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Why Does Everyone Hate MGTOW?
Why Does Everyone Hate MGTOW? Sandman 309 Views • 3 years ago

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- Red Pill Ring

Never A Man Confused Again

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by Fred. This is the second video I'm going to put out with his donation. Before I sat down to come up with a topic today and look through my favorite source for topics the MGTOW subreddit someone contacted me and asked me if I knew any other forums they could go to in order to post and read MGTOW related content. So it's gone 120-130k subscribers all gone and then someone opened the MGTOW 2 subreddit and it too was gone. Then the 3rd, 4th and 5th one as well. All banned. They want us gone from Reddit permanently. A couple of weeks ago I heard from Red Pillers and MGTOWs being banned from the dead bedrooms subreddit because apparently we were telling guys that were going through tough relationships that it was ok to walk away from the horror and go your own way. The moderators don't want that option to be there for men. They hate us and want us gone. Reddit is going through a final push to get rid of us unlike YouTube which lets channels like Undead Chronic and Hammerhand to return after they've been banned. The worst part was that I went to the Incel subreddit after the MGTOW one was pulled down and Incels were insulting us and saying it was a good thing that we were gone. Women posted there too agreeing with the Incels. If incels were a threat even after some of the went berzerk Elliot Rogers stylez wouldn't they be taken down? I guess that women don't mind thirsty men that obsess over them and give them attention. I also saw blue-pill men saying good riddance. I mentioned to Terrence Popp that it was gone and he mentioned he hadn't been there for a year or longer. Joker mentioned it was a rowdy place and he had been banned from posting on the MGTOW 1 subreddit and he went to the number 2 one. To answer everyone's question about where we can go to post new content on a forum. I'd suggest which I recommended back in the day when we had the choice between it and is also gone now. I spoke to Amir over at and he says guys can either go to and he's working on putting a forum on To those of you that are listening that keep cancelling us and thinking this will deter me and others like me you better hope and pray that Bitcoin doesn't get over a hundred twenty to one hundred and thirty thousand in the next six months and I have enough money to build the virtual sex system starting next fall. You don't back a wild animal into a corner with no outlet. The mystery link will show you what happens when you try. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways, now back to everyone in the entire world trying to erase MGTOW as an idea clown world show. As I was saying go ahead and keep pushing us underground and you'll see what happens. If we can't spread MGTOW philosophy we will start spreading MGTOW technology and that will have the same effect of freeing men but it won't be political. The Achilles heel for those trying to censor is is that they don't understand the longer term consequences of new technology. The internet is a perfect example. People never thought that YouTube would be used for commentary channels that teach critical thinking. They thought that YouTube would end up being cat videos. They didn't expect someone like Barbarossaa to come up with men going their own way content. The subreddit was taken down for hate speech but the red pill subreddits for women are still there and they are full of hate towards men. Especially the female dating strategy one. They have no issues abusing men and making life more difficult for us. But god forbid we just want to be left alone. Maybe everyone in the west will be following the lead of China which is trying ban the lying flat movement. But the cat is out of the bag and people heard about it and are spreading the idea around without the internet. That's why the government over there is working on it's camera network and all the smartphones spy on people and record every word they say even when the power is off. So why do they keep censoring us?

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MGTOW / Red Pill -  My Valentine's Day Commercial
MGTOW / Red Pill - My Valentine's Day Commercial Alpha_Male_Guide 148 Views • 4 years ago

#valentinesday #MGTOW #RedPill

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MGTOW Philosophy - Women Need Men. Men are the prize! By Liberation Y
MGTOW Philosophy - Women Need Men. Men are the prize! By Liberation Y Alpha_Male_Guide 106 Views • 4 years ago

#MGTOW #RedPill #Philosophy

A brilliant Video by Liberation Y


MGTOW Philosophy - Enactment By Spetsnaz
MGTOW Philosophy - Enactment By Spetsnaz Alpha_Male_Guide 56 Views • 4 years ago

Footage from Channel: POPtravel

Walking in BRUGES / Belgium ??- Central Old Town

I've Given Up & Will Stop Talking About Women - MGTOW
I've Given Up & Will Stop Talking About Women - MGTOW Sandman 521 Views • 4 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

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If You're Going Your Own Way Stop Talking About . . .

A follow up to one of my recent posts that caused quite a stir

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation Petar and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman I recently watched a video from from Casual Bachelor and he is a new MGTOW channel that just made a video titled “If You're Going Your Own Way Stop Talking About ... (Walk & Talk)”. He makes a brilliant point: to everyone saying we should stop talking about women, news flash: by definition, we are non-conformists. I’d like you to expand on that topic, if you have enough material to make a video. Otherwise, use the donation for whatever topic you want." Well Petar thanks for the donation and topic. I've obviously heard this argument hundreds of times over the last seven years of doing this. The idea is to create cognitive dissonance in our minds. How can we go our own way from women if we're talking about women all the time? They are trying to short circuit our brains using perverse logic. Ironically women probably couldn't come up with that argument on their own because it's too logical and just got it some emasculated male feminist out there to come up with it. Or maybe a trans man came up with same solution that started thinking logically after pumping himself or herself full of testosterone to become a he. This argument belongs in the same family as who hurt you? Are you gay? Why do you hate women? ETC. You could probably write an entire chapter in a book with dumb recycled arguments that women use against men that go their own way. You're going to die alone. You're just incels in a pretty disguise. Sure Petar the casual bachelor makes a decent argument with regards to the idea that we aren't conformists. We were most likely conformists during our blue pill days but we aren't any longer if we don't want to live a traditional life with a wife. I put Casual Bachelor's video in the description so you guys can all follow along. I'll get to my thoughts about it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. So Casual Bachelor is saying that arguments like stop talking about women and just go your own way already won't work on us because we are non conformists. That it's like trying to herd a bunch of cats. That were not the majority of men out there and that we are rogues. The idea is not to get the men to stop talking about women. I suspect that they want to influence the guys listening to this sort of content that are just about to go MGTOW monk or guys sitting on the fence about wether they want a relationship or marriage or not. They are trying to appeal to them and convince them that our reasoning is at fault and that we are going through a logical fallacy. He says that some men want to warn other men. Or they just want to vent their frustrations. Or back when channels were monetized guys wanted to make money from this. But none of that matters. Women are allowed to vent their frustrations about men and women to both sexes. Women are free to warn other women about men and men never interfere in that process. Women are free to start feminist channels on YouTube and they never get demonetized. MGTOW is such a massive threat to the system that even incels, puas and mras are allowed for the most part to monetize their content.

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MGTOW Philosophy - Beyond Female Nature  by Barbarossa
MGTOW Philosophy - Beyond Female Nature by Barbarossa Alpha_Male_Guide 114 Views • 4 years ago

#MGTOW #Philosophy #RedPill

A Brilliant video by Barbarossa thought I would share it.

In 5 Years 50% Of Men Will Be Incels (Women Most Affected) - MGTOW
In 5 Years 50% Of Men Will Be Incels (Women Most Affected) - MGTOW Sandman 788 Views • 4 years ago

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- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

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From 2012 to 2018 the number of men not having sex has doubled.4

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I'd like to do is cover a reddit post that includes this graph survey graphic called: From 2012 to 2018 the number of men not having sex has doubled. Nothing like this has ever happened before. It certainly hasn't and the typical excuses of adult content and video games are being thrown around instead of the most obvious one that Tinder came out in 2012 and it has changed the dating world forever. Before Tinder things were starting to get bad but after Tinder showed up the bitchiness went off the scale. video games were around before 2012 so was pornography. Since mid-2006 the adult tube sites were there. Yet men were having more sex with internet porn being around from 1998 all the way up to around 2010. Men were buying adult content and downloading it for free and enjoying sex as well. Video games are also clearly not to blame because first person shooter games came out in the early nineties with things like Castle Wolfenstein and Doom. Later on we saw 007 Golden-eye on the N64. Even when world of Warcraft was in it's hay day ten years ago that didn't lower the rate of sexual activity in men. In fact there were more female chameleons playing games like that and getting together with gamer guys. Where are those girls today? Men getting more into adult content and video games is a non argument. Of course Tinder and Bumble might not be the whole story because correlation does not imply causation. But Dating apps have changed the dating landscape. In 2010 I saw Grindr and thought to myself that this would be amazing if it were made for straight men and women. The only thing that's been amazing is my lack of interest after using them. Knowing I could get a girlfriend a lot easier than back in the days before them has made me a lot less interested. Besides the quality of women on those apps is disappointing. It's also the fastest growing way for people to date these days. More men are using Tinder than ever before but the deck if dicks is stacked higher than it's ever been to tickle a cooch. If you look at this graphic again you'll notice that as of 2018 28% of men ages 18-30 have not had sex in the last year. This has never happened before and I wonder if the numbers got worse in 2019 but I bet they certainly have in 2020 with the coof. I also looked up the fertility rates in the United States in 2018 and the only state in the lower 48 with replacement fertility rates was South Dakota. I'll get to my thoughts about America will most likely become an incel nation in five maybe ten years in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide to retiring on 200k in southeast Asia:

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MGTOW - SHE By Spetsnaz
MGTOW - SHE By Spetsnaz Alpha_Male_Guide 103 Views • 4 years ago

Channel: POPtravel

Walking in TALLINN / Estonia during a snowstorm

MGTOW - Rest In Peace Liberation Y (1973-2020)
MGTOW - Rest In Peace Liberation Y (1973-2020) Alpha_Male_Guide 316 Views • 4 years ago

#MGTOW #Manosphere #Redpill

Channel :

Hard To Resist Filipino Chicks - MGTOW
Hard To Resist Filipino Chicks - MGTOW Sandman 345 Views • 4 years ago


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RCMP adding incels to terrorism awareness guide

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Supremo and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hello Sandman, kindly call me Supremo. now that the red pill knowledge is spreading here in the Philippines, I would like to you to assess the Filipino man's obstacles and chances on how can he go his own way." Well dude thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to your request in a moment but first a word about today's sponsor The Red Pill Plumber: Anyways, now back to the video. I don't know if divorce is legal yet in the Philippines but in March of 2018 the lower house in your country Supremo voted to voted 134 votes for versus only 57 votes against an act instituting divorce in your country. When divorce becomes fully legal there will be an epidemic of divorce and it won't be hard to red pill men at that point when women are destroying them in the Philippines the way that western women have been destroying western men for over fifty to sixty years now. Up to this point one of Filipino man's obstacles for going his own way and avoiding marriage has been that divorce was illegal so that made men in your country secured that they could have authority over their women. I remember five or six years ago western guys in the Philippines telling me they are married over there and with no divorce have their she devil by the horns and she can't get away. I told them that feminism would eventually get to that country and look who has the last laugh now. Supremo expect family formation and birth rates to collapse in our country as a result of this. Men in your country are not going to be as willing to risk their futures because of it. Another thing that has been preventing men in the Philippines from going their own way is the Catholic Religion pushing men to conform and cozzy up to a cooch on a couch to Netflix and chill and procreate with. People in your country are hardcore and I saw a video once of a guy dying after nailing himself up like Christ on a Cross. I don't see religion as something that's taken seriously in your country because of any sense of higher morality or right and wrong. I see it as a form of social collectivism forcing everyone to conform and when I look around here at Filipino Churches it's usually women that go to them and occasionally push their husbands to go too. But it's mostly women and younger men involved with the Catholic Church. You know it's not taken very seriously by the fact that in the Philippines being a male to female trans-gendered person is accepted and so is homosexuality. So because of that how seriously is the church taken besides just virtue signalling. Ironically the only two places that divorce has been illegal up to recently were the Philippines and the Vatican. If guys want to resist women in the Philippines and go their own way a good thing to look at is the fact that men in that country lack authority. I remember my first girl was from the Philippines and she didn't like her daughter dating a white dude. So one day I'm at the mall with her and her father, whom I've never met before runs up to us and scares us and tells us to run the other way because her mother is coming and we better hide. Tell me the truth Supremo does that sound like a man that has authority in his marriage? He couldn't even walk up to me like a normal human being and introduce himself.

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When Will Men Be Free Of Women - MGTOW
When Will Men Be Free Of Women - MGTOW Sandman 416 Views • 4 years ago

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A.I. Artificial Intelligence

The Fed's Losing Battle with Deflation (w/ Jeff Booth)

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from a few anonymous donors that sent me Basic Attention Token to my Uphold account. You guys know who you are but I don't because the Brave Browser protects your privacy. So whoever you are thank you. Today I want to discuss technological deflation and how new technologies are improving men's lives in ways that would have been impossible twenty-five or thirty years ago. Everyone knows that I've been discussing a future with loverbot androids and artificial wombs freeing up men for a long time. But these weren't the first inventions that freed men to some extent from women. I think that a fully functional android while it sounds like it's the killer app when it arrives. I think a lot of guys will be disappointed even if the technology gets past the uncanny valley. The clip that sums it up the best is in the film AI, in it's opening scene. I put it in the description. The problem with such an amazing technology is that it's not alive and doesn't have emotions. If emotions didn't matter then incels would pay for sex and they wouldn't be going GTA in the GTA. I of course am referring to Alek Minassian in Toronto going on a van rampage a few years ago. That's why I believe that a loverbot operated by a woman remotely will create far more emotional fulfillment for men. In addition to the sexual. I'll get to my thoughts about that and more in a second but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ayam Sirias: Anyways, now back to the video. For you older guys think back at how technology has improved your life infinitely when it comes to having access to material to fap off to back in the day. As a teenager three to four decades ago you had to steal your dad's playboy and take it to and attic full of cobwebs and use it there so you wouldn't get cobwebs in your cock. In the late eighties and early nineties you could download gifs and jpegs to your computer and watch them load at a snails pace. Or if you had pay television you could catch a glimpse of a glimmering boobie when the signal cleared up for a few seconds. The poor man's fapping material was watching girls exercising in the 80s on tv when there was nothing else to look at. Did anyone actually watch such programs so they would exercise along to them? If they did they would still be on the air.

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Police woman wearing security bulletproof vest uniform holding woman power protest cardboard with angry face

Funny Housewife overlooked roast chicken in the oven, so she had scorched, view from the inside of the oven. Housewife perplexed and angry. Loser is destiny!

Shut Up MGTOW Sandman 387 Views • 4 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donations from Shadow Monk and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Today I'd like to address some of the problems that we’ve been facing... So we’ve been dealing with trolls in other comment sections on YouTube mostly yours where the trolls are allowed to get away with anything without being censored. But yet you are the one that's at fault with YouTube for violating community guidelines. I also believe that COPPA isn’t truly there to protect children but rather it’s meant to actually maintain the narrative by keeping other children or preteens including young blue pilled boys in the dark which that makes me sick to my stomach... plus there’s been also been a lot
going on here on MGTOW TV with MGTOW Dictionary along with his betrayal of the MGTOW community including his lies, propaganda and attacks on me and the others for speaking out against him, He’s mostly attacking Hammerhand and Mike The
MGTOW Trucker where MGTOW Dictionary falsely claims that hammerhand and mike are scamming us all which he really makes up false evidence about Hammerhand or Mike by twisting and misconstruing facts and evidence.. which MGTOW Dictionary claims that Mike does drugs and stuff + MGTOW Dictionary set HammerHand up with a false COPPA violation. So Sandman do you ever believe that hammerhand and Mike The MGTOW Trucker would really scam the MGTOW community because I know that not to be the case and truthfully MGTOW Dictionary is really a infiltrator/turncoat and is full of himself..." Well Shadow Monk thanks for the donation and topic. Well Shadow Monk thanks for the donation and topic. But before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back with the show. It's not so much YouTube that's the problem when it comes to spammy comments because I do monitor and delete trolls that post links to their online stores and insult others including myself with no good arguements. If the facts bother you, it's not a problem with the facts. It's a problem with you. If you hear about men getting ruined in divorce court, getting false allegations thrown their way and having their lives generally ruined by women and you get angry that I bring this up then the problem is not with me and the problem is with you. AS far as I'm concerned the trolls on Bitchute are more rampant because there's no way to censor them because Bitchute uses Discuss for it's comments system. The negative comments have really started to explode over the last six months or so. Plus we are seeing another Anti-MGTOW channel out recently that I'm not going to mention because I don't want to take the chance that I might give him some subscribers just in case. I've been thinking a lot about where the hostility towards MGTOW is coming from.

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Shortage Of Quality Women - MGTOW
Shortage Of Quality Women - MGTOW Sandman 371 Views • 4 years ago

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Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from The Shoveler and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, So, I have seen various news features in the mainstream media about women complaining that there is a man shortage. Most of these features say that men are available but not quality men. Some talk about fewer men in universities, and not many men with ambition. High quality women cannot find any good men in the man desert. I opened two dating profiles recently. One in North America and the other in Ukraine. I recently posted a third profile internationally. There is a very stark contrast between the local and offshore results over a short time. In short the local dating site featured a lower percentage of attractive women who were reasonably fit and not extremely overweight. I wrote a lot of women kind introductory letters approx 40 letters, and I got zero replies. Over a month I had two women click a like button indicating interest. Both were 10 years older than me, both were in poor shape, and had nothing in common with me at all. I wrote them a kind email but got zero reply from either one of them. On the Ukrainian site I got about a 70% reply rate on emails I initiated saying hello. The women were polite that did reply, but they were cautious and were both fair and honest in their views. A few wanted to talk more and several were professionals and wanted me to consider moving to the Ukraine to live in their homes. I received nearly 100 introductory emails from women who wanted to talk with me, and I have trouble replying to them all. A few people here claim the whole overseas dating scene is a hoax. Perhaps they are right, there may be a high percentage of Hoaxes, but a man has to pursue opportunities if he is purple pill. I know a few men who have found love overseas. The stark contrast in responses shows me that if there is any shortage in the sexual marketplace it is a shortage of quality women in North America, and not a shortage of good men. The average Male here is seen as having enough value to women in the Ukraine, warranting a reply at the very least. However, as an ordinary average man, the local women, even those who are very fat or undesirable won't reply. I have to assume many are holding out for the day Johnny Depp writes to ask them out? The quality of the women here seems so much lower too. Women locally dress in spandex with fat rolling over their waistbands, but the Ukrainian women dress nicely, most seem reasonably fit, put in some effort, and many claim to want to be good wives to their husbands. I know you are not a fan of dating, but do you agree with me that there is not a Man shortage but a quality woman shortage? The Shoveler." Well Shoveler thanks for another donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a sec but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission:

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

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Coronavirus Is A Disaster For Feminism LOL - MGTOW
Coronavirus Is A Disaster For Feminism LOL - MGTOW Sandman 426 Views • 4 years ago

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Duck Tales (Inflation Lesson)

The Coronavirus Is a Disaster for Feminism

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He simple said that this donation is to Sandman from Canada for his excellent videos that help make the world a better place.. He didn't send me a specific topic with his donation so I decided that I'd cover an article I found recently called: "The Coronavirus Is a Disaster for Feminism" which I've put a link to in the description. But before I discuss it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the show. So the article by The Atlantic says that across the world, women’s independence will be a silent victim of the pandemic. It also says this and I quote: "School closures and household isolation are moving the work of caring for children from the paid economy—nurseries, schools, babysitters—to the unpaid one. The coronavirus smashes up the bargain that so many dual-earner couples have made in the developed world: We can both work, because someone else is looking after our children. Instead, couples will have to decide which one of them takes the hit." unquote. It's basically saying that odds are that the man because he's usually the higher wage earner will be the one continuing to work while the woman stays home and takes care of the kids. The headline might as well say "More men die from the disease. Land whales most effected." If you're a tradcon this tragedy is your triumph. It's a disaster for feminism but it's beneficial for the family because women are expected to stay home more than men. The article says this and I quote: "the Ebola crisis in three African countries in 2014; Zika in 2015–6; and recent outbreaks of SARS,
swine flu, and bird flu. Academics who studied these episodes found that they had deep, long-lasting effects on gender equality. “Everybody’s income was affected by the Ebola outbreak in West Africa,” Julia Smith, a health-policy researcher at Simon Fraser University, told The New York Times this month, but “men’s income returned to what they had made pre-outbreak faster than women’s income.” unquote. Of course what's not mentioned is that the most probably reason for men going back to earning their old pay level probably has to do with the fact that many more men than women work in vital industries. More men are farmers, oil field workers, fishermen and rubbish removers. People need food, fuel and waste removal. But they don't need as many nail saloons, cashiers and bartending girls with big boobs looking for big tips without letting men's big tips inside of themselves. A recent Harvard study said that this situation we face right now based on their models will go on well into 2022. If that's the case then it could spell the end of the trend for single mothers. The article also says this and I quote: "Single parents face even harder decisions: While schools are closed, how do they juggle earning and caring?

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