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Despite what you have been told, in the western world today, almost all legal and lethal sexual discrimination is against men.
Combat Deaths And Casualties (2:28)
Workplace Deaths And Casualties (2:47)
Suicides (2:53)
Women And Children First (2:56)
Victims Of Homicide And Violence (3:03)
Homelessness (3:11)
Divorce And Family Court (3:16)
Criminal Court (3:50)
Taxes And Social Benefits (4:25)
Government Funded Help And Support (4:39)
Reproductive Rights (6:04)
The Job Market (6:45)
School And Education (7:13)
False Accusations (7:55)
Domestic Violence (8:22)
Domestic Spending (9:48)
Dating (10:22)
Mainstream Media (11:43)
Childhood (13:49)
Chivalry And Male Disposability (14:14)
The Empathy Gap (15:05)
The Accountability Gap (15:40)
The Reward For Effort Gap (16:20)
The Women Are Wonderful Effect (16:51)
Female In Group Bias (17:29)
Gynocentrism is the scientifically proven fact that almost every man, woman and child has been raised and instilled with a woman's point of view. Men are taught to give women special treatment from birth and women are taught to expect preferential treatment from men. Gynocentrism is by definition sexist, however it has become the default social model for most of the planet.
Men are trained to suppress emotions and always be considerate of a woman's feelings, men are trained to sacrifice, work and die to provide for women's happiness. Men and women are trained to always take the woman's side over a man. Women are taught to support each other and view men's pain and suffering as less important. Men are taught that fighting, dying and sacrificing themselves is noble, but women experiencing any emotional distress is terrible.
This sexist attitude and maternal brainwashing has seen men literally dying to protect women who quite often take the sacrifices men make, completely for granted. This is real sexism and it is taught at a very early age and reinforced through every facet of society.
Ask any decent mother would she prefer being raped or having her children taken from her, and any decent mother picks the former. Now ask her to pay for having her children taken from her and threaten her with incarceration, paid for with her own tax money, in a building where she has a large chance of being anally raped, while stuck in the building with the people attacking her, never able to hold her child's hand. This is what millions of fathers across the world face.
This is real sexism, and the victims are men. Men are being discriminated against in every facet of society, losing children, dying and having lives destroyed because of real sexism.
Sexism against women in the western world results in hurt feelings, sexism against men destroys lives and is often lethal.
#Gynocentrism #Sexism #Discrimination