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Men Have No Rights - MGTOW
Men Have No Rights - MGTOW Sandman 380 Views • 5 years ago

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Alaska Chaga

John The Other

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by another donation from Rational Animal and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Yet another month and another request to cover a MGTOW channel, this time it's John the Other. My view on his channel is that it's a great one to watch for those who think that "it's not so bad in the real world". He puts out constant reminder to MGTOW to not idealize women or fall into a complacency of thinking that the consequences of dating or being in a relationship are minor. His view may be too grim because he is constantly dealing with men who've been falsely accused, however he discusses things that happened in real life and it's important for men to realize what can and does
happen. Btw, if I ever ask you to cover somebody that you would rather not cover or have a disagreement, please don't feel compelled to do so. Just let me know and I'll pick somebody else. Thank you" Well Rational Animal thanks for the donation and topic. I like John The Others content but my personal dealings with him weren't all that positive. I'll get to my stories in a second but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Alaska Chaga: Anyways now back to my thoughts about John the Other. A few years ago I was chatting to John via email and I told him I wanted to start up a crowdfunding campaign to help Dean Esmay get some new front teeth because he was one of the main spokes people for the men's rights website a voice for men. He's no longer there. I told John about my plan and next thing I know he runs off and does it himself and tells everyone that it was my idea. The Dean Esmay insults me and John appears to have the perfect scapegoat, the Sandman, for his plan of action. There were a lot of conflicts behind John and a Voice For Men. Paul Elam at a voice for men even claimed that that John and Diana were banging behind the scenes and that they were actually a couple. But I never saw any proof of that. I believe they live in the same city. But if they are or were living together, again no proof, would John really be a MGTOW? The sad truth about the men's rights movement is that there has always been a lot of infighting for attention because they show their faces and I saw a lot of Narcissism running wild like period blood without a tampon. I sometimes got the feeling that John and Diana rebranded after a potential falling out with the MRA. Men's rights activists have a lot of internal conflict and step on each other for attention and status. It's absolutely disgusting. But not all MRAs are like that. I didn't see that sort of thing happening here in Canada with the groups here in Toronto. Also Rational Animal The reason John deals with men that are falsely accused has a lot to do with the fact that he was part of the men's rights movement and part of a voice for men back then. So it would have been typical content for the men's rights movement but suddenly you slap and MGTOW logo in the background and jump ship and take the side of the MGTOW community instead of the MRA and attack it and now you have a new audience that others built and you can plug yourself into. Talk about getting out of the MRA when the getting was good. I think he was out of a voice for men in early 2014 at the height of their popularity. John has been really good over the years summing up things like MeToo and more recently he was also one of the many people discussing a story about a woman that lives in New York that was on the CBC trying to incite violence against men.

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Women are FULL of STD's: Be Careful!
Women are FULL of STD's: Be Careful! Johnny_Cage 275 Views • 4 years ago

⁣This is finally the video where I relate what was told to me about modern women and their STD prevalence. As you'll see in the video, I've been talking with an ex-gynecologist at the gym about his experience during his practice time. The details are not surprising, but I feel it needs to be repeated to these thirsty, pussy-hungry fools that pretend to be MGTOW. The extent to which these women are infested with disease is staggering and hair-raising. The danger is very high when sexing these random whores that don't get tested.

Please heed this warning to be careful, because so many STD's are debilitating and INCURABLE. LOTS of the infertility and disorders in women come from their rampant promiscuity and defiling themselves with Chads who test their limits with degrading, unhygienic sexual acts. What do you think about making out with Chad's dirty asshole? Because that's what Dr. Saloman said you'd be doing [practically] with most of these young women today.

MGTOW Doom and Gloom
MGTOW Doom and Gloom SoloManZone 42 Views • 4 years ago

The good old days

How A Single Mother Lead Me To MGTOW
How A Single Mother Lead Me To MGTOW Sandman 453 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sandman Sponsor Link:
Brave Browser:

How a Single Mother Lead me to MGTOW

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Richard. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I want to do is read a reddit post from someone named Cursed With Knowing and he has quite a bit to say. So before I read his words let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to the video. Here's what Cursed with knowing has to say and I quote: "I was a manager for a company that had several divisions. I was a manger for one, and a single mother was a low-level employee for another. My ex wife had left me the year before, and I was getting lonely, so I was susceptible to deception, and I fell for it. Even though my wife had left me after years of mental abuse, my blue pill programming told me that she was just a “bad woman,” and all I needed to do was find my NAWALT unicorn. So the single mother makes it clear to me that she’s available, and we meet for breakfast on weekend morning. Things go well, and we meet again, and at the second meeting, we became intimate. The sex is good. She is relatively talented. At the time, I wasn’t equating talent to extensive experience. After all, if she’s good in bed, she had to learn it somewhere. We then quickly escalated to me meeting her children, and me spending several evenings a week at her place. I was treated to home cooked meals, sex every night, and bjss when she was on her period. I mean every night, without fail. Some things that I noticed came up, but I didn’t fully recognize at the time. For one, she said she “had my eyes on you for a while.” In other words, my wallet was being sized up for being a beta provider. I thought she was attracted to me, but in reality, she was being attracted to my income as a manager (which eventually turned out to be not as much as she thought). Another was that she was ex-military, and I had no idea at the time how slutty military women are (I found out later that she was very sexually active in the military). As a few months go by, she starts to mention how great a “team” we are, and how we should “work together.” She was hinting at cohabitation, as she got the house from her ex-husband, but his child support was not completely paying the mortgage and bills. So, being the blue pilled simp that I was, convince myself that she had learned from her bad experiences, how to appreciate a good man. I told myself that I finally found my NAWALT unicorn. I thought the nice guy had finally won! So, I began prepping to move in with her. I told my landlord I was leaving. I ended up giving much of my furniture away, as she already had nicer furniture (no doubt paid for by her ex-husband). And then I moved in. Almost instantly, things started to change. The sex slowed, and then stopped entirely.

How A Single Mother Lead Me To MGTOW - Photos

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12 Years Prison For Kissing Her - MGTOW
12 Years Prison For Kissing Her - MGTOW Sandman 5,626 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
Body Transformation Made Simple

Albert N. Wilson: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, Seeing what youtube is doing makes me sick. Your content exposed me to the red pill after I got out of a long term relationship a few years ago. I was in a really bad place and have crawled out if that hole because of content like yours. I thank you for that. It’s my pleasure to donate and help keep the fire burning. Hypergamy puts such unrealistic standards in dating. Very few men even qualify and the bar is constantly raised. As mgtow grows, not just the bottom 80% will leave the plantation. Women don’t care about the bottom 80% going mgtow, the top 20% will sting something fierce. Every top 20% man that goes his own way, hundreds if not thousands of women lose their “potential” white knight. Men, if you really want to influence feminism, elevate yourself to the top 20% and stay mgtow. Seeing rejection on a thot’s face is priceless. Thanks Sandman. Please keep me anonymous and edit what you wish." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and from what I gather you want to encourage the top twenty percent of guys out there, the guys that matter the most to women to go their own way to influence feminism. I'm guessing you mean influence them so they change and stop being feminists? I will certainly discuss this in the first half of the video because I think there's only enough material there for half a request. In the second half I'm going to cover a story a story like the title says about a guy that kissed a girl on camera and then they went in a private area and had sex for five minutes in an apparently consentual way yet he's now going to prison for 12 years for rape. I'll cover both of those things but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Body Transformation Made Simple: Anyways, now back to Mr. Anonymous. So you want the top twenty percent of guys to go their own way to stick it to the feminists. The thing you have to keep in mind is that the top twenty percent of guys out there don't want to go anywhere near feminists. That's why they are feminists in the first place. If you don't know what I mean then do a search for pictures or videos of the girls at slut walks. The women there are unattractive and Shamu sized or they look butch and masculine. There are few cuties that would be worth doing if they cleaned themselves up but for the most part the top twenty percent of men will not settle for slut walk Sally. Because of that many those women are bitter because even though they are aspiring carousel riders they never got a chance to be satisfied by Chad Thunder Rod and instead have to settle for other beauty challenged butch babes out there. Feminism I believe is born from the
bitterness that the lower twenty percent of women feel towards the rejection they get from the top twenty percent of men. Just like Incels are born out of the lower 20% of men becoming bitter because of the rejection of all women.
Although there have been rumblings out there that there are femcels out there.

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