
A person with an interest in gaming, music, VR, Warhammer 40k, transhumanism, A.I, dolls, robotics - animatronics, mechanical engineering, prosthetics - bionics, writing, and archiving some associated elements of this into a server. Despite the above-mentioned, I never knew of s-dolls until stumbling across TFM before they got force ghosted. This caused me to look further into that industry, and combined with all the unique brand types to existing technologies like pain sensors - receptors, now I believe besides AI, everything if merged could make an android waifu in the coming 30s. Though I don't think I'll make content on any site, if I do then it'd be about The Machine and it's overwhelming contributions or positives for humanity, estimated costs depending on factors and application to sophistication, virtual reality and pros like it being the best education tool, cons, the artificial reproductive systems, and how the field of robotics also aids the fields of biomechanical engineering, and cyborgization or transhumanism. I also utilize altered terminology, realistically and logically fitted for a real AI discussion than the human projection and animism presented for narrow AI, whatever levels for AGI, and ASI discussions.

While I may wave support for dolls, I'm not interested in the soft mannequins despite their benefits. I'm waiting for The Machine to walk, like Atlas, HRP -4c, Sophia, and others can. One might also see me making comments referring to on such content, like oiling, as "applying to the doll the sacred oils." Pay it no real mind, for it's merely self entertainment and playing a character. I'm still figuring out whomst will deliver a mechanical doll to us first, the more advanced Japanese and Chinese S-Doll brands, automaton robots, or Abyss creations/realdoll. Have a nice day.
Gender : Male
Country :United States