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Self Destructive Women - MGTOW
Self Destructive Women - MGTOW Sandman 375 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Happy New Years Sandman, I've got a question rather than just a topic which is why are women so self-destructing? They play with two guys hearts resulting in them getting dumped by both if the guys are smart. Or she leaves one guy for a Chad and gets pregnant but no one knows who's the father and 1 of 3 things happen to her. 1 she gets the right father 2 she gets the wrong father or 3 neither are the dad and she now on the street or back at her parents house dealing with a fatherless child. If it were me I would be talking or even thinking about my ex that put me through Hell even if she did call and say all those female talking points to get me to put nob in the hole. I knew some guy that get married more than once to the same woman but the second time it was with a strong prenuptial agreement that was harder to throw out. The woman who was denied more money because of the prenup agreement she signed And she was denied because Of her infidelity. Cheers" Well Teaven thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200K In Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the video. So Teaven you're asking why women are so self-destructive that they mess around with multiple men, get pregnant and then work down the line from Chad at the top for support all the way to their parents or the government at the bottom. I read an article a few days ago about how in Toronto there are hundreds of babies being born on the street and somehow that's a serious injustice. Obviously they were born to mothers that didn't calculate properly before they used her cooch. They thought they could get baby daddy extortion, or they could extort their parents or the government and it all backfired in their face. For crazy or ugly women that no one wants to be a baby has always been seen as the trump card hidden inside up her stretched out wizard sleeve vagina that she could pull out and trap someone with. If the man is religious then she can threaten to get a divorce and the guy if he's Christian won't want the guilt of possibly being responsible for the end of a child's life. But the importance of religion is leaving society. So that won't work anymore. Many women are using children to lure beta males in with the promise of having a long term relationship or marriage. Hence why there are so many single mothers that marry wealthier and sometimes younger single men that have no children of their own. I know you're part of the black community and in that community I think a lot of the fatherlessness comes down to her not getting any government cheese unless the baby daddy leaves. Correct me if I'm wrong on that one but it was Lyndon B Johnson that made that reality a possibility with lavish welfare programs. A smart woman is going to find a good man by making herself appear to be a good woman and that takes work. Many women are lazy so their risk assessment is impaired when they get preggers. It also comes down to socialization. If all the women around her are having babies then odds are so will she. I've knew a group of women, say ten of them and only two of them had any children. Children were important enough to them to leave behind all their spinster sisters at the local dive bar and clean up their lives. They were all white women and they expressed their self destruction through sexual debauchery and boozing it up. I find that with black women they are more likely to try to destroy their lives by having babies. I think it's a cultural thing but maybe it's a biological thing. I don't know.

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The Bachelor Tax Is Coming? - MGTOW
The Bachelor Tax Is Coming? - MGTOW Sandman 685 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Ancient Purity
- (Save 10% enter the code MGTOW in the check out)

History Of The Bachelor Tax

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ed Tix and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman! I'm new to MGTOW and appreciate your and other creators work. I'm from eastern Europe and dating market isn't so bad yet. However our politics as well as younger people are copying western trends like crazy. Even worse the government is trying to be creative when it comes to the birth rates. Poland had bachelor taxes during communism but guess what... our politicians wants to bring it back today. The excuse is to increase birth rates. But why should only a man have to pay such tax? In English it's called "tax on childlessness" but polish politicians say it's not sufficient to have a child - you have to be married. History teaches us only that we've never learned from history. Thanks again for your work and cheers." Well Ed Tix thanks for the donation and topic. In Poland after the second world war your bachelor tax was called a bull tax. Basically reducing male value to an animal that plows the field. But imagine what would happen if women had to pay a hen tax for choosing not to get married or have children. The reason the bachelor tax is more important than the tax on having children is because governments understand that eighty to ninety percent of the household purchases are made by women. When women aren't married they can't access a man's cash and flush it into the economy to increase the velocity of money. All countries are ruled by fiat currency bankers that require ever increasing velocity of money to create inflation. If men aren't married they aren't borrowing money for mortgages on houses and women don't have the ability to spend the money on their men's credit cards. Credit contracts and the economy crashes. But what's more important is what Poland said about us. We are men and not bulls or oxen. They are literally saying that we are on a farm or plantation when they use language like that and we are just suppose to accept it? I'll discuss this and more in must a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity: Anyways, now back to the video. I originally thought about naming this video tax on childlessness but that would be a lie so I chose The Bachelor Tax Is Coming even though technically Ed Tix I couldn't find any evidence that it was going to be introduced any time soon. This is competitive click bait capitalism baby. Who's going to click on a topic like the Childless tax? We MGTOW men are simple. We see the world bachelor and think to ourselves, winning and then we see the word tax next to it and we picture our nuts in a vice being squeezed for their creamy goodness. There are numerous ways to get the birth rates up without imposing a bachelor tax. The number one way is to create a society full of an abundance of wealth and time. That's why the 1950s and 1960s were idealic in North America. The average citizen could own his own home even though he was a roofer or plumber for the first time in history. His wife didn't have to work so having children back then was a no brainer. Between your wife and the schools you could be an absentee father even while living with your family. But today it takes two to raise a child and pool their resources to do it. So if men choose not to get married then even if there are single mothers out there the state usually has to pay to support those kids.

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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Are Women Useful Idiots? - MGTOW
Are Women Useful Idiots? - MGTOW Sandman 437 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
David Konkol - Axiom Tales of a Grim Future Vol 1

Conspiracy Theory - Women Are Useful Idiots

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a topic so what I'd like to do is read a reddit post called Conspiracy Theory - Women are useful Idiots by someone named MuchIndependence which I've put in the description and here's what he has to say: "I think all the tech tycoons and Wall Street sleazebags that backed Biden already realize already that infecting corporations and politics with women is going to lead to a large-scale crash of the global economy, and they're pushing it to the brink to profit hugely off the destruction. If you think about it, the aging high-roller clique of today was the people that survived WWII and the Soviets and made huge personal incomes in the anarchy that followed the collapse of regimes. Regime collapse is where supremely wealthy Soros got his start. All those oligarchs that own Russia and the old satellite states got their start while the Union was collapsing. Societal collapse is a great way to make a massive profit if you can foresee the opportunity. I think the current push to get women into every position of power/authority is a play to create a new collapse without needing a world war (which is bad because it reduces the number of consumers) and in the aftermath the people that have been positioning themselves all along are planning to divvy the world up between themselves while the rest of us get downgraded from middle class tax mules to faceless serfs. Maybe it sounds crazy but hey we're in crazy times..." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and I tend to agree with MuchIndependence that women are being fluffed up into positions of power so that they can not only destroy the economy but blame it on free market capitalism so we can go to some sort of centrally planned nightmare society where men lose their freedoms. I'll discuss all this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor David Konkel: Anyways, now back to the video. Women are useful idiots and leftists are taking advantage of women's cognitive dissonance to do the dirty work for them. Women are capable of understanding that communism is bad for them but they can also promote it and follow it's rules. They can in turn convince all the simps to follow those same rules if they want sex. If you want to rule a society then you give women power over men and you rule over those women. This is the process of creative destruction and by 2040 half the world's politicians will be women. Where will that number be by 2050 or 2060? Sixty percent? Seventy percent? Women have care base morality and men have justice based morality. Women running governments will try to take care of everyone and as a result they will bankrupt nations, cause hyperinflation to take care of the poor and needy thus making everyone poor and needy. Poor people have nothing and if those running the women that run the government offer them a few crumbs they will accept whatever liberties they lose in exchange for their basic survival.

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Is She Gaslighting Me? - MGTOW
Is She Gaslighting Me? - MGTOW Sandman 280 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

9 Signs of Gaslighting in Relationships to Watch Out For

Phil Collins’ ex-wife has allegedly taken over his Miami mansion with ‘armed occupation’

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I'm sure you've talked about this topic, but I was hoping you could talk about gaslighting. Recently I was, once again, on the verge of packing up and moving my entire life to be with a woman. However, I had made a comment about me being jealous of other men she talks to. She's 35 and has children and a prior 7 year engagment. I should know better but, I am man, hear me simp. Anyway, I sent a pissy text to her and she basically told me I had to "get my poop together. "I have nothing to get together. I have no kids, wives, or exes. So am I being gaslighted? Am I gaslighting her? At this point I don't know. She does not "have her poop together" Not only that, but it almost seems on purpose. I blocked her on Facebook but I doubt that will be the end but it's saddening Sandman. Just when you think "maybe this could work," the poop storm comes. Keep up the good work. Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. It doesn't sound like you're being gaslit exactly. Sounds like it's more about shame. Shaming you so you put more effort into your life and make more money for her to snatch up. She's attacking your ego as a man so you prove to her that you're successful and then she'll accept you. That's also conditional love. As if a woman could ever love a man in the mad way we love them. If she is gaslighting you it depends on your level of success. If you're already successful with a great career and looks then she could be gaslighting you to destroy your self esteem. It's hard to tell from such a short email you sent me. She's most likely bringing out the cone of shame and putting it around your neck and is trying to get you to plow faster as a plow horse if you want to keep plowing her stretched out single mother fields. Anyways, I'll discuss this and gas lighting in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the video. So Mr. Anonymous gaslighting would be if she was trying to make you think you were crazy. For example putting your slippers in one place when you always put them in another and not telling you and when you question her about it she tells you she never moved them and she lies to you saying that she saw you put them them somewhere where you clearly didn't. Gaslighting is all about getting you to question your sanity and memories and it's a form a psychological abuse. Sounds like this single mother is shaming you because you gave her attitude before. When you give women attitude you never know what they will do. One woman called me Hitler when I told her I didn't like gold diggers. Because you know that comparing a man to a mass murdering monster to a man protecting his money sounds like a fair comparison. If I was literally Hitler then I guess that would make her what Eva Braun? Or maybe I should have told her that Hitler prized German Shephard named Blondi and then told her to get on her hands and knees if she loved me? As I was researching for this video I came across an article called: "9 Signs of Gaslighting in Relationships to Watch Out For". Hopefully if I go through the nine points it will help you Mr. Anonymous as well as everyone listening.

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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

No Option For Black Men - MGTOW
No Option For Black Men - MGTOW Sandman 552 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

Frustrated Black American Men in Brazil Powerful Documentary

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I am a fairly new follower of your channel and recently started learning of the red pill community after reading Aaron Clarey's book, Bachelor Pad Economics back in January of this year. I would like to discuss the miniscule options that black american men have In the dating field. It is no secret about how the welfare system pushed Black men out of the house and produced a bunch of "Tyrones" to run through our women and to develop hate towards black men. It is also no secret how promiscuous our women can be along with the amount of "baby mamas" that we have in our community. So, someone may propose that we date out of our race to find a mate but that's where the problem lies. We have no options! We as black men are looked down and over the most in regards to the dating market. We've all heard stories how a non black family reacts when someone brings their non black spouse to meet the family. It usually doesn't end well. We also face a lot of shame and ridicule if we do so. Reason being is because we are dating someone who isn't in the image of our mothers, which doesn't make sense because I wouldn't wanna get down and dirty with someone who even slightly resembles my mom. We could attempt to date an African immigrant or second generation African girl, but very few of them settle with black American men whereas African men are free to date and marry whoever. For example, I had a Nigerian co worker who was married to another Nigerian man and an ethiopian friend who is engaged to her ethiopian fiancee. Another example are a few of my Nigerian friends who have African American girlfriends and wives. Their women stick to their own nationality. The only women that black american men may get luck with are caribbean women. They are the only group of women that mix and mingle with black men. Problem Is that there aren't enough of them to go around unless you live in Florida. Here in the Midwest, there are only a handful of them that live around us. What are we to do besides mgtow? Reason being
is that I'm an only child and I do want to bring my parents grandchildren." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a second but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways now back to the video. So Mr. Anonymous you want to know what other option you have besides going your own way. Well you're university educated man and you probably make good money as a result so I would suggest that you look into surrogacy. I believe I was the first if not one of the first to talk about this option in one of my earliest videos in 2013. Have a child with the blondest Scandinavian looking white woman you can find and no one will say anything. Buy her eggs in the open market and pay a woman in Mexico to carry your offspring and for somewhere around thirty to forty thousand dollars you can have a son of your own. Otherwise you're taking a fifty fifty gamble on finding a wife that won't divorce you and then taking another fifty fifty gamble that she will give you a first born son. With my suggestion for the price of a new car you don't have to worry about a hood harpie destroying your life. Of course you'll
hear such women squeal at you for doing it.

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Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

He's The ATM That Got Away - MGTOW
He's The ATM That Got Away - MGTOW Sandman 358 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

⁣⁣⁣Sandman Contact Info & Store:
Email: [email protected]

Men going their own way: the rise of a toxic male separatist movement

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from John and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Have you discussed making sure your spouse's financial contribution is equitable so that when she takes you to divorce court she is only taking the half she contributed? Don't get in the habit of over contributing to the pot. Also, getting a safety deposit box and storing money that can't be seen by the government or lawyers is a win. This way the "community property " is not able to be seen by anyone other than the person with the safe deposit box key. I think we need good advice for married men because that will be the majority of men for a while. Let them see the ways they need to protect themselves and then when they grow disgusted with what they must do to protect themselves, they might even become MGTOW. I think you can expand on this. Basically, men shouldn't let the inequitable contributions from their spouses persist. That way they will get less screwed in the end. Also men shouldn't put off their happiness and bank on retirement because some sneaky woman will come and take that retirement away and you will be living in your sisters basement after you are broke." Well John thanks for the donation and topic. I'm glad that it sounds like you're not all that bitter living in your sisters basement now that you're broke. Good for you. I'll get to the topic in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor : Anyways, now back to the video. I've always promoted the idea that a guy needs a grab bag with crypto, paper currency and gold just incase he gets thrown out of his house. A safety deposit box is an excellent to store all that stuff. But maybe if you're a married man open the safety deposit box in a bank that you don't go to for any other services and make sure they don't send you any letters. That way if you have joint bank accounts the bank might alert her of your safety deposit box the next time she goes in there. Xspecially if the teller is another woman. If you ever get divorced the judge will ask you if you have disclosed all your property. I just want the YouTube overlords to know I'm not promoting anything illegal even though I'm talking about it. wink wink nudge nudge. Don't take this as my advice but you can slowly siphon cash out of ATMs and if she asks where you spent it just say you bought lunch at work. If that's too much money then say you have a habbit of buying expensive five or ten dollar coffees. If you do that then in a month you can save one to two hundred dollars and she won't even question where it went. Not much money I know but over twenty years it sure does add up. That's enough to pay for two hotel nights incase she ever kicks you out. John this idea that you and the woman in your life are going to make the same economic contribution is laughable. You need to look up hypergamy. Women look for men with more money, resources and status then they have. Marrying a guy with the same amount is seen as a massive step down for them. The only way they will ever do it is if you are much better on the looks and status scale then they are. Even then they will resent you and try to control your life because they have more money.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""


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Go your own way guys...

The Red Pill Gets Her Into Bed - MGTOW
The Red Pill Gets Her Into Bed - MGTOW Sandman 547 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Reignite: Transform from Burned Out to On Fire

⁣Sponsor Link 2:

Sponsor 2 YouTube Link:

Voices Of Quarantine

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by another donation from Odium and here's what he has to say: "Hello again Sandman! First of all thank you for your help in promoting my music! That was a valuable boost for me to get going, I got people to collaborate with me and I'm working on additional music with partners as well as on my own. I've also published a new mini album. For me, ambient music is the representation of the red pill tranquility. I also need to clarify a few things about my condition - cerebral palsy. It is not hereditary. My parents are normal. I am the youngest of four in a normal family. All of my adult life I was surrounded by non-disabled people. . . So if you are intelligent enough, independent and do not need any special kind of nursing with a 24\7 caregiver, you're not exempt from the relationship race. Get out there, fall in love, get a woman, get laid, have kids. now, for some interesting developments. Since the last time I wrote to you, the continuous droning from my family about being in a relationship was getting worse - one of my sisters persuaded me to signup for special workshop aiming to help high functioning disabled people such as myself to find a relationship. I agreed just so I could get my family off my back. Admittedly I was terrified that all of my red pill knowledge would be rewritten. Surprisingly enough, it only strengthened my resolve about my red pill knowledge and experience since I saw people so distraught since they can't find a relationship. Mostly women but also some men. To be honest I was completely surprised that instead of being preached about love as the greatest thing ever, we were free to be mentored and other aspects of our life. My choice was to focus on promoting my music and my translation business. Through the process in the workshop of met new and cool people with different perspectives, we rarely agreed on the subject of relationships and love but it was still very productive. Reminding me how much my life progressed even though romantic love wasn't part of it. After some introspective I understood I miss the physical aspects mostly, as an enhancing bonus, but I don't mind the companionship aspect anymore. The blue pill, for some people it's a great motivator and a part of the balance, if everyone were red-pilled, there was no way I would be able to achieve all the insights I got. It was actually very enlightening. Best part yet? I got my family off my back. My question is this: Do you think that we, as red pilled individuals should sometimes test our resolve, and broaden our perspectives by putting ourselves in an extremely blue pill environments, willingly? still spastic, still red-pilled. HA HA! PS a possible title for this video might be infiltrating a blue pill stronghold. Thank you, and stay safe!" Well Odium thanks for another donation and I put a link to your music in the description in case people want to check it out. But as for your question I'll get to that right after I tell everyone about today's sponsor Regnite:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:

1. Excited man in fighting gesture with fists on fire. Rage concept. Heated fight.

2. Angry woman judging someone

Trophy Wife Hits The Wall - MGTOW
Trophy Wife Hits The Wall - MGTOW Sandman 373 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Executive Clearance Electrolysis

⁣⁣Sponsor Link 2:

Sponsor 2 YouTube Link:

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mark Star. It's a long request so before I read it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Executive Clearance Electrolysis: Anyways, now back to the video. Here's what Mark has to say and I quote: "I spent a week with a 45 year old Russian Woman who is a former trophy wife. (2x's divorced) Because I had zero emotional connection, I treated her like an appliance and called her out on 90% of her bs. Then I ditched her at the end of the week. She is still trying to convince me that she can do better and is worth a second chance. She said she was looking for a guy who had his life together and could appreciate a beautiful woman who wanted a real relationship with a woman who wants to cook and clean and have sex every day. I had a meeting with her where she set up to meet me half way between the two cities we were in at the time. She arrives to the hotel 8 hours late even though we were only 2 hours apart. We had an ok time, the best part of which was the sex. I told her that I have a project that I wanted her to do. Seven days of cooking and cleaning in one of my properties and I would compensate her for her work (because the cleaning part is a huge job. I have had 5 houses of stuff jammed into this one house and she was to help me organize and get rid of things) She said that she would never take money for cooking, cleaning and sex, as she does that anyway. If I had some other jobs for her, we could discuss payment for those. Now I should state that on the first day we were together before we discussed the project; She left the hotel room around midnight and ended up calling me on the phone to ask me to come down to meet her at her car to walk her back up to the room because "She didn't want to find her hotel key" I told her that I was in bed, and that I was NOT getting dressed to walk her up because she was too lazy to find her hotel key. She kept calling and texting so I got dressed and left. I texted her the room number when she found the key, but did not remember the room number. She then begged me to come back when she realized I had packed up and left. I told her that if I was going to come back, she would have to get undressed and wait for me on the couch in the suite until I came back and if she was not there as I had instructed, I would just leave again. She did as she was told. That was fun. She agreed to help me for the week to clean. I only had two complaints. One, she would not listen to me when I told her that I didn't want certain things thrown away and the second that she would clean for a while, and cook for a while, and spend time sleeping or on her phone for hours. The sleeping and all kinds of smart-phone time was making it impossible to make reliable progress on the cooking and cleaning. Sometimes it took her 3 hours to make a meal. Also turns out that she was a total alcoholic. After a while she turned to sneak thieving my stash of booze. This chick drained nearly a gallon of Vodka and then segued to a gallon of 40% Tequila. She broke a $2K computer trying to get into the one bar. Every day, she did things to be a chick. She tried to argue with me. She contradicted anything I said. I treated her like someone I didn't care about and she ate it up! She was always telling me stories about how all these guys are after her and trying to get her to marry them (and her phone was in fact blowing up with dudes asking her why she was not with them) Then she said something like "You watch, you will fall in love with me too." I said, "No, I won't.

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Why Are Men So Distracted By Women?
Why Are Men So Distracted By Women? coachgregdams 137 Views • 4 years ago


Dr. Dre Reveals That He Did Have A PRENUP! Is This Legit or a Legal Tactic
Dr. Dre Reveals That He Did Have A PRENUP! Is This Legit or a Legal Tactic coachgregdams 64 Views • 4 years ago


I Don't Care What Men Want... Yet | Popp Culture
I Don't Care What Men Want... Yet | Popp Culture Terrence Popp 1,608 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Alexandra Tsuneta says that men telling women what they want is "sexist, dangerous and untrue." She says men shouldn't tell women how to behave right before she proceeds to tell men how to behave.

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Sources (in order of appearance):

Video Throwbacks
Chick Speak
Popping the Spinster Bubble


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Go your own way guys...

Why Women Hate MGTOW | Live From The Lair
Why Women Hate MGTOW | Live From The Lair Terrence Popp 3,936 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Wahmen have some harsh things to say about MGTOW. Too bad reality tells a different story.

Sandman wants to tell you about the Brave Browser!
Download the Brave Browser today and say goodbye to corporate ads:

Download "The Jericho Files, Book 1: Killer of Killers" by Popp
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Video Throwbacks
What is MGTOW? Has a Mobile App! Has a Mobile App! Terrence Popp 5,296 Views • 4 years ago

⁣The whining about the censored curse words would be completely unnecessary if you bundles of sticks would just follow us on alt-tech platforms (and if our tech censorship-happy overlords didn't give us a bullshit community guidelines strike). Is it because you think only YouTube has a mobile app? Well, guess what: So does! Download it now and watch yourself some dials and pegs!

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Support Dog Girl - MGTOW
Support Dog Girl - MGTOW Sandman 241 Views • 4 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

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The Crazy List of Animals People Have Tried to Bring on Airplanes for Emotional Support

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you Jay. He didn't give me a topic so I decided that I wanted to cover something I briefly spoke about in a recent video. A video where I was interested in a woman that was covered in tattoos and she was sexy but she was also bipolar and on a waiting list for a support dog. I jokingly told her she should get a support dog and you should have seen how hard of a time I had keeping a straight face when she said she was on that waiting list. About a week ago I saw another woman I was friends with show pictures of herself with her support dog. Mind you I think that she had a real reason for hers. She's a mute girl that can't speak because she lost her voice recently. Imagine if as a woman you can't use men as emotional tampons anymore because you can't speak. Unless they already understand or are willing to learn sign language? Talk about limiting your dating options and she already wasn't a looker. That's probably the best way for the gods to curse a woman if she's done something awful to you. For her to lose her ability to speak. So it's probably been brutal with all that emotional and verbal diarhea backing up inside her brain unable to come out. I would see her posting videos in sign language on Facebook to get attention a while back and then she disapeared and now I see the support dog. But these two encounters weren't my first with women having or discussing getting a support dog. Back at the end of 2016 I met a female photographer at a job that had her boyfriend tag along with her because she seemed very weak and disturbed and told me it had been a while since she had worked because of emotional issues and she had a dog with her that was there to make her feel better. I didn't know what a support dog was so I said you don't look like you're disabled so why do you have a seeing eye dog? Because they have harnesses on their backs that look very similar. Let's just say she was pissed off about that and told me all about what a support dog was. Anyways, I have more to share but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back with the show. Back in 2016 when I first ran into a support dog girl I went home that night and did some research for a video I put together that night. I found an article about a woman that had a support snake and there was an issue getting it on an airplane. Somewhere behind me there's a bush and Samuel L Jackson's head popping out of it saying I told you so. As I continued researching for this video I found an article called "The Crazy List of Animals People Have Tried to Bring on Airplanes for Emotional Support" and I've put a link to it down below. In that article people have tried to bring snakes, chickens, Turantuala's, ducks, peacocks and pigs onto their flights with them for support. But we all know what this is really about. In a world where it's getting harder and harder to stand out and get attention women are desperate to bring attention to themselves even if it means dragging exotic animals with them in unsanitary conditions on airplanes or in movie theaters or just about any other public place so they stand out from the crowd.

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Marriage Is A Black Hole, Nothing Escapes - MGTOW
Marriage Is A Black Hole, Nothing Escapes - MGTOW Sandman 257 Views • 4 years ago

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X-Wolf Booster

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from WeepingReaper and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Some back history may help to put this in perspective for you and your audience. Specifically from my experience with the MGTOW awakening and the first of the red pills. I finally understood my purgatory in marriage. I have transcended the red pill rage on numerous occasions. Inturn I ended the marriage I was in and after that realized that I was just the horse pulling the cart to further her insatiable desire for more, money, validation and material possessions. She was a black hole, no matter what I sacrificed to her. It would never satisfy the insatiable need for more. It is absolutely true the more you give a woman, the more out of touch with reality they become. The inability to achieve the unrealistic demands made by this women, caused her to begin the transition of monkey branching and my inevitable mental destruction. Regardless of my physical stature or financial income when I left my wife, within two weeks she had all ready moved in with her new Beta. Instructing our child to refer him as their new daddy. My X wife took to my Social media and friendship circles to destroy, any and all reputation that I had. To make a long story short, you all know how the story goes from there. Child manipulation, slander, mental abuse, extortion, and worst of all the use of the unjust court system. Do not ever hire a female lawyer. Even if you think that the “Art of Argument“ is in their favor. Own group preference will mentally override any rational thinking, despite the thousands of dollars payed to them for your protection from this system. This brings me to my mane topic. As the divorce rates still climbs and the marriage rate declines I have noticed about the population of men, my age that I have met in their 30’s, this would have been the
children of the late boomers, born in the 1980’s. The majority of us were raised to be TradCon men. So that’s what we sought out to do. The Matrix had just come out in high school, so the concept of the red pill was unknown. We had no understanding that there was a different path we could choose “Our Owen Way”. These men are slaves to female manipulation or have been disposed through the unjust family court system. The unseen discarded men, the 70% (minus the top 10% at the top that women find the most desirable and the bottom 20% that woman fiend undesirable are hard working blue coller, average looking men. That don’t live up to the standards and expectations of an average woman’s demands. These men I believe will eventually find their way to MGTOW, if they are not already. The awakening of these men to red pill awareness, Will drastically change the dynamics of society and by their absence will cause the unbelievable desperation to femininity at its core. The inability of modern women to commit to these men, will be the grossest downfall of multiple generations to come. Regardless of the amount of outsourcing the government in the United States bring, will not replace the absence of thousands of men. Third and fourth wave feminism has put the nail in the coffin of humanity. I would like to hear your opinion on these men and what you think the direction, of today’s society will bring towards them and they’re inevitable displacement they face? Thank you for your time and the freedom you have provided me and many other men, from the plantation. Without your help and insight I believe, that I would have been just a statistic, adding the 75% death rate of men. Sincerely thank you and cheers" Well WeepingReaper thanks for the donation and topic. I'm glad I saved your life and that you're still here to tell your tale. But before I get to it let me tell you about today's sponsor X-Wolf Booster:

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1. Shocked african-american woman in disbelief looking whats between mans legs

Ten Commandments Of MGTOW
Ten Commandments Of MGTOW Sandman 378 Views • 4 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Pilz and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, Pilz, that's what my friends from high school used to call me. Anyway, I've been listening to your channel all the way from Barbados and I really love your content. I must say that your jokes have me dying of laughter while I am listening to your channel through Bluetooth Speakers while doing house chores. I would like to request a topic for your channel on something that I have been working on, it's called the TEN COMMANDMENTS OF MGTOW. I have been thinking about about writing on my own MGTOW book similar to the bible entitled "THE HOLY BOOK OF THE RED PILL" for all of my MGTOW brothers out there. Tell me what do you think Do you think it would be a good idea? Let me know your thoughts after you've read through The Ten Commandments of MGTOW on your channel. Please notify me when the video is out because I am really eager to hear what you
have to say. So here are the TEN COMMANDMENTS OF MGTOW. 1. Thou shalt go thy own way and live thy life as thou seest fit, without conforming to societal opinions or expectations. 2. Thou shalt empower thyself with knowledge, wealth and resources and also embrace thy masculinity. 3. Thou shalt not pursue any women but chase after thy goals, aspirations, inner peace and purpose in life. 4. Thou shalt not seek female validation but self-actualization. 5. Thou shalt not become a mangina nor a simp by having thy mind controlled by the golden vagina. 6. Thou shalt not become an utility without mutual benefit. If there is no compensation of equal value, then liberate thyself from that unequal partnership/friendship. 7. Thou shalt not marry nor cohabitate. Unless thou art prepared to feel the seething wrath of court system by losing thy house, most of thy wealth, access to thy children or paying monthly alimony. 8. Thou shalt not waste thy energy white-knighting but rather preserve that energy to educate other men about MGTOW. 9. Thou shalt take thy daily dose of red pills and expand thy knowledge of female nature. 10. Thou shalt strengthen thy mind to overcome shaming language, manipulation and societal pressure into unwanted and non-beneficial relationships. Thanks again. Bless up my MGTOW brother. Well Pilz, thanks for the donation and for one of the more interesting topics I've had in quite some time. But before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

The Purpose of Marriage is Divorce LOL - MGTOW
The Purpose of Marriage is Divorce LOL - MGTOW Sandman 237 Views • 5 years ago

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Dating: Don't Waste Your Time

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Strider and here's what he has to say: "Hello again Sandman. Thanks for your video replies so far. Did you see this video from the tradthot Lauren Chen on the Prager University channel? She says that the real purpose of dating is marriage. Of course the video is directed towards women. It's funny how she says that marriage shouldn't be the first topic of the conversation and that she's all about fun. Will she be saying the same thing in her 30's? This is coming from a self-proclaimed conservative woman. What do you think Sandman? Well Strider thanks for the donation and topic. I'm aware of Lauren's work. Or should we just call her by her YouTube name Roaming Millenial? Just so you guys know she's also a Canadian. I just never expected her to be on Prager Universities YouTube Channel. It looks like the tradcucks are getting more desperate than that I thought and are new employing tradthots to convince women to push men to get married. Because afterall men in record numbers are choosing not to tie the knot. But before I discuss this topic further let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back with the show. So it looks like good old Roaming Millenial has been busy as a host on Blaze TV with her show called Pseudo-intellectual. I don't know how old Lauren is. Maybe she's the age of 25 and that's when a smart woman's carousel riding days start coming to an end. If that's the case then Lauren is right a woman should start to date with a purpose because soon enough, if she waits too long all that's she'll be able to get is incel leftovers. Her video is advice for women trying to convince them that marriage is the right move. She says that dating is more than just dating. She's all for having fun casual flings but she wants the whamens to ask themselves one very important question: Why do you want to go on a date with someone? Her video is an attempt to try and convince women to not ride the carousel nor to live in a common-law relationship. She says that women have no plan and that they need to think about marriage. Not necessarily bring it up on a first date but to think about it. But here's a question for you Lauren, what if a woman is with a high status man that doesn't want to move in with her or marry her? If she pressures him towards marriage he might leave her. When I was 25 a woman proposed to me and pressured me towards marriage just as I was opening up about our relationship problems that needed to be resolved. She avoided my grievances and gave me an ultimatum to try and gain control of the relationship. I said so long senorita. What's a woman to do if she wants to get married and the high quality man that she's dating doesn't. Is she supposed to settle for spaghetti arm Stanley and marry him instead of simply dating or living with Powerful Pipes Pete?

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