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The Divine Masculine: Return of Honor, Justice, and Truth
The Divine Masculine: Return of Honor, Justice, and Truth Johnny_Cage 86 Views • 4 years ago

⁣These are some traits of the Divine Masculine. Much
is spoken of the Divine Feminine (without even really understanding
it), and the Divine Masculine is purposely ignored. Be that as it may, I
have taken it upon myself to make a video detailing the traits therein
of the Divine Masculine principle. It will return to the world and
humanity's psyche; it is SORELY needed in today's feminine, corrupt,
evil world.
Take a listen and tell me what you think; then leave old Johnny Cage a comment with your thoughts!

Women are FULL of STD's: Be Careful!
Women are FULL of STD's: Be Careful! Johnny_Cage 275 Views • 4 years ago

⁣This is finally the video where I relate what was told to me about modern women and their STD prevalence. As you'll see in the video, I've been talking with an ex-gynecologist at the gym about his experience during his practice time. The details are not surprising, but I feel it needs to be repeated to these thirsty, pussy-hungry fools that pretend to be MGTOW. The extent to which these women are infested with disease is staggering and hair-raising. The danger is very high when sexing these random whores that don't get tested.

Please heed this warning to be careful, because so many STD's are debilitating and INCURABLE. LOTS of the infertility and disorders in women come from their rampant promiscuity and defiling themselves with Chads who test their limits with degrading, unhygienic sexual acts. What do you think about making out with Chad's dirty asshole? Because that's what Dr. Saloman said you'd be doing [practically] with most of these young women today.

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