
I'm an evil, Degenerate, Monster.
The collapse of civilization is coming soon. And I intend to survive it. There is opportunity if we can survive the initial downfall
Yeah the world's been messed up. There's a crazy Marxist race war being waged against us,and there is no talking them out of it they're crazed zealots now. Doesn't matter if you're racist or sexist or not,they just see the "evil white people" who they've been told to blame for everything. And even after the collapse they would just hunt you down and blame YOU for everything THEY caused to happen. The insane,racist,Marxist communists will never blame themselves and they've been raised since early childhood to blame YOU for everything wrong with the world.
You didn't do anything to them or anyone else.....I already know. You never had to do anything for them to hate you. It was other people who taught them to hate you. There's no changing it so it's better just to accept the Marxist commies, religious right and anyone else who worships GOD,Puritans,and many other people just flat out hate you. Not just the Rabid left a lot of the RIGHT hates you too
Well they hate me too! Welcome to the hate party where we don't hate each other we hate everybody else BECAUSE they hate us! there's nothing wrong with hating people BECAUSE they hate YOU!
What we need is Glorious Patriarchy! To take this golden opportunity and take women's rights away to create a better future!
The government is inacting a plan to kill or sterilize most people on the planet within the next decade right now. They wanna lock you in your house and throw you in a camp if you go outside,or if you don't take an injection, or if you disagree with them or resist in any way. People are gonna be getting killed in these work camps or just dropping dead from the injections while they literally slave away....as slaves.
Between the Marxist Communist takeover of the world,the insane elitists who want to kill us all,the religious nutjobs who are gonna think it's "revelations" and start killing all of us "witches" "Pagans" and "Heretic" in the name of their god AND all the crazy puritanical Nazi's who love to talk about how they want to wipe out us "Degenerates"....We have a lot of enemies.
We didn't CHOOSE these enemies,none of us were given any decision making power over this. We are caught up in a dealdy maelstrom of different horrible things. Tyranny,starvation,lock downs,mass culling and the various cults and criminal gangs who actually work directly for the global Marxist government. They started most of these gangs and have them all on a shorter leash than you might think.
We have to actually survive all of this. The global food supply is under threat while multiple countries have already announced "you cannot enter a grocery store without a vaccine passport". So soon there will be no food for you unless you submit to them,give them all your freedom and let them inject you with something that's gonna turn off your immune system and fill you with nano razor blades and blood clots.
It's really looking like a worse case scenario. I've come to the conclusion that at this point a nuclear war between nations would actually IMPROVE our chances for survival. If all the big cities and military bases get nuked that's just our enemies blowing each other up I say good riddance!
We're just regular poor guys who are facing extremely bad shit. That shit is gonna hit the fan. The government is going full mass murder across the globe.
Stop waiting for some rich guy to suddenly come and save you. It's not gonna happen there are no "Heroes" coming to save the day. The people who sought to kill the tree of freedom have succeeded. We lost and it's time we started acting like it. There's no taking back America,no taking back Europe or anywhere else unless we get out of here first. We have to save ourselves and we cannot defeat the Police and Military in America it's just not gonna happen.
So I'm going south. Fuck Canada they're even worse than America is right now. There's a lot of conquering that can be done across south America. If we can just get around the Panama canal to weakened nations who are falling apart and running out of bullets we have a pretty good chance of victory.
These criminal groups have so so very much money. Yet they're just a bunch of stupid dipshits running crackhouses scratching their ass in the forest. Most trained cops miss up to 4 out of 5 shots on average during actual gunfights,how accurate do you think these idiot gangsters are? In places like Venezuela how many bullets do you think they actually have?
And yet they are the guardians of billions of dollars of wealth,hundreds of thousands of acres of land,and many other resources which the government won't openly protect like they would a bank. My goal is to re-appropriate those resources for ourselves and start a new Kingdom where those who want to escape from the tyranny can come to work,live and hopefully fight for our collective future.
Once enough land is conquered everyone can live happily apart so we can crush this stupid Marxist hatred of white people,and people who hate freedom. We've just actually gotta first crush it,then work towards ensuring it doesn't happen again in the future.
I'm not racist,I just see what's happening and I see what must be done in order to fight back against it and actually win. It's WAR and we can't avoid it. So soon I'll start getting armor and weapons together for those who want to join me but cannot afford them. I wish I could get guns faster but they do cost money which I don't have much of,what I do have is a patch of private property miles away from town where we're beginning to raise and grow our own food. Which I'm willing to bet is a hell of a lot better than where you are right now.
If you're still stuck in the cities that hate you and want you dead....you really should consider my offer.
You gotta hate Marxists communists. You CAN"T hate white people even if you are one. You gotta hate Puritans,and be willing to wage war against GOD himself. Obviously,you cannot worship GOD because I see every Judeo-Christian Islamic faith as my enemies. I will never convert and I will never give praise to their god because I hate god,Jesus and every one of their SLAVE religions.
Besides the fact that,in light of all the insane anti-white Marxism I can only accept white people. I don't really care about the other crap I'm not a Puritan I'm a bit of a degenerate myself actually. You can be a whisky drinking, Anime titty watching,Fapping,Cursing,Perverted mad-lad for all I care. We all wanna save ourselves,save our people,defeat and humiliate our enemies, and make the Marxists answer for what they've done.
We want the same thing. We don't want to die. Fuck the Puritans,Fuck the Religious zealots,Fuck the Marxist commies,Fuck the progressive right, Fuck the progressive left,Fuck all of you bastards who have made yourselves my enemies. I'll kill all of you and burn you in the same raging fires,when you are all just a pile of ashes you will get your progressive wish...You'll all be the same color...Grey!
I'm willing to accept people's differences,but I'm not willing to die for them. I'm anti-progressive I want everybody to be ALLOWED to be different and unique. I don't want to commit genocide and so I'm not going to,but we have to kill those who want to commit genocide against us or they're going to succeed and we're all going to die. That doesn't mean we have to kill them all just a lot of them until they shut the fuck up and start listening instead of screaming and whining and killing our children.
This is a war,you're already in it you don't have a choice. Do you want to win this war or not? You can either die comfortably on your knees or you can actually stand up and fight for your future. We can't make peace with our enemies they don't want peace.
So let's give them war! Let's make them regret what they are doing and make them pay for it!
Gender : Male