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Was this a scamdemic? (BANNED FROM YOUTUBE!!!)
Was this a scamdemic? (BANNED FROM YOUTUBE!!!) AmanleyLoad 40 Views • 4 years ago

⁣I read out information i recieved at a truth movement rally

Plandemic I & Plandemic II -
Anna Brees -
Amazing Polly -
Dr Andrew Kaufman on "The highwire" -

Tradcucks Blaming Porn Instead of Women's Rights
Tradcucks Blaming Porn Instead of Women's Rights T.F. Monkey 579 Views • 5 years ago

The right being worse than useless as per the usual.

John Doyle: Stop Watching Porn | Heck Off, Commie!

The Red Elephants Vincent James: How Pornographers DESTROYED the Patriarchy and the West


Background Music: True Art Real Affection Part 2 by Noir Et Blanc Vie. Courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library.

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Male Freedom & Gender Inequality
Male Freedom & Gender Inequality T.F. Monkey 470 Views • 4 years ago

I get asked a lot how I can be pro-freedom but against equal rights for women, because aren't freedom and equality the same thing?

No ... no they're not, especially when one party is responsible for the other (dependent) party, then equality is simply oppression of the responsible party. Simply apply the logic to the relationship between parents and children to help understand this concept without your gynocentric conditioning getting in the way of your rationality.

Background Music: The High Line by Causmic. Courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library.

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Reasons To Vote For Joe Biden!
Reasons To Vote For Joe Biden! KEEPER 164 Views • 4 years ago


MGTOW - Gender Roles Explained By Richard Teale
MGTOW - Gender Roles Explained By Richard Teale Alpha_Male_Guide 177 Views • 4 years ago

The Rebound Chick - MGTOW
The Rebound Chick - MGTOW Sandman 277 Views • 4 years ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman here,

This video is brougt to you by another donation from Indiana and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman! Thanks for making the video on my last topic. However, in response to your follow up questions about me continuing to date. The answer is, no sir. I did not learn my lesson. I was ignorant. I was single for maybe three weeks before a close female friend hugged me when I was crying over my ex and she started kissing me, and that was it. I was in a relationship, which cost me just over $6k in 6 months. We had both been to the same college and used to work together. The last I knew, she was a lesbian/bi depending on what she wanted to call herself that day. So I really paid no attention to try and get her attention. That’s not to say I didn’t notice how thin, sexy, and beautiful she was. But just think of suicide squad when you’re introduced to Harley Quinn. That’s a whole lotta crazy wrapped in a whole lotta pretty. Coincidentally, she had a thing for the character, and collected many Harley Quinn things. But after my pending divorce and the ex and I were officially living separated, I started seeing my friend now as a girlfriend; but it quickly went south with bipolar drama, using mental illness as a crutch excuse. You’ve made videos on women like her before. She would claim anxiety when she just didn’t like a conversation and used it as an excuse to shut down and never answer any of our relationship questions. She would rather talk about the problem than solve it. Much like the ex wife in that regard. When you asked if I had a little Goku, the answer is yes. My ex took our son, and our baby daughter when we split. In the settlement, I got to keep the furniture I had come into the marriage with aside from my refrigerator. I pay the max allowed by law in child support which I have never missed a payment. Though she has made subsequent requests to have my income audited, to see if the child support payment should go up. There’s an odd thing on my child support; I paid extra early on in case I missed a payment for whatever reason, but every quarter I get an update from the child support office, and it says I‘be over paid, this will be held until blah blah blah, at the very end, it asks if I wish to “gift” it to the receiving party... it just struck me as an odd thing to have as an option. Anyway, my furniture was for a one bedroom apartment, we had a 5 bedroom/3 bath house when we split, so she got most all the furniture. Oddly enough, she left her crappy couch that she brought into the marriage. What she left with was no student loan debt, a luxury car that was almost paid off, and an RV I didn’t want to buy, but she insisted we buy it. We HAD to have one because that's what her family does. Each separate family has their own so we had to as well. Her family is very close and they seem to need to be around each other at least a few days a week. It’s like she, her sister and brother never cut the umbilical cord. And her mom never cut the umbilical to her mom. Her dad, though tall was a mousey, timid kind of man, who had some cubicle like job, I never really under stood exactly what he did. Her mom definitely ran the family. And I firmly believe was the instrumentation behind my divorce. Though unhappy, I don’t think we would have divorced until her mom suggested it.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

The Worlds Strongest Woman vs. Average Men Archive
The Worlds Strongest Woman vs. Average Men Archive ArchiveChannel 9,333 Views • 5 years ago

A video about arm wrestling. who will win this sports contest? vote now in the comments below.

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