutting down your appetite. Well I have zero appetite and I don't have aids or Cancer.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

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Women Are Finished - MGTOW
Women Are Finished - MGTOW Sandman 431 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Scientists Grow Mouse Embryos in a Mechanical Womb

The Artificial Womb Is Born

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Byzanthony. He didn't send much in his message except a link. I put it down in the description and it's from the New York Times and it's called: "Scientists Grow Mouse Embryos in a Mechanical Womb". Well well well looky what we have here. Looks like scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel created a series of experiments where they created an artificial uterus and were able to grow embryos in them for six days. The fetuses were taken out of their mothers after five days and then grown in the artificial womb for an additional six days. Mouse gestation is 20 days total. I initially thought that they were able to grow them for the first six days of the pregnancy and mentioned that in earlier videos and I was wrong. So they grow for the first five days in the mother, the next six in the artificial womb and for the last nine days they can't grow because they need a blood supply. So once again they need their mother. But they are now thinking of connecting a blood supply to the mice's placenta and using a more enriched nutrient solution. If that works then I can imagine a world where women only have to be pregnant for the first three months and then the fetus is removed and put into an artificial womb. At that point the cost of surrogacy will fall because the most expensive part, renting the womb will drop two thirds of the price. So surrogacy services in the USA could drop from a hundred grand down to only forty. That means in places like Mexico the price would fall to ten to fifteen thousand dollars. This is great news for men that want to have children but don't want to get married to do so. Thanks to this breakthrough women are now one step closer to being finished. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the clone world show. The last few paragraphs of that Wall Street article say this and I quote: In the future, Dr. Tesar said, “it is not unreasonable that we might have the capacity to develop a human embryo from fertilization to birth entirely outside the uterus.” Of course, even the suggestion of this science fiction scenario is bound to horrify many. But it is early days, with no assurance human fetuses could ever develop entirely outside the womb. Even assuming they could, Dr. Tesar noted, “whether that is appropriate is a question for ethicists, regulators and society.” unquote. These Jewish scientists aren't the first to work on this. The second article I put in the description is from back when I first started going my own way and it's called "The Artificial Womb Is Born". In Japan they have been working on connecting an external blood supply to a goat fetus and that was eight years ago. I wonder if they have made progress? If they solved this and they combine their technology with what I mentioned earlier in Israel then that cheaper surrogacy situation I was talking about will become a reality. Then we have to work on the first
trimester and if we solve that then families will be a thing of the past and we will be heading towards a Brave New World. The decision to have a baby will no longer belong to women but will also belong to men or possibly even the state if they want to grow more citizens. A few weeks before this video request someone sent me another story about how scientists were able to take ordinary skin cells and turn them into an embryo. I showed my mother the mice in the artificial womb and she looked shocked and couldn't believe it. That we are making progress so quickly. It's quite possible that in the next ten to fifteen years we will perfect the process and be able to grow people without parents or someone might bump into your arm and take a sample of your skin without you even knowing it and then grow your clone.

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I Paid Her Student Loans & Then She Divorced Me - MGTOW
I Paid Her Student Loans & Then She Divorced Me - MGTOW Sandman 250 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
World War 2 Epic Battles

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a Subscribestar tip from Andrew and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, Long time lurker, first time tipper. Please keep up this important and valuable work." Well Andrew thanks and I thought what I'd do is share a post I found online called: "My Wife and I had an agreement to help put each other through school. Now that she's through, she's filing for divorce" and here what some mystery simp has to say and I quote: "My wife and I both wanted to pursue careers that require advanced degrees. We came up with a plan for each of us to work full time while putting the other through school. For the past five years I've worked to help her through the last two years of her bachelor's degree and three years of law school. She's graduating in May . In this time, I've covered all of our expenses, rent, utilities, as well as payments to her loans. At the end of this semester there will be about $75 thousand dollars worth of loans that I am co-signed for. When I excitedly spoke of how much better things will be once she graduates, she was very non-commital and kept saying, "We'll see," when I talked about applying for my program. Two weeks ago, I was served with divorce papers. I was completely blindsided by this. When I asked her for an explanation, she simply replied that we'd been growing apart for a while and she needed to find her happiness. I found out this weekend that she met someone in school. He is the son of a named partner of a prominent law firm. She wants the student debt loan split 50/50 in the divorce. She is asking for no spousal support as she does not need it. When I responded that if she's going to be working as an attorney that I would be filing for spousal support, she called me a bunch of emasculating names and said, "It's over, okay? You need to let me go and be happy for me." I have
barely eaten or slept since this happened. I have a consultation with a divorce attorney on Wednesday. I feel hopeless. She hasn't worked in five years." Well Andrew thanks for the donation and I'll cover this interest topic in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor WW2 Epic Battles: Anyways, now back to the clown world divorce court show. Looks like this mystery simp learned that his soon to be ex wife monkey branched to a better man, a lawyer with better future earnings prospects a lot more social status because of his family background than her husband. She did a cock benefit analysis and this guy didn't measure up. No pun intended. The guy being divorce by this woman that's really a pirate with a puss is now going to have waste another five years working and saving money so he can complete his education. Then get his edumacation and only in twelve or thirteen years can he start his chosen career after finishing school and only then to pay loans for the next five to ten years for himself plus who knows how long it's going to take to pay the remaining 35-40 thousand on her loans which he co-signed off on. That's all assuming that he can pull off a financial miracle and if he doesn't get involved with another woman to pay for her loans too. She's completely ruined his life because of hypergamy. Female nature ruined his life because she had to act out on her female impulses. Looking back he should have first been suspicious and every man should when a woman wants to get married while you're still in University.

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Demi Lovato Has Become Non-Binary & More Beautiful - MGTOW
Demi Lovato Has Become Non-Binary & More Beautiful - MGTOW Sandman 259 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sandman Contact Info & Store:
Email: [email protected]

4D With Demi Lovato

Tove Lo - Glad He's Gone

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a topic so what I'm going to do for this video is cover the relatively recent announcement by Demi Lovato that she now sees herself as non-binary and for the second half of the video I'm going to discuss why living in a Van or RV and travelling across the country is a bad idea even though it's trendy. Why it's bad from a financial, environmental and social standpoint. As for Demi I was a fan of hers for years now and if you know her collaboration with Clean Bandit on the song Solo you'll see that one of the top comments is from me where I said that I smell a hit. That video is getting close to a billion views and I knew it would blow up when I heard it. People say you can't spot a hit song. I beg to differ. When I first heard Avicii's Level's and Wake Me Up I knew they would be instant hits. The same with Major Lazor Lean On as well as anything by Dua Lipa after she did her collaboration with Calvin Harris. All of those songs have an intoxicating energy about them that when you hear them you just get the compulsion to keep playing them over and over again like a drug until you get sick and tired of them. I also find tons of awesome artists that have songs that would easily be hit songs if the artists were better looking or they got promotion. It's like finding a stock that's undervalued and buying it and then pointing it out to others and then they buy it and your stock rises in value. As for Demi she came out as Non-Binary and has a new podcast where she talks to trans people and I'll discuss what I think is going on in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Me The Sandman: Anyways, now back to people trying to make more money by trying not to identify with only one gender show. Demi is about to hit thirty years of age in a year from now. She's put on weight and her star is waning. So I'm going to go out on limb here and say this may not necessarily be about her coming out and expressing her new gender idea. This reminds me of Tove Lo, the famous Swedish singer that uses sexual ambiguity to cater to women as well as men. Look at her earlier videos and she dresses in very feminine ways and in the last two or three years she no longer wears a bra on stage and is starting to look like a lesbian from the 1990s. Like she's trying reinvent herself to go for the LGBTQRSLMNOP market because maybe her looks aren't drawing in the same attention from men like she used to. Then in the end she still married a man named Charlie. So I'm predicting that Demi is still going to find and marry a man in five years but will keep this new image going to cater to a smaller and more dedicated lesbian fan base. It's the same Tove Lo play book. I put a video of hers from 2019 from Tove Lo that caters to lesbian and bi women. But that video only has 12 million views which is nothing compared to earlier videos that have hundreds of millions of views. When you're under 25 or 26 men like you and will listen to your music. After that your popularity fades so you've got to reinvent yourself. So Demi now wears bright multi colored blazers with what I'd like to call stealth technology for fat chicks so you can't actually see their shape. Plus she has a round face from gaining wight and a bowl cut from dumb and dumber. All she needs to do is chip her front tooth and she'll look like Jim Carrey. She's also got those sexy Star Trek sideburns.

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He Needs To Bang Her Where She Bleeds - MGTOW
He Needs To Bang Her Where She Bleeds - MGTOW Sandman 265 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ms. Maxi Pad and here's what she has to say: "Hello Sandman, I brought my first boyfriend home and by the end of dinner my mother let me know she didn’t like him. We didn’t talk about him again until she asked me how my boyfriend was doing? I told her we broke up while back because he cheated on me. She didn’t ask anything and kept quiet. It was more complicated. When we started dating we weren’t on the same pace. For example I want to give him a peck on the cheek and he would try to put his tongue down my throat. I tried talking to him a few times to stop, but it kept happening. He didn’t always stop if I pulled back. I didn’t have any experience on how to deal with this and didn’t talk to anyone. Because of that I didn’t want to do things like hug or hold hands. I was getting more and more uncomfortable. I didn’t think was good and wondered how to break up with him. He was trying to be a good boyfriend. One day he told me he slept with someone else. I responded by saying he should stay with her and hung up the phone. When he tried to contact me I told him I wanted my stuff back and asked him if he wanted his gifts back. He said I could keep them and I told if he didn’t want them, I was going get rid of everything. Some of our friends tried to give him a hard time, so I had to step in. I didn’t think he deserved that. Part of the reason this happened was because his needs weren’t met and we never talked about it. I think I handled it poorly and should have broken it of sooner. My current relationship has been going on for about 15 years and we have a son. Because of everything that’s going on, I’m withdrawing and don’t want interact a lot. We still have sex, but I’m wondering about his other needs. He looks tired. We haven’t done anything fun in a long time and the pandemic is not helping. I’m a bit lost on what to do." Well Ms. Maxi Pad thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism: Anyways now back with the show. When you had your first boyfriend Ms. Maxi that's back when you were a teenager. Even when I was a teenager twenty five years ago all the girls I knew tried to shove their tongue down my throat and I let them. They throat raped me. Where is my metoo movement. Obviously he was your first boyfriend so you wanted to take things slow. Obviouly a bit too slow for him. But seriously where did you grow up? Saudi Arabia? Just kidding. You had the perfect excuse to break up with him and when he told you he had cheated on you it absolved you of all blame guilt. I guess he found another woman that let him bang her where she bleeds? Yes your mutual friends had every right to give him a hard time. He cheated on you and slept with another woman. I suspect the only reason he told you was because you were going to find out from someone else. So he didn't want you to get even more potentially pissed off at him and fly off the rails. Sounds to me like everything worked out in the end. You had a valid reason to end the relationship that made him look like the bad guy and everyone saw that publically. The reason he slept with another woman was yes that
his needs were not being met. Odds are that woman wasn't the first he had slept with and he was more experienced and you weren't ready for more.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Women Are The Cause Of War? - MGTOW
Women Are The Cause Of War? - MGTOW Sandman 288 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Pentagon Briefing On Removing The God Gene

Serenity, Origin of the Reavers

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Adonis. He has a lot to say. Especially a lot about the new Godzilla Versus King Kong movie so there are spoiler ahead. I wish he had told me that before I read his comments and had a chance to watch the film firt. So be warned. Before I get to his topic let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the video. Here's what Adonis has to say and I quote: "Dear Sandman, Do you believe that MGTOW transcends humanity into other species? I just went to the blockbuster monster movie Godzilla versus Kong this past weekend and I could not help but think how these monsters are the ultimate MGTOW's in the fantasy animal kingdom's that they have dominion over. The type-cast fluff protagonists in the movie, meaning the humanoids in the movie, have the usual role-playing parts, but two key female characters are a mother and a mute daughter. The young mute daughter seems to have perfected the art of becoming a Titan-Whisperer to Kong using sign language. This script fits perfectly in our 21st-century Gyno centric culture and feminist ideologies being spewed out by mainstream media Hollywood and all of the movie houses and made for Netflix and Amazon series. Being a Greek I cannot help but think of the juxtaposition of the Alpha Titans since ancient Greek culture was replete with great stories of humanity, gods, monsters, Titans, Super-Gods (Zeus, Poseidon, Apollo, Athena), Demi-gods and super heroes. Just like you Serbians, we here in the rest of the Balkan countries have watched the westernization of eastern Europe. There is an ironic twist in this movie that reminded me of the old adage beware of Greeks bearing gifts (ie the Trojan Horse ). In this case the Trojan horse seems to be Kong who finds a magical gift/weapon and I don't want to give away the plot line but it is fairly similar to human history throughout all cultures. Even the monster Kong falls to the spell of hypergamy and solipsism of these women particularly the mute little girl with whom he communicates using sign language. The women, even the little girl, use the all too familiar pre-programmed self-preservation by using and even abusing strong alphas to the point of destruction. This is evident and paramount when these women and humans are threatened, especially the mother and young daughter/Titan whisperer. The premise is age old. Two alpha monsters cannot occupy the same space or planet as one wants to have dominion over the other. The irony is that there is a MAN-made machine alpha which becomes the greatest threat to humanity. The movie starts out with great fight scenes individually and then collectively between Godzilla and Kong replete with 3-D effects as a video gamers dream. Lots of Mayhem Destruction and Smash. Unfortunately I don't see Godzilla or Kong getting any smash of their own if you know what I mean. Just all of the Hypergamous manipulation without any of the happy endings. The culmination of the movie ends up being an unexpected alliance between Godzilla and Kong who have to join forces to defeat this Man-made monster/Titan of gigantic proportions and technically-advanced weaponry. Man-Made being the operative term, with the Achilles' heel being the women using the two Alphas to do the necessary deeds for their own self-preservation and perpetuation of the species.

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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Woke Women Will Disappear? -  MGTOW
Woke Women Will Disappear? - MGTOW Sandman 378 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

A Rotating Synthetic "Womb" Kept Mice Embryos Alive For Six Days

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by Mattick and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I had an interesting question that occur to me today. Will feminism simply die out like the dodo? In today’s glorious Golden Age of 4th wave feminism there are two categories of women; those with children and those without. Woke women, 200-pound blue haired land-whales a.k.a feminists, hypergamous career women, and the many others that suffer some form of Princess Syndrome all share one thing in common. They don’t reproduce, or is maybe fairer to say very little. Are we seeing some form of self-selective breeding process occurring amongst women? You know, the same type that happens with canines? Is Mother Nature stepping in and removing the negative attributes of toxic femininity from the human gene pool? Leaving the remaining women with mostly positive attributes; women that do not so easily buy into and conform to the anti-male rhetoric that comes from feminism. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this Sandman? Keep up the good work, you really are making a huge difference to so many men’s lives." Well Mattick thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. Mattick you are right that women on the left end of the political spectrum are less likely to get married and have children then those on the right. Or they are more likely to have only one child and therefore pass less of their values down to the next generation. Demographers in the United States have begun to wonder why the new generation in their teens entering adulthood is the most conservative one since the second world war and the answer for that of course is that conservatives are having more children than the liberals and they are passing some of their values down to their kids. To make up for that the left is pushing for more immigration for predominantly Latin American countries that are more accepting of communism and socialism. The right makes new recruits in the bedroom. The left recruits at the border and the airport. Barren leftist feminists don't really care about having children but they care that their values will live on in other people. Every person has a specific world view and the more we spread it and the more other people embrace it the more this validates our opinions and beliefs. MGTOW is different than these two groups because we predominantly recruit over the internet and regardless of what many of the conservative white nationalists say about us not wanting to procreate many of us would welcome that option if it came with far fewer risk. Woke women of course won't disappear completely. There will be conservative women that leave their Southern Baptist Church groups and ride the purple hair and tattoo cock carousel. I also suspect that there will be more conservative women in the future as the cost of living continues to go up and people become impoverished. Poor people tend to live under the same roof as their parents because they can't afford a place of their own. Parents tend to impose stricter rules. Even if they don't always follow them and still ride the carousel it's a lot tougher doing it under your mothers roof then if you're on your own.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
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Single Mother Wants Me To Get Life Insurance - MGTOW
Single Mother Wants Me To Get Life Insurance - MGTOW Sandman 276 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Wolf Of Wallstreet Matthew McConaughey

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Jake and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Was wondering if you have ever touched on the Life Insurance industry before. Since I am single I have never thought about life insurance before, until my single mom asked me about taking out a policy on myself. I was wondering why she asked me to do this, since she is already the sole beneficiary of my investment portfolio's. Since then, I have noticed Insurance company commercials, always seem to have a nagging wife telling their husbands "it's time", to take out a policy for "Our futures" in case "something" happens to one of us. It then hit me that Life Insurance is a huge money transfer from men to the wahmens. A man will spend his whole working career setting aside a portion of his paycheck for the policy, that is money He will never see. All done so that after He dies, she gets a nice Lump Sum payout to spend as she pleases. Not sure if this is a topic that can fill an entire video. Or if you can think of any other similar industries that are geared similarly. Love listening to your podcasts while I'm at the gym. Keep up the great service you are doing to enlighten men on the ways of the un-fairer sex." Well Jake thanks for the donation and topic. You're in luck because believe it or not I used to have a life insurance license for a couple of years along with my investment license. What you say is mostly correct but not all of it. First and foremost it's a huge wealth transfer from men to corporations that sell you the insurance policies. Jake maybe your mother is trying to sell you a life insurance policy. That's what happens when you start working for an insurance company. The first thing they do is try to get you to go around and annoy your family and friends all the time spreading the fear that they will die and leave their loved ones with nothing. Also it's a male dominated industry because it's commission based and you have to work hard and hustle to sell so women typically don't make it unless they buy a book of insurance clients from another insurance adviser, usually ready to retire. I met women that borrowed hundreds of thousands of dollars from parents and their partners to buy a book of business and then they would just take over existing clients from the previous sales person. Usually they would go out together with the old insurance agent and meet all the old clients and suddenly boom she would appear to be successful. Meanwhile the male agents would usually start off from nothing and work their way up to success. I'll discuss this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the clown world circus insurance show. Jake I can only speculate as to why your mother wants you to get a policy. As I said earlier maybe she's going to sell you a policy. Maybe she's worried if you die that she won't have enough money to cover her bills in her old age. I don't know her lifestyle and she's probably thinking it's not going to be all that expensive for you to get insurance. If you're young, in your late twenties and thirties you can get a term policy for twenty to thirty dollars a month. So it's not all that expensive and the higher the premium the greater the payout if something happens to you. You can for example get a ten or twenty year term policy for that amount I mentioned. The insurance actuaries figure out that the average man lives to what 75 or 80 so the odds of a thirty year old man getting insurance and dying before the age of fifty is pretty slim. So basically it's a free thirty bucks for the insurance company from your pocket each month.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Drake Red Pills Simp - MGTOW
Drake Red Pills Simp - MGTOW Sandman 253 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

Drake Is Accused of Having an Affair With a Singer & Ending Her Engagement

Diabetic groom-to-be dies after taking cheaper insulin to pay for wedding

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Bryceton. This video is a thank you for him downloading the first five seasons of my Sandman audio files through digital down. Thank You. As for Drake I could only license one stock photo for this video and it's an old one from 2012 because the place I get them didn't have any more. But that's ok because I'll only talk about Drake for the first half. So what's happening to him anyway. I shared an article in the description called: "Drake Is Accused of Having an Affair With a Singer & Ending Her Engagement" A woman named Naomi Sharon says that Drake ruined her relationship because her fiance ended their 8 year engagement when he found out she was cheating on him with Drake. Yet someone how the story makes Drake into the bad guy. As far as I'm concerned Drake is the good guy here because he red pilled a man about hypergamous female nature. Naomi looks pretty plain with regards to her face but she's got a big booty and has thick thighs. I'll discuss this in just a moment. As well as another crazy story about a man that was going to get married but he died after he took cheaper form of insulin so that he could pay for his wedding. Now he's dead at the age of 27. Before I cover these two stories let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways, now back to the blame Drake for destroying a cheating woman's life clown world show. Naomi's husband to be ended their engagement after the rumored affair between her and Drake. I'm sure that if it was just a rumor he would have stayed but he probably found evidence of it. Drake flew Naomi and her fiance out to meet after offering her a recording deal. While they were there her Fiance caught her getting too close to Drake and posted the following online and I quote: "Imagine having the most beautiful, supportive, and faithful relationship eight years long with an engagement and wedding planned. A beautiful woman on your side as ride or die. Then this major opportunity comes, and a world star calls your fiancé to sign a record deal. Flies you both over, and than [sic] out of nowhere, all the trust is vanished with knives in your back and your heart.” unquote. We will never know what happened but if a guys heart is broken and trust betrayed then who are we to argue with that? As far as I'm concerned Drake did this guy a favor by getting together with Naomi. Now he understands female nature better. Drake probably doesn't even know it yet but he saved a man by sleeping with his future wife. He revealed the true nature of her character and charm. The only person Naomi has to blame is herself for getting caught. What would have happened if she wasn't caught and they got married? I don't think it would have happened. I think there's a good chance that she intentionally let herself get caught so that her Fiance would call things off. Now that she was getting a massive recording deal but also about to get married because the wedding date was already set there was no way for her to get out of that obligation while at the same time saving face. If she left him she would have looked like the monster to everyone. If she wanted to break up with her fiance she needed a way to get him to breakup with her instead. What better way to do that then to cheat out in the open and get caught knowing he wouldn't be able to handle it and would be the one calling this off. Sure she looks like the bad one in the situation but in typical female fashion she passes down the blame to someone else. In this case Drake.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Most Popular President Ever | Grunt Speak Live
Most Popular President Ever | Grunt Speak Live Terrence Popp 191 Views • 3 years ago

Joe Biden knows how to destroy a country in less than four years and gosh darn it, he's going to try!
#GruntSpeakLive #MostPopularPresidentEver #BeijingBiden

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Women Are Always Late - MGTOW
Women Are Always Late - MGTOW Sandman 235 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Randy the Dakota MGTOW and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, This is a combined payment for 1 Skype call and 1 video sponsorship. I am sure that by now you worked hard on several video topics that are currently unsponsored. Please use this donation to sponsor one of them." Well Randy thanks for the donation and I'm sure you'll enjoy this topic. I was reading a reddit post on the MGTOW subreddit yesterday and some guy shared his story about meeting a thirty year old woman at a lounge and she was 20 minutes late and she wasn't apologetic when she showed up. That guy was complaining that she was rude on her phone all night, late for the date and it's driving him to consider going full monk mode. His story about the unapologetic woman that was late reminded me of a wedding I shot a few days ago. I was told the ceremony was going to start at 12 so I decided to be there just before 11:30 to give me more than enough time to setup my microphones and cameras as I was shooting wedding video instead of doing photography. Sometimes I do one or the other. Everyone was there and the wedding was supposed to start but the bride didn't get there on time. Arriving 30 minutes late to her own wedding? By the time the ceremony started it was closer to 12:45. Most people had been there for well over an hour and a half including her parents and everyone out there on the Zoom broadcast because we were in the middle of another Covid stay at home order lockdown in Canada. So for thirty days there is a stay at home order where unless you're going to go work because you can't do your job remotely or go to the grocery store or pharmacy you are ordered to stay at home. Of course no one is listening. The places that have the most cases are the ones where people aren't getting vaccine because they are minorities worried about being able to be fertile. But I digress. Why was this woman late to her wedding? Why was that thirty year old woman 20 minutes late to the lounge? I'll discuss why women are late in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Suriving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways now back to the fashionably late clown world show. First off women don't have a monopoly on being late. I used to always be late meeting up with girlfriends because of Toronto traffic. I was always a bit late but never for a first date. This was back in the days before Google Maps with waze so you didn't know if there was an accident or traffic jam and half the time there always way.. Today you can program into you phone exactly how long it's going to take to get somewhere so there is no excuse for being late. Look at travel conditions well before you were planning on travelling somewhere. Even then pick up the phone and see what's going to happen half an hour to an hour before you are supposed to leave. As for the bride that was late for her own wedding I spoke to Randy about the subject and he asked me if she was really hot, but older marrying a guy with lower sexual marketplace value and he called it. She looked to be in her mid to late thirties and about two or three inches taller than him with her heels on. So he was probably at least half a head short of her liking. He also had more feminine facial features than she did and has that fake smile that makes you want to cry. So I can see why she was late. She probably wanted to delay the marriage as long as possible but it's either that or cats. Randy says she was probably crying in her own wedding pics and not in a good way. Actually that didn't happen.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Insane in the Ma'am Brain (1 of 2) | Grunt Speak Live
Insane in the Ma'am Brain (1 of 2) | Grunt Speak Live Terrence Popp 313 Views • 3 years ago

If you want some sympathy, look in the dictionary between sh*t and syphilis.
#gruntspeaklive #insanity #femaleprivilege

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You can watch Grunt Speak Live on these channels!

Russian Women vs. Polish Women | Grunt Speak Highlights
Russian Women vs. Polish Women | Grunt Speak Highlights Terrence Popp 408 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Which brand of woman has the nicer tonsils?
Watch the entire stream here:
#gruntspeaklive #menarepigs #nicetonsils

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You can watch Grunt Speak Live on these channels!

Don't Be That Guy | Grunt Speak Highlights
Don't Be That Guy | Grunt Speak Highlights Terrence Popp 370 Views • 3 years ago

⁣#GruntSpeakLive #Schiff4Brains #Redonkulas

Women From Argentina - MGTOW
Women From Argentina - MGTOW Sandman 308 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

They want us banned

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Jimmy. He didn't send me a donation with his topic so what I'd like to do is cover the insanity in Argentina and South America with the rise of Feminism down there. My cock cries for you Argentina as fat feminists try and tear down your country. That whole continent in the southern hemisphere is fighting a cooch coup for civilization itself. I guess women didn't get the memo that they depend on men for survival? Or maybe they just don't care anymore. Why does everyone think that outside the western world that Brazil has the biggest MGTOW community. Why have they have shut down MGTOW and men's rights YouTube channels in Brazil and Mexico completely and are not just demonetizing them?. This just shows you how women in Latin American women have more power over men. I spoke with one YouTuber in Brazil and he told me it's a weird combination of Catholic guilt and feminist fist pumping that men are facing down there. I recently saw in Mexico bring up the term femicide which represents the murder of women. As if murder only counts when it's the death of a women. Men are disposable so the feminists south of the Rio Grande are trying to reword murder to mean something that only happens to women. As for Argentina it has a rich Catholic background and women in that country have been fighting for the right to abortions recently and this will just create an even bigger problem. Right now the country has a population of 43 million and it's fertility rate is at replacement. With abortion being legalized I'm predicting that that will push it well below replacement even if only five or ten percent of women that get pregnant decide to take advantage of the procedure. Earlier this year in Argentina they had women's day and the motto was for men to stop killing women. They are complaining about the 255 femicides that happened in Argentina in 2020. But ironically more women are probably going to die from the coof spreading at this event with thousands of women present then all the so called femicides in 2020. I'll discuss more hypocrisy and insanity in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways now back to the clown world show tango. So besides more old women dying from the feminist rally that's for abortion in Argentina I noticed the long bangs on many feminists to cover their receding hair lines. Feminism as always is for unattractive women that want to make attractive women suffer just as much as they do. No one wants to have children with them and on the rare chance that they do the child won't be all that pleasant to the eye. So what better way for feminists in Argentina to take their anger out on attractive ladies that have normal children instead of the occasional homely looking kids feminists have is by making sure that attractive women don't have kids. Feminism is a misery loves company ideology and surprise surprise unattractive feminists all over the world want the same thing. To make the more attractive women suffer by dragging them down to their level and beating them with their ugly sticks. It's too bad that in Argentina there are no drug cartels like you see in Mexico. In that country because of the cartels you either get the silver if you do as they want you to or you get the steel if you don't. IE the steel found inside a pistol. What's really sad is that the world is being dragged down by unattractive women that can't get a Chad. Don't look at capitalism or the patriarchy as to why fat women that look like Pikachu with hairy armpits can't get a date. Blame the welfare state and the sexual revolution. Blame birth control pills and the abortions that are now being welcomed in Argentina. Latin people tend to be more passionate about life and before Christianity was a great outlet for that. But now that religion is dying in Latin America women are plowing their passion into feminism. Nature doesn't like a vacuum and it it fills it with something.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Chinese Vs American Women - MGTOW
Chinese Vs American Women - MGTOW Sandman 295 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

Chinese Birth Rate Dropped Below ‘Warning Level’ in 2020

Why China's Crazy Housing Bubble REFUSES TO BURST!

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Joseph and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I believe I owe you this at the very least. Maybe just share some of your thoughts as to our fate as our Western Matriarchy goes up against the Chinese CCP." Well Joseph thanks for the donation and topic. You forgot to mention that the Chinese CCP is an eastern patriarchy. I went online and found pictures like this one of the CCP meetings and you'll notice that only three or four percent of the Chinese Communist Party leadership are female. So on the surface it looks like the Chinese Patriarchy CCP is going to mop the floor with Western Matriarchies in the future as in twenty years the majority of politicians in western countries are female. Both systems in a sense are communist socialist but they are very different. But don't be fooled by a room full of men that run China. Chinese politicians still have wives and they probably simp for them behind closed doors. In China the women behind the CCP rule covertly while in the western matriarchy women are increasingly ruling over us overtly. In China the CCP members are the elites and many of them own the major
factories and commercial real estate. They figured out after the Soviet Union collapsed what they needed to do in order to maintain their power. They realized they needed a consumer economy so they built it. In the west the elites are not really into politics. Instead they have figured out that the best way to rule is to put women and minorities in power to control the males of European descent from rising up and putting them in their place. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the video. So the Chinese came up with the theory that after the collapse of the soviet union that you can't transition from a feudal monarchy to full blown communism and expect that communism to survive unless you first enter capitalism. The idea is that capitalism will fail and that once it does the people will realise that the only solution is to give power to their benevolent governments because the governments know best. So the Chinese got busy becoming the world's factory and general supply store. They built up their middle class that has a much higher standard of life so the people won't revolt because the economy there is better than it's ever been and people can consume as much as they want so long as they give up those other freedoms like freedom of speech, to bare arms and behave in any way the government deems inappropriate. It reminds me of that episode from Star Trek the next generation where captain Picard is being interrogated by a Cardassian and the Cardassian shares a story with him about how the poverty was bad until the authoritarian government provided food and shelter for everyone. Picard tells him that his daughters belly may be full but that her spirit will be empty. That's what both the covert Matriarchy of the CCP and covert Patriarchy in the west are all about. I say covert patriarchy because it's mostly men that own shares of major corporations. Just because the founders of Alphabet decide to step aside and make Sundar Pichai an Indian the CEO of Google and they make Susan the CEO of YouTube doesn't mean they have lost their power. They still own more shares and they rule from the shadows instead of from the front seat and they get to virtue signal that their companies are great because they employ women and minorities in positions of power. Who in their right mind would revolt against a company that works so hard to uplift women and minorities so much.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

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