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ELON MUSK knows and confirms, yet, no artwmb
ELON MUSK knows and confirms, yet, no artwmb HennessyVenom 197 Views • 3 years ago

Elon Musk confirms my theory and our notions that women are a greater threat to human civilization that must be dealt with. It cant get any clearer for mankind to stop entertaining these children.

Lana Spelled Backwards | Grunt Speak Highlights
Lana Spelled Backwards | Grunt Speak Highlights Terrence Popp 389 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Bedroom workers are targeting athletes for their seed. The result is a lifetime of paychecks and a boatload of regret.
#GruntSpeakLive #SydneyMGTOW #RileyReid
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A Tour of the Iraq War in Pictures: Part 1 of 3 | Live From The Lair
A Tour of the Iraq War in Pictures: Part 1 of 3 | Live From The Lair Terrence Popp 219 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Popp takes you on a tour of an endless war with pictures from his own units. You won’t find this content anywhere else.
#IraqWar #MissionAccomplished #ArmyStrong

Brought to you by “Curse of the High IQ” by Aaron Clarey

Featuring music by TeknoAXE’s Royalty Free Music

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Australian Women Are Desperate - MGTOW
Australian Women Are Desperate - MGTOW Sandman 338 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Rub Done Right - The Everything Rub!

Anthony Pompliano: Inflation is REALLY hurting the American people.

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, This topic comes from deep Down Under, the land of the lockdown and mass hysteria. I have a story to share. Recently my mate told me he had thought about seeing an escort (it’s legal in his part of the world). He emailed her, heard back but decided not to go ahead. Many months later as Australia enters into lockdown with severe restrictions he gets an email from this escort saying it’s a shame they didn’t get to see each other but she would like to see him at her new OnlyFans account. My mate tells me this never happens! That a guy has to chase an escort to see her almost as hard as he would a woman in a bar but here she is contacting him to get him onto OnlyFans. This seems to be a sign of the times. There is a desperation that wasn’t there even a short while ago and it will probably only get worse. Apparently the escort prices are still huge though with even land whales charging a ton like maybe $400-500 AUD an hour! Mate I’d pay that amount to not have to see them! It seems they have a while yet to get their prices in line with harsh economic realities. Sandman what are your thoughts?" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. You're the third or fourth person that's requested that I cover this topic of working escort girls falling on harder times even though their business has always been about hard times if you know what I mean? I see the same thing in Canada on our escort website called Leolist. Four to five hundred dollars so a woman can love me long time while snorfing up my log. Most of the ads on Leolist the women don't even want to meet. They just want you to subscribe to their Onlyfans. I'm hearing the same is happening in the United States. It's funny because women are desperate for clients yet they won't cut the prices. It's like they got so used to their high dollar value during the coof and being able to charge whatever they want that as things open up, which they are everywhere even though it doesn't feel like it right now. They don't seem to understand the basic laws of supply and demand. I'll discuss this and more in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Rub Done Right: Anyways, now back the fatsos on onlyfans demanding five hundred dollars to fondle their foopas clown world show. I remember years ago listening to Jordan Peterson and he was talking about differences between men and women when it comes to income. One of the reasons he explained for men making more money than women was that men would get into industries that would scale. For example before my channel was throttled down by YouTube and demonetized for the longest time I kept seeing my view double every eight or nine months for three to four years. The same effort but I would make more money. When an escort starts an OnlyFans page she can make one sexy time video and sell it two hundred times for twenty bucks a pop. That's four thousand dollars for her over the period of a year or two instead of only four hundred.

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Women Are In Panic Mode - MGTOW
Women Are In Panic Mode - MGTOW Sandman 446 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Trump Nukem and here's what he has to say: "Hello Mr Sandman, During a Telegram conversation about the New Zealand Trans weight lifter Laurel Hubbard affecting whamen's Olympic chances, whamen in the replies were complaining that it's now unfair. The conversation went on in different directions and not a single whamen mentioned holding other whamen responsible for ushering in this woke change, but instead blamed all men. This lead me to a thought which you've most likely covered previously, that in order for any change in society (especially when it comes to men's rights to balance back to neutral), whamen must be allowed to suffer to a considerable extent being financial, emotion and physical. Only then will whamen assess what's in their own best interests and make some compromise. What whamen must be made to understand is that men who've taken the red pill don't want compromise, as we've tasted freedom and will never give it up for a few meat curtain deals. Mr Sandman with your various connections worldwide, I'm curious to what percentage has MGTOW increased in other countries in the last 10 years and what your estimates are before whamen in society begin to panic at how much they've messed up with Feminism and other forms of communist anti male rhetoric? Thank you for everything you do from a loyal MGTOW." Well Trump Nuken thanks for the topic and donation. Before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back the women with both and x and y chromosome competing as women in the Olympics clown world show. When I hear women complaining about men that decided to transition compete and win at women's sports I want women to cry me a river of thot tears dear. I've also heard women use the argument that it's unfair that male to female trans athletes are competing against biological women. That's when you can sarcastically say that the woman saying this she's being transphobic and that athletes like Laurel Hubbard are actually women and that if she speaks like that you might have to tell her boss and co-workers. Let's see how they feel with the looming threat of cancel culture destroying their
lives hanging over their heads. Women hate it when you use their own games back at them. That usually signals to them that they have to change their games. But when a woman brings up arguements that Laurel was born biologically a male then you say well she's not a male anymore. The high heeled shoe on the other foot, a male foot that now identifies as a female foot. Wokesters have been gaslighting everyone and making them think they are crazy. Now it's your turn to make the women that are critical of male to female athletes feel the same way by saying that chromosomes don't matter and that gender is a social construct. You probably believe that isn't the case but you're being politically correct and women can get angry at you all they want but they don't have any arguments they can throw back in your face so they just end up getting angry and frustrated. Keep a straight face as you watch them lose it. You're right Trump Nukem they have to suffer financial, emotional and physical pain.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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Proof women want the Man that doesnt want them! (67)
Proof women want the Man that doesnt want them! (67) StandUpMen 186 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣in this video we will talk about ⁣⁣the ⁣Proof women want the Man that doesnt want them!
On Sale Female Nature psychology and behaviour that will blow you away
USD$9.00 money back gaurantee via pay pal - Email -
[email protected]

MGTOW A Bright Future Indeed
MGTOW A Bright Future Indeed REDPILLMARRIED 305 Views • 4 years ago

This WILL be the future for those who want it.

Article: ⁣

MGTOW A Pointless Relationship Study
MGTOW A Pointless Relationship Study REDPILLMARRIED 222 Views • 4 years ago

It doesn't matter how and when, but ALL relationships END!

Article: ⁣

The Red Pill Gets Her Into Bed - MGTOW
The Red Pill Gets Her Into Bed - MGTOW Sandman 547 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Reignite: Transform from Burned Out to On Fire

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Voices Of Quarantine

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by another donation from Odium and here's what he has to say: "Hello again Sandman! First of all thank you for your help in promoting my music! That was a valuable boost for me to get going, I got people to collaborate with me and I'm working on additional music with partners as well as on my own. I've also published a new mini album. For me, ambient music is the representation of the red pill tranquility. I also need to clarify a few things about my condition - cerebral palsy. It is not hereditary. My parents are normal. I am the youngest of four in a normal family. All of my adult life I was surrounded by non-disabled people. . . So if you are intelligent enough, independent and do not need any special kind of nursing with a 24\7 caregiver, you're not exempt from the relationship race. Get out there, fall in love, get a woman, get laid, have kids. now, for some interesting developments. Since the last time I wrote to you, the continuous droning from my family about being in a relationship was getting worse - one of my sisters persuaded me to signup for special workshop aiming to help high functioning disabled people such as myself to find a relationship. I agreed just so I could get my family off my back. Admittedly I was terrified that all of my red pill knowledge would be rewritten. Surprisingly enough, it only strengthened my resolve about my red pill knowledge and experience since I saw people so distraught since they can't find a relationship. Mostly women but also some men. To be honest I was completely surprised that instead of being preached about love as the greatest thing ever, we were free to be mentored and other aspects of our life. My choice was to focus on promoting my music and my translation business. Through the process in the workshop of met new and cool people with different perspectives, we rarely agreed on the subject of relationships and love but it was still very productive. Reminding me how much my life progressed even though romantic love wasn't part of it. After some introspective I understood I miss the physical aspects mostly, as an enhancing bonus, but I don't mind the companionship aspect anymore. The blue pill, for some people it's a great motivator and a part of the balance, if everyone were red-pilled, there was no way I would be able to achieve all the insights I got. It was actually very enlightening. Best part yet? I got my family off my back. My question is this: Do you think that we, as red pilled individuals should sometimes test our resolve, and broaden our perspectives by putting ourselves in an extremely blue pill environments, willingly? still spastic, still red-pilled. HA HA! PS a possible title for this video might be infiltrating a blue pill stronghold. Thank you, and stay safe!" Well Odium thanks for another donation and I put a link to your music in the description in case people want to check it out. But as for your question I'll get to that right after I tell everyone about today's sponsor Regnite:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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1. Excited man in fighting gesture with fists on fire. Rage concept. Heated fight.

2. Angry woman judging someone

MGTOW Let These Women SUFFER
MGTOW Let These Women SUFFER REDPILLMARRIED 334 Views • 4 years ago

They made a deal with the DEVIL and now it's collection time.

Article: ⁣

Russia Bans MGTOW
Russia Bans MGTOW Sandman 987 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sandman Sponsor Link:
Brave Browser:

The Kreutzer Sonata

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Omer and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Greetings from Israel. Thank you for all the great content you are creating daily! About a 10 years ago, I stumbled upon Leo Tolstoy's book "the Kreutzer Sonata" It's a story of a man who kills his wife out of envy, but it's actually a detailed manifesto against relationships with women and it reads as fresh today as it was 130 years ago. A sentence you said in one of your recent videos about how most of consumerism is designed for women, reminded me of this passage out of the book: "Go see the stores in the large cities. There are millions there, millions. It is impossible to estimate the enormous quantity of labor that is expended there. In nine-tenths of these stores is there anything whatever for the use of men? All the luxury of life is demanded and sustained by woman. Count the factories; the greater part of them are engaged in making feminine ornaments. Millions of men, generations of slaves, die toiling like convicts simply to satisfy the whims of our companions. Women, like queens, keep nine-tenths of the human race as prisoners of war, or as prisoners at hard labor." unquote So Sandman I wonder if you would be willing to give a book review in one of your shows? Well Omer thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to my book review in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now onto my book review of the Kreutzer Sonata. When it was published in Russia in 1889 it was banned by the authorities because it advocated for the ideal of sexual abstinence. Hence promoting the idea that men should be MGTOW monks and that men were their slaves creating things for their consumption. Tolstoy's story was so dangerous that the United States Post Office Department banned the mailing of newspapers containing serialized installments of it. But what could be so dangerous that it required this action. Even Teddy Roosevelt, one of the most beloved American Presidents called Tolstoy a sexual moral pervert. Luckily the first amendment was upheld and it's ban was struck down in New York and Pennsylvania. So that just shows you that the first amendment is toilet paper when it comes to what women want unless men stand up for it. Now I`ll read a summary of the book from wikipedia. So here goes and I quote: "During a train ride, Pozdnyshev (The main character in the book) overhears a conversation concerning marriage, divorce and love. When a woman argues that marriage should not be arranged but based on true love, he asks "what is love?" and points out that, if understood as an exclusive preference for one person, it often passes quickly. Convention dictates that two married people stay together, and initial love can quickly turn into hatred. He then relates how he used to visit prostitutes when he was young, and complains that women's dresses are designed to arouse men's desires.

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MGTOW Evolution Of The Baby Trap
MGTOW Evolution Of The Baby Trap REDPILLMARRIED 198 Views • 4 years ago

If MEN weren't the REAL PRIZE sites like these wouldn't exist.

Site 1: ⁣

Site 2: ⁣

More Lies About MGTOW
More Lies About MGTOW Sandman 312 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

⁣Sponsor Link 2:

Sponsor 2 YouTube Link:

Urban Dictionary

Godless America is BUILDING A RELIGION

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mister Anonymous and here's what he has to say: Hi Sandman, while typing in mgtow to get to like I normally do daily to get to your content, I saw an link to urban dictionary about MGTOW pop up. Was probably there for ages but only just noticed it. Now in general I like urban dictionary and find it funny and pretty accurate most of the time. This unfortunately has been spammed by either trad-cons, PUAs or feminists. Definitely not an accurate description. But Wikipedia is not always accurate about things either. The stupidity is even if their hypothesis is accurate, not being mgtow in of itself is equally what they ridicule but they just admit and accept to these urges and tendencies; hence making women a primary focus of their life. It is like they are basically trying to say, come on "mgtow men" you really are just like us but can't get laid. Same old tactics, just like they would try and make Jordan Peterson appear alt right etc. What pisses me off about this urban dictionary entry is trust me, mgtow are not incels. So these shaming tactics are getting annoying. Yes maybe incels are in the community but like TFM says all the better instead of them going awol due to frustration. Who knows it could be incels as well who try and shame, not just PUA/Feminists etc. Just discuss the topic in general (urban dictionary entry) in your own words." Well Mister Anonymous I just had to include the parts of your script that didn't include any personal information to get started discussing The Urban Dictionary entry for MGTOW. But before I do that let me first tell you all about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. So Mr. Anonymous I put that link in the description to urban dictionary and here's what one of the entries about MGTOW has to say and I quote: "MGTOW means bitch ass Neckbeards who think they know everything about women even though they've never talked to one. Think they've been "redpilled" but in reality they just gave up on trying to get women and beat it to porn because they look like a baboon's ass cheek. If you disagree with these losers they'll call you a "blue pilled cuck". MGTOW: I'M UGLY AF AND WATCH PORN 24/7 BUT I WILL BLAME MY LONELINESS ON HOW WAHMEN ARE FUCKING SLUTZ Normal Person: Wtf are you? Normal Person 2: It's a MGTOW, ignore it an it'll go away" Unquote. So Mr. Anonymous many of the other entries are no different and you're right that they spend most of their time trying to connect MGTOWs with incels for some reason. Or as you mentioned the people posting on this website might be saying what they say because they themselves might be incels and they want to get back at men going their own way because we have options. I tend to agree with TFM about how incels should identify as men going their own way because that means they won't shoot up a yoga studio. But this idea of shaming men that willingly give up sex, relationships and marriages if it's men attacking us it's usually white nationalists that are pissed at collapsing birth rates instead of going out there and impregnating women they are shaming other men to do it instead. Usually they are guys in their early twenties that have fallen for the propaganda of that German guy with a funny moustache. I don't like seeing birth rates crash as much as they do but I don't want to sacrifice my life on the alter of gynocentrism to try and stop it. So they shame us. Obviously women try to shame us back to the plantation as well in addition to some incels and simps being pissed off that we are rejecting the very thing they want from life.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Women Are Having Less Sex? LOL - MGTOW
Women Are Having Less Sex? LOL - MGTOW Sandman 382 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sandman Sponsor Link:
Brave Browser:

⁣⁣⁣⁣Sponsor Link 2:

Sponsor 2 YouTube Link:

Young U.S. men having a lot less sex in the 21st century, study shows

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a more than generous donation from Nathan. This is the second one in a series dedicated to him. What I wanted to discuss is an article called: "Young U.S. men having a lot less sex in the 21st century, study shows." We've heard the reasons before. That guys are replacing the humpty dance in their pants with video games and social media. The article then goes onto say and I quote: "The trend is concerning as sexual relationships are important for well-being and health, researchers note." unquote. To that the only question I have is for who? Sex spreads stds, makes a man into a woman's slave by falling in love with her. But of course the article is right that sexual relationships are important for well-being and health of women of course. Because if women aren't having sex with men then those men won't sacrifice everything they have for them. If men aren't having sex with women then women have a harder time finding an emotional tampon to hear all about their problems. This means that women's mental and financial health and well-being are most impacted in the medium to long term. In the short term a woman gets to ride the
carousel in her twenties and this article is interesting because it says this and I quote: "Sexual activity was largely unchanged among women, along with no notable decline among gay men, researchers reported." I find that hilarious because you'd expect that with anti aids pills that gays would be having more sex. Maybe there are gay incels that are the reason for that? But I highly doubt that. Young women are having 2% less sex between 2016 and 2018 versus 2000 and 2002. Remember what I've always said. That civilization is built on communism in the bedroom for men. That every man gets access to a woman if he wants one and this enfranchises him into the system and makes him care about his culture and his country. I'll discuss this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to the video. The article also says this and I quote: "Men who were unemployed or had lower income were more likely to be sexually inactive, as were men and women who were students." unquote. So that should explain to everyone what's really going on out there. The declining middle class because of growing polarization in the United States in the last twenty years in addition to higher housing prices, women getting more degrees and demanding the men they marry also have degrees in addition to men giving up on increasing numbers of mean spirited unmarryable women is leading to men having less sex. It's not like men are having less sex because they are choosing to play video games because it feels better playing with a joystick on their computer instead of the joystick in the bedroom.

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Prager U Can't Bring Himself to Blame Women's Rights
Prager U Can't Bring Himself to Blame Women's Rights T.F. Monkey 1,606 Views • 4 years ago

It's sad when you know that tradcucks know that the problem is women's rights, but they simply refuse to say it, and tiptoe around the issue and vaguely point to religion (spoiler alert: only patriarchial religious groups have higher fertility than the secular population).

Prager U's video: ⁣

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Stop Obsessing Over Hot Whamen - MGTOW
Stop Obsessing Over Hot Whamen - MGTOW Sandman 359 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Why dont men truly 'go there own way'

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Samnung. He didn't send me a specific topic so I thought what I'd do is discuss a reddit post I found recently called: "Why don't men truely go their own way?" This is one of the main things that people criticise me and other content producers about. They say that well if you're going your own way then go already and stop talking about women. The person that posted on Reddit wasn't the most eloquent of people but here's my translation of his comment and I quote: "My word. Hurhump I say. I've faced the quandary where people say you're not truely going your own way by being on the MGTOW subreddit and speaking negatively about women. This is a perfect example of magical thinking by women and simps. We men need to gather here to vent our frustrations and post our memes. Number one we are social animals so we look for places to communicate with like minded males. Number two going your own way and posting on this subreddit aren't mutually exclusive and in fact at the moment they go hand in hand... In reality they don't want us to post here because it's inconvenient to their world views and they don't like it so they keep crying out Whah MGTOW need to stop obsessing over whamen. Whah." Well Samang thanks for your last donation and thank you I N D M G for your words. I'll get to my thought about thots telling men to stop talking about women in just a moment. But let me first tell everone about today's sponsor Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the video. The best thing to say when people ask you why you're going your own way but still discussing women is to say why do alcoholics go to AA meetings? If they aren't interested in alcohol anymore why do they have to talk about it all the time. The answer of course is for emotional support. To know they aren't the only ones dealing with a drinking habbit or in the case of MGTOW drinking period blood koolaid from a warm and coozy cooch. Of course we know women don't care about any answer either rational or not. They are trying to plant the seed in our heads that yes we should stop consuming mgtow content and we should stop talking about women. This plays into their pudgy little fingers because if we stop discussing female nature then less new guys will hear our tales of female betrayal and more women will continue to have access to their very own plantation slaves. It's an information war and each man is part of the network effect. The more men discuss female nature the more valuable the philosphy becomes because more men than ever hear about it. The powers that be know this so no wonder our content gets banned and throttled down. The less of us there are talking the less value our words have. Another thing about no longer discussing women and just focusing on your own life is that that's the type of behavior that attracts women. A man that's more into himself and what he's doing, regardless of if he's a narcissist or not means that he's going to attract more women to himself.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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MGTOW Another Page Of The Female Playbook Exposed
MGTOW Another Page Of The Female Playbook Exposed REDPILLMARRIED 368 Views • 4 years ago

Why even bother gents?

Article: ⁣

Criticize Her & She Will Destroy Your Career - MGTOW
Criticize Her & She Will Destroy Your Career - MGTOW Sandman 436 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

⁣⁣⁣Sponsor Link 2:

Sponsor 2 YouTube Link:

Mozilla CEO donated to rightwing candidates, records show

Thunderf00t Videos:

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Tom and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, Tom again. I'd like to pass the baton to you this time to let you have a free topic. I always like to hear your random topics, particularly if they're funny so have at it. Still loving the daily doses of red pill, keep up the spectacular work." Well Tom thanks for the donation and I can't promise this topic will be super funny but I can promise that you'll learn something. I never know when I create my content if there's going to be humor or not. It just happens or it doesn't depending on my mood that day. As for the topic I want to show just how bad the situation is out there when it comes to criticizing women or doing something as simple as supporting someone that doesn't support something progressive and kiss your job goodbye. But before I share a few stories let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. The first situation where a man didn't even criticize women but simply supported someone who did is a man by the name of Brendan Eich. He developed the Javascript internet coding language and was the co-
founder and former CEO of the Mozilla corporation. Former because once he stared working there back in 1991 and 1992 he donated to two Republican political candidates. One thousand dollars to Pat Buchanan who has said many controversial things about gender relations and the other one was Ron Paul and he gave him $2500 dollars. For these two donations he was forced back in 2014 to step down from the company he founded. Not for what he did but simply for financially supporting men that radical leftist journalists didn't like. So he stepped aside and the left thought they had won. This is where the story gets interesting. After being one of the early victims of cancel culture Brendan went off to create a new company that I promote on here all the Time, Brave. Yes folks after being demonetized by leftists in silicon valley he created a browser that takes their advertising revenue away and gives most of it to the content creators and people watching the content. I don't know for sure but I think the guy is pissed off and he didn't like what was going on and the left turned him into a big enemy as a result. Google and Facebook, the authoritarian darlings of the tech world built their fortunes on online advertising. Brendan is going to be building his fortune on tearing them down and leaving nothing behind but an ocean of thot tears. A friend of mine told me about what happened to Brendan Eich and I had no idea up to then. It's a happy story where when they try and cancel you you make them suffer. You don't even have to criticize women.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Are ALL Women The Same at the Core?
Are ALL Women The Same at the Core? Texting Prince 83 Views • 4 years ago

⁣This video is going to talk about how all wahmin can dress themselves up in all sorts of different ways... but at the CORE they all are the same.

Things like hypergamy are biologically in all women so you need to really know these core ideas so you aren't surprised and it throws you off.

Tune in Wednesday evenings at 7 pm PST for full livestreams of different topics



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MGTOW The Most UNWORTHY Women On The Market
MGTOW The Most UNWORTHY Women On The Market REDPILLMARRIED 231 Views • 4 years ago

NEVER save this group of women!

Article: ⁣

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