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BIG ANNOUNCEMENT Shadow Monk 114 Views • 2 years ago

Sick of the injustice from anarchist michigian <br> <br>Give me liberty or give me death <br> <br>Goodbye,RIP ShadowMonk/David B.Fairchild

Prepping For Future 2-Way-RifleRange And WW3
Prepping For Future 2-Way-RifleRange And WW3 Shadow Monk 40 Views • 2 years ago


New Dystopian Possibility
New Dystopian Possibility Shadow Monk 35 Views • 2 years ago <br> <br> <br>#MGTOWFOREVER

BAD POPP’s Theme
BAD POPP’s Theme Shadow Monk 46 Views • 2 years ago

Orginally from Escape The Base/The Punisher Soundtrack <br> <br> <br>you could donate, if so than that's great thus can support other content creators ; ) <br> <br> <br>#MGTOWFOREVER

The Potential Invasion Of America/Castle Rock Potential Outcome
The Potential Invasion Of America/Castle Rock Potential Outcome Shadow Monk 39 Views • 2 years ago

Anonymous ID: v3eCc2tY No.148023976 ? <br>Nov 5 2017 00:31:00 (EST) <br>Ten days. <br>Darkness. <br>Scare tactics (MSM). <br>D's falling. <br>R's walk-away/removed. <br>SA --&gt; US --&gt; Asia --&gt; EU <br>Disinformation is real. <br>Distractions are necessary. <br>Focus was US today while real happening in SA under same context (military control, martial law, missile strike (rogue) etc). <br>Necessary. <br>POTUS' Twitter attack (see above). <br>Important. <br>Why is this relevant? <br>What was the last Tweet by POTUS prior to SA? <br>Why is this relevant? <br>SA (1), US (2), Asia (3), EU (4). <br>Where is POTUS? <br>Why is this relevant? <br>Military operations. <br>Operators in US. <br>Snow White <br>The Great Awakening <br>Godfather III <br>Q

Mrs. Vegan Groomer Will Cry After Seeing This.
Mrs. Vegan Groomer Will Cry After Seeing This. Shadow Monk 40 Views • 2 years ago

dear Mrs. Vegan Teacher...Oh lol shit Karen, Lol that shit karen who goes attacking people who she doesn't like, So if she gets her feely reelys spanked by a mgtow and cries about it well then oh well for Vegan Groomer. Mess with me? You mess with us! <br> <br>For all of the fellow meat loving veterans: <br>HammerHand <br>Terrence Popp <br>Sandmand <br>Alpha_Male_Lifestyle <br>many others. <br>Cheers!

Gynocentrocane Shadow Monk 31 Views • 2 years ago


Ways The Two Way Rifle Range Will Play Out
Ways The Two Way Rifle Range Will Play Out Shadow Monk 37 Views • 2 years ago


Midterm Tsunami Inbound-[CODE-RED]
Midterm Tsunami Inbound-[CODE-RED] Shadow Monk 18 Views • 2 years ago

⁣After all andrew milly doesnt actually control the chain of command because of the whitehats who are actually the ones who secretly have all control luckly. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>#MGTOWFOREVER <br> <br>#MAGA

I Got News For The OathKeepers And ProudBoys
I Got News For The OathKeepers And ProudBoys Shadow Monk 33 Views • 2 years ago

⁣For those in this situation like be being messed with by anarchist gangs like the 7DirtyFour, I am calling on the ProudBoys from ⁣ and my fellow OathKeepers from ⁣ to defend our republic from those faggots and to teach those anarchist scum including ACAB a lesson.

Women Who Want The West To Fail
Women Who Want The West To Fail Shadow Monk 37 Views • 2 years ago


When The Law Crosses The Line, Should It Be The Last Straw.
When The Law Crosses The Line, Should It Be The Last Straw. Shadow Monk 34 Views • 2 years ago


Why I Associate With The OathKeepers
Why I Associate With The OathKeepers Shadow Monk 25 Views • 2 years ago

so the state of Michigan wants to mandate that I get a shot all because bitch mom Karen at home petition to me 50 days Psych ward for political disagreements. <br> <br>&quot;Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death&quot;!

Witnessing the mark of the beast, Revelation 7:13-14
Witnessing the mark of the beast, Revelation 7:13-14 Shadow Monk 83 Views • 2 years ago

deadbeat helicopter-holly won't let me move out of my house, Yo make make matters worse she is starting to embrace communism and is becoming very abusive and manipulative even violent is threatening to use the state against me over bullshit. <br> <br>Make matters worse this fucking helicopter a fucking landwhale who gave birth to me 20 years later now wants me to be her servant after iv'e lost everything in my childhood. Because of her stupid Munchausen's and 14 years later till now shes gone full queen bee with me. <br> <br>so it's a result of her getting a Covid vaccine as well the fucking vaccine turned her into a literal walking a Ouija board of curses. <br> <br>The last days are unfolding before our very own eyes. <br> <br>⁣Revelation 7:13-14 Then one of the elders asked me, &quot;These in white robes —who are they, and where did they come from?&quot; 14 I answered, &quot;Sir, you know.&quot; And he said, &quot;These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

My Paranormal Recording Session With Coach RedPill
My Paranormal Recording Session With Coach RedPill Shadow Monk 50 Views • 2 years ago

#RIP Coach Redpill

Elite Yuval Hoah Harari Says Quite Part Out Loud For NWO
Elite Yuval Hoah Harari Says Quite Part Out Loud For NWO Shadow Monk 41 Views • 2 years ago


The Gynocentric Purge Has Begun/   婦人中心のパージが始まった
The Gynocentric Purge Has Begun/ 婦人中心のパージが始まった Shadow Monk 65 Views • 2 years ago

As a message to all men alike throughout the internet or anyother freedom loving patriot that when enough is enough in regards to tyrannical governents start to use state Gustavo agencies as a political weapon of mass control to thwart free speech and active non-compliance even us as peaceful men...That is such an act of tyranny which should never be tolerated by any means necessary

Any MGTOW that is targeted by the FBI in anyway for such reason is an act so unforgivible that it will be the first big shots herd around the world that will trigger a mass awakening even of too many normie-simps for the governents to contain.

So I hear by announce that we should file major class action lawsuits against the fedeal Gustavo's.

DEAR MEDIA TYRANTS : When resorting to unlawful witch-hunts against peaceful men for simply daring to speak out and walking away than you are nucking your own narrative in the very process. Even the FBI has finally destroyed it's reputation and has lost all credibility in the eyes of the male general population for they are the true enemy of we the people...That includes the fraudulent PUA apparatus who will lose more support from it's simps to the truth for which the gynocentric goverments and their fedealized agencies have overly exposed the anti-male narrative of misandry to all men to see first hand.

DEAR MGTOW BROTHERS: This will eventually run in our favor because this system has exposed themselves compmetely through that stunt which none of us will tolerate this...hold the line and sted fast brothers, Nothing Will Stop What Is Coming for the Male Awakening has offically begun.

Dear @Incelmatic and @IncelTv...To you guys out there who find this, Do not fall for any trap that the system has set in place. We as MGTOW are not or ever supposed to be your actual enemy, In reality we're just trying to help all men from all walks in life. it's fine to feel how you rightfully feel which is justifiable because of what you've been through too, but Heed these warnings because don't do any violent things that can give this establishment any ammunition to use against any of us.
so I am calling on all factions including, IBMOR, Laying Flat and many others including the herbivore men to all Reunite the manosphere and expose the governent owned PUA apparatus. together we win this war.

Herbavore Men TRANSLATION:



親愛なるメディアの専制君主:あなたがまさにその過程であなた自身の物語をいじくり回しているよりも、単に大胆に声を上げて立ち去るために、平和な男性に対して不法な魔女狩りに頼るとき。 FBIでさえ、ついにその評判を破壊し、男性の一般大衆の目にはすべての信頼を失いました。なぜなら、彼らは私たち国民の真の敵だからです...これには、単純なものからより多くの支持を失う詐欺的なPUA装置が含まれます婦人中心の政府とその連邦捜査局が、すべての男性にミサンドリーの反男性的な物語を直接目にするために過度に暴露した真実。


だから私は、IBMOR、Laying Flat、そして草食系の男性を含む他の多くの派閥に、マノスフィアを再会させ、政府所有のPUA装置を公開するよう呼びかけています。


The Shocking Difference Between Genetically Engineered Tobacco And Covid Vaccines.
The Shocking Difference Between Genetically Engineered Tobacco And Covid Vaccines. Shadow Monk 51 Views • 2 years ago


The Abuse & Control Over Men Is The Most Addictive Drug Towards Women.
The Abuse & Control Over Men Is The Most Addictive Drug Towards Women. Shadow Monk 119 Views • 3 years ago

heres another inspiration redpill quote to introduce in the community: &quot;Damaged goods who fail to damage other goods are no more than damned goods&quot;. <br> <br>MGTOW Forever ; )

Boxed Wine And Cat Land Near You At Your Local Store
Boxed Wine And Cat Land Near You At Your Local Store Shadow Monk 152 Views • 3 years ago

Happy March Madness.

MGTOW Forever ; )

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