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Woman breaks down in tears, because she has not been able to find a man in almost 7 years.
Woman breaks down in tears, because she has not been able to find a man in almost 7 years. TheLoneWolf 386 Views • 3 years ago

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Women Ban Smoking In New Zealand - MGTOW
Women Ban Smoking In New Zealand - MGTOW Sandman 438 Views • 3 years ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Kevin. He didn't give me a topic so it's time to cover the powerful women in New Zealand that want to ban those 14 or younger in 2027 from ever being able to buy cigarettes for the remainder of their lives. The plan comes from a woman Ayesha Verrall and the female New Zealand prime minister. New Zealand like all countries with socialized medicine have to take on the costs of health care for those with lung cancers. Lung Cancer is the leading cause of death from Cancer. More than prostate, colon and prostate combined. Pancreatic is the third most deadly. But this move is scary because it tells me that your freedom depends on the financial state of the country you're in. If they want to save money on something like lung cancer they will ban smoking for the greater good. I used to work in a Bingo Hall a couple times a week in the nineties and would reek of cigarettes. It probably shaved off a year or two of my life. I was standing and running around inhaling more smoke then the people sitting below that cloud of smoke. I agree with this ban on smoking in theory but I see it as a stepping stone to something far worse down the road. It all started with taking away your freedom to gather and travel without a jab. Now they are taking away your right to smoke. This all reminds me of a scene from Demolition Man. In that film Sly Stallone wakes up in the year 2032 and meat is not good for the environment and anything deemed not good for ze environment is illegal. The film also makes smoking, gasoline and meat illegal as well as salt. Even though salt is a necessity for living and you will die without it. Without meat you don't get your vitamin b12 or k2. But of course you know that if that were to come to New Zealanders they will still export their meat and dairy products to China so they can eat them. It probably just won't be permitted for the citizens of New Zealand to eat them. They will eat ze bugs instead. Well there goes my Phillip Morris Stock. I better sell it all now before America starts a ban on smoking too. All of this makes me think that first they banned smokers from being indoors with others in New Zealand. Then they banned smoking altogether. Today they are banning the unjabbed from being indoors with others. I'll let you use your imagination as to what comes next. The problem is there's an aging boomer demographic that votes in governments and in socialized medicine you have monopoly medicine. Countires restrict the number of medical licenses to protect doctors and eliminate the competition of private clinics that might actually cure people. You have to wait six months to a year before seeing a specialist and by then you cancer if you have it spreads. This New Zealand smoke ban is interesting because Canada just made pot legal as well as many US States. They were hoping to cash in by being the dealer of choice but they were charging too much tax in San Francisco so people still buy it from illegal drug dealers. So now they are lowering the taxes on it to compete with the free market criminals because government regulation and tax is inefficient. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Men's Guide To High Conflict Divorce:

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Female Rulers Are Tyrants? - MGTOW
Female Rulers Are Tyrants? - MGTOW Sandman 305 Views • 3 years ago

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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Throughout history, queens were more likely to wage war than kings

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mohamed and here's what he has to say: "Sandman could you do a video on female heads of states, since women are always saying we can do better than men at running countries because we are more caring and merciful but when you look at historical figures that isn't the case women like the Queen Bloody Mary who had thousands burned at the stake and the Queen of Madagascar ranavanola who literally cut the population of her own country in half from 5 million to 2.5 million due to forced labor and straight up killing anyone who looked at her funny and also in more recent times the Prime Minister of India Indra Ghandi who forcefully sterilized millions of Indian citizens. Sandman it seems to me that even though the mass majority of tyrants throughout history were men it's the women who committed some of the most heinous crimes probably just over emotions where men tyrants do commit crimes just to consolidate the power, anyways what are your thoughts Sandman. Well Mohamed thanks for the donation and topic. I've personally met a few so called female leaders in Canada. One was a 93 year old Hazel McCallion the former mayor of Mississauga, a city next to Toronto and the former mayor of Brampton before she was disgraced for doing some illegal things and thrown out of office. She was replaced by a new male mayor, Patrick Brown who was once accused of sexual harrassment and it cost him the leadership of the conservative party in the province of Ontario and probably the election. We would have become the equivalent of a US state governor. Hazel that mayor was 93 when she got into two car accidents and there was a scandal with her son getting some city contracts because well you know his mother was the mayor. But everyone let that go because she was a sweet old lady and not some guy accused of man handling some hotties which were later proven to be tied to the reporter that broke that fake news. But it didn't matter he was booted out. At least the Brampton mayor was kicked out though. So are female rulers tyrants with titties that act like overbearing mothers? In Germany Merkel is gone and everyone used to call her Mother Merkel. As for one of the women you mentioned Mohammed, Ranavanola from Madagascar who is responsible for her population being cut in half she over-react to a bad situation. European colonialism was coming in and she and wouldn't let Europeans into her country. She forced her own subjects, the ones she didn't like to march through a swamp where they would get bit by Mosquitoes and die later from some illness. Of course she could use the typical female plausibility that it wasn't her fault that the Mosquitoes were bad when she asked everyone to march through. I have my fears for the future where in thirty years women make the majority of politicians at the current growth rate of women taking office. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Suriving 4th Wave Feminism:

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Surviving The Great Reset - MGTOW
Surviving The Great Reset - MGTOW Sandman 395 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

Rocking Mr. E Philosophy

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a topic so what I want to do is discuss how people like Rocking Mr. E Philosophy and Dave Computing Forever Cullen have reached the same conclusion I have with regards to the coof world what we are living in. I went from trying to escape society into the wilderness to wanting to fight the power and over the last month or two I've realized that the coof and the great reset might just be a great big IQ test to separate the wheat from the chaff. I shared to links in the description about Rocking Mr. E discussing how how we need to get smart with our money and assets and figure out ways to thrive in an economy where you won't own anything and where you'll be happy. He gets it that the only way to change the world is on a personal scale. He's made changes in your own life because he was recently divorce after bashing MGTOW for many years and is now willing to entertain the idea that he might have been wrong about MGTOW after attacking it many years ago. I even sent him a message years ago saying he would realize that MGTOW is truth, a painful truth. While marriage is a pleasant lie. At least it is in the beginning. But I won't hold that against him. It's awesome to see his transformation. It's like the MRA talking about men's oppression being active rallying in the streets while criticizing men that go their own way as defeatists. Meanwhile the only meaningful change you can make is in your own life. Rocking Mr. E and Dave have both realized what I figured out in 2014 that protests and political action are pointless unless you go all the way. But that means fire and pitchforks, which I'm not advocating. Rocking Mr. E identifies that the asset holders will still own or at the very least control their own destiny in a world after the great reset. He mentions how Stalin didn't own anything on paper in the Soviet Union but he had all the access to the resources and mansions that he wanted. I've also realize that the wealthy will own all the assets at the top while the vast majority will own nothing. We see this now with corporations buying up houses and renting them back to the people. Where I'm living a decent house is 1.2 to 1.5 million dollars and I still can't buy it for cash even though I bought a boatload of Bitcoin. His videos identify the problem but they don't really provide a solution. The same for Dave Cullen. They both say you need assets. But what do you buy and where do you put your money to profit off this inflationary crash with is a crash where prices rise and make you poor as opposed to the crashes we are used to in the west where the prices crash downward and make you poor. Most people are ill prepared. I'll discuss some possible ways to prepare in just one moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring:

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Korean Women Destroyed By MeToo Movement - MGTOW
Korean Women Destroyed By MeToo Movement - MGTOW Sandman 461 Views • 3 years ago

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How & Where to Buy HEX

'Me Too' Leads to Women Being Shunned in the Office

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Fat Cat. She didn't have a topic and I thought I'd dedicate this topic to her. Back when the #MeToo movement first started gaining speed all over the world including Korea there was an article I missed called: "'Me Too' Leads to Women Being Shunned in the Office". It's short and I've linked to it in the description and I'd like to read it now as well and I quote: "The Hollywood-born "Me Too" movement against sexual harassment has had the paradoxical effect that many working women now find themselves isolated in the office as their male colleagues studiously avoid them. Korea has an ingrained office drinking culture, where all kinds of bullying by superiors goes on. To be on the safe side, men now deliberately exclude women from office gatherings and business trips, leading to an equally unwelcome form of ostracism. One 29-year-old office worker at a mid-sized company in southern Seoul said, "I feel very uncomfortable at work these days." She said her boss told female staff to go home when he took out the men out drinking. But the office worker would have liked to bond with her coworkers and felt that opportunity was taken away from her against her will. "I didn't do anything wrong, but I felt like I was being treated like I had," she said. Another office worker at a shipping company in Seoul said, "I rarely talk with my boss these days. He used to be very chatty with the female staff, but nowadays he only gives instructions by text message." Her boss apparently told other workers that he feared any comments could be misunderstood by female staff. "I feel like I became invisible in my office," she said. Online communities in Korea are filled with comments from men saying that their female colleagues scare them now. "We need to keep our distance from women, since we don't know what they may do," one wrote. One male office worker in southern Seoul said, "My male coworkers are telling each other to watch out for female staff who may jump on the #Me Too bandwagon. My friend advised me recently to avoid interacting with women at work." Women may be suffering disadvantages at work if it keeps them from vital tasks and prejudices their male colleagues against them. One 29-year-old staffer with a medical equipment maker in Gyeonggi Province said she was abruptly excluded from a business trip next month to China and a man was assigned instead. "I spent a lot of time convincing buyers in China as I prepared for the business trip, but all my efforts were wasted," she said. "Since the #Me Too campaign started, my boss seems to be scared to go on business trips with female staff. This will reduce opportunities for me to achieve results at work." In the U.S., where the hysteria started, senior executives are also avoiding interacting with female staff, which often reduces the women's chances of getting ahead in business. Koh Kang-sup at the Young Professionals Institute of Korea said men avoiding women is a flawed approach. Avoiding addressing the crux of the problem will only deepen the rift between men and women in the office. We need to find ways to address the issue together." unquote Before I discuss more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor HEX:

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Get Rich By Firing Women - MGTOW
Get Rich By Firing Women - MGTOW Sandman 218 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Venn on Patreon. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to discuss what I see happening as the economy continues to digitize and we see robots and eventually AI on some level replacing jobs and making most people destitute and then eventually put on universal basic income. How you can stay ahead of this and try and get into the 5-10% of wealthy men out there that doesn't have to rely on government handouts for your existence and therefore you'll be more able to refuse mandatory medical interventions, if you know what I mean, because you'll be able to afford to not be able to work. As the coof hit the world the job losses have been mostly female and Canada's Mangina in chief Justin Skippy Trudeau calls it a she-session and wants to create a she-covery but all I smell is She it. Where was the government back in 2008 and 2009 to help men in what was referred to as the mancession? The jobs aren't coming back to the same extent after the coof and disproportionately more women than men will be fired as a result. Everything from Amazon helping to shut down retail shops in malls. To grocery and big box stores with automated checkout machines. Those are just a start and it's a race to the bottom. Companies will strip away labor as quickly as they can and it's going to cause massive pain. You may have heard about the labor shortage in the USA over the last year and you're probably saying that automation is not making that big of an impact because there are more jobs than humans willing to fill them. You of course are right. It's because of the expanded benefits program that ends in September of 2021 in America. People are being paid more in freshly dollars printed dollars from the government then they would get going out there and becoming a dishwasher or fry cook. Companies like Costco and Amazon have had to increase wages to keep their workers from taking part in what is known as the great resignation. This is a short term trend but in the long run ladies beware because a robot-thot is coming for your career. What happens when this eventually catches up with women? Well they make up the majority of voters so they will vote to confiscate wealth from shareholders. But how can they tax Jeff Bezos or you if you refuse to sell your rising shares and not have to pay your capital gains tax. Bezos can sell ten or twenty million dollars worth of shares each year to live off of and let the rest continue to grow. Better yet he can go to a bank and get a low interest loan against his shares and not have to pay tax on the money he borrows. So can you if you have enough assets. All this perfectly legal. At that point many of the newly fired and unemployed women will vote for governments that will implement a 1% net worth tax like they have in Commiefornia. If for example you put your money in tech stocks and they are growing at 15-20% a year, then paying the 1% it's like paying a management fee on a mutual fund investment. Those fees used to be up to 1.5% when I used to sell segregated and mutual funds. But even with a tax like that it won't be enough income to make up for the lost income thanks to thotamation. What happens as many people invest in Crypto and leave the country for another one that offers them citizenship where they don't have to pay tax on their crypto gains? If Bitcoin reaches mass adoption then it means that taxation could be difficult if not impossible to do. What will the whamen do as they take out 150k more money from the state in services then they pay in during their lives? I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

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You’re Just Too Amazing to Keep a Man… Right? | Ride and Roast
You’re Just Too Amazing to Keep a Man… Right? | Ride and Roast Terrence Popp 234 Views • 3 years ago

⁣This stunning and brave brown belt in
jiujitsu used to get tons of attention from men. Now she doesn’t and here are
her totally logical reasons why. Bask in the glow of the insanity!

#RideandRoast #SpinsterBubble

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You’re Not Intimidating, The Problem
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The More Amazing You Are, The Harder
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MGTOW Tik Tok Compilation 14
MGTOW Tik Tok Compilation 14 TheRareBreedTheory 42 Views • 3 years ago

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I'm 17 & My Sister Wants Me To Stop Watching MGTOW Content
I'm 17 & My Sister Wants Me To Stop Watching MGTOW Content Sandman 322 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Teen brother looking at RP content. Older sister concerned

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Sunny and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, I do have a topic but I don't want to discuss it. Instead I just wanted to support this channel so the other can get help they need. Thanks" Well Sunny thanks for the donation. I found a Reddit post I want to share called: "Teen brother looking at RP content. Older sister concerned" and here's what the teenage girl has to say and I quote: "I'm a 20 year old female and am concerned about my brother because he is into a lot of redpill and mgtow. He's 17 years old. Today I asked my brother for his laptop because I needed to watch my lectures since mine isn't working. After I was done watching lectures I decided to watch some videos on YouTube but when I opened YouTube I was shocked to see the type of content he was watching. It was all redpill and mgtow stuff. Like MGTOW compilations, why you shouldn't get married, stay away from women they are just a distraction, alpha males and all that kind of videos. I think this is the reason why he was talking about remaining single his entire life the other day and just focusing on himself when I jokingly asked him whether he has a girlfriend or not the other day. I don't know how to confront him about this. He is a great kid, he is good in studies as well and is looking forward to becoming an aerospace engineer but this is not good for him. Also one more thing he never mentions anything about girls, his crush, his female friends, his classmates and I don't think he has female friends either. His group is of four guys he and his other three friends and they have been together since a young age. As his elder sister I am concerned about him. Til now I haven't seen any negative indications but I fear they will be seen soon. He shouldn't be engaged in this type of content at this early age." unquote So Sunny I'll cover this topic in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the sisters trying to control the way their brothers think clown world show. Who the hell does this girl think she is judging what is and what isn't good for her brother? Her desire to see him stop consuming MGTOW content probably comes from her own insecurities. There's a good chance that she's threatened because his rejection of all women for dating and relationships is seen by her as a rejection of all women including her. She's coming from a place of feeling instead of a place of thinking. This is understandable. But it doesn't mean that she should going online trying to cook up a scheme to make sure he graduates as an aerospace engineer and then becomes a slave on the plantation. Instead he should focus first on his studies if he wants to become an aerospace engineer or rocket scientist instead of doing what his sister wants and focusing first on becoming a cum rocket scientist. I'm also impressed that she didn't just snoop on him without permission. I thought she would have learned what she did by spying on him. But still what he watches is his own business. Most young teen guys are red pilling themselves without their sisters and mothers ever finding out. In this case it was a random chance. If her computer was working she would never have found out. Now other women that read this story are going to ask their brothers to borrow their laptops pretending like their computer is broken. But they won't do that for an assignment but instead of paranoia that their brother doesn't want to snuggle up to a crazy cooch either. If they confront their brothers the brothers can say it's YouTube that keeps recommending content like that for them since they watched it once or twice.

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12 Reasons You Ladies Are Not A Catch
12 Reasons You Ladies Are Not A Catch The Realist Philosopher 121 Views • 3 years ago

Modern women generally have all the wrong idea about what men want, and what's appropriate behavior. Here's 12 reasons that you ladies are single, but you mistakenly think are good things.

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Single Mothers Are Great For The Economy - MGTOW
Single Mothers Are Great For The Economy - MGTOW Sandman 236 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: OK2B Cliche

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Trump Nukem and here's what he has to say: "Hello Mr Sandman, During the latest Worldwide rally for freedom here in Australia, there was various speeches being made for freedom against the tracking, lockdowns, beer bug vaccines and being in control of ones own bodily autonomy instead of some dictator government with an agenda. After the beer bug speeches the topics then turned to the treatment of men/fathers with the double standards and many horror stories of men being financially destroyed by biased family court and divorce court laws which are designed to turn men into financial slaves. They then discussed the numbers of men taking their own lives which is well documented and everyone listening in the crowd agreed that the data is being suppressed by the media and government to promote single mothers and broken families as it generates many millions of income. All of this I already knew, though it was great to hear a shit tonne of people actually talking about men's issues without some lefty nutjob trying to make it about the whamens and their fake oppression. Have you noticed the same thing in Canada Mr Sandman? Where it takes the removal of peoples rights for whamen to suddenly need men's masculinity, stoicism and strength? Thank you for your dedicated daily red pills Mr Sandman, as they keep men on the path of MGTOW higher thinking and true freedom." Well Trump Nukem thanks for the donation and topic. I've met men's rights activists in Canada but I've never seen them slip their arguments into the protests against the beer bug. Mind you I haven't gone to any protests here the way you have in Australia. So I wouldn't know even if it that happened because the government of Justin Castro in Canada would never show something like that. I'm surprised that it turned into a men's rights rally near the end. I think the idea is to show men that there are 3 forms of warfare, financial, cultural/ideological and finally kenetic or violent. The destruction of families is both financial and cultural warfare and men need to understand that. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor OK 2B Cliche: Anyways, now back to divorced men getting a rope and turning themselves into human pinatas clown world show. About 4-5 years ago I was photographing a posh event for family court judges and lawyers in Canada discussing how business was booming and they were adding courtrooms and expanding misery. Sorry I mean expanding business. I get the funny feeling that this is all part of the leftist plan to impoverish everyone. Hongcouver and Toronto are the 2nd and 3rd most expensive places to live in the world based on how much of your income goes towards shelter. It's almost as if our governments are making things financially difficult to destabilize the country and breakup families as a result. Because afterall when a family falls apart their assets are up for grabs and the lawyers, judges and tax collectors come circling like vultures. Plus the government doesn't want there to be a a transfer of inter generational wealth. They want to create an easy to control serf classe with no assets that's going to vote leftist governments into power. By making things financially difficult the Marxists are waging financial warfare against men, women and families. I've tried explaining this to women before they don't get it. So I stopped bothering. Also the neverending cervesa sickness lockdowns in places like Canada and Australia are all about driving people into poverty and a few years down the road creating work for divorce lawyers and real estate agents when you're forced to sell the family home to blackstone or blackrock and then rent it back from them. The government in Canada is even offering to pay you 5-10% of the down payment on your house so you can afford to buy it.

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Women Are In Panic Mode - MGTOW
Women Are In Panic Mode - MGTOW Sandman 446 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Trump Nukem and here's what he has to say: "Hello Mr Sandman, During a Telegram conversation about the New Zealand Trans weight lifter Laurel Hubbard affecting whamen's Olympic chances, whamen in the replies were complaining that it's now unfair. The conversation went on in different directions and not a single whamen mentioned holding other whamen responsible for ushering in this woke change, but instead blamed all men. This lead me to a thought which you've most likely covered previously, that in order for any change in society (especially when it comes to men's rights to balance back to neutral), whamen must be allowed to suffer to a considerable extent being financial, emotion and physical. Only then will whamen assess what's in their own best interests and make some compromise. What whamen must be made to understand is that men who've taken the red pill don't want compromise, as we've tasted freedom and will never give it up for a few meat curtain deals. Mr Sandman with your various connections worldwide, I'm curious to what percentage has MGTOW increased in other countries in the last 10 years and what your estimates are before whamen in society begin to panic at how much they've messed up with Feminism and other forms of communist anti male rhetoric? Thank you for everything you do from a loyal MGTOW." Well Trump Nuken thanks for the topic and donation. Before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back the women with both and x and y chromosome competing as women in the Olympics clown world show. When I hear women complaining about men that decided to transition compete and win at women's sports I want women to cry me a river of thot tears dear. I've also heard women use the argument that it's unfair that male to female trans athletes are competing against biological women. That's when you can sarcastically say that the woman saying this she's being transphobic and that athletes like Laurel Hubbard are actually women and that if she speaks like that you might have to tell her boss and co-workers. Let's see how they feel with the looming threat of cancel culture destroying their
lives hanging over their heads. Women hate it when you use their own games back at them. That usually signals to them that they have to change their games. But when a woman brings up arguements that Laurel was born biologically a male then you say well she's not a male anymore. The high heeled shoe on the other foot, a male foot that now identifies as a female foot. Wokesters have been gaslighting everyone and making them think they are crazy. Now it's your turn to make the women that are critical of male to female athletes feel the same way by saying that chromosomes don't matter and that gender is a social construct. You probably believe that isn't the case but you're being politically correct and women can get angry at you all they want but they don't have any arguments they can throw back in your face so they just end up getting angry and frustrated. Keep a straight face as you watch them lose it. You're right Trump Nukem they have to suffer financial, emotional and physical pain.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

I'm Too Hot For You, Go Away! | Popp Culture
I'm Too Hot For You, Go Away! | Popp Culture Terrence Popp 450 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Take a good look at entitled female nature at its finest, dudes. This is why only 6.5 males out of 1,000 are getting married today, and it’s why 80% of divorces are filed by females.
#TooHotForYou #SingleForever #PoppCulture

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Video Throwbacks
System Surfers
The Friendzone is Real
Don’t Date Damaged Goods

Miss Too Spicy’s Monument to Insanity
The Wage Gap is Totally Real
The Friendzone is a Myth?
Marriage Rates Fall to Lowest Level in 120 Years


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More Lies Single Moms Tell | Popp Culture
More Lies Single Moms Tell | Popp Culture Terrence Popp 458 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Over 4 years after single “birthing persons” had a new favorite dude to hate, Badd Popp comes back with even more bad news for everyone’s favorite bedroom toy. He’s busting out your tricks.
#SingleMoms #BirthingPersonsLOL #PoppCulture

Brought to you by “Worthless: The Young Person’s Indispensable Guide to Choosing the Right Major”

Brought to you by Dr. B. Real’s series on “Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism”
Volume 1:
Volume 2: Theme “The Grunt” written and performed by Jeffrey Paul

Featuring music by TeknoAXE’s Royalty Free Music

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The Dating Power Flip at 30
The Dos and Don’ts of Dating More Than One Guy at a Time
Self Deletion Rates for Girls on the Rise
Underage Girls Using Fake IDs to Sell OnlyFans
Court Denies Unwed Father Parenting Rights
75% of Kids Born out of Wedlock

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14 Lies Single Mothers Tell
Captain Save-a-Ho

Are Working Women Slaves That Think They Are Free? - MGTOW
Are Working Women Slaves That Think They Are Free? - MGTOW Sandman 232 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Are Working Women Slaves That Think They Are Free? - MGTOW

Nikola Tesla Predicted Feminism - MGTOW

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

His video is brought to you by a donation from Easter Sunday and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I'm going to offer up a topic for consideration, and it's in regards to "the Hivemind". I am of the impression that human beings are evolving as we continue to use the internet. And based on the model that is used to direct traffic on social media platforms like YouTube, we are slowly but surely assuming traits as a species that are in evidence in the insect kingdom, and specifically a honeybee hierarchy. Women are being groomed into sexless worker bees in terms of choosing career over childbirth. Men are treated as drones in that our only role is to satisfy the female workers. As for the Queen, it's an AI that is designed to spit out profits for the corporate masters, and not little human larvae that can sustain the population. I am of the belief that the hierarchy is validated through likes and subscriptions. And based on human behavior, the AI has been informed that females are the preferred gender in the human race. It is consequence for women getting likes, and being validated simply because they are women and for no other reason. One could even argue that extended psycho-social conditioning in this environment is creating a dynamic in which only 1% of men will be deemed as attractive and suitable for reproduction as we continue to participate in this system. This is in accordance with a honeybee colony in which there is typically only 1 drone for every 100 workers. In addition, I also suspect this is contributing to a loss in testosterone in men. After all, if boys and men are repeatedly conditioned to think of their sexuality as sinful, evil, and toxic, why would someone turn around and seek to reproduce? I'd really like to see correlating studies in areas which do not have saturation in terms of electronics and social media. Food for thought, and one last question about MGTOW in regards to the Elite who set up this online society that will inevitably force the Calhoun Experiment to be played out in real time with human beings: The Elite have long argued that there are too many people, that the world needs to be depopulated, etc. MGTOW is loggerheads as far as feminism is concerned, but at the same time it too will contribute to a decline in birth rates. I also get a logical inconsistency with the Elite in regards to how on one hand they care about profit over all other things, yet at the same time don't really acknowledge profit losses that will come from climate change and population control mandates that they wish to implement based on diatribes like Agenda 21. So Sandman, would you care to elaborate more on this topic? Thanks for reading!" Well Easter Sunday, thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in a moment but here's today's sponsor first The Red Pill Ring:

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The WALL is Undefeated? - MGTOW
The WALL is Undefeated? - MGTOW Sandman 275 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Rub Done Right - The Everything Rub!

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by the fourth and final donation from Nick and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, this is Nick, I have been a fan for the past year. Some background is that I’m 37 living and have about ten years of relationship experience with a few women, but mostly have been single and not had much luck with women (which I can now see is a blessing in disguise). I only became Red pilled maybe a year ago and subscribe to many such channels, so most of my Journey has been Blue/Purple Pill (and thus involved a lot of Simping). Anyways, as for my topic I have heard you say in passing that you reject the common MGTOW claim that “the Wall is undefeated,” but I’ve not heard you really explain why you reject it. From the little info you provided, it seems your reasoning is that no matter what situation a woman finds herself in after her mid 30s, there is always a simp willing to take her, especially if she can still market herself as good looking. I think that’s true, as I’ve been shocked to see certain conservative Catholic women getting married in their late 30s and even 40s, when her chances of conceiving are very low (I’ve heard the stories of their struggles). That said, I think the claim still holds true for the most part, as most women in their late 30s don’t seem to get much interest from men, especially since most of them have below average looks by then, and thus the Wall does most often “win”. Well Nick I'll discuss why I don't agree with you and actually believe the wall is a myth in the west in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Rub Done Right: Anyways, now back to the seventy year old women marrying forty year old men clown world show. Nick you so why do I reject the phrase "The WALL is Undefeated?" well because I've seen that it's a myth that doesn't exist. I've seen old and elderly women that look their bodies are being held together with duck tape and crazy glue still getting the attention of men along with their gue. If you don't believe me why don't you try this. Go onto your phone and download FaceApp which is an app that lets you alter your appearance. Use it to turn a photo of you into a female appearance. After you do that age yourself using the app to make that female version look about fifty or sixty. The create a fake Tinder profile and put up the picture and wait for guys to contact you. Smile in the photo and look like you're a happy person and in the profile say you're a sexy senior citizen looking for someone to keep up with you in life. I guarantee that if you're living in a big city within a week you'll have hundreds of guys contacting your fake profile for a booty call even if you have boobs that hang down to your boots. I've also watched an incel documentary showing how a pig nosed two hundred and fifty pound woman with hair all over her chest. That monstrosity was photo shopped and there were hundreds of men lining to smash a fake woman that looked like a wall herself with a pig nose. The documentary said that looks don't matter to a man in sexual starvation mode. So even the older women can find someone. Those late thirties and early forties that you saw alone that had below average looks even they would be able to find a man if they lowered their expectations. With women the wall doesn't win even if their body starts to take the shape of a wall. I've met a seventy year old woman online six months back that was being picky. But in all honesty I think the confusion about if the wall exists or if it doesn't depends on men. The wall is very real in a place like China because parents put a lot of pressure on their sons to marry women while they are young and fertile. But in the west that doesn't matter.

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[Response] Why Can-t I Be Wife Material- Feminist is Mad That Men Have Standards She Can-t Meet
[Response] Why Can-t I Be Wife Material- Feminist is Mad That Men Have Standards She Can-t Meet mrghoster 99 Views • 3 years ago

seems to be a lot of interesting response Video's as FEFAILs seem to be suddenly asking the questions of why cant I be a wife, or a lover, or Why cant I find a good MAN? Well their shitty Attitude for one! lol! women are no good in business either because of their inability to sell themselves because - Of that shitty attitude. On some of these video's the first sentence and attitude is enough to turn MEN off instantly? I'm a fully fledged MGTOW Monk now so fuck the fefails got no need for one anymore1 lol! feminism has destroyed the fefail this is why they vbehave like they do and they only have themselves to blame? fefails are in Shell Shock from feminism, they don't know where to turn, they doin't want to accept any resposibility of blame for their actions and attitude, and of course it's all MEN's fault? Cant quite see how myself as we have no say in the whole thing and wouldn't be listened to anyways? I'm ccertainly not ever going to take on a Mentally Ill fefai because she wants a MAN, not MY Responsibility, after all whats in it for ME?

Men Built Civilization in 5000 Years. Will Women Destroy It In 100? - MGTOW
Men Built Civilization in 5000 Years. Will Women Destroy It In 100? - MGTOW Sandman 241 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

It took men 5,000 years to build it. It took women 100 years to dismantle it.

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a Patreon donation from Be Free 2. He didn't give me a topic so I thought I'd share a Reddit Post called: "Western civilization is the first and only civilization to allow women to vote. It took men 5,000 years to build it. It took women 100 years to dismantle it." The person starting that subbreddit shared a quote from wikipedia on toxic masculinity that says this and I quote: "The concept of toxic masculinity is used in psychology and gender studies to refer to certain norms of masculine behavior in North America and Europe that are associated with harm to society and men themselves." unquote. At first you see tons of guys freaking out in the comments section under that post thinking that it's only against white males of European descent. But it doesn't take long to check that wikipedia entry and realise that it's fake. I thought no big deal so I'll check which keeps a record of old website edits. I figured it was in there somewhere over the last four or five years. But it wasn't. Then it made me think that perhaps all the white nationalists that keep attacking MGTOW's for not procreating are trying a different approach instead of shaming us for being gay or something. Instead they present facts as society and women being against men has nothing to do with female nature but everything to do with racism. Before I discuss more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW book Collection: Anyways, now back to the show. While I believe that western civilization is in decline I don't just blame women for that. Sure we gave them the vote and they voted for socialists. But men have been demoralized and are no longer creating value for society in the same ways they once did because they are no longer fairly compensated for it. Take money for example. In Canada the cost to purchase a home went up thirty percent over the last year. But the government said it only went up 3.5% because they only measure the cost with rental price increases instead of purchase prices. Why work to buy a home if you'll never even be able to save enough for a down payment? Once the average man does somehow get a home miraculously and then tries to get a woman he might realise that women don't want him. So he ends up a single lonely incel. If we think that western civilization is going to crash then we need to compare it to the collapse of the Soviet Union in a way. In the increasingly globalized world we expect men to have zero sex, zero national or cultural identity and own nothing and be happy. Look how well that works in the communist countries. The Soviet Union at least had nationalism and gave men families and even still it only lasted about seventy years. Men could be men without shame. Does anyone think that our society will last seventy years if you take all those things from men in addition to property rights? Most of the smart men will do what men have always done. They will pickup and leave to other countries where masculinity is encouraged instead of in the west where women and elites feminize society so they can rule. The problem is that there will be a brain drain of the best men leaving and productivity gains will slow and eventually fall.

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Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
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I'm Retiring From YouTube - MGTOW
I'm Retiring From YouTube - MGTOW Sandman 396 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

In Living Color : Tommy Wu Seminar

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Eric and here's waht he has to say: "Hi Sandman! In a recent video you mentioned the possibility of retiring. While I understand, I certainly hope you do not anytime soon. I have followed you since about 2014 and I am thankful for the knowledge you have imparted to all of us. The quality of the content you put out is second to none. Please know it does not go unnoticed. I have a funny story for you that really legitimizes so much of what you have talked about over the years. Recently I started talking to a young sales rep who works in my industry. She called me out of the blue one day and we set up a coffee date. I looked her up beforehand and saw that she was attractive but certainly not overly so. We met for coffee and had a nice conversation. She seemed a bit more balanced that most. We didn't talk about work much at all. She started texting me daily and after a week or so, she invited me to lunch. The lunch was at a fancy rooftop café in West Los Angeles. She lives on that side of town. It's about a 45 min drive for me. We had a nice time and a great conversation. We talked about cryptocurrency, real estate, food, travel etc. It was very clear she was sizing me up a bit. For my part, it was nice to be in the company of a significantly (20 years) younger woman. It was not a bad time overall. So, when the bill came she grabbed it. I half expected this since our relationship started by way of a business connection, not a social one. She looked at the bill and started fumbling around in her purse. I could have let her squirm a bit more but eventually I said, can I pay? She looked at me sheepishly and asked, could you?? She went on to say that she did not want to put this bill on her company credit card. Obviously this was not a business lunch. After we got up, she said, I'll walk you to your car. This is supposed to be the other way around correct? I certainly knew what this meant. While I drive a perfectly acceptable, late model American car that I paid cash for, it's not flashy. I prefer to put my hard earned money into real estate, stocks, bitcoin, precious metals and other things of value. Anyway, we came out to my car and she said "oh I like it". She gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek and said goodbye. We texted a few times since then but she's pretty much disappeared. I suppose there could be any number of reasons for all of this but I certainly detected female nature at work here. The great thing is that I no longer get upset with any of this. I find it almost humorous at this point. While I choose to remain single, I do not fault those who decide they need to be in a relationship. Either way, the red pill knowledge gained through the MGTOW courses you give is helpful to any man." Well Eric thanks for the donation and topic as well as support over the last 7 years. I'll get to my pending retirement and discuss your story in just one moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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