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Are You The Significant Other OR The Side Piece? | Popp Culture Uncensored
Are You The Significant Other OR The Side Piece? | Popp Culture Uncensored Terrence Popp 879 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Men and wahmen cheat. They do it a lot. It's important to realize when you're not the main event. Here are 15 symptoms that you're someone's carnival sideshow.

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No Kids at 38... Because of Coronavirus? | Popp Culture
No Kids at 38... Because of Coronavirus? | Popp Culture Terrence Popp 1,250 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Modern wahmen in the west really don't accept responsibility for anything.

"Red Days" is now streaming free on Amazon for the duration of the Coronavirus Quarantine!

"How Not to Become a Millennial" is available on Amazon now!

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500 Miles of Mr. Right
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15 Lies Single Moms Tell
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Dear Gender Studies Professor

Feminism Is Communism In Panties - MGTOW
Feminism Is Communism In Panties - MGTOW Sandman 244 Views • 5 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Salvodorian MGTOW and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman and thanks for also posting on Bitchute. I grew up in Texas. I am very libertarian, and hate how the US is turning socialist. As we allow more mass migration, it's only speeding that socialist transformation. Please keep speaking the truth. I know you don't speak politics in your videos but socialism and feminism go hand in hand. As TFM says, I wish only net taxpayer were allow to vote, for now I just hope president Trump gets re-elected. Lastly, I am sorry that pretty boy mangina got re-elected in Canada." Well Salvadorian MGTOW thanks for the donation and topic. It's really sad what's happening in the United States. Throughout my travels in the States over the last three to four years I've noticed the political tension. It's similar to the tension that was happening before the civil war in the former Yugoslavia during the 1980s. While you yourself sound like you believe in a libertarian philosophy that's compatible with capitalism that doesn't mean that the majority of those in Latin America share your way of seeing the world. Regardless of if my political predictions come true or not I'll still explore them and how first wave feminism which gave women the right to vote is partially responsible for this. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back with the show. I was born in a communist country. I've had family members that were communists and believed in the ideology. Every single one of them I've told about how I defend American's right to the 2nd amendment and the right to bare arms didn't agree with me. The idea was that if I was pro gun then where was my weapon. My answer to that question is just because I believe in American's right to bare arms doesn't mean that I myself own a gun. I recognize the importance of what America is not only to the people living there that believe in freedom but also to the rest of the world. I still hear people from Former Yugoslavia complaining about regions like Kosovo where the demographics shifted and Serbs only make up 1.5% of the population. The place was lost decades ago yet they wouldn't concede the loss of the land and territory and still Serbs waste time trying to take it back. It's not going to happen. Americans better stop bickering or there won't be a free country left in ten to twenty years and it could easily destabilize the entire world. As for your situation Salvodorian MGTOW you realized what America is and you want it to stay the same country you grew up in. But look at what's happening in Texas. In ten years it will probably never vote for a Republican president ever again. The demographics are shifting and I'm sure you're aware of this but if you aren't don't take my word for it. The first person I heard from about the demographic shift in Texas that would mean forever socialist presidents in the USA from 5-10 years onwards was James Allsup who was banned from YouTube. I put a link in the description to a Stephan Molyneux video where he speaks to a Republican Candidate about the situation in that state.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

MGTOW Is Only One Red Pill
MGTOW Is Only One Red Pill Sandman 214 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
Lithuanian Apiary

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Lime. His comments and questions are long so before I read them let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Lithuanian Apiary: Anyways, now back with the show. Here's what Mr. Lime has to say: "Hello Sandman, where do I even begin? I was born and raised in NYC (yeah I know you're going to say “move out of NY now because of xy&z”, but it's not that simple) and like most people, my parents got divorced. As you can probably tell, my dad got divorce raped. Although being the crafty lawyer he is, he managed to weasel out a pretty favourable deal himself (for man in divorce court). I witnessed custody battels and heated exchanges, you know the usual experience for this situation. I’m not going to pretend my upbringing was anything special, because it wasn’t if anything I had it pretty good compared to most people. Both my parents treated me fine. I grew up in catholic schools my whole life, but I wasn’t even catholic, the public schools here are complete shit and my dad (who was legally obligated to pay for ALL the expenses) was more than willing to pay the thousands intuition. In my early years, I was active and social, but due to circumstances society morphed and twisted me into being anti-social. I discovered your channel & MGTOW way back in the winter of 2015, I was a high school sophomore at the time (15 yo) on the brink of suicide & depression. From my point of view, this period in time could only be compared to ancient humans discovering fire for the first time, as the introduction to female nature & hypergamy (is that how you spell it? lol) really opened my eyes to not just women, but us (men) as well. From 2015-2018 I used to watch your videos religiously, as I found that whenever I unplugged myself from MGTOW content, I would catch myself slowly drifting back to my old blue pilled ways. I tried to red pill the male friends around me and even my dad by showing them some of your videos, but no cigar. I took the “1 red pill a day keeps ___ away” pretty seriously. I started off as a PUA purple pill MGTOW, and I'll be honest and say that I didn’t respect the red pill monks. I saw them as just TFL’ers (or nowadays “incels” as some would say but I think that’s a very derogatory description) in denial, but nowadays with hindsight I now see where they were coming from. Now, you’re probably wondering what my experiences with females were like and well that’s difficult. Over the years I did get several instances of females showing a legitimate interest in me, but only when I was completely not seeking for females (i.e my “Be Gone Thot!” mode). But when I did make sincere attempts at getting a girlfriend/laid, no female wanted to touch me with a 10 -foot pole. Females are only attracted to me when I don’t want them. I would get a decent amount of matches in dating sights but none of them was ever interested in continuing the conversation. I’m 5’11, healthy/slim, I workout regularly, and I’m decent financially but why can I only get ugly/fat chicks? (if that even). Does that make me an incel?

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2 photo credits:

1. Beekeeper controlling beehive and comb frame

2. Portrait of a cheerful man and woman beekepers in protective uniform

Bananas In Her Pants - MGTOW
Bananas In Her Pants - MGTOW Sandman 181 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

"Mr. Tesla Explains Why He Will Never Marry"

Modern Times: Camille Paglia & Jordan B Peterson

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Scott and here's what he has to say: "Sandman, here is my video request. Conservatives have come out against transgender women participating in women's sports on the pretext that it is unfair for biological males to compete against women. But I sense that the issue goes deeper than that. Making women's sports "fair" is not worth spilling an ounce of ink over, but NRO and the American Conservative have published several articles about it (one written by a feminist). From what I gather, the biggest sin (from a conservative pov) that is committed by trans women is that they are biological males who have completely rejected their masculinity, and conservatives are heavily invested in regulating the behavior of men. There are articles at NRO and the American Conservative imploring men to "man up" and learn to fight etc, but none imploring women to dress modestly and make motherhood the focus of their lives. They are gung ho on manhood, but lax on the traditional role of women. If they were opposed to transgenderism because it bucks gender norms, they would be opposed to the very existence of women's sports which they seek to save from trans women. Women's sports does not help girls develop the nurturing skills to raise children. It is competitive and simulates warfare. And not only would they be opposed to sports, but women who climb the corporate ladder, join the military and even women who run for office. Until the last 50 years, these were exclusively male domains. The point is that women have been "trans" for the past several decades without going the extra step of calling themselves men and strapping on a prosthetic. As I say, conservatives have no problem with any of this, only when men do. My question Sandman is why are conservatives so inconsistent on the issue of gender norms?" Well Scott thanks for the donation and topic. But before I get to it let me first tell you about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back with the show. Perhaps all that feminism, twerking and scantily clad women out there in the streets and naked in the bed sheets have started to desensitize the conservatives so they are far less likely to impose
restictions on a woman's behavior? Could it be possible that conservatives or traditional cucks believe that men's roles should remain the same while women should become more and more liberated? Conservative views on gays have changed. So why wouldn't they also change on females? Twenty to twenty-five years ago conservatives would never have been accepting of gays. Today you have gay conservatives and libertarians like Dave Rubin and Milo Yanopolous. They have most likely been socially conditioned to accept women's liberation and equality. But at the same time most tradcucks aren't even aware of men's oppression. Scott we in the manosphere are in the minority.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

How To Red Pill Your Son - MGTOW
How To Red Pill Your Son - MGTOW Sandman 376 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
Body Transformation Made Simple

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Johnpil and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I have 2 sons in their beginning teens and I watch your MGTOW content with great interest. With my donation, I would want you to make a video about what to tell 16-18 (sixteen to eighteen) year old boys about women/girls and this from a MGTOW point of view. It is very easy for adult men to understand MGTOW concepts, becauses most adult men experienced them. But how do you explain MGTOW concepts to young men, who must know these concepts BEFORE they will experiece them, but are not that experienced yet to grasp the MGTOW ideas? How can you prepare young boys for the dangers of girls/women without making them afraid of girls/women while their male hormones are raging and encouraging them to bang as much girls as possible and as soon as possible? For instance, how can I prevent them not to make them selves unhappy by trying to be a white knight? After hearing lots of Sandman MGTOW videos, I understand it is vital for young men that they have a decent notion about MGTOW knowledge, but till now I could not find a video that clearly explains that. Sandman, could you
create a video for this topic?" Well Johnpil thanks for the donation and topic. But before I get to it let me first tell you about today's sponsor Body Transformation Made Simple: Anyways, now back to Johnpil and how to red pill his sixteen to eighteen year old sons. First of all if you think that being a white knight makes men unhappy then why would be you think they would be doing it? Do you really think it's only about the possibility of getting sex from a woman. Helping women as a man means that quite often you get female validation which for most men, myself included, if I'm simping, is more than enough of a reward. Or at least it used to be for me until I realised how and why it works. By white knighting nature is cruel because it makes men feel good for being taken advantage of by women. You get a dopamine rush when you open the door for her and she doesn't even have to open her legs and roll out her red crumpet. Johnpil what you have to do is teach young guys that just because helping women feels good, ie being a simp or male feminist doesn't mean you should do it. It's not that the nice guy doesn't get the girl. He does. He just doesn't get to sleep with her. He just gets her attention and female validation. The thing to remember about red pilling guys when they are younger is that they are far more receptive to it. They want to learn about how the world works and they are curious. They aren't jaded yet but by showing them the difficulties of female nature you are in a way making them jaded if they see things from the MGTOW perspective. At the age of twenty I became red pilled for the first time on how the psychology of advertising manipulates the human mind and turns us into mindless consumers. Up to that point in my life my purpose was to buy as much new stuff as possible and gauge my value
based on how new and expensive my personal possessions were relative to everyone elses.

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Ad Image Credits:

1. Cheerful young couple in love having fun outdoors. Man and woman screaming and fighting for fun. Bride and groom posing for photographer.

2. Collage of upset brides- square banner size

3. Muscular young woman with beautiful body doing exercises with dumbbell. Sporty girl lifting weights in gym.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Is Keanu Reeves Dating His Mother? - MGTOW
Is Keanu Reeves Dating His Mother? - MGTOW Sandman 478 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
Richard Elsliger

Keanu Reeves and Alexandra Grant’s Relationship ‘Wasn’t a Secret’: They’ve ‘Been Dating for Years’

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Srcmaker and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman. Did you see the news about Keanu Reeves dating Alexandra Grant. Man she looks terrible for a 46 year old. I've banged 50 year olds that looked way better on my business trips." unquote. Well Srcmaker thanks for the donation and topic. When I first saw this story and picture of the happy couple I thought to myself what's Keanu doing dating Helen Mirren? Can't he do better than her. The fact that Alexandra is 46 and has nothing but grey hair than makes her look like she's much older than him. But I wouldn't be quick to say that he's dating her or in a relationship. Neither are the tabloids. They are saying that she's his friend because they don't want to print fake news in this case for some reason. But Alexadra is an artist that works for Keanu. You never know if he's just doing this with her to boost her career and also get the tabloids off his back for being single most of the last two decades. Can you imagine the shaming language that guy has to endure and deal with all the women throwing their bodies at him and him rejecting him? Before I get to what might be the most epic MGTOW trolling in history let me first tell you about today's sponsor Richard Elslinger: Anyways, now back to the video. When I started doing research for this video there was one female reporter that was super happy with Keanu having a girlfriend. I guess she was rejoicing because a man that had been seemingly single for years was finally with a woman. With an average looking woman that looked his age when he could have easily found a younger woman. As I kept digging I found out that it looks like Reeves has been dating Alexandra for years and if you look at the link in the description saying that their relationship wasn't a secret. Look at the picture of them together on there. I can't show you because I don't have the rights and the last thing I need is a copyright strike. You can see that look of pain in Keanu's eyes, worse than when he lost his car, his puppy and his wife in John Wick. That's when I realised the relationship is real because no one pretending to be in a relationship can look that unhappy. Apparently according to a source US Magazine the couple has been together since at least the summer of 2017. Apparently they aren't openly affectionate in public. I guess they are more like an old married couple. The source says that they are low key and cool. The source as I mentioned says that Keanu is extremely happy. Of course he says that because by the look on his face he's in a love coma. I guess another famous MGTOW bites the dust and feminists everywhere rejoice. If Leonardo DiCaprio doesn't get married soon to his former Titanic co-star with three kids with three different dads they will keep shaming him saying that he needs to raise his age limit over 25. He refuses to date women with too much damage. But who knows what Keanu is thinking?

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:

1. Beautiful sexy woman working to repair the car in the showroom the style of fashion photography on the background of wheels and tires

2. Beautiful sexy brunette woman in swimsuit washing a car. Sexy car wash.

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