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LHLP 116 - 10 La Desilusión China del Consumo
LHLP 116 - 10 La Desilusión China del Consumo Latin Mgtow 104 Views • 3 years ago

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Don't Believe Women's Lies - MGTOW
Don't Believe Women's Lies - MGTOW Sandman 309 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by Mr. Anonymous and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, please kindly discuss this topic on one of your Youtube videos. It's sad to see men around me take women at their word, instead of verifying a woman's actions. Please discuss why men would immediately believe a woman's word and how this entire belief system of women never lying came about. thanks." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. What you're trying to say is don't listen to what she says without verifying it. But instead look at what she does as proof of her intentions. It sounds easy but most guys are caught in the frame of mind where they believe everything she says because she's hot and I'm turned on and they want to give her attention and validation. But what if a woman's verifiable actions are only a projection as well? What if she mirrors your behavior and pretends to be interested in the same pop culture and sports that you are interest in? That's the part about don't believe when guys say believe what she does and now what she says. Even if you verify a woman's actions you have no way to verify her intentions behind her actions. For example the first girl I fell in love with at first sight wore a hot tight top, form fitting jeans and did her makeup nice. That day she tried to get my attention. She had it but I didn't lead on that she had it. I didn't want to appear thirsty and thought she was perfect. The next day she shows up in a baseball cap like the one I had on the first day of school with the same team. Gee what a coincidink. I was turned off because she was dressed like a tomboy. The next day after that she came into class dressed normally, changing her appearance again and I finally spoke to her. So which one is the real her? The dolled up glamorous one, the sporty tomboy or the girl next door? She is all of them and none of them. She is only what you want her to be so she can get your love and attention. She is lying with her actions. Yes you can verify her actions but you can't verify her intentions. Also, logic and reason go out the window when you're around a woman and talking to her and want to be with her. Your subconscious mind is calculating the possibility of having sex with her and accepting all the red flags. It creates a massive blind spot in your mind and the biological game is rigged against your favor. Against you because your biology wants you to breed and pass down your genes. Plus we also live in a society or we did until recently where the idea that you would take all people at their word and not just women but men too. We trust people until we have a reason not to. The trust horizon is shrinking in western society as people from other countries flood in that take advantage of how trusting we are until we are no longer trusting anymore. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

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I Avoid Women In Public & Everywhere Else - MGTOW
I Avoid Women In Public & Everywhere Else - MGTOW Sandman 318 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman. Big fan here. My question involves being annoyed by people in public. I've heard you say that you cannot even tolerate people anymore. I have been monk-mode for 15 years, red-pilled for 1, and have been Financially Independent for 10, so I thankfully dont have to deal with coworkers anymore. (I have a few friends who I always enjoy, and a few family members and neighbors who I don’t.) I do however go out to sports bars and sporting events. I mostly do this for the amusement and change of scenery. But I’ve noticed that more and more, I also cannot tolerate people and it has me questioning weather I should ever go out again. It seems not worth the amusement and change of scenery that I speak of. Outwardly, I appear as a Chad, and I’d say that in about 1 in 10 of these outings, I have a pleasant interaction with a stranger (man or woman). An example is that recently, a man asked me politely to take a pic of him and his extended family, which I was happy to do. After I took the pic, another man in the group said “take another” in an imperious voice, no doubt to impress his girl. At that point I had visions of throwing him off of the balcony, but all I did was sneer at him and reluctantly take another pic. Another time, a baby with a pissy diaper was plopped next to me. And often times, people will ask me questions or tap me on the shoulder without introduction, and this fills me with rage and leaves me with resentment. I’m wondering if you can expand on your intolerance and would like to get your opinion on if I should just stay home and take dick pics rather than take pics for imperious slobs." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I'm guessing that you're over 40 or 50 years of age. The older you get the more of the world seems immature to you by default. I think that's a huge part of why I'm starting to feel the way that I do. You don't have patience for people's BS as you know you only have so much life left and you didn't think you'd have to spend it getting heckled to take people personal pictures. Plus society is increasingly dysfunctional and less civil with mental illness is increasing. If you've spent the last ten years out of the workforce and around only people that you've prescreened then you don't really have a high tolarance for abusive and demanding people. I've been a Hikikomori for almost 20 years now and only had an office job with co-workers for less than 6 months to a year during that time. I find that I become hypersenstive to interacting with human beings the less exposure I have with them in real life as opposed to those on screen. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back to locking yourself in your house where you're free instead of walking out the door and interacting with the inmates in open air prison clown world show. My disgust with people is growing because they are increasingly insensitive with my time. I believe they feel that I'm there to give them my undivided attention and use me as a sounding board. Bad women's behavior was amusing until about 6-12 months ago when I could still verify what I had learned about female nature. Now it's way to predictable and it's annoying instead of simply validating how I feel about them. Now I can't even talk to clients on the phone complaining about something because before you know it they are telling me 100 things about their lives that I have no interest in hearing. When you mentioned that vision of throwing the guy off the balcony I thought about that Bernie moment from the film with the same name with Jack Black. I've been nice and polite my whole life but my patience with people has worn thin. You think taking pictures is bad for you then think of how bad it is when I walk around on vaction with pro gear and take pictures and make videos. People are constantly asking me to take pictures for them. I get asked half a dozen times a day. They get picky and want me to retake them sometimes.

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Women Are Bad For Your Mental Health - MGTOW
Women Are Bad For Your Mental Health - MGTOW Sandman 252 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I grew up listening to my mom nag my dad 24/7 about trivial, meaningless things and watched it slowly chip away at him. He would grit his teeth when no one was looking to vent his frustration. He was great to us - he raised four kids, sacrificed every dollar, and had no real belongings. When he took a minute to rest, she would create a list of things for him to do. When he ate on the couch, she would complain that he was going to spill food on the floor. If he wasn't in the kitchen helping her with dishes, she would sob and moan in passive aggressive manner. When he bought groceries, she would say "why did you buy THESE tomatoes?" She also never held herself accountable for anything. Fast forward to my adult life... I've had three long term relationships. When the nagging started in each relationship, my anxiety began. I started to get tension headaches and anxiety attacks. I became so physically uncomfortable in each relationship that I had to leave. Being a member of the 6-6-6 (6' tall, 6 figure, 6 inch ding dong) category helped me when finding a partner. However, in long term relationships women would progressively shit test me even though I was a good catch. I could keep up with the shit tests for about one year until I was exhausted and anxious. People always say "how are you single?" and I tell them that I haven't found the right one. In reality, though, I am preserving my mental health in solitude. I am trying to find peace. I am a gimp. The hardest part for me to accept is that female nature, as described in many of your videos, is largely consistent amongst all women. There may be an exception here and there but it's extremely rare. This is such a difficult red pill for me to swallow. Thank you for all your hard work, Sandman. To everyone on this channel: we will make it. Love you guys, stay strong." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and for sharing your story. I feel the same way as you. Even before I became red pilled with regards to relationships I was never involved with women that nagged. The moment the nagging and control began I would be out of there in a hurry. It would usually come out in the first few weeks to one month. My anxiety would over-ride my attraction and my feet would move into action. I eventually found a couple of quiet woman that didn't say much so I decided to stay. They didn't nag all that often and kept their mouths in check. One started running her mouth and trying to control the relationship and my tension headaches from this were so awful in the front of my head that the pain spread to my stomach and I had to go to the hospital to get a tranquilizer up my shwing shwang to calm down. Shortly after that I made the choice between my mental health and the relationship and walked away after almost five years. At first I thought the headaches were just a normal part of love. Luckily during my longest relationship I never had those. Anyways, before I discuss more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

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Go FAQ Yourself, Yorkshire MGTOW!
Go FAQ Yourself, Yorkshire MGTOW! Yorkshire_MGTOW 281 Views • 3 years ago

Some questions have been answered here.

Swedish Women Are Angry Because Thai Women Are Stealing Their Men -  MGTOW
Swedish Women Are Angry Because Thai Women Are Stealing Their Men - MGTOW Sandman 336 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Sweden now the country with the highest percentage of Thai wives

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from The Letter A and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, thanks for spreading the MGTOW philosophy to many people as possible, you saved my life from wahman. Back in 2016 when YouTube still recommended your channel from other youtubers I accidentally stumbled on your channel and I was shocked. I felt like my brain got a massive erection if that makes sense. LMFAO! Because everything you said was correlating on my experience with women in high-school and later in my life. You Rock!" Well A thanks for the donation. I'll use it to cover the topic of an article that came out almost ten years ago now but is hilarious. It's called: "Swedish governor wants limit on Thai women marrying Swedes". It seems that Sweden became the European country with the highest percentage of men marrying Thai women or dating them. This was because of the large number of Thai workers that were there seasonally and as we all know Asian women tend to see tall blonde haired, blue eyed guys with white skin as higher sexual marketplace value and have no problems gobbling them up from Swedish Feminists. 80% of the Thai women that entered were married to or in relationships with Swedish men. This is a testament to how bad Swedish women were at that time and probably worse today. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the Thai Girls banging Swedish chads outside of Bangkok clown world show. I'd like to read a bit from that article which I also put in the description and I quote: "The increased levels of younger Thai women now entering Sweden has now become a political issue. Last year, a female governor of one rural Swedish province requested that the government look into this situation, investigate abuse and perhaps even limit the number of Thai women permitted into the country. She has now been given a mandate to study the nature of the growing number of relationships between Swedish men and Thai women. Women's groups claim many Thai women have been subjected to abuse by Swedish men. However, like Finland and Norway, while there are documented cases of abuse, most relationships between Thai women and Swedish men are successful. Although there is no accurate data on relationship breakdown between Thai women who marry Swedish men, it is likely to be lower than the overall divorce rate in Sweden which is now nearly 55%. One UK man living in Sweden estimates that over 85% of marriages between Thai women and Swedish men are successful. Increasing numbers of Swedish men are choosing Thai women to be their wives. Not only that, but immigration of both Thai men and women into Sweden is nothing new: this has been taking place for many years, and the Thai community in Sweden has been steadily growing over the years. There has not been a sudden influx of Thai women into Sweden although the trend has increased steadily and sharply - perhaps it has reached a critical level or perhaps the key factor is that Swedish society is coming to terms with new political and social tensions. For instance the Swedish berry industry has relied on Thais for many years. Thais help gather this important harvest to the Swedish economy. Blueberries, lingonberries, strawberries and raspberries among others have to be picked, most Swedes regard the wages paid to be beneath them. There are stories of young Thai women being sold by their families to Swedish men and then forced into slavery or the sex trade when they arrive in Sweden.

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ELLA Y SU FALSO INTERÉS - MGT0W LuzSolar 627 Views • 5 years ago

Te has preguntado___ ¿POR QUE ELLA TE DA FALSAS ESPERANZAS?___

⁣Sugar Momma Gets Salty Over Reactions to Boy Toy | Ride and Roast
⁣Sugar Momma Gets Salty Over Reactions to Boy Toy | Ride and Roast Terrence Popp 258 Views • 3 years ago

Hanni can’t handle reality, so she took her story to the media to prove just how much she doesn’t care about everyone else’s opinion. Make sense…. Right?

#RideandRoast #SugarMomma #TheSaltMustFlow

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I Can’t Imagine Why | Grunt Speak Live
I Can’t Imagine Why | Grunt Speak Live Terrence Popp 508 Views • 3 years ago

⁣When you demonize patriots, parents, and actively try to destroy the country… people might not like it.
#GruntSpeakLive #RedWave #BlueScreenBiden

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Nunca te Regalarán un Ramo de Rosas
Nunca te Regalarán un Ramo de Rosas Uno más del Patriarcado 1,442 Views • 4 years ago




Mi Opinión Sobre Onlyfans
Mi Opinión Sobre Onlyfans Uno más del Patriarcado 764 Views • 3 years ago

No olvides visitar mi canal de youtube

La polémica de Thor - Detenciones injustas - El summum anti-mgtow
La polémica de Thor - Detenciones injustas - El summum anti-mgtow CaraBMGTOW 176 Views • 3 years ago

⁣La polémica de Thor - Detenciones injustas - El summum anti-mgtow

Las leyes fundamentales de la estupidez
Las leyes fundamentales de la estupidez ElObserVador 1,549 Views • 3 years ago

Desde Darwin, sabemos que compartimos nuestro origen con las demás especies del reino animal y todas las especies, desde la hormiga hasta el elefante, tienen que soportar temores, peligros, frustraciones, penas y adversidades. Pero lo que nos hace especiales a los seres humanos es que poseemos el privilegio de tener que cargar con un peso añadido extra que son los problemas provocados por un grupo de seres que también pertenecen, por desgracia, al género humano: los estúpidos.

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