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The Ultimate Full Body Warm Up (no equipment)
The Ultimate Full Body Warm Up (no equipment) ReduxMovement 23 Views • 5 years ago

⁣To see the full warm up in text check below!

Hip Mobility e-Course:

In this video we cover my favorite warm up to prepare your body top to bottom for any workout. No equipment is needed, but if available you can add it in where you see fit.

You can also combine this warm up with some of the moves I covered in both the upper body shoulder and lower body hip warm up videos.

General Warm Up
- 20 Jumping jacks
- 10 Forward Leg Swings -

10 Side Leg Swings (per side)
- 20 Mt. Climbers
- 20 Bicycle Crunches
- 20 Lateral Hops


- 5 Plank-Lunge-Rotations
- 5 Forward / Backwards Circles
- 10 Side to Side Swings (adduction + Adduction)
- 10 Donkey Kicks
- 10 Lateral Raises / Fire hydrants

- 5 Sit Ups
- 5 Hip Lifts
- 5 Side Hip Dips (per side)
- 5 Thread the Needle (per side)
- 10 Wall Slides
- 10 Chain Breakers
- 10 Circles Forward + Backwards
- 10 Plank Scapula Retraction / Protraction
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps

Lower Warmup
- 10 Reverse Lunge w/ Reach
- 10 Toe Squats
- 5/5/5 Squats - Overhead Squats - Jumping Squats

- 30s Static Runners (Right)
- 30s Static Runners (Left)

The Ultimate Upper Body Shoulder Warmup
The Ultimate Upper Body Shoulder Warmup ReduxMovement 34 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Support this channel and train your hips with the Hip Mobility Course:

This is the standard upper body warm up I've been using for the past two
years whenever I bench press, overhead press, or knock out a tough
shoulder hypertrophy workout.

Most people focus on the shoulders without realizing other joints (i.e.
thoracic spine, wrists, scapulae) will impact the shoulder movement and

In this warmup we cover everything.

Lower Body Warm Up
Lower Body Warm Up ReduxMovement 38 Views • 5 years ago

⁣This is my go-to lower body warm up for squat, deadlift, and sprinting workouts. The goal is to prepare your legs for the session ahead in addition to identifying areas within your hips, knees, and ankles that might need more mobility. These movements are chosen to act as a mini-workout and further develop weak muscles that could be holding you back in the gym.

Hip Course:

Free Internal Hip Rotation Training:

Exercise Bands: ⁣

Pinching Hips? Can You Rotate Them?
Pinching Hips? Can You Rotate Them? ReduxMovement 9 Views • 5 years ago

Complete Internal Hip Rotation Training:

Hip Course:

In this video we cover a simple internal hip stretch. Adequate internal hip rotation in necessary for any healthy hip. The majority of the population lacks enough IR hip rotation and typically finds it difficult to isolate and improve this rotational aspect of the hip capsule and internal rotation muscles.

You Will Always Have Text Neck Unless You Do This.
You Will Always Have Text Neck Unless You Do This. ReduxMovement 39 Views • 5 years ago

Hip Course:

In this video we cover rotational training to improve active cervical ROM as well as an isometric tool for isolating the upper traps.

Good movement and a healthy neck requires you to control your neck throughout a range of motion and situations. Relaxing into a stretch can be beneficial, but not the complete answer.

The True Reason Sitting Kills Your Hips (you've never heard this).
The True Reason Sitting Kills Your Hips (you've never heard this). ReduxMovement 42 Views • 5 years ago

Hip Course:

I wanted to cover an area of hip health not many people are talking about. The hip joint itself is negatively impacted by a lack of consistent movement (think sitting at the office all day).

People tend to focus on stretching and activating muscles, but forget (or never learned) that movement happens at the joint.

How to Get Bigger Biceps and Healthier Shoulders
How to Get Bigger Biceps and Healthier Shoulders ReduxMovement 28 Views • 5 years ago

This is one simple bicep stretch, which if done properly, will help you bicep flexibility. I've seen this stretch increase bicep size by allowing a full range of motion and better contraction when doing curls, pull ups, and rows. It also helps with anterior shoulder pain and external rotation of the shoulder.

Hip Mobility Course:

Helping or Hurting? Stretching your Neck (Part 1).
Helping or Hurting? Stretching your Neck (Part 1). ReduxMovement 10 Views • 5 years ago

Mobility E-courses and Fitness Programs:

This is part 1 of the neck mobility series.

It covers a basic lateral neck stretch and proper isometric training for further flexibility and neuromuscular improvements.

Areas worked:
-Cervical Spine

Arch and Big Toe Mobility (Ankle Mobility Part 3)
Arch and Big Toe Mobility (Ankle Mobility Part 3) ReduxMovement 22 Views • 5 years ago

Hip Mobility Course:

Part 3 of the Ankle Mobility Series covering:

1) Plantar Fascia and Arch Stretches
2) Big Toe Stretch and strength training
3) Flat foot and arch strengthening exercises

Why Calf Stretches Aren't Working (Ankle Mobility Part 1)
Why Calf Stretches Aren't Working (Ankle Mobility Part 1) ReduxMovement 182 Views • 5 years ago

Hip Mobility Course:

This covers basic stretches that most people know of, but are doing incorrectly and not benefiting from. Focus on the basics consistently!

Part 1 of the Ankle Mobility Series covering:

1) Calf Stretching
2) Shin Stretching
3) Basic Foot Stability

The 90-90 Position - The Best Hip Stretch for your Money
The 90-90 Position - The Best Hip Stretch for your Money ReduxMovement 48 Views • 5 years ago

The 90-90 positions is one of the best ways to stretch your hips.

You are able to work both internal and external rotation in this position, which is important because a clear sign of impending hip problems is a lack of rotation.

If you like this video and want the full course and the other 14 parts of this series check out:

Core Moves for Better Shoulders and Hips (MGTOW FItness)
Core Moves for Better Shoulders and Hips (MGTOW FItness) ReduxMovement 54 Views • 5 years ago

Hip Mobility Course:

Here are my favorite ab Movements for better shoulder and hip mobility:
1) Opposite Plank
2) Plank Circles
3) Frozen Scissor
4) Thread the Needle
5) Single Arm DB Sit Ups
6) Side Plank Double Dumbell Press

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