
Single. White. Male. MGTOW Monk.
Homophobe. {Leviticus 20:13}
Identity Christian
Flat Earther.
Had more than enough of the CRAZIES.
Want an example ? {This'll be My Profile blurb}

How about, ...An Ex, {my 1st} knew of my uniquely destroyed life and attempts to escape the country I was trapped in. Dumped me on the phone from another country, at Christmas, as I paid for the call, knowing full well I was homeless & penniless. Was a Miracle I was even still alive when I met her !!.

Did I beat her ? Did I ever cheat on her ? Did I ever steal from her ? Did I ever gamble our money away ? No.

When I went to live with this older woman, did I find out anything that I might just maybe pass judgement on, but, didn't ?


Like 5 Months after moving in with her,find she worked with her 6 foot, blue eyed, platinum blonde Adonis Ex...or the Twins Abortion she had had. Etc.

Oh no ! I had to just "Dig Deep" and find more love. And hush-my-mouth on all counts.

WE agreed I'd leave for nearest english speaking country for me to learn a trade.

So she then ignored 19 Months of Love Letters {post restante} When I finally beat the Nightmare I was in, coincidentally she begins writing to my Mother.{My dad had died during this time} ...4 Years later,...She then left her country for 3 days to come and see me, gave me sex, and for the 4 Years of HELL I'd been through all alone, she merely said "sorry" once,like she had scratched one of my CDs or somethin',.then went home not shutting up about wanting a baby, now that she was 31 and 5 years older than me. = THE WALL.

Lived HER life to the full and now was time to just find some sucker to do the impregnating & pay the bills.

She then added her sweet ultimatum, IF I didn't,... she knew a man who would. I tell her, "Thanks but no thanks.You don't love me, you're just broody".

2 Years later I hear she is pregnant. She also adds, out of the blue, "The Universe doesn't revolve around you". Huh !!!?

....A Year later, she begins writing me Love Letters for 3 solid months. I was single & bored, couldn't even FIND women of my own race in my own capital city and ones I did, were all race traitors off with the non-whites. So I gave her the time of day.Wrote back a few times.{At least she was CLEAN from a 99.9999999% White Land. That alone makes her still Snow White compared to the SEWER I had to wade through to MAYBE grab a hold of some shit that wasn't diarrhea consistency shit}.

Then I get a letter the 3rd Month with permanent marker ink all over it, "IF YOU LOVE ME, NEVER WRITE TO ME AGAIN".

After 3 Months of this shit ? I wrote. Never got a reply.

2 Years later I happened to be passing, in her neighborhood, in her country. We meet. I meet her new child. I meet her new guy. {She tells me he was NOT great.Tells me of a party they went to,some "prostitute" was all over him,she left and he didn't follow} {Might have been 'cos she was mediocre in bed at her best! We're talking no make-up ever and just one single off-white stocking to her name}

Her guy tries to talk to me in broken-english. Tells me how he nearly died !!

Tells me how he had had a brain tumor was even in hospital. Tells me they had to cut the top of his head off like a boiled egg.Think Ray Liotta in Lecter's kitchen !!! Screw's scars still in his scalp. Strange glitch as he tries to speak to me.Freeze frame like.

Then he tells me he was in hospital 3 solid months.

That's right !!!! Exact same 3 Months SHE was writing ME Love Letters.

So father of her child.....nearly dies...SHE thinks to monkey-branch to Me....some 8 or 9 years after we met and I only lived with her for 7 months !!!! But, fuck whatever I might have been going through at the time,....either !!

That's JUST ONE of the few women {Nutcases} I can tell you about. They don't improve any. jewish poison in all their heads.Conned me out of money, got death threats, fake suicide attempts, false allegations of crimes I myself was victim of, as a child. {NOTHING is off limits with these cunts}.

I been MGTOW since before it was MGTOW. I was MGTOW when jewy makow wrote stuff on his www.savethemales.ca site (2006) that changed to henrymakow.com Strangely enough this jew told me to "go off to the far east and look for a woman" Why is that henry, so I MONGRELIZE the WHITE RACE some more on kalergi plan directives ?? Nah ! I'll wait for freemason cuck for satan albert pike's plan comes into efect for WWIII...Then we take out the MAGOGs and cleanse the lands.

I ain't fucked a woman in over 10 years and ain't had a SATISFYING fuck in 22 Years. Women are just not "concerned" with "sex" and I ain't ONE show any interest 'cos I show NO interest. I ain't got the low enough self esteem or the patience to bother with any of them or their state funded insanity shit now....unless I'm reeling them in on date sites, just to WASTE THEIR TIME, like they wasted all of mine. But I been BANNED from every date site there is, for simply stating none of them should contact me unless they got a compatible sex drive. A few THOTS did {mostly single mothers "into" bdsm, choking & p*ssing WTF?} and a few extra weird weirdos did too. But NOT ONE Pornstar did. {ie : A Beautiful girl with a high sex drive and skills}

See, now I'd only consider a HOTWIFE woman....just for My Entertainment, share her out, whatever.

Because long long long ago did I last "Believe" possible, or GAVE A FUCK for any propagandized so-called deep meaningful relationship with a fucking solipsistic drama-queen trouble making sociopath mood-swings psycho cunt woman.The propaganda no longer works. SANITY can't compete with jew media in their minds & souls.I ain't met ONE that wasn't a fucking nutcase...who thinks winding up a Warrior with P.T.S. was "Drama Fun" for her gossip.

And if anyone wants to ask...These were women of various ages from all over Europe, from all walks of life, from single mothers, to butchers, to stripper, to even a Library Manageress !!! Across the board NONE of these women held any sort of genuine CONSCIENCE. All were feminists of various degrees and NONE brought a damn thing to my life...but the biology. EVERYTHING else was a COST. Time, Energy, Money.

I'm coming up on 50, but, been told I look 32. I'm also the very last White Man of my entire family and that alone proves I took shit a whole damn lot more seriously than the average Joe. No woman would ever relate to my life and that's the best it could possibly ever get.Now those years are over.I'm looking forward to God's Wrath. Fucktardz beware.
Gender : Male