
Plasmoids are natural magnetic structures that manipulate energy. Given the right conditions of Freedom to exist. They are everywhere like a 3d moving interacting Fractal. We are all children of the stars born of plasma.

well that was the first video that lays the premise but also needs explaining. Western religion was burned literally by the sun when mass catastrophe and trauma was the remaning basis of reality to unite and work with the people. Also ive come to understand a uniting "#FACT" of the day was that you look up and obviously god the sun was also proverbially a wrathful god, god none the less rayyened high until it didn't the accounts of no sun for a day or eternal night or a wandering sun. Are probably more apparent and literal understandings spoken and shared by crazy uncles and adults from the children of a decimated world. It probably just as simple as that. So my other videos with the black opps programs are just an indicator of the back channels that go on. The military psychics, oh how dismissable. When probably they known this for years and this zeitgeist is been lost to the current aim of focus andor Hollywood projection. But to what end ? To really enslave man run the plantation for their garden and family. You are an animal to be studied and controled for their own good. So whats on the table for that today and next week mo yr - interval of time to reign before the sun bites us again our only hope is to leave or dig down and prepare. A war on two fronts but easily won with the right modeling.
the flood was huge and raised sea levels hundreds of ft when green land was hit in the ice cap. Ya that was the end of the ice age and mass precipitation ensued. First by water then next by fire. Both caused by the sun

Really jews don't matter which way to me fuckem
They're still dumbasses who suffer the same amnesia the rest of human race does. But what we can disseminate from history through a predictive 20/20 hind site from a projection of the future can help us understand ourselves
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Country :Moldova, Republic of