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38 YO Now A Pick Me Girl, After 20 Yrs Of Carousel
38 YO Now A Pick Me Girl, After 20 Yrs Of Carousel The Realist Philosopher 45 Views • 1 year ago

It's the same old story. Girl chases fee fee's, girl gets old, girl no longer gets the male attention she used to, now girl wants dude to flip the bill. Rinse, repeat. This Sex in The City lifestyle has destroyed numerous generations of women, and there seems to be no end in sight. Enjoy!

Large & In Charge Queen Too Good For Cheesecake Factory - Lol!
Large & In Charge Queen Too Good For Cheesecake Factory - Lol! The Realist Philosopher 19 Views • 1 year ago

Title says it all. The dating market is completely out of whack. Low tier chicks have been put on pedestals for so long that they believe they're too good for anything other than 5 star dining. Sadly, simp men are as much to blame for this level of entitlement then women who are lacking in self awareness. This video may be long, but my commentary will likely point out many things you missed prior, and it's entertaining to boot.

Trad Wives Are An Evil Cult Say Evil Cultists - LOL!
Trad Wives Are An Evil Cult Say Evil Cultists - LOL! The Realist Philosopher 42 Views • 2 years ago

That's right. The single, unmarried, desperate to justify their situation feminists are &quot;freaking&quot; out over other women who want to be housewives, and who don't hate men. LOL! <br> <br>Donations: Please support my continued work here: <br> <br>Email: You can contact me directly here: [email protected]

Jonah Hill - My Take On This Nothing Burger
Jonah Hill - My Take On This Nothing Burger The Realist Philosopher 23 Views • 2 years ago

World war 3 on the horizon, Biden destroying the country, digital currency on the horizon, and the media chooses to focus on this crap? OK then, here's my take on the semi simp, semi red pilled Jonah Hill.

Uncle Joe Wants To Block The Sun - WTF!?
Uncle Joe Wants To Block The Sun - WTF!? The Realist Philosopher 1 Views • 2 years ago

So apparently we're experiencing global warming, even though now they call it climate change, so now we need to block the sun. Brilliant! <br> <br> (Donations) <br> <br>[email protected] (Email)

Ocean Gates "TITAN" Sub & Stockton Rush - Full Roast
Ocean Gates "TITAN" Sub & Stockton Rush - Full Roast The Realist Philosopher 35 Views • 2 years ago

Gotta roast this one folks. Gotta. Don't speak ill of the dead my aching ass.

Lizard Face & Scarecrow - Products Of Single Mothers, Of course
Lizard Face & Scarecrow - Products Of Single Mothers, Of course The Realist Philosopher 36 Views • 2 years ago

This is what you get from single mothers. Dope head, lizard faced dudes, scarecrow looking broads who are good for nothing except leeching off the system, and sucking the public coffers dry. Nice. <br> <br>Email me at: [email protected] <br> <br>Make donations at:

Syrian Nut Stabs French Kids - Media Carries Water
Syrian Nut Stabs French Kids - Media Carries Water The Realist Philosopher 21 Views • 2 years ago

Of course a Syrian refugee attacked only white babies with a knife, and of course the media, and law enforcement claim to have no idea why he did it. Because, of course. Oh, and the full video of the attack is here. <br> <br> (Donations) <br> <br>[email protected] (Email)

NYC Kicks Veterans To Curb For Illegal Aliens - A TRAVESTY!
NYC Kicks Veterans To Curb For Illegal Aliens - A TRAVESTY! The Realist Philosopher 33 Views • 2 years ago

End times people. End times. Who will defend us from outside, and inside threats alike when our veterans are kicked to the curb in favor of Illegal aliens. What country survives without a strong, patriotic military? None that remain free. <br> <br>Donations: Those that donate get exclusive access to myself, as well as full, unedited episodes of my show, and the ability to suggest future show subjects.

Riley Reid Regrets Doing Porn, After Making Millions......
Riley Reid Regrets Doing Porn, After Making Millions...... The Realist Philosopher 77 Views • 2 years ago

After hitting the wall Riley Reid claims to now regret having gone into porn. She does this in a video made in her 5 million dollar mansion. LOL! <br> <br>Donations: For access to full show, and to support <br> <br>Email: [email protected] Email me with content links you'd like me to cover

Women Sterilizing Themselves To Avoid Abortions
Women Sterilizing Themselves To Avoid Abortions The Realist Philosopher 69 Views • 2 years ago

Could ask them not to have sex, or simply give the baby up for adoption, but oh no. Can't inconvenience the precious whaman. They'll just kill any chance of every having a family. Hot girl summer won't last forever ladies!

Hair Discrimination? Not Again!
Hair Discrimination? Not Again! The Realist Philosopher 25 Views • 2 years ago

Not this BS again. Can the media please stop shilling this nonsense. Standards exist for a reason. If you don't like it, leave! <br> <br>Donations: For Access to full unedited show <br> <br>Email me: [email protected] For stories you want me to cover, or with questions

The Ginger Simp Behind The Communist Coffee Shop
The Ginger Simp Behind The Communist Coffee Shop The Realist Philosopher 30 Views • 2 years ago

Yep, an albino soy boy was behind it all. <br> <br>Donations: For Access to full unedited show <br> <br>Email me: [email protected] For stories you want me to cover, or with questions

Anti Capitalist Coffee Shop Goes Broke - SHOCKER!
Anti Capitalist Coffee Shop Goes Broke - SHOCKER! The Realist Philosopher 30 Views • 2 years ago

Anti Capitalist Coffee Shop Goes Broke. LOL! So, a business opened for the express purpose of not making money made no money. SHOCKER!

Loneliness Causes Lung Cancer - Wait, WTF!?
Loneliness Causes Lung Cancer - Wait, WTF!? The Realist Philosopher 25 Views • 2 years ago

Have people really gotten so stupid that they believe this BS? Loneliness is as bad for our health as smoking? WTF is going on here? O_o <br> <br>Donations: - For access to my unedited show in full <br> <br>Email: [email protected] - Feel free to email me with stories

Women Now Demanding 500 Word Essays To Date Them
Women Now Demanding 500 Word Essays To Date Them The Realist Philosopher 42 Views • 2 years ago

There's a new trend which seems to be catching on. Chicks demanding that men write 500 word essays to be considered for a date. Really ladies? As if you haven't already limited your ability to find a man; now you come up with this? LMFAO!

Women Can't Help But Sabotage Good Relationships
Women Can't Help But Sabotage Good Relationships The Realist Philosopher 50 Views • 2 years ago

Modern women are walking, talking contradictions. The better something is the more they'll find something wrong with, and sabotage it.

Female Army Colonel Sexual Assualts Men - Crickets
Female Army Colonel Sexual Assualts Men - Crickets The Realist Philosopher 35 Views • 2 years ago

I thought Wahmen were all Angels, and never did anything wrong. Seems that power corrupts, and that toxic femininity is a thing. That said, you never hear about these stories, do you?

Global Elites Want You To Stop Eating Meat
Global Elites Want You To Stop Eating Meat The Realist Philosopher 44 Views • 2 years ago

The Bilderbergs, the council on foreign relations, the Illuminati, all separate heads on the same Hydra's body, and all part of a global cabal that wants you to become more weak, more feminine, and more pliable. How do they do that? One way is to make you weak both in body, and mind. One of the best ways to do that is to destroy your ability to think clearly, and rationally, as well as to weapon your body. Stopping you from eating meat will accomplish both, as both men, and women need meat to produce testosterone.

Nutter Dude Thinks He's A Disabled Woman - WTF?!
Nutter Dude Thinks He's A Disabled Woman - WTF?! The Realist Philosopher 40 Views • 2 years ago

First we got dudes pretending to be dudettes, and now we've got able bodied people identifying as trans, because of course we do.

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