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Credits to : https://odysee.com/@looksmaximus:5 <br> <br>What if the Zionist created religion to tell us that Jesus or God will come save us when things get bad. So that we do nothing but watch Zionist take over the world ? what if thats what they want ? <br> <br>I suggest that all of mgtow should take the WARPILL and the FLATPILL. <br>If your already sinning and going to hell, then go have fun in Tijuana or Thailand or even a local bar if you can pull. <br>I agree with the notion that we should forget about women and focus on ourself. But you cant really forget about women until you get sick and annoyed of them. I was desperate for pussy untill I got married. (Im divorced now) <br>Unlike you guys I don't click on thumbnails with hot women on them because I dont feel the desire for them. Like I use to when I wasn't drowning in puntang. <br>Im not judging anyone, but I believe that there are serious mental health issues with people who dont regularly have sex, I mean look at prison rapes, look at what happens to soldiers and raping when they go to war. <br>Once you have the women, you dont want them anymore. You would just much rather hang out with your bros.

Androcentric strategies in gynocentric world. <br>Sex makes the world go round not money, we do not erect buildings for money, we erect building for puntang,we buikd society fir puntang. Its the vril the elixer of life testosterone. <br>What Austen powers likes to call ≈ Mojo

Keep the Goyim on the ranch. Dont let them escape. <br>Pay your taxes. Get distracted by women, Get distracted by movies and videos games. <br>Whenever they censor something there is probably something there that you should know about. <br> <br>Censor PUAs >> women are lesser than men. <br>Censor racial IQ statistics >> We are not made the same or equal. <br>Censor Holocaust denial >> Jews run the world <br>Censored natural medicine books. >> Big pharma does not want to heal you. <br> <br>What else in the world could be more censored than the Rothschild family owning most of the banks ? Alongside having 400 trillion dollar in assets. <br> <br>Most importantly dont go outside and measure the land. You can do anything but that. <br> <br>For the incel pervets, her name is Victoria a Ukrainian beauty. https://photos.app.goo.gl/tFur1KdyNqFyRBvc8

One of the funniest speeches I have ever seen. <br> <br>No doubt in my mind that mgtow/blackpill people have higher IQs or at least average. <br>But its important to remember having a high IQ does not mean success. It often means you have to make yourself retarded to talk to other people. And you will experience lots lonelyness in your whole life. It also means that you probably have a lot of negativite information in your head. Which makes you unpleasant to be around. <br> <br>True geniuses like Nickola Tesla and Isaac Newton <br>and Albert Einstein they usually dont get to pass down there genes. <br>Women are atracted to success not intelligence. To be successful you often need to do the stupid thing, and have unrealistic believes. <br>not only that but intelligence can be a multiplyer to your life decisions. <br> examples <br> <br>-Use leverage to get rich or to put yourself in to debt. <br> <br>-Using testosterone to have good health, or mess up your body permanently. <br> <br>-Taking vitamin to improve your health, or getting poison by the heavy metal conent in the cheap vitamin bottles .

Casinos use face recognition technology to scan your face and remember your face. Casino slot machines only give the jackpot to the addicts that go there everyday. Because the casino knows they will give all that money back. <br> <br>Neuroscientists do not celebrate every win, and they celebrate their losses. They know this trick because they keep it semi random. Celebrate all your wins and you will work less hard. Dont celebrate your losses at all and you won't be as motivated. <br>This is why you have to give yourself credit for trying and humble yourself when you're winning. <br> <br>This is another reason why women can be very addicting to men random inconsistent sex.

Our subconscious mind puts you in a hierarchy. Ranging from Chad to Incel. Lobsters have this effect to serotonin SSRIs work on them just like they work on humans. When you give lobsters SSRI they fight the Alfa lobsters and dont stop unless they are killed. <br>Our brain puts us in a lower hierarchy so that we don't die like those lobsters. There's no reason for us to be in the low hierarchy men at this moment. Start winning even if it's not real. Your brain will make you think your Alfa.