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Thirsty Men Getting Ripped Off By Escorts - MGTOW
Thirsty Men Getting Ripped Off By Escorts - MGTOW Sandman 534 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. anonymous and he's got quite a bit to say so before I read his comments and questions let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. Here's what Mr. Anonymous has to say and I quote: "Hey Sandman, I wanted you to do a video if you already haven’t on this topic. How thirsty men are destroying the escort economy. I’ve been going what I like to call “semi monk mode” for the past few years now. I only do the bedroom calypso on special occasions, birthdays, Christmas, New Years, and the day me and my ex fiancé broke up thus celebrating the day I woke up and walked off the plantation. The past few years of going semi monk mode, I’ve been seeing escorts. I’ve never had a problem until recently, I felt a disturbance in the force, and no, it wasn’t from one of the escorts coochi coo’s. It started with my regulars for my birthday back in summer. This was of course when the beer flu hit hard. I contacted my regulars seeing which ones were available that day, Which both of them were. I went to go see the one I was in the mood for and she told me that she had raised her prices. It wasn’t much so I didn’t mind, not to mention I know with the beer flu, times are hard. Then things got a little weirder, come Christmas the prices (not just on my regulars) shot up again. In fact, they shot up so much they became unreasonable. Not saying that the women I was seeing weren’t attractive, they were just at this point over pricing their SMV (sexual marketplace value). They were approaching stripper prices and in some cases, porn star level prices. Now as of recently it’s gotten extremely ridiculous. I went on a website that I know of that I met my regulars on, just to see how deep the rabbit hole goes. It took me to things I thought I would never see a day in my life. There is literally a hardcore dyke charging men five hundred dollars for one hour of fun time. She’s not even cute or attractive. I couldn’t believe my eyes Sandman, not to mention other women on there who are also over pricing themselves are extremely rude, disrespectful, and even don’t cater to their clients. It’s their way or the highway. Either you do what they say, even for ridiculous pay, or they keep their cooch away. It’s absolute madness, madness I tell you..........I had a conversion with one of my regulars I’m most closest to, and I asked her “are men really paying these prices?” She said “yes”. I told her I couldn’t believe it. That’s when she told me that the men she’s been seeing are so desperate for sex they’ll pay whatever she wants them to. She also told me that until me, no ones told her that her prices are to high. Also, I had a conversation with a friend of mine who frequents escorts. He told me on two occasions the escorts did something really strange that’s never happened to him before. He said two of them wanted the money up front (no surprise, sometimes this happens), but after giving them the money, he said in the middle of the fun time, they kicked him off and forced him out. They took his money and left him high and dry. I mean what’s he gonna do anyway? He can’t call the police because what’s he gonna say???.....”I went to see an escort, she took my money but didn’t give me the service I paid for.” Apparently you can’t even pay for it anymore, the juice really isn’t worth the squeeze. So with all that being said bro, here’s a little of the money I was gonna spend to take a dip in some escorts river. I Figured since the pools are closed, I might as well put it to good use, by putting out a public service warning to my fellow MGTOW. Next time you think you’re safe paying for a chance to slide in to the pearly meat curtains of some escorts golden vajayjay.........think again. You might either be severely over paying and or about to get screwed (and not in the good way) out of your hard earned money. As always, have a good day bro and cheers!" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. It breaks my heart and my cock sheds a lonely tear for all the men out there that are getting screwed out of a lot of money when they want to screw. I'm not surprised. For the first month or two of Covid I had at least one coaching session a day.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Behind the Green Mask - The Agenda for the 21st Century with Rosa Koire at Open Mind Conference 2013
Behind the Green Mask - The Agenda for the 21st Century with Rosa Koire at Open Mind Conference 2013 TheGreatAwakening 122 Views • 4 years ago

⁣The Agenda for the 21st Century with Rosa Koire at Open Mind Conference 2013


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Nashville airport no mask this is such a acam
Nashville airport no mask this is such a acam Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 231 Views • 4 years ago


[MGToW movie hour]Big Trouble in little China
[MGToW movie hour]Big Trouble in little China Lucifer 105 Views • 4 years ago

Big Trouble in little China
Kurt Russal, not being a pussybegger

Cooch Cancel Culture - MGTOW
Cooch Cancel Culture - MGTOW Sandman 380 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The MGTOW Book

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Aaron. He didn't give me a topic so I want to read some comments from someone named Aposematicly on Reddit and here's what he has to say: "Today I become a ghost. The medical board suspended my registration for assaulting a thief. (I also shitposted the glorious state leader on Facebook over the Plandemic and such) They are sentencing me first before ANY investigation. Nice of them. 32 years of medical practice and now I am "Dangerous". I couldn't even fight them as they would impose restrictions that would kill my practice anyway. The good news is I have been debt free for 11 years, and have enough wealth to carry through to retirement without having to work or go on the dole. I have lost 2 children (23 and 19) to obscene parental alienation and was dragged through the family court system for 10 years. My aged frail father lives across the country- I can now visit him for any length of time for any duration. "All things come to an end!" was his response when I broke the news to him. So fellow MGTOWs please live well within your means so If you are ever in a situation to defend your honor or for that matter need to ghost effectively, "FU" money makes all the difference. As you get older, the old Time=Money equation is kicking in- the time is all crucial. I am kinda glad I don't have to participate in the workforce unless I choose to. What's my new occupation- Psychopath or Musician? Or Both? A year ago my Dad collapsed and I had to do CPR on him, he had severe bleeding on the brain and facial fractures an was left with heart failure and mild epilepsy so is basically house bound on a frame. At this point, my Dad is my only friend or relative that cares. It is wonderful to be able to give back to him. Tomorrow I fly out to see my Dad for a 10 day visit. His internet is down and he needs me to help fix it. He lives in a large executive house 2 blocks from a surf life saving patrolled beach!" unquote. Well Aaron thanks for a more than generous donation and this is the first of three videos I'll dedicate to you. Also thanks to Aposematicly for your Reddit Post. I'll discuss it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. I used to think that FU money was enough to fight back against cooch cancel culture. In the short term it certainly is but in the long-term things are going to get realy bad. I thought about if I were a globalist and wanted to bring about a one world government. How exactly would I achieve that without firing a single bullet. I would make sure it was a global gynocentric government using the female own group preference of women
in all countries to unite all countries. It's a scary thought that the women of the world once they make up fifty percent plus of all politicians in the world in twenty-five years that they will united like used tampon voltron. At that point the only free place might be Mars and Elon Musk will laugh sitting on his red alien throne made of Amber Hurst's metaphorical bones. So what does this have to do with FU money you ask and cooch cancel culture. I'm predicting that a global gynocratic government will come for the FU money of guys like Aposematically in sneaky ways. He's right we need FU money but my goal in this video is to try and give everyone advice on how to protect it from the coming financial cooch cancel culture. Right now commiefornia is thinking about introducing a 0.4% net worth tax and taxing residents that leave for a decade after they leave.

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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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This Will End Badly For Women
This Will End Badly For Women Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 526 Views • 4 years ago

Download the new Android app from here

The Devine Spiritually Behind MGTOW, The Spirit Of MGTOW Lives
The Devine Spiritually Behind MGTOW, The Spirit Of MGTOW Lives Shadow Monk 29 Views • 4 years ago

We were chosen for a reason by destiny, MGTOW is that gift which the Omniversual force has bestowed upon us. We are 78.

Headphones may be eaiser with the way the audio is set up today.

Married Men Can't Hold A Conversation - MGTOW
Married Men Can't Hold A Conversation - MGTOW Sandman 321 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

Have You Noticed Married Men Can't Hold A Conversation?

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Jay and he doesn't have anything to say so I've decided to cover a topic from a MGTOW reddit post called Have You Noticed Married Men Can't Hold A Conversation?" by someone named Moth Monster Man 79 and here's what he has to say: "I was talking on the phone to a life long friend of mine the other day. I've known him since I was 6, and he was 4. He's married now, and has a kid who is about 5. I've known his wife since they met. To be fair, she's alright and the kid is pretty cool. Both my friend and his wife have two masters degrees, both are well educated, and both work good jobs. The kid is well behaved kid. Every time I visit them, she always goes out of her way to cook nice meals, the house is always clean, the kid entertains himself and so on. But I was speaking to him and he was going on and on about how he needed to do this and that to the house they just moved into. This needed to be replaced, and that needed to be fixed, and this room needed to be painted. How he needed to cut down this tree that was too close, how he needed to run out and buy this for the kid, and the kid was going to be doing this in school and yada yada. Before he was married, he and I used to talk about everything from TV shows and movies, to music (he plays drums, I play guitar, we were in a local band many years ago together), ghosts, the mysteries of the universe (one of his masters degree is in physics) and just all kinds of random, fun things. Now, all he can talk about 99% of the time is what he is doing with his family, or what needs to be done around the house, or work. I started noticing that with other married men since making that observation. The ones I work with one, over hear at the store, randomly strike up a conversation with, whatever. It's not necessarily that a bad of thing I suppose? But still, it's sort of funny to see their lack of conversation skills if you try to bring up anything outside of married life, house / yard work, kids, school etc. They can't do it!" unquote. So with that out of the way and before I discuss my thoughts about this let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back with the clown world show. So Moth Monster when a man works at a boring office job forty plus hours a week doing the same thing over and over again, goes shopping, does chores and socializes on the weekends when his wife monopolizes all of his time do you really expect a married man to have the time to keep up with music and the latest trends? There really isn't much time left in your life for personal development and growth. The poor guy has to go to Brunch with his buttercup like a brain dead breakfast zombie on the one off day he has per week. You've continued to grow Moth Monster and your friend is growing apart from you. You both started in the same place and now you are different people and you will end your lives no longer recognizing each others value systems and life experiences. Many guys would take the bargain he took with a good wife, neat house and somewhat happy home life. But I never would even if I found the perfect nawalt woman. Even if we modify women to have the sex drives and minds of men and the bodies of women it still wouldn't be enough to get back to that plantation because I know what being in a relationship does to my mind. You guys, my listeners from 2015 know what it does to my mind and I'm eternally grateful you pointed out my simpery back then. It would be the biggest disrespect to the person that I am today to get involved in a relationship and diminish my mind ever again.

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Women Aren't Attractive To Me Anymore - MGTOW
Women Aren't Attractive To Me Anymore - MGTOW Sandman 484 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
RED PILL Cornseason Production

Odium Album - Fog Reset
Free Download Codes: xqe5-yqyw h87f-7zb4 4uwl-564m qsg7-5u93 gh2d-b5k4 3cle-hftm

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Odium and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I really do hope that you publish a hardcover book and a long-form audio book with all of your content over the years. I'll buy it, and I'm sure many others will buy it. or, if you like my music we'll barter my audio for your book. If someone is also producing electronic music maybe we will collaborate and produce a chill album ironically called "red pill rage 2. 0". now on to my ramblings. Since I encountered the MGTOW philosophy way back in 2015 it was very easy to identify with, but I never wanted to label myself as MGTOW since I got off really easy unlike other people (Terrance Popp, Coach Greg Adams, ReplicantPhish, and others), my experience isn't as vast as their experience, and it's not like I can actually walk away because of my Cerebral Palsy. LOL! But after the rise of INCEL interview you did with Incelmatics, the MGTOW label seemed to be well earned! Ok, so we have self actualization, and we found our niche in life, what's next? The idea of a MGTOWN seems very implausible to me since we tend to be content to live alone, quietly, and to adjust ourselves within every system that life throw at us. We are not an historical anomaly, but more akin to sane and weary guides and occasionally are getting laid. Some of us may not have family and kids but we still have a lot of knowledge and experience to impart and people will eventually look for us to get consultation or mediation because of our unique position in life - we're not wasting precious energy on the hunt for the Golden V, and relationship drama so we're free to give back to society in our own terms. I experienced that in my own life in recent years when more and more people (men and women) turn to me for some impartial advice, reliable and available freelancer, or even just to Chillout and take a break from everything (preferably while offering a cold beer when coming to visit). It is possible that my point of view about the subject is biased since I'm basically becoming a living trope of the "old and wise disabled person" Yes,
every MGTOW is only one BJ away from the plantation, yet even the BJ trick loses the luster after a certain point - I'm guesstimating at age 42 and beyond - or, even if we do regress to a blue-pilled state of mind, it wears off much quicker than before. Your thoughts?" Well Odium thanks for the donation and topic. You want me to share all my content in book format but all of it is roughly seventy to eighty 200 page books right now and growing. If I make enough money to hire someone to edit my videos and collect pictures for them everyday then what I'll do is take half an hour a day to start going through my old content and start putting it into book format. The top forty or fifty videos converted into a book first. I've also included the download codes for your new ep Voices Of Quarantine in the description along with the link to your website. People can use the 'redeem code' option in Bandcamp. Before I discuss more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Red Pill Cornseason Production:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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1. Very angry woman

2. young man with finger in his nose at a crowded place

3. Single parent family. Tired Halloween mom after work as clown on birthday on dark background.

Biden Hires Tranny For Secretary Of Health - LOL!
Biden Hires Tranny For Secretary Of Health - LOL! The Realist Philosopher 165 Views • 4 years ago

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Mom Turns Sons Into Tampon Dispensers
Mom Turns Sons Into Tampon Dispensers The Realist Philosopher 55 Views • 4 years ago

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Podcasts & Videos: (My twice a week live stream airing Sat & Wed 5pm Phoenix AZ time USA) (Follow me on bitchute)

Social Media:
therealistphilosopher1967 (instagram) (Gab)

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Why Single Women Are Sick of Men | Ride and Roast
Why Single Women Are Sick of Men | Ride and Roast Terrence Popp 966 Views • 4 years ago

⁣You can always tell when someone has complete faith in their convictions, because they publish sexist and disparaging articles anonymously. And then they disable comments.

Join the fight against Fourth Wave Feminism!

Book Two of "The Jericho Files" is here! Download for Kindle or get a Paperback copy today!

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HUSBAND WON THE LOTTERY AND LEFT HIS WIFE... (USA) Doggk 271 Views • 4 years ago

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Go your own way guys

My MGTOW Journey Begins - MGTOW
My MGTOW Journey Begins - MGTOW Sandman 442 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I'd like to to do is cover a post I found on Reddit called: "And so, my MGTOW journey really begins" Here's what the person starting that post has to say: "I've been MGTOW for around 3 years. That hasn't stopped me from getting into bed with several women. But I've realised that every single woman in the last 3 years has been a stereotypical "AWALT" candidate. Let me give some examples and then explain why my journey begins now. One chick I hooked up with asked me to drive her home after we banged. On the way home her phone rings. "Who is calling you at 1am??" I asked. "My husband. He wants to know why I'm out late." She replied. I almost crashed the damn car. I had absolutely NO idea she had a husband. Still feel sorry for the guy now. Number two I hooked up with a freaky chick who was into weird kinky shit. Then she asked how long I've been single. Technically 3 years of MGTOW but I just said "a while, you?" And she said she'd split with her boyfriend under a week ago after being together 7 years. 7 years and you bang a random guy under a week later?!? You Thot!!!!! Number three Dated a widow - she was late 30's and seemed nice. After we hooked up a few times she told me she wanted to hook up with other guys to test the waters (aka ride the carousel) I'm 31, almost 32 and I've been dating/banging since I was 15. I've only ever met one woman I wanted to spend my life with and even she became a cheat, a total liar and backstabber. I think I give up on this shit permanently. I've bought myself a house in a super quiet area with a little forest attached to it. I've got myself a new car. I'm essentially living for myself now. I dreamed since I was 15 that I'd find "the one" and get married, have kids, train them in martial arts and be happy ever after. But that shit is fairy-tale. Not in this lifetime. I don't know if I'll get to 80 and regret it all but right now, there's no alternative. I'll probably spend a little less time on Reddit and start growing my own fruit/veg, living off the land, eating healthy and living by my rules. Wish me luck gentlemen. Until next time, mgtoown is signing out." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and thank you MGTOOWn for the topic. I'll discuss your words in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200K in Southeast Asia: Anyways now back to the clown world show. MGTOOWNs story is similar to my own. You go your own way from women in terms of marriage and co-habitation but you continue to sleep with women. But then over time you see them for who and what they are instead of what you want to see them as. You think things are great and then as this guy learned they are already married and cheating on their husbands and think nothing of it. Or they get involved with another man immediately
after their relationship ends. In my five year relationship in my early to mid twenties I eventually learned that she met the man she married after me the next day after we broke up. She told me as much the last time I spoke with her. I was still distraught at that time and we were still technically together.

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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Why Can't American Women Love Men? - MGTOW
Why Can't American Women Love Men? - MGTOW Sandman 453 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

A great majority of our nation’s small business owners are old, white men

Mystery Link:

Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He has quite a bit to say so before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. Here's what Mr. Anonymous has to say: "Hey, Sandman! I'm the same Mr. Anonymous who sent in the questions that became the videos "Ice Queens" and "Myth of the Alpha Male". Misandry is the theme of my essay. Misandry (the hatred of men) is on the rise in the United States and the western world generally. Increasingly women hate men, and increasingly hating men is considered to be "okay". "Misandry is the new Jim Crow" is a line someone posted on the internet. You could make a case for that! According to "Men on Strike" by Dr. Helen Smith, because of feminist lobbying, EVERY LAW has been changed to favor women! Laws regarding dating, sexual harassment, marriage, divorce, rape, child custody, etc. , EVERY LAW has been changed to favor women! Some men refer to these laws as "Jane Crow" laws! There also seems to be a huge spike in misandry and it seems to be socially acceptable and supported by the mainstream media. I was talking to a chick the other night and she was saying things like, "the pendulum has swung--it's your turn to suffer!" She was referring to changes in male/female relationships. When I told her I was innocent because I had never been a male chauvinist, or a rapist or any of that stuff! She replied that I benefited from an invisible force called "male privilege", so I was I deserved to suffer whether I was innocent or not! I told her that 2 wrongs don't make a right! This is a typical sexist "I hate you because you're a male" attitude that seems to be so trendy today! This view seems to be supported by the lame-stream (socialist) media. For example an article entitled "Why Can't We Hate Men?" by Suzanna Walters appeared in the Washington Post a few years ago. If you don't believe me, google it and read it for yourself! "We have every right to hate you!" Walters writes. The article is filled with distorted half truths and generalizations. It's point of view is one of intolerance, prejudice, and discrimination. As far as I know, no one has protested this article or demanded equal time for a male rights article. This is current mainstream thought, this isn't some self-published zine created by some lesbian fringe group! This is the Washington Post! Obviously, I wouldn't be allowed to write an article in the Washington Post entitled "Why Can't We Hate Women?" It would be considered hate speech and banned. That's funny, I always thought men and women were supposed to love each other! Maybe a better article title would be, "Why Can't American women Love Men?" If you listen to the speeches at the "Women's March" or other feminist rallies, you'll never hear a word about loving men or caring about men, all you'll ever hear is misandry, whining, bellyaching, entitlement, etc. American women today don't love men or care about men! In the 1960's we had songs like "Stand by Your Man" by Tammy Wynette. While she knew that men weren't perfect, she sang about tolerance and understanding of men. Today's feminists know nothing but intolerance! Another example of this is "I Hate Men" by Pauline Harmage. This was a book that was popular in France and was republished in the United States a few months ago. She has a chapter entitled, "mediocre as a white dude"! Could there be a more clear example of racism and sexism? In another section she states that men are "violent, lazy, selfish, and cowardly".

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

How CRISPR Will Greatly Benefit MGTOW
How CRISPR Will Greatly Benefit MGTOW Shadow Monk 66 Views • 4 years ago

The Future Is MGTOW, We Will Prevail

The Tribal cult like mentality, when it comes to media
The Tribal cult like mentality, when it comes to media KEEPER 19 Views • 4 years ago

media bias tribalisim

Female Moralities And Pandemic Panic
Female Moralities And Pandemic Panic winter 75 Views • 4 years ago

⁣A clip from Steve Bannon's War Room Pandemic, Thanksgiving Day 2020, in which he interviews Heather MacDonald on how some female moralities have been corrupting many of the institutions of America. Here's a link to the original video:

Also, here's a link to the article that Heather MacDonald wrote and which the interview was regarding:

Four Years of Treason | Live From The Lair
Four Years of Treason | Live From The Lair Terrence Popp 963 Views • 4 years ago

⁣The newest push of propaganda from the lamestream media is just another phase in a long-running coup being executed by the left.

Common sense is a super power when "Sanity is the Future of Wealth"!

Book 2 of "The Jericho Files" is here!
Get Popp's second psychic thriller on paperback or eBook today!

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Send physical donations to: Productions
29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407
Royal Oak, MI 48072
If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3
All donations are tax deductible

Check us out on all platforms and social media!

He Heard She Settled, So He Dumped Her After 20 Years
He Heard She Settled, So He Dumped Her After 20 Years The Realist Philosopher 131 Views • 4 years ago

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Social Media:
therealistphilosopher1967 (instagram) (Gab)

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