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RPMGTOW China Is At It Again
RPMGTOW China Is At It Again REDPILLMARRIED 327 Views • 4 years ago

Long game in play.

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RP/MGTOW AITA Post 13 REDPILLMARRIED 271 Views • 4 years ago

She IS an A-hole, but not how you think.

Post: ⁣

MGTOW IS FREEDOM  - Men DON'T need women to be HAPPY
MGTOW IS FREEDOM - Men DON'T need women to be HAPPY MGTOW_Is_Freedom 534 Views • 4 years ago

⁣(MGTOW is Freedom) Mirror Status

Power by : Johnny Mgtow

RP/MGTOW AITA Post 11 REDPILLMARRIED 156 Views • 4 years ago

The ORIGINAL purpose of Child Support was honorable, however the CURRENT purpose is absolutely CORRUPT.

Post: ⁣

RP/MGTOW Women Are STILL Losing Jobs. Oh Well!!
RP/MGTOW Women Are STILL Losing Jobs. Oh Well!! REDPILLMARRIED 252 Views • 4 years ago


Article: ⁣

RP/MGTOW Random Talks 12
RP/MGTOW Random Talks 12 REDPILLMARRIED 168 Views • 4 years ago

Just letting loose!
Music: ALLISON-Warm

One B Jaye Away From The Plantation - MGTOW
One B Jaye Away From The Plantation - MGTOW Sandman 349 Views • 4 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

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That time when Buffalo was as big a deal as Toronto

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Good evening fellow canadian red piller. For starters English ain't my first language so I'm sorry for all my possible typing mistakes. I'm from Montreal and I hope we can put that old Toronto Montreal rivalery on the side for the question a have for you here. The question i have for you is multistaged. First, lately this has been happening in my surroundings among friends. I've been seeing things, patterns. Among those a grood friend of mine (whom was almost purple pilled) went back on his way toward the plantation. As They say ''you are always one b jaye away from the plantation''. Before his new girlfriend we went hard into PUA without any knowledge about anything redpill really. He wanted so bad to have a girlfriend. Now that he has one he is in his honeymoon phase and on his way to dream land. Here are some red flags about his new girlfriend. She is an immigrant with a working visa and works as a paralegal on her way to become a lawyer in immigration. She makes more than my friend. So on paper with that knowledge we have we can say she is dating down. She also has been very vocal about marriage so I connected the dots. That's just one story but yeah this story has inspired me to maybe start my own red pill / mgtow channel in french so maybe the message gets to him. I'd also be talking about hypergamy and briffault's law too. Now I know why you make all your videos annnimously and I can understand with our political atmosphere here in canada I wouldnt want to be recongnised and doxed from work and my social circle. Do you use any methods or tools like a voice modulator to make your video? Thank you for your time." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. You're right that most of us are only one b jaye away from going back to the plantation. I'll discuss this and more in just one moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the show. I believe it was Stardusk that originally made that one bj statement and it spread everywhere through the community. Your friend Mr. Anonymous I don't even think he was ever purple pilled. For me being purple pilled is all about learning about female nature and keeping it in the back of your mind during a relationship so that it gives you the upper hand and so that you stop simpin. But it sounds to me like your friend doesn't really fit into the purple pill category. My experience taking the purple pill back in 2015 was a disaster. Keeping the red pill knowledge in my consciousness while being inside a woman was impossible for me. I was turning into a simp before
everyone's eyes. Your friend learned pickup artistry which is red pill philosophy but he only did so that he could firmly plant his penis flag on top of some woman's mountainous fun bags. You mention that the woman he's with has a better job but that she's an immigrant. She probably has lower sexual marketplace value then he does if she's from Asia, Latin America, some poor European country or Africa. So it doesn't matter if she's a nuclear physicist making two hundred thousand dollars a year. Her minority background means that it's most likely that she has lower sexual marketplace value. Plus she might be one of those women that love to dominate men by having a powerful career. Even if she does have higher sexual marketplace value he has Canadian citizenship and that will ensure that she stays in the country. Your friend is probably just a stepping stone for her to become partner in a law firm and find herself a real man. But he can't see this because he's getting sex on a regular basis and his love goggles are firmly fastened to his fat head. Mr. Anonymous it's noble that you want to help him but from what I've learned the best time to reach a man is when he's in between relationships. Just ask him if he's sure she's not just with him so she can get her immigration papers.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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Dating Over 40 Sucks.... For Women | Popp Culture
Dating Over 40 Sucks.... For Women | Popp Culture Terrence Popp 1,152 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Middle aged single wahmen have once again gathered together to complain about the dating market they created. And of course this article was published on the world's most stunning and brave website "for men": The Good Men Project.

Brought to you by "The Pence Principle"

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Video Throwback
Booty Call Mileage: Reloaded

The Dark Secret About A Sexless Marriage
The Dark Secret About A Sexless Marriage REDPILLMARRIED 192 Views • 4 years ago

⁣It's good that this topic is being OPENLY discussed.


MGTOW Triggered By A Child HAHA!
MGTOW Triggered By A Child HAHA! REDPILLMARRIED 171 Views • 4 years ago

⁣The TRUTH hurts!


I Rejected A Girl & Now All The Girls In School Hate Me - MGTOW
I Rejected A Girl & Now All The Girls In School Hate Me - MGTOW Sandman 417 Views • 4 years ago

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I... rejected a girl and now all of the girls in my school hates me

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Roger. He didn't give me a topic so what I'd like to do is share a Reddit thread called "I... rejected a girl and now all of the girls in my school hates me" in the description and here's
what the person named NoU313 and here's what he has to say: "She was not good-looking but had lots of exes. I rejected her and then told her I don't just date anyone. Now every girl hates me since apparently I look at their faces and not their personalities but their personalities are even shittier than their faces. I don't really like the hate since it affects my studying, how do I fix this?" unquote. Well Roger thanks for the donation and I'm sure that NoU313 will appreciate the advice I'll give him if he ever listens to this. First it's important to understand what happened. NoU313 you insulted her by saying that you have high standards and that you won't just date any old woman. If you had just told her politely that you're not interested or cleared the room whenever she was around or made yourself busy in a different part of the school at lunch etc. then you'd have the plausible deniability that you were busy doing other things. Hell if I were still in high school you should have just hung out with me because I had the skill to clear a room like no other person I've ever met before. The amount of hatred and anxiety my presence can inflict on other is something to see. But most likely you don't want to ruin your reputation any further. You had the power to tell this girl that she wasn't pretty enough for you and she went and cried to the other girls and now they are going to punish you for insulting one of their fellow hens. With female own group preference if you hurt one of them and she tells the others they all feel insulted. This will forever taint you with that crop of girls. You'll have to look to younger girls next year or date outside of your high school. That's what I did when my reputation was ruined. If you or a friend have access to a car then you can go to other schools at lunch and explore strange new sluts. For the most part one high school is self contained socially so that's what I did while I was still in high school. It's a life hack when it comes to being socially cut off by the cooch patrol in your high school. It just shows you the power of women to control your social life as a man. If you ever get married and then divorced they do the same thing with all the female family members and couple friends that you once had. What you have to do as a man is stop caring about what other people say about you. Instead what you did was you limited the ability for this one girl to get attention from you and now she's limited your ability to get attention from all women. She's got revenge destroying your repuatation. Later on I'll discuss comments from that Reddit thread. But I like to analyze the situation on my own first and only once I've exhausted my own creativity do I listen to what others have to say. If I listen to them first then they will make up my mind for me instead of bringing new incite. Anyways, before I continue let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Moving to India As a MGTOW:

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In 2020 Chad is Not Enough - MGTOW
In 2020 Chad is Not Enough - MGTOW Sandman 505 Views • 4 years ago

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Kit Lindsay
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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Robert. He didn't give me a specific topic so I thought I'd cover another post from the MGTOW reddit. I'll get to my thoughts about Will Smith as advertised by the thumbnail on this video a bit later. But first let me discuss the post called: "In 2020 chad is not even enough... MGTOW is for all kinds of guys" and the person starting that thread his name is Alone Independence 95 and here's what he has to say: "Please note that this is not meant as a brag post. I'm 6 foot 9, bulked up to an NBA player physique and I am blonde with blue eyes. I often get stares on the street, and it's not only for my height as guys don't stare as much as girls. However my problem is I am a Christian and want to be a nice person and find a good wife. I had so many women that just wanted my looks when I was younger, that just wanted my body and nothing came of it. I'm not even a simp, just a normal guy who doesn't want to resort to PUA games and dark triad personality traits. When I was young and naive and gave all my love, I got destroyed. I got left by girlfriends the moment I was injured/sick, or was struggling financially. Or they just got bored as I was not a drug addicted party animal. So the first problem is they have ridiculous standards (5"3 ugly jobless girls think they are above my level as 6"9' guy with a good education, job, family). But EVEN if you physically meet those standards, these modern women are so brainwashed and broken that they will find some reason to destroy the relationship. Especially if you are a "good" man you are boring, no matter your looks. The second problem is that girls are becoming increasingly undateable. Their personalities are so bad, they have no interests or hobbies, nor morals. Even the women in church are banging around with losers. Some days I truly give up hope on humanity and believe we are in the end days. All they think about is dick or resources. They don't even know what clown world is if you show them memes, because they are the main circus act. So to all those people that think MGTOW is only for ugly fat losers, go F yourself. MGTOW is the only rational place left for actual good men. No I am not gonna learn PUA tactics to get worldly women to stick around for a few more bangs. No I am not going to be a beta bucks. If you are so blind you don't see the point MGTOW men are making you are beyond saving." unquote. So with that out of the way thanks again Robert for the donation and thank you 6 foot nine Chad for confirming what we all know which is that women have become increasingly undatable with out of this world standards when it comes to not only looks but personality, financial success and just about everything else. I'll get to my thoughts about this in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the clown world show where thots don't know they are the main event. First of all of course women know the points MGTOW men are making. They know they are valid and that's why they want to stop us. We are reducing their value in the sexual marketplace. The very idea that Chad is not enough in 2020 should be obviously clear with what happened to Will Smith where his wife Jada Pinkett damaged the relationship while taking a break from him a few years ago by technically cheating and calling it something else. Just as you said Chad women are getting bored and in his case it happend after decades of marriage. You also make a great point that any and all incels out there need to understand and that's if you do become attractive enough crack open a cooch it won't be for long once she realises your well developed body and face don't match with your socially underdeveloped mind. The sexual marketplace is being skewed more and more by the day.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

She Left Me For A Rich Guy, Now She Wants Me Back - MGTOW
She Left Me For A Rich Guy, Now She Wants Me Back - MGTOW Sandman 466 Views • 4 years ago

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Email: [email protected]

Nightmare at 20,000 Feet

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

Today's video is once again not brought to you by any donations as it now seems that Covid-19 is finally starting to effect donations as those stimulus checks stop being spent. So be ready for a bunch of videos in the future that will be just my own topics from mostly Reddit or with regards to what's going on in the celebrity world out there with regards to rich men getting divorced. As for this video what I'd like to do is cover a reddit post called: "Ex Wife left me for a rich guy. Now she's single and wants me back." and here's what the user Silly Happy Coffee posted and I quoted: "My ex wife left me for a rich guy. He promised to buy her a big house, a new car vacations etc... This was one year ago. He never did any of that and now she's single and begging for me to take her back. GYOW" unquote. Doesn't everyone just love it when we hear of a monkey branching story going bad. Of course not all situations where the woman leaves you for a rich guy have happy endings. I knew one guy where his wealthy friend ended up stealing his wife. You often hear stories about women cutting off men from their male friends. But when she doesn't cut you off from your wealthier and better looking friend even after you've had two children with her and your friend is still single you really have to wonder now don't you? So if by some crazy chance you're a married guy listening to this and the only friends your
wife let you keep after getting married are the wealthy and attractive one now I've probably made you wonder. I'll discuss this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to clown world. This story kind of reminds me of that film from the 80s called Look Who's Talking with John Travolta and Chirstie Alley. Growing up I thought her character was the victim because she got pregnant by some rich guy that she worked with that promised her that he would dump his wife and marry her instead. I saw her as the victim. But now I see it as her deciding to keep the kid not because she was pro choice or anything like that but because she was trying to use the pregnancy as leverage to get that rich guy to leave his wife. Later in the film she does what every single mother in Hollywood does. She finds herself a good looking man that's willing to provide for a child that isn't even his. In the second part of that film franchise she gets pregnant again and has a daughter with him to cement the deal. She's a merciless mammary merchant using the creation of life to try to control men with her cooch. In that film franchise there was no lesson learned that trying to trap a rich guy with a baby is a bad idea. It comes down to a woman that tries to monkey branch to a successful rich man from the man that she's currently with miscalculating both of the emotional attachments of the men she was trying to screw over. The sad things is the guy on this Reddit post that rejected his ex wife coming back by going his own way is probably the exception and not the rule. The ex wife figured that she could leave him and that he was so in love with her and or he couldn't do any better than her that he would gladly take her back. Look if you don't believe that then look at what happened with Will Smith. He still takes back Jada Pinket after she got pumped by August Alsina. He isn't even a wealthy guy. He probably just saw her on that Batman show and thought she was sexy when he was drunk one time. I remember in my mid twenties when I broke up with my first adult love I still had feelings I needed to resolve for a couple of years.

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Strong Independent Woman Needs My Help LOL - MGTOW
Strong Independent Woman Needs My Help LOL - MGTOW Sandman 389 Views • 4 years ago

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- Ancient Purity
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Email: [email protected]

A conversation with girlfriend's feminist friend

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Georges. He didn't send me a topic with his donation so I thought what I'd do is cover an epic rant that I found on Reddit that I'm put in the description. it's by someone named CosmicPlume and here's what he has to say: "My girlfriend and I went to IKEA with her feminist friend to get some stuff. The friend (we will call her Sally) wanted to get some small pieces of furniture. Sally is a 32 year old outspoken feminist married to a 22 year old beta boy. Yeah you read that right. So we went in, started shopping and came to the furniture area. Sally wanted a couple boxed desks that I knew she was going to barely be able to lift herself. Anticipating this, I quietly dissapeared while their backs were turned looking at the desks so that Sally could live her beliefs. From afar I watched Sally looking around for me before getting her workout in for the week by lifting these desks with my girlfriend into the cart. Very enjoyable to watch. I re-appeared and Sally said to me "where did you go, I needed your muscles!". I gave a slight grin and said I was looking at some other stuff. We payed for our stuff and took our 2 carts out to the car. As we approached the car Sally asked me if I could load the heavy things she bought into the car because she can't. No joke, I said: "C'mon, you don't need me, you can do it. We are equal now remember?" The look on her face was priceless. Complete cognitive dissonance. I could have easily loaded them in myself but I made her help me as I said "See? Men and women working together. No roles. Everyone's happy." She did not look happy at all. I was really enjoying myself at this point. We got into the car and my girlfriend said in a joking tone to Sally "ah, what would we do without men?". I said "you guys would be fine. Women are strong and independent now. Men just complement your life." My girlfriend laughed because she likes my trolling and isn't into SJW bs or feminism. Sally literally says "but sometimes, we want you to treat us like a princess." I burst out laughing guys for probably 10 seconds. Sally sulked in the back all the way to her house. Special treatment when they demand it, but they are "equal" to us." unquote. I'll get to my thoughts about this story in just a second but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity: Anyways, now back to the video. The first thing that caught my attention in the story that Cosmic Plume shared was the idea that he thought that his girlfriend wasn't into feminism or sjw bs. Well she has the right to vote and she enjoys all the benefits of feminism but she also enjoys all the benefits of pretending that she's against it. If you told her any of the things that you shared on Reddit she probably shared them with her feminist friend during ladies night out.
This is the key to female nature.

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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

MGTOW Reversal Of An Old Trope
MGTOW Reversal Of An Old Trope REDPILLMARRIED 183 Views • 4 years ago


Charlize Theron Hasn't Been On A Date In 5 Years LOL - MGTOW
Charlize Theron Hasn't Been On A Date In 5 Years LOL - MGTOW Sandman 462 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

⁣⁣Sandman Contact Info & Store:
Email: [email protected]

Charlize Theron Reveals She Hasn't Dated Anyone In 5 Years: 'I Don’t Feel Lonely'

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by Georges. He didn't send me a topic so I want to cover the recent story called "Charlize Theron Reveals She Hasn't Dated Anyone In 5 Years: 'I Don’t Feel Lonely'" which I've put a link to in the
description. In that article from the Muffington Post there's a video there where Charlize goes onto the Drew Barrymore show and Drew says she spent her life trying to figure out men for 45 years and she's tired and bored now and finds that the love she has with her children more impactful. Charlize of course agrees with her. These women have a lot in common. They are both single mothers in Hollywood taking a break from men. A couple of famous single mothers tired of men. Well if that were the case then why was Charlize Theron shaming men a year or two ago for a man to man up and marry her? Perhaps first she tried the stick shame and that didn't work and now she's trying a different approach. The approach of the empowered single mother with an African baby that don't need no man? Let me also make it clear Theron and Barrymore can certainly go on dates if they want but both the Muffington post and myself seem to agree that if we
give our content covering this story the title of Theron not going on a date for five years it makes for better clickbait. As Dave Chapelle always says gotcha bitch. But seriously she can get all the dates that she wants. I don't think it has anything to do with there not being enough men interested her. Especially considering I was recently working on a video about the wall for women being a myth. I'm now starting to think that for these two women their diva personalities don't suit them in middle age the same way they suited them while they were younger. Afterall all the forty something year old women I've known that got hot young Chads with more money knew how to bite their tongues and let the man be the center of attention for a while. Do you really think Charlize Theron knows how to share the spotlight? Anyways, I'll get to more on my thoughts about this in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the show. So in the words to Charlize Theron “I’ve been on a few dates, but I haven’t dated anybody for over five years.” Wow what a coincidence I haven't been on a date for almost five years. The difference of course is that it's my choice unlike hers. I can celebrate something like that because it means I'm no longer thirsty and have internal validation instead of chasing female validation and sex. After Theron says that Barrymore says that she too hasn't been on a date in over 5 years. What's with these famous women seemingly going their own way. From my experience once women get over forty they cherry pick cock. They wait for the so called right man to show up and target them like a ferocious wildcat. Theron says that her life is really good and the man needs to bring that and more. She says honestly I don't feel lonely. When someone says honestly followed by something it usually means the opposite. Charlize also says she wants a man to bring more to a great life. To me that tells me that she's definitely looking for a man in her life but he has to meet her very high standards and over the last five years she hasn't met a man like that that's willing to simp out and accept her and her adopted African virtue signaling baby.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

A Dumpster Dive into OnlyFans | Popp Culture
A Dumpster Dive into OnlyFans | Popp Culture Terrence Popp 1,252 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Bella Thorne broke the internet when she scammed simps out of $2 million in a week on OnlyFans. Was it a shameless cash grab? Or was this the wake up call today's men needed to realize we're losing the war?

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Sources (in order of appearance):
9. https://archive.vnTSIh5

Video Throwbacks
Nagging: The Other N Word
Classic Mistakes Men Make

Single Mom Wants A Discount On Tattoos - MGTOW
Single Mom Wants A Discount On Tattoos - MGTOW Sandman 321 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
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B....but I’m a single mom!

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Neil. He didn't send me a specific topic so I'd like to cover another reddit post. This one which I've also linked to down below is called B But I'm a Single Mom. The person starting that thread on reddit posted a conversation beweek and woman and her tattoo artist. The artist is charging $220 an hour but he charges by the piece. She says that's out of her price range. The artist gives her a few places with different prices if she's interested in shopping around. She then pulls out the single mom card and asks him to cut her a deal. He says he doesn't care if she runs an fing orphanage she's not getting a deal. She tells him off and then the text is cut off but she says that's she's going to let people know about something bad he hasn't done to try to destroy his business and cancel him. I wish I knew what that was. But that's not the point. The point is in a normal society she should feel shame for being a single mother. Instead she's using it as a victim card to help her get what she wants without paying full price. Single mothers be turning shame into sympathy. What kind of thot is this? The kind that tries to turn shame into symphathy. Sympathy spelled with the second letter I. She should be putting those hundreds of dollars away in an edumacation fund for her crotch fruit instead of tattoos designed to attract thugs by covering the veins on her thighs. Don't worry kids because we are poor and live in the province of Ontario, in Canada it means that the government will pay for your edumacation. Yes folks if a family makes under fifty K a year here in this province the kids go to the university of their choice for free. So momma can afford her thigh tattoos because it's mostly men's taxes paying to send you to school. I'll discuss this and more in just a moment but let first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia: Anyways, Now back to the video. So can you just imagine being a kid these days on the playground and then your mother the tatted up land whale picks you up and she looks like she's got newspapers wrapped around her arms and thighs like they used to sell meat at the butchers back in the 1980s? I would also bet this isn't the first time she used the whole single mother card to get what she wants from a man. When he tells her now she's probably going to say bad things about his business and have black lives matter show up and burn the place down. What a world we are living in. A single mother will try to destroy your life if you don't give her a discount. She should feel shamed of herself and instead she's using her situation like a coupon queen because she quiefed out a cooch critter. Why doesn't she ask the father to help her out? Oh that's right because he's probably tired of being used by her. In all honesty I would bet that she's not even a single mother but is just saying that because one of her girlfriends told her that it works. In the peanut gallery below the post on reddit one guys repeats her line where she says “I want to get something on my leg covered up” and he says that's further proof of her poor decisions. Another guys says she should be getting something in between her legs covered up instead. Someone else pipes in by saying she needs to call a mason in that case instead of a tattoo artist. Yet another man says that if a man told him that was a single father he would give that man a discount on a account of divorce rape.

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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

MGTOW Men DO NOT Have A Fertility Window Or Biological Clock
MGTOW Men DO NOT Have A Fertility Window Or Biological Clock REDPILLMARRIED 125 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Nothing else needs to be said.

Wiki 1:
Wiki 2:

MGTOW HMT 132 REDPILLMARRIED 148 Views • 4 years ago

Nothing else to say.

Article: ⁣

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