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[SuiFuel] Is there any hope for currycels who want to arrangemax?
[SuiFuel] Is there any hope for currycels who want to arrangemax? Saint Currycel 513 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Imagine she's fucking white Chad 30 mins before meeting her arranged husband, while her looksmatch is on the dot co or has already roped. How can we cope?

[SuiFuel] curry foid wants to marry white Chad
[SuiFuel] curry foid wants to marry white Chad Saint Currycel 290 Views • 5 years ago

How can us currycels cope when our own curry foids want white Chads instead of us currycels? No more curry for India

New cope for soaring turtle and all other whitecels
New cope for soaring turtle and all other whitecels Saint Currycel 117 Views • 5 years ago

"nothing is sexier than a man who takes care of himself TeeHee"

Also notice the JBW with the white guy and the black girl?

FACEandLMS asks girl for number and gets clowned
FACEandLMS asks girl for number and gets clowned Saint Currycel 277 Views • 5 years ago

⁣The Tyronecel FACEandLMS gets clowned for asking the girl for her number. Would she clown the guy if he was a white Chad asking for her number? FACEandLMS roped after seeing this video.

Original video: ⁣

Greetings to The Unreal Man

[SuiFuel] 5'3 Stacey can become a model but not her heightmatch back2schoolcel
[SuiFuel] 5'3 Stacey can become a model but not her heightmatch back2schoolcel Saint Currycel 282 Views • 5 years ago

It's okay if she's 5'3, she gets paid to simply exist. Her heightmatch back2schoolcel would be on the dot co and be wagecucking like a good little wagie wojak.

FACEandLMS broke up with his girlfriend after he found out she uses onlyfans
FACEandLMS broke up with his girlfriend after he found out she uses onlyfans Saint Currycel 515 Views • 5 years ago

There is no justice in our system. Even girls in a relationship make an onlyfans account to sell nudes to horny beta males. How does FACEandLMS cope?

The Chad cat
The Chad cat Saint Currycel 79 Views • 5 years ago

Soaring turtle's cat furmogs everyone's cats on his road.

[TeeHee] Gook foid doesn't like Albert Pak or other fellow gookcels until she hit the wall
[TeeHee] Gook foid doesn't like Albert Pak or other fellow gookcels until she hit the wall Saint Currycel 160 Views • 5 years ago

She doesn't want any supreme gentlemen like Albert Pak, only white gigachads, unless she hits the wall and wants to settle down for beta males

FACEandLMS got cheated on by gook foid
FACEandLMS got cheated on by gook foid Saint Currycel 303 Views • 5 years ago

The gook foid decided to go on Tinder and match with white Chads and FACEandLMS found out about it. It's over for Tyronecels like Kenneth the Golden Child, FACEandLMS and Subhuman Africancel. He's currently smiling and coping in the video, but ropes after uploading the video.

Albert Pak hoping Stacey will come back to him after statusmaxxing
Albert Pak hoping Stacey will come back to him after statusmaxxing Saint Currycel 86 Views • 5 years ago

⁣The gookcel Albert Pak decided to statusmax after Stacey left him for the white Chad. He couldn't be her beta provider since he was "ugly" and "didn't have money" so thought that statusmaxxing by travelling abroad to do wagecucking thinking that it would bring his Stacey back to him. He even started crying at the end of the video, he doesn't realise that it's over for him yet. He then bought a necklace for her because he still loves her. However the harsh reality is that she was probably fucking white Chad all 3 years, while making the video and still fucking him as we speak right now. May Kenneth the Golden Child and Pygmy guide our fallen brother to the blackpill. It's really over.

[TeeHee] Gookfoid goes on Tinder to match with Chads and Tyrones
[TeeHee] Gookfoid goes on Tinder to match with Chads and Tyrones Saint Currycel 127 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Why didn't she match with any gooks from her own race? Why does she only like Chads and Tyrones? It's over, Pygmy and Albert Pak roped after this video.

[TeeHee] Staceys love guys with good skin
[TeeHee] Staceys love guys with good skin Saint Currycel 121 Views • 5 years ago

⁣"Just take care of your skin bro everything will be okay"
Notice how the white Stacey can't stop touching the white Chad's face. But would she have the same reaction with the gookcel Albert Pak or Pygmy? Skincare is a cope.

[SuiFuel] She will never react like this towards you unless you're Chad
[SuiFuel] She will never react like this towards you unless you're Chad Saint Currycel 338 Views • 5 years ago

⁣You will never have a white girl. Also greetings to Saint Hamudi!

4'11 currycel who thought he could cheat his genetics
4'11 currycel who thought he could cheat his genetics Saint Currycel 389 Views • 5 years ago

⁣He probably roped after finding out that he's viral on TikTok. After putting the ring down, he realised that it was over for him. Shame, I wish I could blackpill him, he should've known that it never began. But would she have rejected the proposal if he was a Chad or Tyrone?

It never began for the balding Saint Commutercel
It never began for the balding Saint Commutercel Saint Currycel 84 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Saint Commutercel was wagecucking even on the train. Imagine he was balding too. Shame he doesn't know that it's over for him.

Surrounded by bald Saint Commutercels on a train
Surrounded by bald Saint Commutercels on a train Saint Currycel 124 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Look at their faces, it was over for them. "Hair is life, if you have no hair, you have no life" - Saint Hamudi

[SuiFuel] You're invisible to party foids
[SuiFuel] You're invisible to party foids Saint Currycel 188 Views • 5 years ago

⁣If you're a subhuman ethnicel, you're invisible to party foids. You have to LDAR in your basement while they get fucked by Chads.

[PART 3] Watching Saint Hamudi Hiroshima Nagasaki Blackpill Facts 2019 out loud on a crowded train
[PART 3] Watching Saint Hamudi Hiroshima Nagasaki Blackpill Facts 2019 out loud on a crowded train Saint Currycel 260 Views • 5 years ago

Once again I play the Saint Hamudi Hiroshima Nagasaki blackpill facts 2019 out loud on the train. I was going near to Stacies and playing the blackpill facts, and they were giving me weird looks again.

[PART 2] Watching Saint Hamudi Hiroshima Nagasaki Blackpill Facts 2019 out loud on a crowded train
[PART 2] Watching Saint Hamudi Hiroshima Nagasaki Blackpill Facts 2019 out loud on a crowded train Saint Currycel 445 Views • 5 years ago

⁣I was playing Saint Hamudi's Hiroshima Nagasaki Blackpill Facts 2019 again out loud on a train and some foids were staring at me bruh. Gotta thank incel stealth modus.

[Suifuel] You'll have any of these Stacies unless you're gigaChad
[Suifuel] You'll have any of these Stacies unless you're gigaChad Saint Currycel 220 Views • 5 years ago

⁣If you're an ethnicel, then don't bother. They only want Chad's cock.

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