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▶ DOGGK's 2ND CHANNEL : https://www.mgtow.tv/@Doggk_Re_Uploads
▶ DOGGK's GAMING CHANNEL : https://www.mgtow.tv/@Doggk_Gaming
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- There's more to come for the following DAYS ! So stay tuned ✔
Go your own way guys
▶ Join DOGGK on BITCHUTE: https://wwwr.bitchute.com/channel/doggk/
▶ DOGGK's 2ND CHANNEL : https://www.mgtow.tv/@Doggk_Re_Uploads
▶ DOGGK's GAMING CHANNEL : https://www.mgtow.tv/@Doggk_Gaming
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- There's more to come for the following DAYS ! So stay tuned ✔
Go your own way guys
Canal Latin: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/latin-mgtow/
Mi canal Principal: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/WKr6bX1OjHWx/
Canal Secundario: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCyk9rq9WvUMgk1eTH
Latin es uno de los creadores de mayor cantidad y variedad de contenido d ela filosofía de hombres libres.
En este video latin explica las caracteristicas y actitudes de los hombres que no se valoran a si mismos al considerarse malos por su género.
"O caminho dos homens estabelece que há 4 virtudes principais da masculinidade, todas as culturas e tribos tem alta estima por essas 4 virtudes:
...sem essas 4 premissas nem se pode começar a filosofar sobre o que significa ser um homem "
En este corto de 15 minutos Rollo Tomassi nos explica que el
ciclo menstrual de la mujer se divide en las dos etapas sexuales que en MGTOW
conocemos como “Alfa Folla, Beta Paga”, haciendo énfasis en el gusto de la
mujer por el Beta, un gusto que no es sexual.
En los últimos 14 días de la menstruación femenina, el Ser de
Luz entra en la etapa de baja fertilidad, o como Rollo la llama “La Fase del
Beta” donde ella busca un hombre con rasgos físicos femeninos, pero sobre todo
un hombre que la trate con mucho cariño y que la haga sentir a salvo, ojo que
el sexo no es lo que la motiva a hablar con el Beta.
En la Fase del Beta es donde habita la mayor parte de la
población masculina, chicos obsesionados con ser los novios perfectos y
proveedores, esto es lo que Rollo llama “La Mentalidad de Francotirador” es
decir, un hombre que está dispuesto a vivir en la zona de amigos de una
carruselera esperando una oportunidad perfecta que quizás nunca llegue para
expresarle sus sentimientos.
La estrategia sexual perfecta del varón es conseguir todo el
sexo posible, algo que la pornografía de hoy en día está usando para generar
dinero; en cambio, la estrategia sexual de la hembra será lo que le indique su
Hipergamia, esta última crea jerarquías de dominio donde los Alfas con mayor
poder y atracción sexual establecen sus propias cadenas de poder, por lo que
podría argumentarse que el mal llamado “Patriarcado” en realidad es una
consecuencia de la Hipergamia femenina que empuja al Ser de Luz a separar a los
hombres que ella considera dignos o no dignos de reproducrise.
Dado que la Hipergamia es la herramienta con la que el Ser de
Luz selecciona al mejor partido, ella no está interesada en hacerla desaparecer
sino en controlarla, esta búsqueda de control hipérgamo sería la raíz de las
misándricas leyes feministas que se están creando hoy en día, donde tener el
control del matrimonio, divorcio, concubinato, aborto, etcétera, todo esto
serviría para tener el control de la hipergamia.
Cabe mencionar que las normas sociales de la sociedad
tradicional del tipo “No tendrás sexo hasta que te cases” precisamente servían
para tener bajo control la Hipergamia, pero con la revolución sexual de los
60’s ese control social desapareció y la Hipergamia se desató en el mundo.
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For any Man to be truly free, to grow, to become one with himself and the world around him he first has to understand the level of the lie's, the manipluations and propaganda that we have to endure in this life.
Much of the metal disease and anguish that Men suffer from today comes from being Gas Lighted on a major scale for at the very core of our heart and soul we know we're being lied to, being played. To be completely free one has to know and see this, Its as Christ said "To be of the world, not of it", which translates to knowing what is going on yet not taking part in it.
Enjoy the video, share it as much as possible amoungst friends, it is a Major Red Pill for those that dont know the truth of what has been happening for hundreds if not thousands of year!!
The link starts at the 20 minute mark, I’ve tried changing the link and it still starts at the 20 minute mark, once at the linked video go to the start of it, Thanks Guys !!
▶ Join DOGGK on BITCHUTE: https://wwwr.bitchute.com/channel/doggk/
▶ DOGGK's 2ND CHANNEL : https://www.mgtow.tv/@Doggk_Re_Uploads
▶ DOGGK's GAMING CHANNEL : https://www.mgtow.tv/@Doggk_Gaming
- Please hit the "LIKE"- button and don't forget to "SUBSCRIBE" ✔
- COMMENT & SHARE if you liked the video !
- There's more to come for the following DAYS ! So stay tuned ✔
Go your own way guys
En este corto de 4 minutos Black Pigeon no explica los
efectos que provoca una sociedad feminizada a largo plazo y usa como ejemplo a
Suecia, un país que ya muestra claros signos de decadencia.
La sociedad moderna disfruta hablar maravillas de los países
nórdicos, se habla mucho de su desarrollo económico y de su estabilidad
política pero no se habla nada de su decadencia cultural, el mejor ejemplo de
esto es Suecia.
Este país tiene los mayores índices de violaciones sexuales
al año en toda Europa a pesar de ser el mas avanzado supuestamente en “Igualdad
de género”, lo que sucede es que la mayoría de estas violaciones son perpetradas
por los inmigrantes musulmanes que las mujeres suecas están dejando entrar y
como los hombres suecos están demasiado ocupados encontrando “Nuevas
masculinidades” Suecia se está yendo por el retrete.
La feminización del hombre es algo que está ocurriendo en
toda la civilización occidental y algunos países de Asia, y la consecuencia de
esta pérdida de masculinidad será la decadencia de la cultura que eventualmente
nos llevará a la autodestrucción o nos dejará vulnerables ante la conquista de
una cultura extranjera hipermasculina, como lo es el islam.
La única solución sería que los hombres nos levantáramos, le
quitáramos el derecho al voto a la mujer y reestablezcamos una sociedad más
patriarcal, pero como están las cosas en este momento esto parece una tarea
francamente imposible.
Como MGTOW’s sólo debemos prepararnos para el colapso, atrinchérate,
acumula riquezas, ejercita tu cuerpo y prepárate para el inminente colapso,
pues cuando todo se caiga seremos los hombres los que tengamos que reconstruir
la civilización, como siempre ocurre.
Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service
Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office
Mystery Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FIL7D7hxtU
Odysee: https://odysee.com/@SandmanMGTOW:c
SubscribeStar.com: https://www.subscribestar.com/sandman
Email: Sandmanmgtow @ Gmail.com
Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video isn't brought to you by any donations. I just wanted to let everyone know that things aren't going that great with regards to topic donations and coaching calls. The last six months to a year have been crazy when it comes to doing coaching calls. A lot of guys were calling me during lock down and then around the beginning of June it completely died down as the summer began and most places opened up. I knew that was going to happen and that income would go away. I also promoted the Brave Browser and received crypto from them until March of this year. But now that's stopped. Donations for topics have been relatively slim lately as well. But I'm not going to ask for money unless you really want to give it to me. If you want to help me in a sustainable way the best thing you can do to help me is by going over to Odysee.com and subscribing to me. You get crypto currency for watching content and you can then send it to an exchange and cash it out or give it to your favorite content creators. The great thing about the LBRY blockchain that houses the videos on Odysee.com is that unlike YouTube there are no content moderators, and no safety filters. The amount of money per view is also higher for creators than Google Adsense when you convert your LBRY tokens. I know it's tough to change and use a new platform but it's the best way to help me at this point so I'm going to ask. I asked years ago for you guys to move to Bitchute and there are twenty thousand subscribers there. But Bitchute has it's limitations and I'll discuss those in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Trans: Anyways, now back to the end of the Sandman content creation clown world show. Where I'm sitting at at this point in my Sandman channel's future is that it's my last option to grow my audience. Otherwise I'll probably have to do something else. Or do what I do in some other way. Bitchute is great but the problem is that after Trump was ousted the number of views went down on the platform as a whole which means that there aren't new people coming in and subscribing to my channel. Subscriber growth has slowed to a crawl. On YouTube I'm not gaining Subscribers but I'm not losing them either. But that doesn't matter because over time even your existing subscribers lose interest and your views eventually fall. Plus I'm worried about YouTube censorship via the Canadian government. Justin Skippy Trudeau's government is almost ready to pass bill C-10 which will begin the censorship process of online content in Canada. If that doesn't do me in then they will put out online hate speech legislation out later this year which might make it illegal for me to tell men to not get married. This is the world we are living in now. I might not even make it to my lofty goal of getting to ten years of content production if I'm threatened by potential prison time. I'm hopeful with LBRY and Odysee which is built on block chain technology and ensures that its creators' channels can never be deleted. When a channel video is created, it is recorded permanently in a distributed ledger on the block chain. It can never be censored. Over the last number of months I've been earning $1-2 Canadian per video off of 200-300 views. 2000 views is $10-20, 4000 views is $20-40 and so on. So long as the value of the LBC token is around ten cents. It's fallen a bit but I'm banking a bunch of them and if and when Bitcoin shoots to new highs I'll cash some of the out. Bitchute has been
declining with regards to viewers and what they should have been doing was getting advertisers onto their platform because if they did that it would just grow and grow because of advertising revenue. But I suspect that with time ad supported content will disappear off the internet because people will be mostly using ad blockers.
10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.
Photo Credit For Ad:
1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa
Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"
Part 1 - https://www.mgtow.tv/watch/3-b....eginner-health-tips-
(Thank you Doggk : https://www.mgtow.tv/@Doggk)
An unexpected sequel Inspired by multiple messages received after the first instalment. The people that did enjoy it had the best response i have had off 1 video and even inspired detest, I enjoyed it a lot so why not do some more!
Hombres que siguen su propio camino.
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