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MGTOW A Common Theme
MGTOW A Common Theme REDPILLMARRIED 161 Views • 4 years ago

And yet they're STILL called queens. SMH

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Marriage Is The Mafia - MGTOW
Marriage Is The Mafia - MGTOW Sandman 363 Views • 4 years ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations because YouTube keeps throttling my channel down and reducing my traffic. Regardless of that I want to read some comments from someone named R & R. So here's what he has to say and I quote: "Hey sandman, I've thought about writing MGTOW content for you and maybe later we can work something out. I'm a bit of a recluse, only being awake and going out when the sun is down and people aren't around, here's a script I came up with. "Hey Everyone, Sandman here, today we're going to talk about the Marriage Contract and how marrying a woman is like hiring a union employee, once you hire her you cannot fire her, no matter what. After 7 years you have to pay her for life. Imagine that, telling your boss to shove it and walking off the job but your boss still has to pay you your salary for life! Men are industrious, so most of us would still find something to do with out time, whether that's wood working carpentry, metal working welding, or even making youtube videos and supporting the MGTOW community. Under Marriage Contract Law, men are viewed as employers and women as union employees, but the parallel ends there because Union Employees are almost always highly skilled Labor, Tradesmen: Welders, Carpenters, Mechanics, Shiprights, General Contractors, ect, and employers can negotiate with Unions for Production. But what highly sought after skill do Union Wives bring to the table? Women today refuse to cook, clean, or do laundry even tho most of those tasks are automated, because doing those things is patriarchy and "enslavement." But women also refuse to marry down in status or wealth when their career has been socially engineered to reward them financially better than men for less production either in the office or the bedroom. American women today are not just a bad deal for men they're a bad deal for American businesses. They are low skill low production workers in business and at home because they don't specialize and refuse to invest time and effort into the skills they're good at. Look at me, I'm Mr Sandman! My specialization is photography and video and I have specialized in that by continually making MGTOW content along with wedding photography and videos, but what do many women specialize in? Often, the most successful women quit their careers around age 30-35 to have children, because their biological clock tick-tocks so loud they will do anything to shut it up, but Western Society has invested millions in them through direct scholarships and through massive social engineering at the direct detriment of men, and where is it taking us? We haven't seen the massive production losses solely because of the massive production increases we're seeing in automation, but right now we ARE seeing massive corporate mismanagement
i.e. Gillete, Disney, ect. (Many more examples can be added) Atlas will most certainly shrug as more and more men passively refuse to work for and support a system that has completely disenfranchised us. The service economy is going to get very very expensive for things that only men traditionally do, i.e. the Dirty Jobs, the jobs that women just don't do. It would be a real shame if all Red Pilled and MGTOW men doubled the price of any product, service, or contract when dealing with blue haired feminist, a real shame indeed. America is considering a Bachelor Tax, but we're the ones doing the actual work, so we get to decide what to charge, and besides, who wants to put up with the entitled attitude, that in itself should warrant a 20% surcharge, call it an attitude tax. If you're running a small business you know what I mean, there are simply customers who's attitude is so bad you almost don't even want their business.

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I Killed A Baby With A Game Of Cards - MGTOW
I Killed A Baby With A Game Of Cards - MGTOW Sandman 274 Views • 4 years ago

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Luminous YouTube Channel

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This Video is brought to you by a Donation from Mabus and here is what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, This is a story about how I killed a baby with a game of cards. It all began when a female friend of mine and her blue pill boyfriend came to visit me. Both around 20 years of age. I let slide that I can use cards to peak into the future. Of course she was sceptical but wanted to know everything, her boyfriend just tagged along. I started like I always do. I proved that this shit work by revealing something out of her past I can't possibly know. I ended up uncovering how her parents broke up, why they did it and even the mental illness of her mother. However the most difficult part was to shut her up, before she told me that stuff. Because I can't improve my skill if she tells me instead of the cards. Their faces where priceless when they both realized that this shit works unlike christianity. After I established that I know stuff I can't know out of the past, I began with the future. Everything was the normal boring stuff like job, love and family. However at the end she wanted to know what will be their first big fight that could break up the relationship. I asked the cards multiple times and the answer was always the same. Pregnancy. I made some follow up questions with clear answers from the cards. Saying the only chance they got to prevent the pregnancy was that he uses preservatives because she will forget them. He didn't like that message, because that would feel bad. Fast forward two months and she came back for a visit. She was pregnant, her boyfriend broke up with her because of that and her mother was
pressuring her to abort. She wanted to keep that baby, but she was unsure about her future and what night lie ahead of her. Since I already established that this shit works, she begged me to help her with her doubts. Of course I couldn't refuse an oportunity like that and asked the cards what would happen when she kept the baby. It was one of the clearest futures I ever saw. No big deviation possible and really far into the future. It was a big suprise for her but I doubt any of the listeners here will be suprised at all. It was a story of a single mom who struggles with money, gets some hookups and a second child down the line. But the best part was, only card that refused to be included in this future was "the man" This was a huge shock for her. I droped a few redpills there. I never saw a woman swallow them as willingly. After that I asked how her future would look like if she aborted. It became a future of many possibilities, a normal one with good jobs, an option for a family down the line and nothing spectacular in general. I saw how her rational brain part overwrote her emotional one and she decided to abort. Her mother became happy again. That woman feared that I, a stranger, would encurage her to keep that lump of cells. And her blue pill boyfriend took her back. I hope he learned his lesson to use a rubber but I doubt it.... I am looking forward to meeting them after the lockdown for a Quija season. I always love to see the reaction of nonbelievers when they realize that this works, won't be the firt time someone cried during a season - I will update you all in case the babies spirit will be talking to them. But I doubt that lump of cells already got a soul. Have fun with that topic. And don't forget, you can recognize charlatans simply by testing them. Their shit doesn't work. The real stuff does." Well Mabus thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Luminous Let's Play:

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Jean-Claude Van Damme - License Free Green Screen Footage

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