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Out Of Business - Mgtow
Out Of Business - Mgtow Zuberi87 62 Views • 4 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

Boozing and Losing (Part 5) - Enemies of Sobriety
Boozing and Losing (Part 5) - Enemies of Sobriety Aeroshogun 62 Views • 5 years ago

My thoughts on the enemies of sobriety, and how you should choose wisely about those you associate with. Because drunken peers can land you in trouble as well. There's a bit of psychology behind peers getting you to drink with them, so be aware if you are trying to be sober.

In my experience, drunk girls can be a big risk to be around (guys too, but for different reasons). Listen and you will hear the tale of this drunk lesbian who really freaked me out. I didn't think of it at the time, but I also had an ex that would drink and drive, but she wasn't very smart. Just be wise, and don't let thirst get to you.

Tribalistic Drinking Source:

Barbarossa - Chat With Spetsnaz
Barbarossa - Chat With Spetsnaz MgtowMonkMode 95 Views • 5 years ago


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