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Cynthia McKinney 050420-final
Cynthia McKinney 050420-final VLTV 33 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Find Cynthia McKinney at
her website: https://www.allthingscynthiamckinney....

Videos mentioned in this interview can be found:
Stanley Plotkin "Godfather of Vaccines"

Dr Judy Mikovits:

Music: Let's Do This Preview 110

COVID Mini-VID- 5 FINAL no 6 umbrella
COVID Mini-VID- 5 FINAL no 6 umbrella VLTV 23 Views • 5 years ago

⁣We feel that it's important to not spread fear during this unprecedented time. We spent a couple of weeks at our cabin during the C---D craze. This is how we survived the v-$@*

Thank you to all family, neighbors and pets who have been there with us

Our Story – At the end of Feb/ beginning of March 2018, YouTube Terminated our main channel without cause giving us 3 strikes within 24 hours.

We had no recourse to dispute the violations which were based on 3 videos from 2016. They stated we violated Community Guidelines by bullying and harassing. You can watch those 3 videos here on BitChute

The Outcome - We lost 70,000 Subscribers, 1,100 videos and approximately $2000 per month in ad revenue that day.
After months of appeals, while other channels were being reinstated, ours never was and is still terminated till this day. So, we started rebuilding from scratch and worked our back up channel VLTV.

We were growing very quickly however, when we were just shy of 30,000 subscribers, they started unsubbing folks and shadow-banning the entire channel (not just specific videos).

Coincidently, holding us under 30,000 subscribers disqualifies us from YouTube’s Paid Subscriber Program which allows subscribers to support our work directly through YouTube… Seems a bit suspicious, doesn’t it?

We now barely make $100 per month on ad revenue and reach a very small audience so decided to start up a 3rd channel (RidRad) as it appears VLTVs days are numbered.

Angie and I work very hard across several platforms, conducting interviews and providing daily reports. Our compensation for our effort is quite negligible. We would love to serve people full time but we are not independently wealthy so we do need to generate an income.

We are not looking to get rich --- We just want to continue doing what we love and position ourselves to be able to pay our bills and prepare for retirement.

Additionally, we have started supporting our subscribers and guests through tithing on what little income we are currently generating.

Bottom line is – We love what we do. Our desire is to continue searching for truth and serving our brothers and sisters in whatever capacity we are able. God Willing.

If you would like to support the work that Angie & I do, please consider the following ways

Monthly Support through Patreon - www.Patreon.Com/RidRad
One Time PayPal Donation - email [email protected]

Support us and Yourself at the same time (Our Favorite Method )

Please visit our Healthy Place Botanical Site for Essential Oils, Hemp, CBD Products and much more here

If you shop through Amazon - Click our link and we will get a small commission and you still get great prices

We have also started selling high quality Colloidal Silver at very competitive pricing. Please email me if you are interested at [email protected]

Lastly, we are working on a lot of new projects concerning EMF awareness and protection. We will soon be offering classes and EMF shielding products.

We are excited about this new venture.

Bottom line folks is that we are struggling through this horrible censorship. It is impacting our ability to make a living doing what we love.

BUT WE will NOT give up. We know that ultimately, GOD our Father is in control. So, we remain patient, humble and obedient to our Creator and to His will as we press on.

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support.

With Love to all of you, our Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Jim & Angie

Our Facebook Links

Bitchute - VLTV Mirror Non YouTube Platform
Twitter - @TheFreedom2Live

Andrea Powell Talks About Helping Traffcked Girls Get Back on Their Feet
Andrea Powell Talks About Helping Traffcked Girls Get Back on Their Feet VLTV 39 Views • 5 years ago

Ou⁣The first guest is Andrea Powell, who is the founding President of Karana Rising, a nonprofit and social enterprise venture headquartered in Washington D.C. that supports youth survivors of human trafficking in reaching their fullest potential as individuals and young professionals. She was also the founding executive director of FAIR Girls, a nonprofit that serves young women survivors of human trafficking. In 2014, she led the FAIR Girls’ team to create and open the only safe home for young survivors of human trafficking in the nation’s capital area.

Andrea has led crisis response teams where she assisted law enforcement and other front-line responders in finding and recovering survivors of human trafficking who were later offered safety and supportive services.

Joining us, also, is Fecha Taleso. Fecha is from Kenya and the creative director at Karana Rising. She is a jewelry maker and is an advocate for victims of human trafficking.


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