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Shia LaBeouf Hurts Women - MGTOW
Shia LaBeouf Hurts Women - MGTOW Sandman 373 Views • 4 years ago

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Shia LaBeouf Sued by FKA Twigs for Sexual Battery, Citing Abusive Relationship

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is not brought to you by any donations because the coof is killing them. I know many of you guys can't support me because of Covid. The next best thing is to subscribe to me over on LBRY and watch my videos over there because the platform pays me in crypto. Link to it is down below. So with that out of the way I've decided to cover a story where Shia LaBeouf is being sued by his ex girlfriend FKA Twigs where the lawsuit says Shia Hurts Women. Those aren't my words in the title. That's what the court documents say. Here's what that article I put in the description says and I quote: "FKA Twigs has sued her ex-boyfriend, Shia LaBeouf, accusing the actor of sexual battery, assault and infliction of emotional distress . . . "Shia LaBeouf hurts women,” states the lawsuit, obtained by Variety. “He uses them. He abuses them, both physically and mentally. He is dangerous." Twigs was once woken up by LaBeouf towering over her, violently squeezing her arms against her will and choking her, according to the lawsuit. The alleged incident occurred during a trip to celebrate Valentine’s Day in 2019. As he was strangling her, the lawsuit claims, he was whispering, “If you don’t stop you are going to lose me.” After the alleged incident, LaBeouf became manic while driving back to his home. Barnett tried to get out of the car, as he threatened to crash the car, unless he professed her “eternal love” for him, and though he briefly stopped at a gas station, he “violently attacked” her, throwing her against the car, screaming in her face and attempting to strangle her, before forcing her to get back in the car. After the alleged altercation, Barnett texted a close friend, writing, “This is difficult to say but I am sure you know. I have been in an abusive relationship that has isolated me. It’s worse than you could imagine.” When filming “The Tax Collector,” LaBeouf got so into character, according to the lawsuit, he took on the role of a gangster in real life, and claimed to drive around Los Angeles, shooting stray dogs dead, so that he could get into the “mindset” of a killer. Barnett, an animal lover, was “profoundly disturbed and terrified.” LaBeouf also demanded she slept naked, and forced her to watch documentaries about murdered women before going to bed, per the public filing. LaBeouf apparently was paranoid and suffered recurring delusions about gang members breaking into his home, so he slept with a loaded rifle at their bedside, but insisted on keeping the front door unlocked. Barnett, feeling “trapped” in their shared bed, fearful he might accidentally shoot her if she stood up, would often text friends in the middle of the night to devise an escape plan. LaBeouf continuously belittled his then-girlfriend, and is accused of having frequent rage and bouts of jealously, even accusing her of dwelling on her former fiancé, actor Robert Pattinson, the lawsuit states. LaBeouf was so possessive, he would count the number of kisses she would give him on any given day, and berate her if it wasn’t enough. The lawsuit also claims LaBeouf knowingly infected her with an STD." unquote. I'll discuss all this and so much more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lamprey Milt:

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If You Can't Beat Women Then Join Them - MGTOW
If You Can't Beat Women Then Join Them - MGTOW Sandman 345 Views • 4 years ago

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- Ancient Purity
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James. He didn't send me a specific topic so I want to cover something I ran into on the MGTOW Reddit that I think many of you need to be aware of when it comes to falling for the social justice and sexual debauchery agenda. Someone posted the anonymous words of a gay feminized guy and here's what he or maybe she has to say and I quote: "I'm naturally quite quite feminine and confused for a girl often. I live in an extremely cucked country where women have advantages in almost everything. So I decided to experiment with cross-dressing and makeup in public for fun. Actually I prefer being treated like a girl, people are much nicer and I get a lot more attention from guys. I've decided to transition purely for the advantages and have lied to a psychiatrist and doctor to get free hormone replacement therapy. I've also lied to my family and friends about having gender dysphoria because I wanted to sound like I had a valid reason for doing it and wasn't sure how they would react if I was honest? Nearly 2 years later I pass to everyone, changed my name and documents. When I met my boyfriend I lied to him about having gender dysphoria. I sometimes cry about it just so he'll cuddle me and do nice things for me. He sometimes gets emotional about how unfair it is that I was "born with dysphoria" Should I tell people the truth about why I transitioned or just keep the lie up forever? I do feel bad about it sometimes, especially when he says how sorry he feels for me." unquote. When I read that I thought to myself could it be possible that one of the reasons that so many trans people commit suicide is because they lied to themselves and everyone else and said they had dysphoria and they didn't and now how to live with that secret eat out their non existent cooch? But before I discuss more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity: Anyways now back to the clown world show. Honk Honk. Of course I've said many times before that a future trend will be Incels becoming women as women no longer want them. I was waiting for someone in the trans community to admit that they were simply transitioning to female because of the advantages they would receive. Many of the men that transition are gay and for many of them it's a way of hacking into a straight man's pants. If you don't believe me then go find a video I saw a while back on posting that he was into trans women and he was trying to stop himself from desiring them. My thinking is that there are two main reasons beyond so called gender dysphoria that men would choose to be women in our society. Incels that can't get their hands on a woman will become women so that they can sleep with women. There have been numerous articles about lesbian women being shamed into sleeping with trans women. After all it's only fair after we keep seeing similar stories about straight men being shamed for not sleeping with trans women. I love it when the argument backfires in feminists faces. Ironically it's lesbian women that are more likely to be effectively shamed because shaming language works better on women because they don't want to risk being thrown out of their social circles. When they won't sleep with a trans woman or date one it's creating a rift between third wave feminists and the fourth wave variety. Besides incels masquerading in drag and having boobs hacked on so they can get action from lesbian women by they themselves becoming women. The other group as you can tell from the statement I read out in this video is gay men that are doing it to attract more masculine men. In the gay community because sex is easier to get than covid in a nursing home monogamy is four letter word. But if a young gay male transitions he is far more likely to get monogamy from a tranny admirer. It's a way to hack the dating market they are in.

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Poor Women Shouldn't Date - MGTOW
Poor Women Shouldn't Date - MGTOW Sandman 419 Views • 4 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

Poor people shouldn’t date.

Just because I’m in my underwear

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James. He didn't send me a topic so what I'd like to do is share a recent reddit post I've put in the description called: Poor People Shouldn't Date and here's what some woman on the female dating strategy reddit named Glow Up Glue Up has to say and I quote: "I have male friends who think walking dates and gym dates are ok and they're also poor. If you're poor you should not be dating, you should be using your spare time on working to achieve in your career so you can be a more desirable partner." unquote. Notice how miss glow doesn't say that poor men shouldn't date and instead says poor people shouldn't date. As if being poor will every stop a woman from dating. When I dated that girl I nickname Sailor Spoon she was broke and I told her I was only going to pay half. So she borrowed money from her parents so she could go out on a date with me. At least that's what she told me possibly trying to make me feel sorry for her so I would fail her shit test and pay for the entire date. I didn't care and still got to make out with her and didn't pay full price for her fried rice. By the logic that miss Glow puts out there then Sailor Spoon shouldn't have gone out on dates with me either because she was poor. But twenty bucks, the same twenty bucks that Sailor Spoon supposedly borrowed from her parents says that only poor men shouldn't date. Women are fine dating regardless of their career and financial status because there's always a sucker there to take the tab. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. Other women on that Reddit gave away the game by saying they wish that society would shame cheap or broke men for trying to go out on dates. Ironically these same women that say they never date a broke man probably would if he was a hot homeless guy. I've had guys send me stories about how women in LA would avoid them and go for homeless beach bums instead. Clearly there's a double standard that women won't mention. If you're good looking and have the right genes you can get in her jeans without spending your green. The women on Reddit were also freaked out about the idea that a guy would ask out a girl on a gym date so they can workout together. I guess some guy asked her if she could watch his muscles swell up at the local gym and hoped that she would let something else swell up inside her. Women of course will never admit that the guy that takes the woman to the gym is probably a muscular brute that understands that women are attracted to his body so it's a place for him to show it off. Women will set aside their desire to be wined and dined to be with a man like that. But they don't want the super hot guys to know that they don't have to spend money on them to get laid. They don't want men to know that to women the most important thing is looks. Growing up I remember and working out for a couple of hours a day in high school and wearing tank tops like AC slater back in the nineties when I'd walk down a hallway women wouldn't look my in the eye. They would look at my torso. Clearly that was what they wanted. They want resources from the hot guys too and not just the beta male mules. To say that there's one standard of man and another would mean that the less attractive men might get upset and stop orbiting them or start closing their wallets. They need the beta male backup plan to kick in after they get kicked off the cock carousel. Plus they only speak negatively about cheap men with regards to dating.

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Who Cares About Women? - MGTOW
Who Cares About Women? - MGTOW Sandman 418 Views • 4 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, Ever since the Johnny Depp vs the sun and Amber Heard situation happened I been looking into other stories similar like the cheating wife who tried to get her husband killed. It took 8 years to reach a verdict that was a slap on the wrist because instead of 60 to life she got 26 years where Harvey Weinstein instantly got sentence and I think that he got a lot of years for his age. So I guess what I am talking about is that women are favorable in court cases then men. The reason I chose Amber Heard as an example is because she is the female version of R. Kelly. Because during R Kelly's 1st trial I think. They had a mountain of evidence to pin him to this crime but because they didn't have that witness they dropped all charges. It turns out that it's women who cheat the legal system far more than men. Yet they say the system is rigged against women they use small handful of cases where no Justice was found. I fear that if this continues there Will be a lot more suicide and murder suicide stories of man who say I want you to suffer just as much as you made me
suffer to a woman. Sandman I don't think the answer is simply don't get married anymore because now there are so many loopholes in our system that women take advantage of." Well Teaven thanks for the donation and topic. Sounds like you might want to join Paul Elam and the men's rights movement. MGTOW is not about fighting for men's rights. It's about taking our rights back from women and the state by avoiding contact with them as much as possible by putting ourselves in the precarious position of marriage. I'll discuss what you brought up in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. Of course women are going to get off easier in court then men. Everything and everyone in society is biased against men and biased for women. It's a biological thing because they make the babies so don't disturb the cooch cradle carrier or you might spook her and she won't spread her legs. Teaven don't you know that women have always been protected and given special privleges in our society? They receive equal treatment to men at the minimum but usually it's preferential treatment when it comes to the courts. when it comes to getting paid for working they get equal treatment. But when it comes to other things like getting lifeboats on a sinking ship or doing only a third of the time for the same crime as a man they receive preferential treatment. If the judge is male then his biology compels him to protect the woman even if she's done something awful. If the judge is female then own group preference kicks in and she doesn't want to punish her as much as she would a man because when women are hurt or attacked by others they take the attacks on other women personally. As if that other woman is part of her hand or something. The only solution I see for the legal system is if we have AI judges. Meaning no human bias. One fixed set of rules for sentencing men and women equally.

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Fat Simp Takes Revenge On Woman - MGTOW
Fat Simp Takes Revenge On Woman - MGTOW Sandman 476 Views • 4 years ago

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- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Trump Nukem and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I recently watched the movie "Unhinged" from 2020 starring fellow Australian Russell Crowe. The film covers some red pill rage content. Particularly involving the background of Russell's character that set's him off after life spits all over him. The movie highlights how men are treated and scenarios whamen get away with without consequence. The movie is similar to "Falling Down" from 1993. Could you watch the movie "Unhinged" and do a MGTOW analysis? Thank you for your contribution to MGTOW." Well Trump Nukem thanks for the donation and topic. I'll compare Unhinged with 2020 and something tells me that in Falling Down we could sympathize with the male character Bill Foster played by Michael Douglas but in this film Russell Crowe's character will be shown as a monster with zero redeem qualities because it's 2020 and there's a war on for men. That's my hunch. I guess we'll see as I watch and review it. Russell Crowe needs to stay away from those strawberry smoothies because he's packing on the pounds. If he grew his hair out and puts on a leather jacket he'd start looking like a fat Steven Segal. Before I tell you all about this film let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWs Guide To Living on 200k in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. Before I watched the film I Watched the trailer and from what I could tell the character Tom Cooper overs reacted to some random woman in traffic and she has a child. Showing us that he has zero respect for women but also zero for children. He keeps getting more and more cruel through the whole trailer. Then I went on the high seas and found a copy of the film because I won't support anything Hollywood produces anymore out of principle. The film opens with Tom breaking into a house with a hammer. Killing the man inside, I'm guessing the man that cheated on his wife and then burning the place down to ground but it blows up as he's driving away. He got his revenge. Are we really to believe that he's going to go out and have a whole bunch of rage left over for others? The opening credits show a whole bunch of road rage and violence. Watching the credits just makes me anxious and it's preparing me for a Macho man in a pickup truck going on a rampage. Everyone knows a guy like that and the film wants you to think that Tom attacking you for cutting him off in traffic can happen to anyone. The woman that Tom chases through most of this film her name is Rachel. She's going through a bad divorce and her divorce lawyer's name is Andy. Rachel's ex husband wants her house like that would ever happen in the family courts. We never see her husband because the film-makers probably don't want us feeling any symapthy for him. Rachel now lives with her brother and his fiance in her house and she's the one paying for it and they aren't giving her any rent money. She's also sleeping on the sofa. I guess she was probably really really nice and let her brother and his fiance bang in her bed? Rachel is shown as virtuous and that she doesn't deserve all the bad things that are happening in her life and are about to happen. That she's the bestest ever and that she doesn't have any agency or control in her life. She's also working on helping to get her mother into a home by helping her sell her house because she gets lost in her own neighborhood walking around. Her brother is incompetent and wants to start a business and she tell him to be realistic. She also drives a broken down Volvo from the late 90s. She's teaching her son spelling on the way to school on a Saturday because he has detention. She's a saint and doesn't even use her phone while driving. She gets her son to navigate for her.

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Getting Revenge On Women Is A Waste Of Time? - MGTOW
Getting Revenge On Women Is A Waste Of Time? - MGTOW Sandman 359 Views • 4 years ago

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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hey sandman, I was intrigued by one of your videos where you talked about how men shouldn't use women's own tactics against them. The video where a man told a woman that she was like a brother to him now that he's successful and she's looking to him as a backup plan. I think that's just men like myself just looking for retribution to women that put us towards The side or as a backup plan. No one likes to be a backup plan. And I to have fallen for the vengeful pill as I like to call it. But sometimes I now just use success as my revenge. To get back at all those who mocked me. They say women are vindictive but as I look at myself and hear other stories like the man who told his wife "I want you to suffer just as much as you've made me suffer" Right before he killed his 2 daughters and shot her in both her knees and then himself I know I probably use that story a lot but It makes you wonder how far you're willing to go to get back at someone and have the last laugh until the end. Cheers" Well Teaven thanks for the donation and topic. It's just in time for what happened to me with regards to the Brave Browser and my promotion of it. They contacted me a month before their referral program was ending and offered to extend it to me going forward after they shut it down for most affiliates by the end of November. So I was happy that I would keep that source of revenue. Then a few weeks later they threw me out of the program and kept somewhere around eight to ten thousand dollars of my money. I should have been angry and pissed off. I fantasized about taking the email address of the guy that offered me the extension of the affiliate program and share with everyone so he would get a ton of nasty emails in his inbox for being a dick. But I didn't do it because by this point in my life I realize that whenever I'm successful at something, ie giving Brave around one percent or more of the total affiliate's to their program in the last year that I get shut down by people that work for a company. The same thing happened with my YouTube channel and demonetization as well as Amazing Media Dot Com back in the ancient year 2000. One day they just cancelled my account even after allowing my domain at that time to run their 468 by 60 banner ads back then. That was the standard size back in the late nineties. I was pissed So what I did was go on a harassment campaign where I typed up all work and no pay makes jack a dull boy and started emailing everyone in their company over and over again for many many days. This was in the days before spam filters. If you want to hear what happened first you'll have to listen to today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the video. As I was saying I kept sending the employees of not so Amazing Media emails over and over again and in the end they capitulated and sent me the money they owed otherwise I would continue. So why not do the same thing today to Brave or women that I used to date? For one thing when it comes to revenge on women or corporations I realize it's like you're a frog in that story carrying the scorpion on his back across the river. But in my story the scorpion isn't going to sting you every time you take him across the river. It might be the second or third time. The tenth time or the twentieth time. You don't know when it's going to happen you just know it will at some point. Just like when you're in a relationship you know it's going to fall apart at some point so you never invest your full self into it because the woman you love can double cross you for what seems to be no reason.

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Using Women's Tricks Against Them - MGTOW
Using Women's Tricks Against Them - MGTOW Sandman 439 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Modern Times: Camille Paglia & Jordan B Peterson

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Krampus and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hey Sandman, the great emancipater of men. Could you please give your thoughts on how men like myself are starting to play the exact same games that women play when dating? Why is this happening and what impact do you think this will have on relationships if this trend continues?" Well Krampus thanks for the donation and topic. I hope that you spoil some sluts Christmas. Playing psychological games is not strictly something that women do. But in an increasingly gynocentric world men don't have the ability to confront women directly about their misdeeds so we are increasingly forced to become like politicians when it comes to women. We are learning how to lie and keep a straight face. Whenever I've done this I've seen shock and horror once women realize it. Not lying directly per se. But behaving normally when you plan on ending a relationship when you've already planned your escape and she has no idea. Then when you spring the news they are shocked because they never saw it coming. Only when looking back can they now finally see the signs. A couple of women did this to me and I returned the favor. Why would I inflict the same pain women inflicted on me onto other women? I'll discuss this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to clown world. So why are men taking on more feminine modes of thinking and behavior when it comes to dealing with the opposite sex? Camile Paglia explained this best in a video I put in the description when she had a conversation with Jordan Peterson. She said that when two men have dispute they would step outside the bar and have a fight and then go back insides as buddies as if nothing had happened. But when a man has a dispute with a woman in the workplace or in his personal life he can't hit her like men seemed to do in every new show set in the 1950s or 1960s. So men have no choice but to gaslight, be passive aggressive and learn to do what women have had to do to get their way with men throughout the ages. I've read articles where women would complain that men were being mean and nasty to them by mentally or emotionally manipulating them and they want men to stop and not be allowed to do that. But the thing is if men were forced to stop behaving like this then women would also be revealed as being evil puppet masters pulling tampon strings behind stage. I'm thinking that by complaining they are just hoping that the individual men reading such articles change their behavior since most men's biology is all about making sure that the world is safe and conformable for women. But I've seen men increasingly taking on feminine traits like gaslighting. Where wives and girlfriends would ask them to do something and they would do a terrible job and their significant other would lose their minds while the man was laughing inside at all the emotional abuse he just caused. I've said before that the secret to a happy relationship is to make sure your partner is more miserable then you are. The secret to a happy life is not to get into relationship in the first place. So men are gaslighting, mowing the lawn and then when the wife complains the guy says well if you're not happy with the job I did and appreciate all the hard work I put in then you mow it yourself. But the guy intentionally did a bad job so he could make that statement. A wife that is spiteful about having to cook dinner all the time in the 1960s might make the same statement after her husband complained about how the food she prepared for dinner was terrible.

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Why Is OnlyFans So Popular? - MGTOW
Why Is OnlyFans So Popular? - MGTOW Sandman 423 Views • 4 years ago

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Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Dan and here's what he has to say: "Hey SandMan! We have got to talk about the epidemic of overrated spicy adult material. Second to most recently it was PornHub, now it is OnlyFans leaving us baffled as to why anybody pays through the nose for feet pics? When will people realize there is so much better erotic entertainment out there. OnlyFans's competition ManyVids Clips4Sale Modelhub iWantClips AP Clips Extra Lunch Money are all far superior. They have a much better system for custom videos rather than playing keep away. Adult Time advertises their videos right here on YouTube. is free. BDSMLR is taking over Tumblr's adults only function. Chaturbate is free to watch. Maria Beatty, and the HeartCore have made some truly amazing movies. X3Guide has a list of uncensored Japanese sites. The problem is that we do not talk enough about our sexually explicit hobby. No other fandom is really like that. Game Of Thrones fans are open to discussing the show's thrilling quality as well as it's disastrous ending. By not talking about spicy content enough it is difficult to form ideals and allow underrated sites to get noticed. Is there any thing we can do to get the best erotic sites noticed?" Well Dan thanks for the donation and topic. For the most part as guys we don't talk about it until it goes mainstream. That's the only reason that Onlyfans is so popular and has entered social acceptability because average women talk about it. Women don't talk about adult content in general and I guess men follow their lead and do the same so they don't come off as creepy. I'll discuss this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to clown world. So Dan hopefully by mentioning all those sites some of them will gain more attention. But there's a reason why the major sites don't get noticed or talked about. Because for most guys choking the chicken is a private thing, obviously. Guys talking about what they look at with other gays gives off homo vibes so we don't talk about it. I don't expect that to change anytime soon. As for why OnlyFans is becoming so popular and accepted by women is because their content is behind a pay wall so that their friends and family can't casually see it unless they pay for it. It's user generated and posted content instead of most adult content which is just the website making various content and then putting it on their website. I gives women control over their image and their fans. Patreon also shot itself in the foot by removing a lot of adult content producers so in a way they created OnlyFans by forcing women that wanted to sell their bodies to use onlyfans instead. So women have more control then working for some sleezy adult content producer. They get a bigger cut from the action. So big infact that they can buy houses and pay off all of their loans in the middle of the coof by doing it for six months to a year. If you were a guy and you could do that you'd be shoving bowling balls up your butt for financial freedom. The majority of the free spicy content pages have the same boring content. They can't pay the models while still getting paid so with regards to sexual content variety became scarce. Also on Onlyfans you don't have to pay for all of the content on the site like many others. You pay one monthly price and you can access everything from back to the beginning.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

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The Bachelor Tax Is Coming? - MGTOW
The Bachelor Tax Is Coming? - MGTOW Sandman 685 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Ancient Purity
- (Save 10% enter the code MGTOW in the check out)

History Of The Bachelor Tax

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ed Tix and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman! I'm new to MGTOW and appreciate your and other creators work. I'm from eastern Europe and dating market isn't so bad yet. However our politics as well as younger people are copying western trends like crazy. Even worse the government is trying to be creative when it comes to the birth rates. Poland had bachelor taxes during communism but guess what... our politicians wants to bring it back today. The excuse is to increase birth rates. But why should only a man have to pay such tax? In English it's called "tax on childlessness" but polish politicians say it's not sufficient to have a child - you have to be married. History teaches us only that we've never learned from history. Thanks again for your work and cheers." Well Ed Tix thanks for the donation and topic. In Poland after the second world war your bachelor tax was called a bull tax. Basically reducing male value to an animal that plows the field. But imagine what would happen if women had to pay a hen tax for choosing not to get married or have children. The reason the bachelor tax is more important than the tax on having children is because governments understand that eighty to ninety percent of the household purchases are made by women. When women aren't married they can't access a man's cash and flush it into the economy to increase the velocity of money. All countries are ruled by fiat currency bankers that require ever increasing velocity of money to create inflation. If men aren't married they aren't borrowing money for mortgages on houses and women don't have the ability to spend the money on their men's credit cards. Credit contracts and the economy crashes. But what's more important is what Poland said about us. We are men and not bulls or oxen. They are literally saying that we are on a farm or plantation when they use language like that and we are just suppose to accept it? I'll discuss this and more in must a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity: Anyways, now back to the video. I originally thought about naming this video tax on childlessness but that would be a lie so I chose The Bachelor Tax Is Coming even though technically Ed Tix I couldn't find any evidence that it was going to be introduced any time soon. This is competitive click bait capitalism baby. Who's going to click on a topic like the Childless tax? We MGTOW men are simple. We see the world bachelor and think to ourselves, winning and then we see the word tax next to it and we picture our nuts in a vice being squeezed for their creamy goodness. There are numerous ways to get the birth rates up without imposing a bachelor tax. The number one way is to create a society full of an abundance of wealth and time. That's why the 1950s and 1960s were idealic in North America. The average citizen could own his own home even though he was a roofer or plumber for the first time in history. His wife didn't have to work so having children back then was a no brainer. Between your wife and the schools you could be an absentee father even while living with your family. But today it takes two to raise a child and pool their resources to do it. So if men choose not to get married then even if there are single mothers out there the state usually has to pay to support those kids.

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Are Women Useful Idiots? - MGTOW
Are Women Useful Idiots? - MGTOW Sandman 437 Views • 4 years ago

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David Konkol - Axiom Tales of a Grim Future Vol 1

Conspiracy Theory - Women Are Useful Idiots

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a topic so what I'd like to do is read a reddit post called Conspiracy Theory - Women are useful Idiots by someone named MuchIndependence which I've put in the description and here's what he has to say: "I think all the tech tycoons and Wall Street sleazebags that backed Biden already realize already that infecting corporations and politics with women is going to lead to a large-scale crash of the global economy, and they're pushing it to the brink to profit hugely off the destruction. If you think about it, the aging high-roller clique of today was the people that survived WWII and the Soviets and made huge personal incomes in the anarchy that followed the collapse of regimes. Regime collapse is where supremely wealthy Soros got his start. All those oligarchs that own Russia and the old satellite states got their start while the Union was collapsing. Societal collapse is a great way to make a massive profit if you can foresee the opportunity. I think the current push to get women into every position of power/authority is a play to create a new collapse without needing a world war (which is bad because it reduces the number of consumers) and in the aftermath the people that have been positioning themselves all along are planning to divvy the world up between themselves while the rest of us get downgraded from middle class tax mules to faceless serfs. Maybe it sounds crazy but hey we're in crazy times..." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and I tend to agree with MuchIndependence that women are being fluffed up into positions of power so that they can not only destroy the economy but blame it on free market capitalism so we can go to some sort of centrally planned nightmare society where men lose their freedoms. I'll discuss all this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor David Konkel: Anyways, now back to the video. Women are useful idiots and leftists are taking advantage of women's cognitive dissonance to do the dirty work for them. Women are capable of understanding that communism is bad for them but they can also promote it and follow it's rules. They can in turn convince all the simps to follow those same rules if they want sex. If you want to rule a society then you give women power over men and you rule over those women. This is the process of creative destruction and by 2040 half the world's politicians will be women. Where will that number be by 2050 or 2060? Sixty percent? Seventy percent? Women have care base morality and men have justice based morality. Women running governments will try to take care of everyone and as a result they will bankrupt nations, cause hyperinflation to take care of the poor and needy thus making everyone poor and needy. Poor people have nothing and if those running the women that run the government offer them a few crumbs they will accept whatever liberties they lose in exchange for their basic survival.

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Average Canadian Women Are For Thirsty Simps - MGTOW
Average Canadian Women Are For Thirsty Simps - MGTOW Sandman 375 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Virtual Instagram Celebrities

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Thank you for your work creating content, helpful to so many of us. I am going through divorce right now, after 19 years of marriage with 2 kids and have some interesting insights around the fact that men became disposable in every culture and in every nation. But I will give you details with another donation in a few weeks. For now, I want to hear your opinion on the fact that your videos have pictures of the females from 7 to 10 on the beauty scale, with professional make up, favorable angles, great clothes and attributes. In reality, these would be hard to find even in my original home country (Russia). They would be somewhat hard to resist too, no doubt, but the reality is quite different. Though, I am your fellow Canadian now, living in Calgary half of my life. During the summer months, me and my Buddy (divorced long ago), cover up to 20 KM on our weekends and daily walks. We notice maybe 4-5 beautiful women like in your videos.....The rest we couldn't care less, no offence. I could not see myself to be interested at all. There is no sexual appeal, and statistics support that showing avg Canadian girl been around 150 LBS and even bigger in US. To summarize: If all of women would be like in your videos, it would be game over for us men. In reality the average woman in North America has a very little sex appeal. Maybe only for thirsty simps. Add a couple of kids, psychological issues, inflated ego and demands....I cannot see why anyone would date crazy, fat, post wall single moms with array of unresolvable issues? I am in my late 40's now, active and in good shape. Analyzing the dating market here in Calgary I am convinced to go my own way. No need for fat ignorant female company. Apologies if above is not very clear. Hope you are doing well, please continue your work. You help me realize that my "Man Compass" is showing the correct way. Go MGTOW and thanks Sandman!!!" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. Yes the average Canadian woman is overweight, psychologically damaged and doesn't pay near as much attention to her appearance as the women in Eastern Europe. Why is that? I'll discuss that and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the Canadian Klown world show. Mr. Anonymous funny you should mention that the average Canadian women is fat and unattractive and that I show pictures of attractive women on my channel. You're right most men would be in trouble if women were that attractive and as you know in Eastern Europe you probably would have noticed twenty or thirty hot women on your daily walks when compared to only four or five here in Canada. As you may or may not know I've done photography with different models before and you say that I select stock photos with favorable angles, great clothes and attributes. You of course are forgetting that their makeup is usually flawless, the lighting is professional and there are appealing background settings. Plus their age is usually under or around the age of 25. Plus I also choose to use only one picture out of ten or twenty that were available in the stock photo page. I've worked with makeup artists before that did an amazing job. But the makeup literally fell apart and started melting off a model's face after twenty to thirty minutes. The makeup artist was doing more performance art more than anything else that I was trying to capture on a camera. Then you also have the hair person.

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Women Blame Men For Everything & We Can't Blame Them For Anything - MGTOW
Women Blame Men For Everything & We Can't Blame Them For Anything - MGTOW Sandman 404 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

The Feminst Trope, Explained

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from MR. Tattoo and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, It would appear that feminism thinks along the same lines as MGTOW. I always see videos for MGTOW but I never see videos for feminism on YouTube, so I went looking. They say the same things in their videos, every argument is mirrored. It's just an interesting observation and maybe a good talking point for a video. Cheers." Well Mr. Tattoo thanks for the donation and topic. You sent me a link to a video called The Feminst Trope, Explained. Yes it does talk a lot about how feminists tend to have many of the same qualities that men going their own way have. That they are intellectual and articulate and that male validation is not the primary metric that she measures her value in life. Men going their own way obviously don't measure our lives or at least we shouldn't measure our lives based on female validation. Plus many of us online are articulate and intelligent. But where things get sketchy in this video is when it says that feminists preach, overthink and see issues that don't really exist. In the past there were issues for women. It's just that today those issues have been solved and at first glance it appears as though there is no rational reason for seemingly irrational feminists to exist anymore. But they serve a more insidious purpose. I believe it all comes down to collective
projection. Projection is a form of gaslighting. They want us all to think that we're the bad guys when were actually the good guys and they are bad gals. All the talk from feminists about there being some sort of mysterious group of men controlling women through the patriarchy that probably exists in masonic lodges cooking up ways to control the cooch is really about accusing men of the very same behavior that feminists and more importantly women themselves are guilty of. They are accusing us of the very deeds they are guilty of so that we have zero recourse. Women don't want us to realize that we actually live in a covert matriarchal society. That's the unspoken secret among all women. They know it but no man ever should. I'll get to more about the similarities and differences between feminists and MGTOWs in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. The title of this women blame men for everything & we can't blame them for anything should have another sentence after it. We can't blame them for anything because they used that argument first and they
have made it their own. If you accuse someone of cheating first then you look like a kindergarten baby if you accuse of the same thing back. We are conditioned early in grade school to believe that if someone says you're stupid and you say no you're stupid back at them then you look pathetic and that you don't have a valid argument back even if it's true that other person is stupid you aren't. When you think about it like that women control men through kindergarten psychology. As for the video you shared Mr. Tattoo it's way to long and about the fifteen minute mark I found myself getting tired of it. The link to it is in the description. It says that feminists questions established social conventions. So do MGTOWs but we don't bring them up to change them. We bring them up to warn other men to avoid standing on those land mines. The video says that on screen feminists are always portrayed as being angry or too much to handle. That they are radicals. Obviously in mgtow we have the Red pill rage but it's a phase we grow out of unlike feminist characters that seem to be stuck in it. Feminists also always promote the idea that we should all be feminists. Or men can be allies. MGTOWs say there's no way Jose a woman can go her own way. They believe that society owes them we just believe that society should leave us alone.

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No Option For Black Men - MGTOW
No Option For Black Men - MGTOW Sandman 552 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

Frustrated Black American Men in Brazil Powerful Documentary

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I am a fairly new follower of your channel and recently started learning of the red pill community after reading Aaron Clarey's book, Bachelor Pad Economics back in January of this year. I would like to discuss the miniscule options that black american men have In the dating field. It is no secret about how the welfare system pushed Black men out of the house and produced a bunch of "Tyrones" to run through our women and to develop hate towards black men. It is also no secret how promiscuous our women can be along with the amount of "baby mamas" that we have in our community. So, someone may propose that we date out of our race to find a mate but that's where the problem lies. We have no options! We as black men are looked down and over the most in regards to the dating market. We've all heard stories how a non black family reacts when someone brings their non black spouse to meet the family. It usually doesn't end well. We also face a lot of shame and ridicule if we do so. Reason being is because we are dating someone who isn't in the image of our mothers, which doesn't make sense because I wouldn't wanna get down and dirty with someone who even slightly resembles my mom. We could attempt to date an African immigrant or second generation African girl, but very few of them settle with black American men whereas African men are free to date and marry whoever. For example, I had a Nigerian co worker who was married to another Nigerian man and an ethiopian friend who is engaged to her ethiopian fiancee. Another example are a few of my Nigerian friends who have African American girlfriends and wives. Their women stick to their own nationality. The only women that black american men may get luck with are caribbean women. They are the only group of women that mix and mingle with black men. Problem Is that there aren't enough of them to go around unless you live in Florida. Here in the Midwest, there are only a handful of them that live around us. What are we to do besides mgtow? Reason being
is that I'm an only child and I do want to bring my parents grandchildren." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a second but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways now back to the video. So Mr. Anonymous you want to know what other option you have besides going your own way. Well you're university educated man and you probably make good money as a result so I would suggest that you look into surrogacy. I believe I was the first if not one of the first to talk about this option in one of my earliest videos in 2013. Have a child with the blondest Scandinavian looking white woman you can find and no one will say anything. Buy her eggs in the open market and pay a woman in Mexico to carry your offspring and for somewhere around thirty to forty thousand dollars you can have a son of your own. Otherwise you're taking a fifty fifty gamble on finding a wife that won't divorce you and then taking another fifty fifty gamble that she will give you a first born son. With my suggestion for the price of a new car you don't have to worry about a hood harpie destroying your life. Of course you'll
hear such women squeal at you for doing it.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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Japan Is Becoming The MGTOW Country
Japan Is Becoming The MGTOW Country Sandman 835 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Ancient Purity
- (Save 10% enter the code MGTOW in the check out)

Japan Is Becoming The MGTOW Country

Why Japanese Men Are Choosing The Single Life

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from MGTOW Smurf. He didn't send me a topic with his donation so what I'd like to do is cover a reddit post with the same title as this video. Which I've also put a link to in the description. I've pretty much spoken about herbivore men in Japan since 2013. The person starting the reddit post shared this quote and I quote: "The main reason they have for staying single is wanting to use their money on themselves. There is a common perception that for men, marriage means having their freedom to use money restricted. This is in direct opposition to women listing ‘financial security’ as one of the benefits of getting married.” unquote. Of course this idea that men are better off financially and with regards to health is something that Prager University Queefed out a while back. Meanwhile unmarried monks live longer then married men. The idea of course is to promote that men should be utilities for women because it obviously has to do with family formation and traditionalism. It's not about caring for men's well being. It's about tricking men out of their independence to propagate the species. I also put another link in the description to an article titled "Why Japanese Men Are Choosing The Single Life" which I will also cover in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity: Anyways, now back to the video. Up until the 1980s almost everyone in Japan got married. But by 2035 the government is predicting that one third of men will be unmarried for life. The Japanese government says that by age fifty if you're not married then you'll be single for the rest of your life as the odds go down to virtually zero. Even in the west once you hit forty your chances of marriage if you're a man drop to under ten percent. The article says the herbivores are thriving and many are financially secure as opposed to being depressed about their singledom. For Japanese women financial security is partially about marriage. The economy in Japan is shrinking along with the population and Japan is not becoming a MGTOW country. It's been one for the last fifteen to twenty years. It's just taking the rest of the world time to catch up. In Japan good white collar jobs, the kinds that are required for men to get so they can earn enough money to raise a family are scarce. People over there are saying that herbivore men are choosing to opt out of society and do their own thing. Is that really the case or a Japanese women just getting ever more picky and rejecting men that don't make enough money to support a family? The blame seems to be on men detaching themselves from Japanese society. But maybe it's the other way around? Maybe society detached from them because they saw them as unemployed bums and want nothing to do with them? What if many if not most of the herbivore men are not single due to choosing not to work themselves to death like their fathers did for a tyrant of a wife that runs their lives? What if women aren't giving them the time of day? What if they are really incels pretending to go their own way? I'm sure there are some guys like that but there are also guys like 36-year-old Riku Inamoto. He is what used to be called a confirmed bachelor. For him, time is a big factor. “I have two things in my life that take up all my time: my work and my hobbies,” he says. “I can’t stop work, so if I get married, I will lose my hobbies, which means I will have no fun. That would be a terrible life. “I like having my own time and space, being able to make my own decisions, eat what I want, go where I want.

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Women Don't Like Me But They Like My Money - MGTOW
Women Don't Like Me But They Like My Money - MGTOW Sandman 346 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Do you think men will ever have the upper hand over women in the dating world?

Cherry 2000 (1987) Nightclub and Mustang Scenes

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Medusa Theory and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hey, Sandman! Medusa Theory here again! I adopted that moniker when i started going my own way back in 2018, shortly before I discovered you and mgtow. thank you, Sandman! I just wanted start paying you back in gratitude for the years you spent explaining female nature to me. Thank you, Sandman." Well Medusa Theory thanks for the donation. You didn't send me a topic so I'd like to cover a reddit post asking the question: "Do you think men will ever have the upper hand over women in the dating world?" which I've linked to in the description. Here's what someone named TigerThen has to say and I quote: "Recently, among my circles and on the internet I've been noticing that women walk around like hot shit, "I'm the price", or (post about how much they hate men) but then with their next breathe they say subscribe to my onlyfans or cash app me. I can list more, but it's kind of infuriating just how much power women have over men in the dating world. Men are reduced to begging dogs while undeserving women are put on a pedestal and given an inflated ego. Women hold all the cards in the dating world, I feel sad every time I see a man dating a misandrist. You never see women dating misogynists because they have options. I know many red pillers say the wall is a great equalizer, but I don't really see it that way, women between the ages of 18-55 will always have a higher sexual market value then men, because many men will always be horny. I know this sounds petty, but I kinda wish women had to go through what we go through. I want to see them get starved of any sexual desire from the opposite sex, have them beg for a crumb of male attention the way men have to, but I just don't ever see that happening. Sorry for the long post, just wanted to get this thought across." Unquote. Well I'll discuss the frustration that Tigerthen feels in the current sexual marketplace in just a moment but let me first tell you about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back with the show. I find it interesting that Tiger said that women don't date misogynists because they have options. He's right because women used to date misogynists all the time back in the 1950s, 60s and 70s. Just watch old movies and tv shows if you want to see a glimpse of the ideal man back then. Even in the late eighties and early ninties you had characters like Al Bundy on TV and Archie Bunker before that putting women down all the time. Now society has seen a role reversal where it's become socially acceptable and even encouraged for women to mock men and do it out in the open. It's men that are relegated to the backwaters of the anonymous parts of the internet to express themselves. It's not just power in the so called dating market as Tiger calls it but I prefer calling it the sexual marketplace.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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How To Live Your Life Without A Girlfriend - MGTOW
How To Live Your Life Without A Girlfriend - MGTOW Sandman 542 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

Medusa sculpture to be unveiled across from Manhattan court to honor #MeToo

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Hans and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman! We were in contact before. I have come up with a topic. I just can't find a girlfriend and it makes me sad. I have read pick up books and tried to get one, but it just doesn't work out for me. So the question is NOT how to get one, but how to live my life without a girlfriend in the long run and not to feel depressed about it. I do have hobbies, sports, enough male and female friends and am not a socially isolated person, it is about the long term absence of a female partner. Ciao" Well Hans thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to clown world. Hans I felt the same way you did from around the middle of 2014 until early 2016 when I stopped dating and went monk mode. I've had women that were interested but I wasn't even going to entertain a pump and dump slut. So you're wondering how I could go almost five years without a girlfriend and feel perfectly fine about it. I've got four words for you red pill rage 2.0. You know about how you get mad when you first learn about female nature and ask yourself why oh why didn't anyone tell me about this stuff at a younger point in my life? I don't know if you've ever had a girlfriend to begin with or if you've been an incel your entire life. You say it makes you sad that you can't find a girlfriend which means you're an incel. To get to the point of red pill rage 2.0 there are certain rights of passage you have to go through. The first being dating and getting more than your fair share of female validation and attention. The second is consciously swearing off dating and relationships and going through the first red pill rage the third is going through the second red pill rage where your subconscious gets furious and it too stops wanting that female validation, sex and relationships anymore. The boink is no longer worth listening to her oink. It makes me sad that you're still stuck in the incel phase and I hope that you don't become nihilistic from taking the black pill and get caught in an endless cycle of hate and bitterness. Your question to me is not how to get a girlfriend but how to live your life without one without feeling depressed. In the black pill community they don't get depressed they get angry. But eventually that hate and anger consumes you. It's not the best way to live and many people said that my channel was responsible for keeping guys in an anger against women camp and that I wasn't helping them break free. Your mistake is picking up books to teach you how to get a girlfriend. Relationships aren't really about two people loving each other. They are about you loving yourself enough to put the effort into who you are and then when women see you loving yourself they ask themselves, if that man loves himself that much to put all that effort into himself then just imagine how much he will love me and as we all know by now when a man loves a woman she controls him. The steps I would normally suggest are pretty straight forward. Work on yourself, your image and body and career, etc, attract women.

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Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

I Used To Love Bitches. Now I Just Understand THEM - MGTOW
I Used To Love Bitches. Now I Just Understand THEM - MGTOW Sandman 425 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
David Konkol - Axiom Tales of a Grim Future Vol 1

Al Bundy Clips

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and he didn't give me a specific topic so what I'd like to do is read a comment someone named SDG wrote on my channel and I quote "Greetings Sandman, I used to love women; now I just understand THEM. I truly wish all of them the very best but I am pretty much OUT of this human “Mouse Utopia Experiment.” If things get really bad, I am will do the Socratic thing of offing myself or becoming an a Gypsy! No love lost...after close to 40 yrs. Working with them, chasing them for intimacy of some sort, living and even marrying one of them...I am all better for it because I know what it ALL amounts to- everything is almost always at OUR EXPENSE!!! Mainly, the expense on a guy’s creativity and productivity is terribly harsh and NOT WORTH for me all the cooch in the world! Henceforth, my mantra is as follows: don’t marry em, don’t preggers em, and Definitley...don’t cohabitate with them... stay civil don’t debate facts or discuss ideas with them...act like your dumb as shit! I do acting like a fake orbiter, without giving them an iota of your resources (time, energy and money). In my view, the most creative thing for a sane man to do in times like this? Wish them the best and stay on your course and purpose...prepare for the worse!!! If they question, shame or blame...act like a dumb, space cadet...act like you sincerely know nothing...and plead the 5th and keep a real social distance 6 ft is good about 5 miles the very least is much better! P.S. A sane man doesn’t play the game of the status-quo! I am making plans to leave the states when hit my 60s!" Well S.D.G thanks for posting your comments on my channel and thank you Mr. Anonymous for the donation. SDG You might think you're not giving women your time, energy and money but you are. Because time is money and if you're a fake orbiter to a woman that takes energy. You're doing exactly what they want which is giving them attention even if you attention is fake and not genuine. You're cognitive dissonance amazes me. How a man can think he's starving a woman of what she wants but is actually giving it to her without even knowing it. That's what I read from your comments and that's why I just had to respond. However that part about where you say essentially that it's smart to play dumb around women is a winning strategy. Before I say more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor David Konkel: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. One of the most important things you said SDG is not to debate with women. Because when you debate with crazy she will make you crazy. Ask yourself this question: Is she pretending like she
doesn't know what you're talking about to gas light you and get pleasure from that act? Or is she fighting your point even though she agrees with it because she's not getting any attention in her life and the negative attention and frustration she's getting from you is more satisfying than nothing at all?

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Waitresses Giving Men Terrible Service - MGTOW
Waitresses Giving Men Terrible Service - MGTOW Sandman 459 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

⁣Sandman Contact Info & Store:
Email: [email protected]

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James and here's what he has to say: "Greetings Sandma, Would you please consider commenting on the apparent sub-par service provided to single males in bars and restaurants. I have observed, on several occasions, where single females and couples with females receive significantly greater attention by both male and female staff than do I, or the single males that I have discussed this with. Could this be a result of the Female Collective Shaming tactic of reviews given to "Brick & Mortar" establishments, which poses a threat to their business unless they cater to the needs of the "whammins"? Thanks, again, for all of your efforts." Well James thanks for the donation and topic. I'm not sure so I decided to see if I could find explanations online from people that work in the service industry and here's what someone named Tracey has to say on Quora and I quote: "As a member of the world of tipped employees I can give my non-scientific findings over a period of 10 + years of bartending. Men tip better and are far easier to take care of in a bar or restaurant. I hate to speak against my own gender but unfortunately this happens to be the case. In fact I have had women grab a check that her male partner has cashed out and change a tip more than once in my time behind the bar. Women also find it difficult to order in general where as a man usually knows what he wants when he sits down, orders it and doesn't "customize" his order with modifications like "I want a side of this or that" "light on the this or that" etc. Women tend to be harder to please in general. I still have love for my ladies but you broads can really work a nerve!" unquote. Before I discuss why female wait staff and service industry workers seemingly put more effort into females and couples then individual men or groups of men let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. So from the story I started about Tracy saying that women are more difficult to deal with in bars in restaurants it would make sense that waitresses would put more effort into them, not because of some sort of female own group preference but because if they don't put the extra effort in then women are more likely to leave negative reviews on things like Yelp or go to the manager and threaten their job. Women being more demanding means that the wait staff male or female understands this and pays more attention to picky women so they don't run into trouble. Another interesting part of this story is that it's like the video I did discussing if women preferred alpha males or beta males? There were supposedly scientific studies arguing one thing and other studies arguing another. I found the same sorts of studies when it came to who tipped more, men or women? I think that it's women giving the people doing the surveys unreliable information because we all know that bullshit baffles the brain. women know the answer that men tip better. Tracy working in a bar for ten plus years can tell you this. Not only that but she's witnesses women stealing the tip money for themselves that the male she was with left for the wait staff. She mentioned that only happened with women and not with men. Make of that what you will but I just know that if the truth hurts what you want to do is confuse people and spread disinformation. If we don't know reliably who leaves a better tip, men or women then we can't say that men are better tippers then women.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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One B Jaye Away From The Plantation - MGTOW
One B Jaye Away From The Plantation - MGTOW Sandman 349 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Sandman Contact Info & Store:
Email: [email protected]

That time when Buffalo was as big a deal as Toronto

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Good evening fellow canadian red piller. For starters English ain't my first language so I'm sorry for all my possible typing mistakes. I'm from Montreal and I hope we can put that old Toronto Montreal rivalery on the side for the question a have for you here. The question i have for you is multistaged. First, lately this has been happening in my surroundings among friends. I've been seeing things, patterns. Among those a grood friend of mine (whom was almost purple pilled) went back on his way toward the plantation. As They say ''you are always one b jaye away from the plantation''. Before his new girlfriend we went hard into PUA without any knowledge about anything redpill really. He wanted so bad to have a girlfriend. Now that he has one he is in his honeymoon phase and on his way to dream land. Here are some red flags about his new girlfriend. She is an immigrant with a working visa and works as a paralegal on her way to become a lawyer in immigration. She makes more than my friend. So on paper with that knowledge we have we can say she is dating down. She also has been very vocal about marriage so I connected the dots. That's just one story but yeah this story has inspired me to maybe start my own red pill / mgtow channel in french so maybe the message gets to him. I'd also be talking about hypergamy and briffault's law too. Now I know why you make all your videos annnimously and I can understand with our political atmosphere here in canada I wouldnt want to be recongnised and doxed from work and my social circle. Do you use any methods or tools like a voice modulator to make your video? Thank you for your time." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. You're right that most of us are only one b jaye away from going back to the plantation. I'll discuss this and more in just one moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the show. I believe it was Stardusk that originally made that one bj statement and it spread everywhere through the community. Your friend Mr. Anonymous I don't even think he was ever purple pilled. For me being purple pilled is all about learning about female nature and keeping it in the back of your mind during a relationship so that it gives you the upper hand and so that you stop simpin. But it sounds to me like your friend doesn't really fit into the purple pill category. My experience taking the purple pill back in 2015 was a disaster. Keeping the red pill knowledge in my consciousness while being inside a woman was impossible for me. I was turning into a simp before
everyone's eyes. Your friend learned pickup artistry which is red pill philosophy but he only did so that he could firmly plant his penis flag on top of some woman's mountainous fun bags. You mention that the woman he's with has a better job but that she's an immigrant. She probably has lower sexual marketplace value then he does if she's from Asia, Latin America, some poor European country or Africa. So it doesn't matter if she's a nuclear physicist making two hundred thousand dollars a year. Her minority background means that it's most likely that she has lower sexual marketplace value. Plus she might be one of those women that love to dominate men by having a powerful career. Even if she does have higher sexual marketplace value he has Canadian citizenship and that will ensure that she stays in the country. Your friend is probably just a stepping stone for her to become partner in a law firm and find herself a real man. But he can't see this because he's getting sex on a regular basis and his love goggles are firmly fastened to his fat head. Mr. Anonymous it's noble that you want to help him but from what I've learned the best time to reach a man is when he's in between relationships. Just ask him if he's sure she's not just with him so she can get her immigration papers.

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If You Love Her She Controls You! - MGTOW
If You Love Her She Controls You! - MGTOW Sandman 355 Views • 4 years ago

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from MGTOW Mark and here's a what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I'm writing from Italy and would like to propose a topic based on a question that was asked of me recently by a friend. I was discussing the issue of being a man going his own way and then he asked me: "Yes, but what if you fall in love?" Ah, love, this incredible and beautiful lie. According to a character in Vargas Llosa novel "Uncle Julia and the writer", love is an invention made by an Italian named Francesco Petrarca. In a way, this is true, as I consider love a sort of deceit, a sort of illusion of happiness that comes from the combination of certain seductive traits in a particular female. A friend of mine who happens to be a shrink actually tells me that "being in love" is some kind of a psycho-pathological situation. Then, and this is my idea, I believe that being MGTOW (or in general, having swallowed the Red Pill) is a kind of vaccine against this specific disease. After 5 years of being MGTOW, I think I am pretty sure I cannot fall in love anymore. And why so? Well... being MGTOW (or being Red Pilled) is a serious paradigm shift in your way of thinking. It is a very significant increase in understanding human behavior and especially female behavior. It is crystal clear to my mind that, while still being sexually attracted to female bodies, these is now nothing in my feelings that goes in the direction of the classic "falling in love". And, after more than five years, that is some kind of serious change in my way of thinking. Well, of course, you might say "never say never" and I cannot absolutely exclude that I will fall in love again. But I distinctly feel that feminine sex has lost a lot of its traditional conventional grasp on me. What woman really fascinates me, when I can see things like hypergamy? Well, I don't know... maybe, I say to myself, one of the famous NAWALTs! Perhaps, I say to myself, I could fall for Cassie Jaye. Maybe. But then, of course, if NAWALT women exist, there is only a pitiful amount of them. Maybe just a thousand on the whole planet and there is basically no chance to get to know any of them. Cassie Jaye is happily married - and perhaps her husband is one of the very few husbands that are still happy in a marriage on this Earth. But what's the purpose of life
if I can't find one? I feel good and I pursue my goals in life. Sometimes I have occasional sex and I never bond with any woman. And I perfectly feel good like this. Thanks for covering this subject. Ciao from Northern Italy, Sandman!" Well MGTOW Mark thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the video. A few days ago I went over to a woman's house and it was a mansion. I saw her husband busily working in his office. She of course does nothing for a living except being a part time life coach which wouldn't pay any of her bills if she was alone. But all of her husbands' wealth was hers because he loved her and she spread her legs. Millions of dollars because of love and falacio. Men not only love their wives but they also love their unfreedom and it gives them a sense of purpose. Just as you asked Mark about what now in life if you don't have a nawalt to love. I don't think you've given up completely on love because it sounds to me like you're still bargaining for boobies claiming that that Nawalt women still exist and if only you could find one like Cassie Jaye. But how do you know that Cassie Jaye is happily married and not like all the other women out there? Because she made a documentary about the men's rights movement while they were at the height of their popularity back in 2014? Is that really why? Are you sure it wasn't just for fame, fortune and attention? You're jealous of her husband. How do you know that she's not running the show and he's just the simp in her life story? You don't. But he probably does love her. Love, it's natures perfect form of slavery.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

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