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Digging To China
Digging To China SOLID MGTOW MONK 16 Views • 2 years ago

I did NOT get or have permission to post this. I am mirrowing it from it's original location for edcational purposes. For those who have not seen this movie be sure to see it. It's a very accurate dipition on how men are viewed by society in this country (The USA). It's a revealing tear jerker you won't regret seeing it. (HINT) Everything is retro dipicted accurately with the exception of the last knock at the door. <br> <br>If there are any complaints about the posting (MIRRIRONG) of this video notifiy me and I'll be happy (not really happy) but I will remove it promptly. <br> <br>Source:

Feminism Was Never About Equality - TFF 2
Feminism Was Never About Equality - TFF 2 SOLID MGTOW MONK 30 Views • 2 years ago

Janice Fiamengo and the channel is Studio B located on YT this video is mirrored via YT.

You don't want to miss this video. See also the following article: ⁣

THE FEMINIST LIE- EXPOSED Abortion is never empowering for women
THE FEMINIST LIE- EXPOSED Abortion is never empowering for women SOLID MGTOW MONK 81 Views • 3 years ago

Mirrorwed from ⁣Young America's Foundation. This message needs to be heard any and everywhere. ⁣

ACLJ Warns Proposed Maryland Senate Bill 'Could Legalize Infanticide Up to 28 Days After Birth'

god-x27-s-eternal-purpose-pastor-charles-lawson-sunday-morning-preaching-feb-20-2022 SOLID MGTOW MONK 51 Views • 3 years ago

Listen and you will hear it you can't miss it. (POWERFUL MESSAGE FOR ALL TO HEAR). Thank you and God Bless You Pastor Charles Lawson.

canadian-child-knows-more-than-many-of-the-adults(1) SOLID MGTOW MONK 127 Views • 3 years ago

For those of us aka (childless) who's dream was to have girls. Here's one brilliant smart child in Canada. Mirrowed from bitchute.

Following Jesus Christ. MGTOW Monk.

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