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Men Want Robots Instead Of Real Women? - MGTOW
Men Want Robots Instead Of Real Women? - MGTOW Sandman 304 Views • 3 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

Gaming Tycoon Gabe Newell

Freedom Phone -

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Campers and here's what he has to say: "Howdy Sandman, I was the dude that sent you the VR sex metaverse stuff. There is tons more to talk about. Some things related to sex while others are just tech archive information. This video you might want to call Gabe Newell working on virtual sex? Gabe stated in a video I sent you that gaming will be connected to the brain. That means we can can connect all senses instead of just using our eyes in gaming right now. The army is also working on anti agining pills next year. If we have a digital matrix like metaverse people will perfer to make digital children over real life. Perhaps Artificial Inteligence gods of each metaverse may be woreshipped as real gods? Metaverse concerts will outperform real life ones In the metaverse according to Gabe Newell. You can also have madeup body parts you dont have in real life. For example a foot long shlong to help you crack open her thong. In metaverse everyone can be a fashion models, fasion content creator, etc due to you choosing your way to look instead of a possible god choosing it for you. pretty much everyone will be 11s or 10s in appearance. Gabe newell also says were closer to the matrix than people think. A headset is stated to be out next year much like the anti-aging pill but no release date and maybe delayed. Before the Elon monkey playing pong video they stated they could control starcraft with nuerolink during the pig demonstration. China and South Korea have also created an artifical sun that is several times stronger than our real sun. China also sent the 'world's first 6G' test satellite into orbit. On the topic of male and female nature males apparently 1 out of 5 stright men watch gay porn this study was done in 2017. This should be a bit higher now. I'm an asexual christain btw. Well Campers thanks for the donation and topic. It took me longer to re-write what you said so that everyone could understand your thoughts then it would normally just take me to write out my video. I'll discuss my thoughts about the metaverse as well as the stuff about male and female nature in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the you'll own nothing in real life but own a mansion in the metaverse clown world show. First of all I never heard about Gabe Newell before you mentioned him. He's a billionaire with Steem and Valve gaming. He dropped out of Harvard and joined Microsoft in the early days where the oversaw development of the first 3 windows products. So he's a serious and successful tech guy. Dropping out of Harvard is more important than staying because it means you learned all you need and are now ready for the real world. He also learned everything about business from Kill Gates. He also dropped out of Harvard. I was going to drop out of university during the dotcom days and start a business but I didn't have to because I just built my web business right out of the schools computer labs. Gabe sounds like Elon Musk who tends to over promise on new technology and then under deliver. That's the Elon Musk school of business to get everyone excited about a product that's years away and get people to pay for it before it even exists. Even Kill Gates did this with MSDos. He told IBM that he had it but didn't. Then hired a couple of programmers and bought it off them and licensed it to IBM and made billions. But I don't trust people like Gabe or Musk.

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Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Sandman Lost His Money LOL - MGTOW
Sandman Lost His Money LOL - MGTOW Sandman 313 Views • 5 years ago

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Email: [email protected]

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations because of YouTube throttling down my channel. Even if my channel was monetized I wouldn't be making a dime discussing the coronavirus and how it effects people financially including myself because YouTube has demonetized channels discussing it that aren't outlets like the Young Turks and CNN. In terms of sponsors for this video I'm sponsoring myself which I regularly do where you can get Sandman Merch and other products and services. If you want to support my channel that's a good way of doing it too. So with that out of the way let me tell you about today's sponsor, me the Sandman: Anyways, now back with the show. I thought I'd take this video to explain to everyone what I've been doing with my investments. As I scrip and record this it's Saturday February the 28th. The Dow Jones industrial average is down about 4200 points. So how much money did I lose you ask and why? Well in the middle of February I saw what was going on with the Corona Virus and sold off all of my winning stocks except the gold producers as those stocks were hitting new highs. I was also selling stocks that had gone up a couple of percentage points or were flat. I figured the smart thing to do was to take the profits I had off the table and keep the stocks that were down and hope that they would recover. So at that time I sold off 60% of my Canadian and US Shares. As for the other forty percent about half of those were in gold shares and the other half was in companies that were good dividend paying stocks and many of them were down on average five percent. The idea was to sell them off one at a time as they became positive. But then the last week of February came and I saw that the markets and the smart money had figured out that there would would be disruptions to the supply chain and after a day and a half of watching stocks go into freefall I sold off everything but some of my safe government bond funds and gold stocks. I felt good that I had taken the risk off the table but on Wednesday I saw something very strange. Gold stocks and bond funds both started to go down. I tried selling them on Thursday but the Toronto Stock Exchange had a so called glitch and I couldn't sell. So I got out Friday morning after the gold stocks crashed sixteen percent in only two days. The weekend before the stock selloff I also sold all of my crypto currency. More specifically I converted it to a crypto currency known as Dai that tracks the US dollar. I sold my basic attention token position at about 36 cents Canadian before watching it drop down to 28 cents. You guys know how much I believe in the Brave Browser and believe the Basic Attention Token is the future of advertising. I'm also mostly a dividend investor. So selling all my positions means that I'm not earning a cent from my money right now.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Walking Alone In The Forest - MGTOW
Walking Alone In The Forest - MGTOW GarudaGhost 38 Views • 5 years ago

A Good Positive Outlook On Being Single

Single Mother Surprise - MGTOW
Single Mother Surprise - MGTOW Sandman 235 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mike and his message to me is a bit on the long side so before I read it let me first tell you guys about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission:
Anyways, here's what Mike has to say: "Dear Sandman, I just made a contribution and I hope you can help me here. My story begins in Dec 2018, where I had to visit a factory in Sao Paulo, Brazil. This is where I met the most attractive girl I've ever seen. I'd say we had instant attraction, and so we exchanged numbers. I soon left the country thereafter. We would often text and talk over the phone. I would visit her again in Jan 2019 and we officially started dating. I would fly to Sao Paulo every 1.5-2 month, whenever I can get time off work, often spending loads on flight tickets alone from where I live. As always, things were great initially. She would introduce me to her family and we would have great conversations and fun. They would often praise me for how well I am treating her. I loved every bit of the validation, but only to understand now why it made me felt good. I came from a broken family myself, and perhaps there was a void in me, which made me crave validation in adulthood. A few months down the road, I made her quit her job. I told her I would provide for her, and she could take a part time course if she wanted. I would give her money everytime I was in town. Make bitcoin transfers to her local exchange so she could cash out. I installed a new gate for her, and installed security systems for her home so they can be safe. Gave her bathroom and kitchen a complete makeover. Showered them, her and her kid with expensive gifts. I gave her a new life. In other words, I became a blue pilled simp mangina. I am guilty of most mistakes in the book. But as always, I was using my little head instead of my big head, and the sex was always fantastic. I never had the concept of red flags, oneitis or single mothers. There was just something about her behavior which made me research more about the warnings through your youtube videos, but only after I played captain save-a-hoe. 1 she has a history of sexual abuse by biological father - it was nasty. 2 She had depression & was suicidal in her teens (due to point 1) 3 she had tattoos on wrist - to remind her not to cut herself again. She also tattooed my name near her waist 2 months into the relationship. 4 she was a Single Mother with a 5 year old girl. She left her relationship of 7 years, 2 months prior meeting me. Claimed that her ex was physically abusive and cheated of her. All the red flags of a damaged girl, but I wanted to save her. Throughout the relationship, she was always needy, often jealous whenever I had to travel for work, often suspecting I would meet someone new. She was insecure, and sometimes to the extent of going batshit crazy. I told myself to be more understanding - it was probably due to her past. I would often 'walk it off' everytime we got into an argument, but the make up sex was always good. This went on for months, we were both somewhat happy. She would often wanna discuss my plans for the future with her, where I would usually brush it off due to the fact that I have a lot on my plate now. I wasn't ready for a commitment, but I will always be there whenever I can. About three weeks ago. I went through a stressful period at work and my side hustles.

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Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

They Don`t Get Better With Age - MGTOW
They Don`t Get Better With Age - MGTOW Sandman 147 Views • 5 years ago

Sandman Sponsor Link:
Brave Browser:

Rising Pandemic of Leftover Women

The World's Shrinking Population

Marriage is still the main way for women to get rich: study

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Paul. He didn't give me a specific topic so Instead I want to read a comment by someone named Mark that sent me the following and I quote: "Hi Sandman, I am 71 year old and too soon old and too late smart as I have been married 4 times but yet given a great deal of intelligence plus hard work let me make a lot of money despite my obvious weakness for women. I have been going through a pile of poop with attorneys as a prenuptial agreement doesn't stop the attorneys from getting rich off of one's stupidity. My soon to be EX got me thrown out of the Penthouse in LA, so live in my place in Florida and I rent a small place in NYC while I spend the rest of the year traveling. Women are unable to earn a living and support themselves. The older women 50 and up that are in my dating pool all want to quit work and have someone take care of them for the rest of their lives. They are all available to me as it is readily visible that I can afford their whims. Most women are seemingly Narcissistic and they get worse over time. They are all totally Entitled. Given that they learn their whole life that they can get anything that they want just by flapping their magic meat curtains at a wealthy guy. They are turned into entitled narcissists by their own day to day living experience. Believe me, they don't get better with age. Some 30 years ago, a friend of mine that looks Elmer Fudd said that women, if they didn't have their genitals there would be a Bounty on them (like hunting varmints). Cheers, keep up the great work of spreading the word." Well Paul thanks for the donation and thank you Mark for your comments. Hopefully listening to this channel can lead to an outcome where you don't meet wife number five. You're bartering with reality and lawyers trying to make a bulletproof prenup. Just so that everyone knows Mark is the real deal and he's not lying. I had to change a whole bunch of his information to protect his identity. He works for a big company and probably makes mad money to afford his lifestyle. The email address comes from a legit company email address. Before I discuss his situation further let me first tell you about today's sponsor the Brave Browser:

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