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The Ancient City 21 The Gods of the City
The Ancient City 21 The Gods of the City Edward Longshanks 20 Views • 2 years ago

&quot;Then a man loved his house as now he loves his church.&quot; <br> <br>Book 2 Ch 9 of Fustel de Coulanges, The Ancient City (1864) <br> <br>0:00 Morals <br>3:52 Chastity <br>5:01 Familial Duty <br>7:57 Wives &amp; Sons <br>10:46 Love of Home <br>12:22 Virtues <br>13:41 Footnote <br> <br>Read online: <br> <br> <br> <br>Music: Among the Clouds, by Darren Curtis <br> <br>Thumbnail Image: Parthenon. Image by nonbirinonko from Pixabay, <br> <br>Image: Fustel, By Autor Desconhecido -, Public Domain, <br> <br>Image: Plaque, By Véronique PAGNIER - Own work, Public Domain, <br> <br>Image: Title Page,

The Ancient City 20 Worship of the Founder
The Ancient City 20 Worship of the Founder Edward Longshanks 27 Views • 2 years ago

&quot;The real hero of the poem is not Aeneas; the gods of Troy take the place of a hero; the same gods that, one day, are to be those of Rome.&quot; <br> <br>Book 3 Ch 5 of Fustel de Coulanges, The Ancient City (1864) <br> <br>0:00 Veneration of the Founder <br>3:09 The Aeneid

The Ancient City 19 The City as Sanctuary of the Gods
The Ancient City 19 The City as Sanctuary of the Gods Edward Longshanks 22 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Book 3 Ch 4 of Fustel de Coulanges, The Ancient City (1864) <br> <br>⁣0:00 Cities Founded by Ritual <br>1:34 Mistaken Ideas <br>4:24 Foundation of Rome <br>8:28 Sacred Enclosure <br>10:14 Legacy <br>11:31 Greek Rites <br>12:52 Foundation of Messene <br>17:07 Birthday <br>17:38 What a City Was <br> <br>Read online: <br> <br>

The Ancient City 18 How the City Was Formed
The Ancient City 18 How the City Was Formed Edward Longshanks 22 Views • 2 years ago

⁣&quot;The city was not an assemblage of individuals; it was a confederatrion of several groups, which were established before it...&quot; <br> <br>Book 3 Ch 3 of Fustel de Coulanges, The Ancient City (1864) <br> <br> <br>⁣0:00 Federation of Families, Phratries, Curies <br>1:55 Independence Maintained <br>3:40 Evidence from Ancient Usages <br>4:33 City Not Composed of Individuals <br>6:22 Example: How Athens Was Formed <br>11:14 Two Lessons <br>11:49 Power of Belief <br>14:03 Growth of Society <br>15:15 Pattern Followed with Colonies

The Ancient City 17 New Religious Beliefs
The Ancient City 17 New Religious Beliefs Edward Longshanks 27 Views • 2 years ago

⁣&quot;He experienced perpetually a mingled feeling of veneration, love, and terror for the power of nature.&quot; <br> <br>Book 3 Ch 2 of Fustel de Coulanges, The Ancient City (1864) <br> <br> <br>⁣0:00 The Gods of Physical Nature <br>3:21 Two Distinct Religions <br>4:58 How New Gods Were Formed <br>8:03 Link to Domestic Hearth <br>10:59 Gods Adopted by Cities <br>11:49 How Religion Enlarged Society

The Ancient City 16 Phratry, Cury and Tribe
The Ancient City 16 Phratry, Cury and Tribe Edward Longshanks 22 Views • 2 years ago

⁣&quot;The religious idea and human society went on, therefore, expanding at the same time.&quot; <br> <br>Book 3 Ch 1 of Fustel de Coulanges, The Ancient City (1864) <br> <br> <br>⁣0:00 Family Too Narrow <br>1:11 Idea of God Expands <br>2:13 Phratries &amp; Curies <br>3:47 Curial Repast <br>4:40 Phratry Admission <br>5:59 Rule of Cury/Phratry <br>6:32 Tribes

The Ancient City 15 The Gens at Rome and Greece
The Ancient City 15 The Gens at Rome and Greece Edward Longshanks 20 Views • 2 years ago

⁣&quot;The gens was not an association of families; it was the family itself.&quot; <br> <br> <br>⁣0:00 Problem of the Gens <br>4:46 Ancient Writers <br>12:06 Modern Theories <br>20:05 Gens = Family <br>25:55 Footnote: Agnates <br>27:35 Explanatory Power <br>28:59 Footnote: Names <br>32:35 Only Form of Society <br>37:07 Imagining Their World <br>39:15 Slave &amp; Client

The Ancient City 14 Morals of the Ancient Family
The Ancient City 14 Morals of the Ancient Family Edward Longshanks 18 Views • 2 years ago

⁣&quot;Then a man loved his house as now he loves his church.&quot; <br> <br> <br>⁣Book 2 Ch 9 of Fustel de Coulanges, The Ancient City (1864) <br> <br> <br> <br>⁣0:00 Morals <br>3:52 Chastity <br>5:01 Familial Duty <br>7:57 Wives &amp; Sons <br>10:46 Love of Home <br>12:22 Virtues <br>13:41 Footnote

The Ancient City 13 Authority in the Family
The Ancient City 13 Authority in the Family Edward Longshanks 16 Views • 2 years ago

⁣&quot;Ancient law was not the work of a legislator; it was imposed upon the legislator.&quot; <br> <br> <br>⁣Book 2 Ch 8 of Fustel de Coulanges, The Ancient City (1864) <br> <br> <br> <br>⁣0:00 Religious Origin of Family Law <br>3:34 Marital Authority <br>7:00 Paternal Authority <br>9:39 &quot;Pater&quot; <br>12:28 Rights as Priest <br>15:30 Rights as Proprietor <br>18:20 Rights as Judge <br>20:57 Limits on Paternal Power

The Ancient City 12 The Right of Succession
The Ancient City 12 The Right of Succession Edward Longshanks 8 Views • 2 years ago

⁣&quot;The living man was only the representative of a constant and immortal being: the family.&quot; <br> <br> <br>⁣Book 2 Ch 7 of Fustel de Coulanges, The Ancient City (1864) <br> <br> <br> <br>⁣0:00 Nature &amp;amp; Principle <br>4:15 Son Not Daughter <br>12:27 Collateral Succession <br>16:42 Emancipation &amp;amp; Adoption <br>19:10 No Wills <br>24:56 Primogeniture

Why Women Could Not Inherit Property Commentary (Book 2 Ch 7)
Why Women Could Not Inherit Property Commentary (Book 2 Ch 7) Edward Longshanks 18 Views • 2 years ago

⁣&quot;Property is for religion, so inheritance is limited to those who can perform the sacrifices.&quot; <br> <br> <br> <br>⁣Comment on Book 2 Ch 7 of Fustel de Coulanges, The Ancient City (1864) <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>⁣0:00 Property Follows Worship <br>1:43 Fustel's Method Illustrated

The Ancient City 11 The Right of Property
The Ancient City 11 The Right of Property Edward Longshanks 8 Views • 2 years ago

⁣&quot;Religion, and not laws, first guaranteed the right of property.&quot; <br> <br> <br>⁣Book 2 Ch 6 of Fustel de Coulanges, The Ancient City (1864) <br> <br> <br> <br>⁣0:00 Difficulties <br>2:49 Domestic Religion <br>5:22 Sacred Enclosure <br>8:43 Religion Taught Men to Build Houses <br>10:58 Tombs <br>15:09 Religion the Origin of Property <br>18:32 Terminus Stones <br>23:14 More Complete &amp; Absolute <br>27:09 No Seizure of Property

The Ancient City 10 Kinship and Agnation
The Ancient City 10 Kinship and Agnation Edward Longshanks 9 Views • 2 years ago

⁣&quot;The foundation of relationship was not birth; it was worship.&quot; <br> <br> <br>⁣Book 2 Ch 5 of Fustel de Coulanges, The Ancient City (1864) <br> <br> <br> <br>⁣0:00 Common Religion <br>0:41 Male Descent Only <br>1:53 Worship in India <br>3:25 Agnation <br>4:09 Genealogical Table <br>6:23 Adoption, Emancipation <br>7:03 Later Changes

The Ancient City 09 Adoption and Emancipation
The Ancient City 09 Adoption and Emancipation Edward Longshanks 10 Views • 2 years ago

⁣0:00 Adoption <br>5:19 Emancipation

The Ancient City 08 Continuity of the Family
The Ancient City 08 Continuity of the Family Edward Longshanks 16 Views • 2 years ago

⁣0:00 Happiness of the Dead <br>1:19 Family Perpetual <br>4:17 Celibacy Forbidden <br>6:12 Legitimate Son <br>7:04 Purpose of Marriage <br>7:47 Sterility Divorce <br>8:56 Substitution <br>9:53 Only Sons <br>10:55 Initiation of Son

The Ancient City 07 Marriage
The Ancient City 07 Marriage Edward Longshanks 6 Views • 2 years ago

⁣0:00 Marriage <br>0:35 Change Gods <br>2:05 Importance &amp;amp; Danger <br>4:10 Domestic Ritual <br>4:51 Greek Marriage <br>8:23 Roman Marriage <br>11:09 Second Birth <br>11:57 Polygamy &amp;amp; Divorce

The Ancient City 06 Religion the Principle of the Ancient Family
The Ancient City 06 Religion the Principle of the Ancient Family Edward Longshanks 8 Views • 2 years ago

⁣0:00 Ancient Household <br>1:55 Not Generation <br>2:21 Not Affection <br>2:55 Not Force <br>3:50 Common Worship

The Ancient City 05 The Domestic Religion
The Ancient City 05 The Domestic Religion Edward Longshanks 11 Views • 2 years ago

&quot;Instead of creation the domestic religion was focused on generation&quot;. <br> <br>The Romans considered Jews and Christians to be atheists. <br> <br>⁣0:00 Unlike Our Religion <br>1:30 Family Worship Only <br>3:56 Consequences <br>4:55 Union of Living &amp;amp;amp; Dead <br>6:48 Generation Key <br>7:47 Relation to Sacred Fire <br>9:11 Each Family Independent <br>10:41 Spontaneous Origin <br>11:15 Males Only

The Ancient City 04 The Sacred Fire
The Ancient City 04 The Sacred Fire Edward Longshanks 11 Views • 2 years ago

&quot;The Roman domestic religion taught a man how to build a house and maintain a small society.&quot; <br> <br> <br>**SHTF prep not required. Zombie hordes will have a tightly knit society waiting for them, and the hearth spirits/gods to purge the communism from the zombie corpses after they are dispatched.** <br> <br> <br>0:00 Home Altar <br>2:30 Divine Fire <br>4:30 Thanks Offerings <br>5:14 Rules of Worship <br>6:22 Meals <br>7:28 India <br>10:19 Central Asian Roots <br>11:32 Evidence from Religious Practice <br>13:10 Vesta <br>14:22 Relation to Ancestor Worship

The Ancient City 03 The Worship of the Dead
The Ancient City 03 The Worship of the Dead Edward Longshanks 10 Views • 2 years ago

The dead became gods among an ancestral council of the hearth. <br> <br>⁣0:00 Offerings to the Dead <br>1:07 All the Dead Become Gods <br>1:40 Evidence from Greece &amp;amp;amp; Rome <br>2:47 Evidence from India, the sradda <br>5:20 The Unquiet Dead <br>6:33 Help for the Living <br>7:09 Electra's Prayer to Her Father <br>8:24 Ancestor Worship

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