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A realidade biológica destrói a farsa da igualdade feminista
A realidade biológica destrói a farsa da igualdade feminista ThanosWasRight 30 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Campeonato Mundial de Atletismo em Doha, 29 de setembro de 2019. Na final de revezamento misto 4x400 (2 homens e 2 mulheres por equipe), a Polônia, com uma corredora feminina, inicia a última etapa com uma vantagem de pelo menos cinco segundos. Mas logo depois, QUATRO homens a ultrapassam de forma fácil.

O mesmo pode ser visto na segunda etapa, quando o corredor masculino polonês abre enorme distância sobre todas as outras corredoras.

A Psicologia Dos Justiceiros Socialistas.( calar a boca de todo mundo que não faz parte da bolha deles )
A Psicologia Dos Justiceiros Socialistas.( calar a boca de todo mundo que não faz parte da bolha deles ) MGTOWBahia 165 Views • 4 years ago

Real Men Want Independence From Thots & Manginas - MGTOW
Real Men Want Independence From Thots & Manginas - MGTOW Sandman 326 Views • 5 years ago

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X-Wolf Booster
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Emperor Dion
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Emperor Dion and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I've been meaning to contact you about some ideas I've been pursuing for a while now. Last year, I was apart of a group of guys who had an idea to unite the men of the manosphere into something bigger. The person who came up with it, whom I shall not name, called it Monastic Cenntenial. The meaning behind that name is twofold: The monastics were historically a group of men and intellectuals who preserved much of what we know about the Roman Empire after it collapsed, and its been almost 100 years since the beginning of women's rights in the United States. The original plan was to bring men together to create some sort of intentional community, and by pulling our resources and effort together, we could build ourselves safe havens across the world from which red pilled men could operate from, build businesses, generate wealth and value, and help each other in turn by reducing each other's costs. That idea however went no where, because the leader could talk on and on about such things and get people really interested in the idea, but he did nothing but beg for money and it didnt take long before we all saw right through him and went out own way. However, I think it would be a huge waste to let such an idea go to waste, so me and one of my closest friends in the red pill space has been working together to hash out a more feesible and sensible way to go about such a thing. So here is my idea: Instead of an intentional community, I thought of making a legit corporation that red pilled men could join, discuss various business ventures such as offshore companies, real estate, buying small businesses, and collectively we work together to on them one at a time, leaving one member to manage it under a LLC when they are completed. From this we could spawn all sorts of entities for red pilled men, and others effected by gynocentrism and looking for a way out of mainstream society. The progress I've made so far is establishing an LLC that I will use for my own personal use, but can be later transitioned into a corperation when and if it becomes necessary, and I have a discord server and youtube channel where I would be discussing my ideas. Link to those will be provided. I know there are many younger guys in MGTOW who have their entire lives ahead of them and arent just content with living the MGTOW lifestyle, but would also like to have a real comeradery with fellow mgtows in person, and maybe even spawn something that could save western progress for the future. I feel exactly that way and as a matter of fact, I'm quite passionate about since I have few real world friends, if any at all. I know your channel has been kinda struggling lately and I'm sure I've got some good topics for you in the future, so hang in there sandman, keep up the good fight. You're far from alone." Well Emperor Dion thanks for the donation and topic. I put the links to your YouTube and Discord Server down below so people can check those out. Before I discuss your story further let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The X-Wolf Booster:
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Photo Credits:
1. Shocked african-american woman in disbelief looking whats between mans legs

Social Media Sluts - MGTOW
Social Media Sluts - MGTOW Sandman 323 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
Cajun Fried Werewolf

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Sponsor YouTube Link:

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Almost every time anything is posted to Facebook by a woman, it’s always some sort of “woe is me” or political rage rant about how they’re victimized. Almost always, a man has to be wary and careful of the Facebook algorithms, because the algorithms will present ‘triggering’ posts that will make the man want to respond. However, almost always in the comment stream below the post it’s always a “you go girl” and a “hugs and kisses” pile of emotional support. If you try to say anything other than one of these, then you’re basically mob attacked by everyone posting on the thread as a sinner or evil. Even if what you say supports what was posted, if it’s even slightly “logical” in attitude to the post, you’re either immediately blocked/unfriended, or publicly shamed by mass. What are your thoughts on this? How are females using social media to benefit? I’ve seen numerous “white-knight” types figure it out that they can’t post comments so they stop and they silence themselves. I even saw a highly attractive sexy-man dancer that I knew, who always came off as a liberal support women guy, turn gradually posting more and more disgruntled posts about the political correct sensitivity of the day, to eventually just not posting at all except for his adventures in Zouk dancing." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. But before I start let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Cajan Fried Werewolf: Anyways, now back to the show. Before discussing how women posting on social media effects male behavior I want to first go over how social media has changed female behavior. So what did social media do to and for women? Number one it expanded the circle of bangable men. Next it increased their narcissism. Thirdly it created social proof and validation through the idea that if someone is her friend and your friend and you match with her on Tinder and both of you have one or two mutual acquantances it creates new social proof. The women I dated off of Tinder I had at least one or two friends in common when meeting them. Social media also created a new female social space but early on it was a male one where anything went. This meant that women had to dominate that space. Also as you pointed out Mr. Anonymous it created an environment where women have the ability for women to give each other a circle jerk full of complements. It also increased the speed at which gossip can spread through social circles, expanded the idea of materialism too. Just think of how restaurant and travel culture and businesses have expanded because women share their selfies on Facebook and instagram with everyone in their social circle. For example I see tons of photos in my feed these days from women in hospital gowns showing themselves at their worst trying to gain sympathy for being some sort of medical victim. It's fun watching them having to constantly figure out ever more shocking ways to get attention with their selfies. Social media also forced men that are in the dating game to work harder on themselves because women have access to better alpha males these days. As for this idea of the woe is me victimhood mentality from women on social media it's all about getting that sympathy attention and proving that they are the victim of a disease or drunk driver.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credits:

1. beautiful girl in black swimsuit with black rifle in hands

2. portrait of beautiful sexy woman in uniform, military

3. beautiful girls in a black bikini with three guns vector

MGTOW Hits 1: Negative XP - "Scott Pilgrim" Arruinou Toda Uma Geração de Mulheres
MGTOW Hits 1: Negative XP - "Scott Pilgrim" Arruinou Toda Uma Geração de Mulheres ThanosWasRight 693 Views • 5 years ago

Resumo das mulheres empoderadas

Festas, Mulheres Arrogantes, Jovens, Ego & Filhos
Festas, Mulheres Arrogantes, Jovens, Ego & Filhos ThanosWasRight 490 Views • 5 years ago

Festas, Mulheres Arrogantes, Jovens, Ego & Filhos

*Tive que apagar todos os comentários. Sem brigas inúteis por aqui, o que vale é a mensagem que o cara passa, independente do que ele é ou diz ser atualmente.

Pílulas de Solitude - Cuidado com a Energia da Carência!
Pílulas de Solitude - Cuidado com a Energia da Carência! ThanosWasRight 136 Views • 5 years ago

Se inscrevam no canal do cara:

Gym Thots Be Like
Gym Thots Be Like ChroniclesofAJ 320 Views • 5 years ago

Gym Thots

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