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How She Keeps You on that P Plantation
How She Keeps You on that P Plantation Texting Prince 137 Views • 4 years ago

Have you ever wondered how so many men fall victim to that Punani Plantation? Where they lose all rational thought and fall into the role of living only to please their wife or girlfriend?

Welcome to the Punani Plantation - this video will help expose the tricks

This video is breaking down some concepts from the book The Manipulated Man by Esther Vilar. Video 3 of the series.



Within 10 minutes of reading my texting guide, you can use the technique Mirror Texting to know EXACTLY whether any woman texting you is actually interested or just playing games



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MGTOW Philosophy - THE GASLIGHTER By Spetsnaz
MGTOW Philosophy - THE GASLIGHTER By Spetsnaz Alpha_Male_Guide 126 Views • 4 years ago

Footage: POPtravel Channel:
Walking in TARTU / Estonia on a winter day

Terminator robot dog-Mgtow Defenses
Terminator robot dog-Mgtow Defenses HennessyVenom 45 Views • 4 years ago

Flying drones
Robot dogs
Added defenses for the beginning stages of the mgtow Break Away Civilization.

The allege red pill man A.K.A The Vag Pass distributor
The allege red pill man A.K.A The Vag Pass distributor SiGmAsolitude 32 Views • 4 years ago

⁣The Feminization (And Decline) Of Religion | The American Conservative

MGTOW Fat Women Are NOT Beautiful
MGTOW Fat Women Are NOT Beautiful REDPILLMARRIED 224 Views • 4 years ago

No amount of "Social Engineering" will override a man's Personal Preference.

Article: ⁣

Hard To Resist Filipino Chicks - MGTOW
Hard To Resist Filipino Chicks - MGTOW Sandman 345 Views • 4 years ago


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RCMP adding incels to terrorism awareness guide

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Supremo and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hello Sandman, kindly call me Supremo. now that the red pill knowledge is spreading here in the Philippines, I would like to you to assess the Filipino man's obstacles and chances on how can he go his own way." Well dude thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to your request in a moment but first a word about today's sponsor The Red Pill Plumber: Anyways, now back to the video. I don't know if divorce is legal yet in the Philippines but in March of 2018 the lower house in your country Supremo voted to voted 134 votes for versus only 57 votes against an act instituting divorce in your country. When divorce becomes fully legal there will be an epidemic of divorce and it won't be hard to red pill men at that point when women are destroying them in the Philippines the way that western women have been destroying western men for over fifty to sixty years now. Up to this point one of Filipino man's obstacles for going his own way and avoiding marriage has been that divorce was illegal so that made men in your country secured that they could have authority over their women. I remember five or six years ago western guys in the Philippines telling me they are married over there and with no divorce have their she devil by the horns and she can't get away. I told them that feminism would eventually get to that country and look who has the last laugh now. Supremo expect family formation and birth rates to collapse in our country as a result of this. Men in your country are not going to be as willing to risk their futures because of it. Another thing that has been preventing men in the Philippines from going their own way is the Catholic Religion pushing men to conform and cozzy up to a cooch on a couch to Netflix and chill and procreate with. People in your country are hardcore and I saw a video once of a guy dying after nailing himself up like Christ on a Cross. I don't see religion as something that's taken seriously in your country because of any sense of higher morality or right and wrong. I see it as a form of social collectivism forcing everyone to conform and when I look around here at Filipino Churches it's usually women that go to them and occasionally push their husbands to go too. But it's mostly women and younger men involved with the Catholic Church. You know it's not taken very seriously by the fact that in the Philippines being a male to female trans-gendered person is accepted and so is homosexuality. So because of that how seriously is the church taken besides just virtue signalling. Ironically the only two places that divorce has been illegal up to recently were the Philippines and the Vatican. If guys want to resist women in the Philippines and go their own way a good thing to look at is the fact that men in that country lack authority. I remember my first girl was from the Philippines and she didn't like her daughter dating a white dude. So one day I'm at the mall with her and her father, whom I've never met before runs up to us and scares us and tells us to run the other way because her mother is coming and we better hide. Tell me the truth Supremo does that sound like a man that has authority in his marriage? He couldn't even walk up to me like a normal human being and introduce himself.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Women Form Union Before Having Jobs - LOL!
Women Form Union Before Having Jobs - LOL! The Realist Philosopher 39 Views • 4 years ago

⁣From my 2018 to 2019 content produced after my youtube channel “The MGTOW Philosopher” was banned. This is from my new show “The Realist Philosopher.” Posting a lot of my content from oldest to newest, so stay tuned. Other platforms I'm on, and social media links can be found below ;)

Podcasts & Videos: (My once a week live stream airing Sat 5pm Phoenix AZ time USA) (Follow me on bitchute)
Social Media:
therealistphilosopher1967 (instagram) (Gab)
[email protected] (email) (My website)

MR Elite shames Igor MGTOW after the penny ordeal
MR Elite shames Igor MGTOW after the penny ordeal AmanleyLoad 97 Views • 4 years ago

I don't want to make this a habbit to have an opinion on other people channels. However i feel this is a great example of how repill conflicts with MGTOW and the master of ones biology is the best way forward for a mans evolution along with my commentry behind MR Elites responses to Igor MGTOW . Mr Elites ideal response would have been not to respond at all. Thats my Opinion

ps, some of those videos on the side bar wee played on autoplay! hehe

I be simping All day featuring Mr. elite
I be simping All day featuring Mr. elite KenDelrican 132 Views • 4 years ago

official MGTOW music video of Simping.

Mr. Elite a American Simp Story
Mr. Elite a American Simp Story KenDelrican 191 Views • 4 years ago

Walk&Talk MGTOW Shit

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