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Japão - Utilitarismo Feminino e Parasitismo Doméstico da Mulher Japonesa
Japão - Utilitarismo Feminino e Parasitismo Doméstico da Mulher Japonesa フクロウ Fukuro 350 Views • 4 years ago

Interessante... imagino se eu fosse um nativo japones assistindo esse programa. A mensagem seria clara como um raio pra mim, não case que é cilada.


⁣O homem é culpado até que se prove o contrário, enquanto a mulher é inocente até que se prove o contrario.

Então feministas, cade a igualdade de gêneros ?

Red Pill - Soren, Como as mulneres qualificam os homens atualmente!
Red Pill - Soren, Como as mulneres qualificam os homens atualmente! MGTOWRaiiz 136 Views • 4 years ago

muito bom vídeo!!!

Australia Gets Woke - MGTOW
Australia Gets Woke - MGTOW Sandman 418 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Adam and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I’ve binge watching your content for a few months now, going through it from the start (still at mid 2016) – I appreciate it so MUCH!!!!!! I’m in my 40s living in Sydney Australia, would love you to grow your audience here and make a piece on the current case of Brittany Higgins alleged rape at Parliament House. Here story is the typical thing a woman would say back in the 80s and reminds me of Goldilocks waking up in the bears house. The Australian simp Prime Minister admits he had to consult his wife in order to make a public statement. Kind regards, Adam" Well Adam thanks for the donation and topic. The thing about this story that immediately stood out was that the Aussie Prime Minister has to consult his wife before making a public statement. Who's in charge of your country the Male Prime Minster or his unelected female wife? We pretty much have the same situation in Canada where it looks like Justin Trudeau's wife seems to dominate their relationship and probably the country. But I don't want to dwell on that. Let me recap what happened in Australia with the latest case of political woke mayhem. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the video. Trying to find this story online was a pain because everywhere I looked it was behind a paywall and Facebook has been blocked in Australia as of scripting this because Facebook refuses to pay money to the Australian government to help fund the lame stream media news in that country. Now Canada is trying to do the same thing. They also want to force Facebook to pay for allowing users to repost articles and I can see Facebook censoring news content on their platform. News outlets actually want this because they believe that this will force people to visit their websites and pay for subscriptions or at the very least watch ads. Ironically it's just going to create an industry of people reposting content on YouTube in short videos or on their own websites that the government will never be able to stop and tax. The propaganda ministry of fake news is being demonetized and there's nothing news outlets can do to stop it. Anyways, onto the story about the Rape down in Roo land. The Austrlian simp prime minister Scott Morrison is upset with the Defense Minister Linda Reynolds because she didn't tell him about the alleged rape of one of her staffers two years ago. Her excuse is she was trying to protect her privacy. Morrison was kept in the dark and now with this scandal the government seems ready to review the culture in federal politics. Questions are coming out about when Simp Morrison knew about the allegations? It seems like no one dares question the defense minister Linda on why she didn't tell him sooner. It's another case of you can't blame women for anything. Instead you blame the Prime Minister for not knowing for two years and when he does know you blame him for not acting soon enough and instead consulting his wife the cooch power behind Kangarooland.

Australia Gets Woke - Photos

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

LANA RHOADES FALA PORQUE PAROU DE GRAVAR PORNÔ フクロウ Fukuro 417 Views • 4 years ago


Filosofia MGTOW - Mulheres e Romance by Arthur Schopenhauer
Filosofia MGTOW - Mulheres e Romance by Arthur Schopenhauer Adeus Atlântida 697 Views • 5 years ago

Ajude o canal a crescer, leia a descrição e se inscreva.

Dessa vez, demorei pq estou próximo da semana de provas da faculdade, então já deixo avisado que provavelmente não soltarei vídeo semana que vem.

Se gostou do conteúdo:
Ø Então deixe seu comentário. Esse canal não tem pretensão de lucro, livre de propaganda e feito de fã para fã.
Ø Faça o seguinte, compartilhe entre amigos, no whatsapp ou em canais de predominância masculina.
Ø Acrescente nos comentários links\estudos que colaborem com o vídeo.
Ø E por ultimo, mas não menos importante, debata educadamente nos comentários. Minha proposta é de não excluir comentário algum, mas peço humildemente para que sejam polidos ao conversar.
Tentarei trazer os vídeos do TFM, mas até lá, estou apenas começando.
Não modero comentários e muito menos brigas. Cada um é responsável pelo que diz.

Outros Canais Excelentes que eu acompanho:
Angry Fox Pilgrim -
Angry Fox Pilgrim ( -
Angry Fox Pilgrim ( -
Angry Fox Pilgrim ( -
Assinado: O Pensador Selvagem:
Assinado: O Pensador Selvagem ( -
Assinado: O Pensador Selvagem ( -
Don Sandro -
Imperial Crow -
Mgtow Brasil -
Mgtow patriota -
O Traduzeiro -
Raccooning Raccoon -
Raccooning Raccoon (BitChute) -
Raccooning Raccoon (DLive) -
Realverdade -
Red Pill for real Brasil -
Tiozão -
Tricell Investimentos ( -
Tricell Investimentos ( -
Tradutor de Direita Vegano -
WisdowMan -

Agradecimento enorme ao: Pensador Selvagem, por ter ajudado na Revisão do texto.

Vídeo Original:

MGTOW - Feminists Dictionary Part 1 of 4
MGTOW - Feminists Dictionary Part 1 of 4 Alpha_Male_Guide 50 Views • 4 years ago

#MGTOW #RedPill #AlphaMale

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Donate to my Cash App:$AlphaMaleGuide

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If You Can't Beat Women Then Join Them - MGTOW
If You Can't Beat Women Then Join Them - MGTOW Sandman 345 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Ancient Purity
- (Save 10% enter the code MGTOW in the check out)

Not Sure If This Fits Here?

Mystery Link:

Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James. He didn't send me a specific topic so I want to cover something I ran into on the MGTOW Reddit that I think many of you need to be aware of when it comes to falling for the social justice and sexual debauchery agenda. Someone posted the anonymous words of a gay feminized guy and here's what he or maybe she has to say and I quote: "I'm naturally quite quite feminine and confused for a girl often. I live in an extremely cucked country where women have advantages in almost everything. So I decided to experiment with cross-dressing and makeup in public for fun. Actually I prefer being treated like a girl, people are much nicer and I get a lot more attention from guys. I've decided to transition purely for the advantages and have lied to a psychiatrist and doctor to get free hormone replacement therapy. I've also lied to my family and friends about having gender dysphoria because I wanted to sound like I had a valid reason for doing it and wasn't sure how they would react if I was honest? Nearly 2 years later I pass to everyone, changed my name and documents. When I met my boyfriend I lied to him about having gender dysphoria. I sometimes cry about it just so he'll cuddle me and do nice things for me. He sometimes gets emotional about how unfair it is that I was "born with dysphoria" Should I tell people the truth about why I transitioned or just keep the lie up forever? I do feel bad about it sometimes, especially when he says how sorry he feels for me." unquote. When I read that I thought to myself could it be possible that one of the reasons that so many trans people commit suicide is because they lied to themselves and everyone else and said they had dysphoria and they didn't and now how to live with that secret eat out their non existent cooch? But before I discuss more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity: Anyways now back to the clown world show. Honk Honk. Of course I've said many times before that a future trend will be Incels becoming women as women no longer want them. I was waiting for someone in the trans community to admit that they were simply transitioning to female because of the advantages they would receive. Many of the men that transition are gay and for many of them it's a way of hacking into a straight man's pants. If you don't believe me then go find a video I saw a while back on posting that he was into trans women and he was trying to stop himself from desiring them. My thinking is that there are two main reasons beyond so called gender dysphoria that men would choose to be women in our society. Incels that can't get their hands on a woman will become women so that they can sleep with women. There have been numerous articles about lesbian women being shamed into sleeping with trans women. After all it's only fair after we keep seeing similar stories about straight men being shamed for not sleeping with trans women. I love it when the argument backfires in feminists faces. Ironically it's lesbian women that are more likely to be effectively shamed because shaming language works better on women because they don't want to risk being thrown out of their social circles. When they won't sleep with a trans woman or date one it's creating a rift between third wave feminists and the fourth wave variety. Besides incels masquerading in drag and having boobs hacked on so they can get action from lesbian women by they themselves becoming women. The other group as you can tell from the statement I read out in this video is gay men that are doing it to attract more masculine men. In the gay community because sex is easier to get than covid in a nursing home monogamy is four letter word. But if a young gay male transitions he is far more likely to get monogamy from a tranny admirer. It's a way to hack the dating market they are in.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Fat Simp Takes Revenge On Woman - MGTOW
Fat Simp Takes Revenge On Woman - MGTOW Sandman 476 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Mystery Link:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Trump Nukem and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I recently watched the movie "Unhinged" from 2020 starring fellow Australian Russell Crowe. The film covers some red pill rage content. Particularly involving the background of Russell's character that set's him off after life spits all over him. The movie highlights how men are treated and scenarios whamen get away with without consequence. The movie is similar to "Falling Down" from 1993. Could you watch the movie "Unhinged" and do a MGTOW analysis? Thank you for your contribution to MGTOW." Well Trump Nukem thanks for the donation and topic. I'll compare Unhinged with 2020 and something tells me that in Falling Down we could sympathize with the male character Bill Foster played by Michael Douglas but in this film Russell Crowe's character will be shown as a monster with zero redeem qualities because it's 2020 and there's a war on for men. That's my hunch. I guess we'll see as I watch and review it. Russell Crowe needs to stay away from those strawberry smoothies because he's packing on the pounds. If he grew his hair out and puts on a leather jacket he'd start looking like a fat Steven Segal. Before I tell you all about this film let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWs Guide To Living on 200k in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. Before I watched the film I Watched the trailer and from what I could tell the character Tom Cooper overs reacted to some random woman in traffic and she has a child. Showing us that he has zero respect for women but also zero for children. He keeps getting more and more cruel through the whole trailer. Then I went on the high seas and found a copy of the film because I won't support anything Hollywood produces anymore out of principle. The film opens with Tom breaking into a house with a hammer. Killing the man inside, I'm guessing the man that cheated on his wife and then burning the place down to ground but it blows up as he's driving away. He got his revenge. Are we really to believe that he's going to go out and have a whole bunch of rage left over for others? The opening credits show a whole bunch of road rage and violence. Watching the credits just makes me anxious and it's preparing me for a Macho man in a pickup truck going on a rampage. Everyone knows a guy like that and the film wants you to think that Tom attacking you for cutting him off in traffic can happen to anyone. The woman that Tom chases through most of this film her name is Rachel. She's going through a bad divorce and her divorce lawyer's name is Andy. Rachel's ex husband wants her house like that would ever happen in the family courts. We never see her husband because the film-makers probably don't want us feeling any symapthy for him. Rachel now lives with her brother and his fiance in her house and she's the one paying for it and they aren't giving her any rent money. She's also sleeping on the sofa. I guess she was probably really really nice and let her brother and his fiance bang in her bed? Rachel is shown as virtuous and that she doesn't deserve all the bad things that are happening in her life and are about to happen. That she's the bestest ever and that she doesn't have any agency or control in her life. She's also working on helping to get her mother into a home by helping her sell her house because she gets lost in her own neighborhood walking around. Her brother is incompetent and wants to start a business and she tell him to be realistic. She also drives a broken down Volvo from the late 90s. She's teaching her son spelling on the way to school on a Saturday because he has detention. She's a saint and doesn't even use her phone while driving. She gets her son to navigate for her.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Average Canadian Women Are For Thirsty Simps - MGTOW
Average Canadian Women Are For Thirsty Simps - MGTOW Sandman 375 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Virtual Instagram Celebrities

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Thank you for your work creating content, helpful to so many of us. I am going through divorce right now, after 19 years of marriage with 2 kids and have some interesting insights around the fact that men became disposable in every culture and in every nation. But I will give you details with another donation in a few weeks. For now, I want to hear your opinion on the fact that your videos have pictures of the females from 7 to 10 on the beauty scale, with professional make up, favorable angles, great clothes and attributes. In reality, these would be hard to find even in my original home country (Russia). They would be somewhat hard to resist too, no doubt, but the reality is quite different. Though, I am your fellow Canadian now, living in Calgary half of my life. During the summer months, me and my Buddy (divorced long ago), cover up to 20 KM on our weekends and daily walks. We notice maybe 4-5 beautiful women like in your videos.....The rest we couldn't care less, no offence. I could not see myself to be interested at all. There is no sexual appeal, and statistics support that showing avg Canadian girl been around 150 LBS and even bigger in US. To summarize: If all of women would be like in your videos, it would be game over for us men. In reality the average woman in North America has a very little sex appeal. Maybe only for thirsty simps. Add a couple of kids, psychological issues, inflated ego and demands....I cannot see why anyone would date crazy, fat, post wall single moms with array of unresolvable issues? I am in my late 40's now, active and in good shape. Analyzing the dating market here in Calgary I am convinced to go my own way. No need for fat ignorant female company. Apologies if above is not very clear. Hope you are doing well, please continue your work. You help me realize that my "Man Compass" is showing the correct way. Go MGTOW and thanks Sandman!!!" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. Yes the average Canadian woman is overweight, psychologically damaged and doesn't pay near as much attention to her appearance as the women in Eastern Europe. Why is that? I'll discuss that and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the Canadian Klown world show. Mr. Anonymous funny you should mention that the average Canadian women is fat and unattractive and that I show pictures of attractive women on my channel. You're right most men would be in trouble if women were that attractive and as you know in Eastern Europe you probably would have noticed twenty or thirty hot women on your daily walks when compared to only four or five here in Canada. As you may or may not know I've done photography with different models before and you say that I select stock photos with favorable angles, great clothes and attributes. You of course are forgetting that their makeup is usually flawless, the lighting is professional and there are appealing background settings. Plus their age is usually under or around the age of 25. Plus I also choose to use only one picture out of ten or twenty that were available in the stock photo page. I've worked with makeup artists before that did an amazing job. But the makeup literally fell apart and started melting off a model's face after twenty to thirty minutes. The makeup artist was doing more performance art more than anything else that I was trying to capture on a camera. Then you also have the hair person.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

⁣The Brave Browser Won't Pay Me My $10,000 Dollars - MGTOW
⁣The Brave Browser Won't Pay Me My $10,000 Dollars - MGTOW Sandman 549 Views • 4 years ago

⁣The Brave Browser Won't Pay Me My $10,000 Dollars - MGTOW

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This is a quick update about why you're not seeing Brave ads on my channel as well as all the channels I used to advertise my referral link on. First off the program ended on November 23rd. Before it ended Brave invited me to keep promoting them in October but then banned my account saying that I was impersonating them. Even though they had no issues with my ads for over a year and I cleared them with them back in the fall of 2019. So they got my hopes up that I could continue only to suspend me with no warning and keep 2 months worth of crypto earnings without paying them out to me. While I obviously don't agree with what they did I expect tech companies to betray me. I guess my Zuck the Cuck ad was so good that people thought I was actually working for them or something. Even YouTube still owes me thousands of dollars that I'll never see after they demonetized me. Luckily I converted all the basic attention token that Brave paid me to into Bitcoin. Their crypto is flat to down after Bitcoin has been going up. They might turn into one of those shitcoins that Max Keiser refers to because if you look at their growth it's been steady or flattening the last six months. For them to become successful and see the network effect take hold in their business they need exponential growth and not linear growth. So that's why I dump their crypto and it doesn't surprise me that they cancelled their referral program. I was hoping that it would last another six months or more but I can't really complain because as TFM always says you need to look at internet money as found money and not something you can rely on. The Brave browser is a good product but it's slow adoption could kill it. From this graph you can also see that I'm not going to see the referrals for October and November that I gave them. But you can see that I sent them over ten thousand users. I think that the Brave browser is a good product but I think the company is in trouble. If anyone has any affiliate programs you think would be worth of sponsoring please leave them in the comments. Besides informing everyone about what happened if you want to help me the best thing you can do is subscribe to my LBRY page which I've linked to in the description. I started posting my content over there two weeks ago. They have an App for your phone and so does Bitchute with their Bitslide app. Also thank you to the mystery person that sent me a 11,000 LBRY Token tip. The more views I get there the better and means I won't have to depend on donations which have been drying up recently. I'll also probably start doing live-streaming on Bitchute. Maybe fifteen or thirty minutes per day. Look at the insane growth of Bitchute's website recently. So alt tech is really starting to heat up and I can't wait until people start doing live streams on Bitchute as that will make the platform grow even more popular. So that's my quick update. Again follow me on LBRY which is also known as Odyssee and watch me over there because it will help me out a lot at this tough time. Plus I had to pay all the channels that advertised Brave for October and November and that money is long gone. Anyways, enjoy the rest of your day and cheers!

Mulheres bem sucedidas se recusam a "crescer" e se casar - Raging Golden Eagle
Mulheres bem sucedidas se recusam a "crescer" e se casar - Raging Golden Eagle Adeus Atlântida 493 Views • 5 years ago

Ajude o canal a crescer, leia a descrição e se inscreva.

Povo como eu disse num dos vídeos do Raccoon(ele mencionou esse no vídeo sobre Volcel), a respeito de mulheres congelando óvulos, esse é o primeiro do Raging Golden Eagle no canal, então espero que gostem, e ele é fã de animes, por isso não estranhem a imagem de Zero Kara ao fundo.

Se gostou do conteúdo:
Ø Então deixe seu comentário. Esse canal não tem pretensão de lucro, livre de propaganda e feito de fã para fã.
Ø Faça o seguinte, compartilhe entre amigos, no whatsapp ou em canais de predominância masculina.
Ø Acrescente nos comentários links\estudos que colaborem com o vídeo.
Ø E por ultimo, mas não menos importante, debata educadamente nos comentários. Minha proposta é de não excluir comentário algum, mas peço humildemente para que sejam polidos ao conversar.
Tentarei trazer os vídeos do TFM, mas até lá, estou apenas começando.
Não modero comentários e muito menos brigas. Cada um é responsável pelo que diz.

Outros Canais Excelentes que eu acompanho:
Angry Fox Pilgrim -
Angry Fox Pilgrim ( -
Angry Fox Pilgrim ( -
Angry Fox Pilgrim ( -
Assinado: O Pensador Selvagem:
Assinado: O Pensador Selvagem ( -
Assinado: O Pensador Selvagem ( -
Don Sandro -
Imperial Crow -
Mgtow Brasil -
Mgtow patriota -
O Traduzeiro -
Raccooning Raccoon -
Raccooning Raccoon (BitChute) -
Raccooning Raccoon (DLive) -
Realverdade -
Red Pill for real Brasil -
Tiozão -
Tricell Investimentos ( -
Tricell Investimentos ( -
Tradutor de Direita Vegano -
WisdowMan -

Agradecimento enorme ao: Pensador Selvagem, por ter ajudado na Revisão do texto.

Vídeo Original:

Casamento é só papel - até a separação! - Raging Golden Eagle
Casamento é só papel - até a separação! - Raging Golden Eagle Adeus Atlântida 140 Views • 5 years ago

Ajude o canal a crescer, leia a descrição e se inscreva.

Se gostou do conteúdo:
Ø Então deixe seu comentário. Esse canal não tem pretensão de lucro, livre de propaganda e feito de fã para fã.
Ø Faça o seguinte, compartilhe entre amigos, no whatsapp ou em canais de predominância masculina.
Ø Acrescente nos comentários links\estudos que colaborem com o vídeo.
Ø E por ultimo, mas não menos importante, debata educadamente nos comentários. Minha proposta é de não excluir comentário algum, mas peço humildemente para que sejam polidos ao conversar.
Tentarei trazer os vídeos do TFM, mas até lá, estou apenas começando.
Não modero comentários e muito menos brigas. Cada um é responsável pelo que diz.

Outros Canais Excelentes que eu acompanho:
Angry Fox Pilgrim -
Angry Fox Pilgrim ( -
Angry Fox Pilgrim ( -
Angry Fox Pilgrim ( -
Assinado: O Pensador Selvagem:
Assinado: O Pensador Selvagem ( -
Assinado: O Pensador Selvagem ( -
Don Sandro -
Imperial Crow -
Mgtow Brasil -
Mgtow patriota -
O Traduzeiro -
Raccooning Raccoon -
Raccooning Raccoon (BitChute) -
Raccooning Raccoon (DLive) -
Realverdade -
Red Pill for real Brasil -
Tiozão -
Tricell Investimentos ( -
Tricell Investimentos ( -
Tradutor de Direita Vegano -
WisdowMan -

Agradecimento enorme ao: Pensador Selvagem, por ter ajudado na Revisão do texto.

Vídeo Original:

Never Date A Girl Over 25. CRP archive
Never Date A Girl Over 25. CRP archive ArchiveChannel 301 Views • 5 years ago

coach red pill archive.

Apresentação do Canal [1]
Apresentação do Canal [1] Nosferatu_Ensaios_de_Orava 43 Views • 5 years ago

Vídeo postado em 19/12/2019 no YouTube
⁣Nesse vídeo temos o primeiro vídeo, em termos de conteúdo do canal. Nele
falamos dos propósitos do canal, como descobri a sigla e a escolha do


⁣Porra wojak esse video foi forte demais bicho... Me emocionei,
fiquei triste pra carai aqui... E só um personagem mais a situação e
muito real a do dia a dia!
E eu acredito que Wojak será um grande homem ainda quando ele parar de escravocetar as muiéres!

Mas até isso acontecer ele ainda vai ter que Se-fú muito na mão delas, mais
o dia que ele tomar as rédeas de sua vida e ele perceber que não
precisa delas pra nada, ai sim ele realmente vai passar a viver feliz
sem precisar cair na estratégias delas....Ai sim ele vai saber o doce e feliz prazer que traz viver a solitude.

Holocausto das Encalhadas - M$0L Post Wall agride mãe e filha
Holocausto das Encalhadas - M$0L Post Wall agride mãe e filha フクロウ Fukuro 213 Views • 4 years ago

se faz isso com a mãe imagina com o Marido

Marinete - Abatedouro dos Alphas
Marinete - Abatedouro dos Alphas フクロウ Fukuro 161 Views • 4 years ago


hola carrusel, adios monogamia
hola carrusel, adios monogamia ElObserVador 1,325 Views • 5 years ago

Hola carrusel, adiós monogamia

ElObser Vador

El carrusel es un periodo en la vida de la mujer incomprensible todavía para el hombre promedio, no iniciado en mgtow, que pertenece al 80% de hombres ignorados por toda mujer carruselera. Un hombre promedio que no conoce la realidad del animal sexual en que se convierte la carruselera cuando se tropieza con un hombre del 20% de más éxito entre las mujeres, al que se dedica en cuerpo y alma. Normalmente, este hombre promedio conseguirá......

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