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Why does Trump hate Jeff Sessions?
Why does Trump hate Jeff Sessions? WarmPotato 19 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Why does Trump hate Jeff Sessions?

Youtube under Susan Wojcicki (2014-2018)
Youtube under Susan Wojcicki (2014-2018) WarmPotato 39 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Youtube under Susan Wojcicki (2014-2018)

Peterson Says Molyneux Things
Peterson Says Molyneux Things WarmPotato 13 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Peterson Says Molyneux Things

Ted Cruz Supporters Raid Yelp! [Fiola Scandal]
Ted Cruz Supporters Raid Yelp! [Fiola Scandal] WarmPotato 16 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Ted Cruz Supporters Raid Yelp! [Fiola Scandal]

The Rise and Fall of Owen Benjamin (Owen Benjamin Exposed)
The Rise and Fall of Owen Benjamin (Owen Benjamin Exposed) WarmPotato 134 Views • 5 years ago

Owen Benjamin is a complex character. Once a hedonistic hollywood hoe, now a conspiracy theorist rural family man - all I can do is marvel at the insane 180 turn he took with his life. But maybe, that change was too drastic. Watch this video to see how Owen's rise to stardom was sabotaged by his own insistence on being as provacative and polarizing as possible.

Wikipedia has next to no information on Owen Benjamin, just like Mark Dice. Its all to make people appear smaller than they are, but the truth needs to be heard. Owen has a huge following, and the topic of his fall from grace remains very important, as a lesson of what can go wrong.

My personal opinion on Night Wave Radio is that its not very good. I mean, they're piggybacking off the success of Revenge of the CIS. And Revenge of the CIS claims they do independent journalism, but all they do is commentary and promote left wing politics. That's not journalism, that's activism, and there IS a difference.

Although I made frequent use of clips of Owen speaking, I only did so to provide proof for the claims I made. I want former fans to see for themselves what Owen is saying. The intention is to create a historical account with commentary all throughout. In other words, FAIR USE.

Extra Note - In this video - - Owen claims he was making 15K a month off of people paying to join his chat. Combine that with existing figures and the guy was making, at a minimum, 45K a month. Half a million a year, ranting about jews controlling the world. Only in America :P

Mid-March 2019, Owen was demonetized from Youtube. That means no more superchat or other money making ventures.

In episode 472, Owen Benjamin has changed his approach and said that his comments on the jews were pure "comedy". He just wants to "push boundaries" as a comedian. What an absolute joke. Claiming jews are physically inferior and therefore push 'sodomy and transgenderism' across the globe - is not 'pure comedy'. He was not 'pushing boundaries', he was being an anti-semite. Plain and simple.

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Video Topic: The Rise & Fall of Owen Benjamin
Video Music: All Star - SmashMouth


Gummies -
Dog Clip -
Jews run Rap -
KKK apologist -
Valentines Stream -
Spielberg Comments -
Jesuits are pedophiles? -
Blacks cultural degeneracy -
Made documentary on himself -
"We didn't go to the moon cunts" -
Gays shouldn't hold public office -

Crowder Vid 1 -
Crowder Vid 2 -
Crowder Vid 3 -
Crowder Vid 4 -
Crowder Vid 5 -
Crowder Vid 6 -

Off the Handle 1 -
Off the Handle 2 -
Mass Jew Bashing -

Further Examples of Owen banning people and bashing jews and being conceited.

Funny Video -


Copyright Disclaimer
Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for Fair Use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and more. No copyright infringement intended.

The clips used in this video are brief and edited, usually with narration playing over it or showing amounts needed to make my point. I do not own or claim to own the rights to footage. This video is considered Fair Use by YouTube and Federal Copyright Law. For further proof and information on Fair Use, please refer to:

Please do not attack, bully, or harass anyone you see in the videos. That is not the intended purpose.

WHAT IS HAPPENING AT LOUDER WITH CROWDER WarmPotato 87 Views • 5 years ago

Louder with Crowder is a right wing political commentary channel on Youtube hosted by Steven Crowder and Jared Monroe, at least until recently! As of August 2018, three members of the Louder with Crowder crew have left the show, they are no longer employed. First was Sven Lukas also known as SvenComputer, who only worked there for a little over a month before being fired on air by Steven Crowder. Why did SvenComputer get fired? Watch the video! Next was the simultaneous resignations of both Aaron the Intern & NotGayJared - who it turns out, was straight all along! NotGayJared left because he's having a baby and the show takes up so much time and energy he'll be needing in the future, and Aaron wants to be a film maker. Steven Crowder continues to smile as all his comrades jump ship, and Louder with Crowder continues trucking in spite of wild rumors flying about regarding SvenComputer's true reasons for leaving the show. When the NDA (NonDisclosure Agreement) expires, we'll know the true story; but right now all we can do is speculate on the truth behind SvenComputer's demise. Stay tuned!

Why I HATE WarmPotato 13 Views • 5 years ago is a self proclaimed "Humor and Video Site" that usually does neither of those things correctly. Its not humorous and their videos are disappointing, as is their writing. In this video I'll be examining an article written by an executive at who was never held enough as a child - or maybe he was held for too long - oxygen deprivation is the only way to explain this mess. The article is titled: "5 Ways Modern Men Are Trained to Hate Women" and it has a self hating social justice message, in case the title didn't tip you off. In a way this is political for basically stating that "All Men" treat women badly, which I didn't find to be humorous at all. Zero out of Ten Stars, won't read again.

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Video Topic: Why I dislike


Link: 5 Ways Modern Men Are Trained to Hate Women

Pol is for Shills
Pol is for Shills WarmPotato 24 Views • 5 years ago

4chan! Most activity on it is either /b/ or /pol/, random or politics. Back in the 2016 election, mainstream left wing websites and news organizations kept trying to tie Trump to /pol/ and 4chan in general (which makes sense because they all posted anti 4chan hitpieces and media clips in the past). Well, 2016 wasn't just a year of rhetoric, but also a year of action. Whether it was Antifa raiding 4chan or hired protestors like democrats have done in the past - 4chan and many other right leaning websites were suddenly full of left leaning individuals trying to cause trouble. Bottom line guise, I predict in 2020 the same will occur. Basically.

TETRIS Friends Explained.mp4
TETRIS Friends Explained.mp4 WarmPotato 23 Views • 5 years ago

Tetris Friends is an online website where you can play upwards of 10 different types of Tetris, earn coins, buy upgrades, customize your tetris parts, rise through the leaderboards, earn medals, complete missions, play slots, collect rubies, befriend strangers, stylize taunts, and move forward on your road to becoming a tetris master! All it needs now is a princess to save and it'll be game of the year! Watch the video for more information ~ and leave a comment on your thoughts, they'll help me improve in this whole, "being sociable" thing I'm trying! :)

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Video Topic: Tetris Mayne
Video Music: Tetris Music probably, idk, I write the description before I edit.


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Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for Fair Use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and more. No copyright infringement intended.

The clips used in this video are brief and edited, usually with narration playing over it or showing amounts needed to make my point. I do not own or claim to own the rights to footage. This video is considered Fair Use by YouTube and Federal Copyright Law. For further proof and information on Fair Use, please refer to:

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The Top 10 Democratic Party Sex Scandals [USA].mp4
The Top 10 Democratic Party Sex Scandals [USA].mp4 WarmPotato 12 Views • 5 years ago

The Top Ten Democratic Party Sex Scandals of the United States! This video was created in 2018 and I've tried to include scandals that are both recent and obscure. This video should not be used to launch political attacks. A video entitled "Top Ten Republican Party Sex Scandals" will be coming out soon. Please do not get upset.

The Democratic Party of the United States has experienced numerous groundshaking sex scandals that they'd prefer to sweep under the rug. And the uninformed tend to deny that a problem even exists so, consider this video, my effort to demonstrate how troubled things really are.

From alleged child abuser Ed Murray to confirmed pedophile Jacob Schwartz, there are plenty of stories you've never heard of here, that have been completely swept under the rug. The Democrats tend to have a lot of issues with sexual misconduct - and this video will shine a lot on these roaches, one person at a time.

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Video Topic: The Top 10 Democratic Party Sex Scandals of the United States
Video Music: All Star - SmashMouth



Sargon of Akkad - The Reality of Child Trafficking Rings

Democrats and Scandals

Dennis Hastert

United Nations Sex Abuse

California Child Sex Ring

Copyright Disclaimer
Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for Fair Use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and more. No copyright infringement intended.

The clips used in this video are brief and edited, usually with narration playing over it or showing amounts needed to make my point. I do not own or claim to own the rights to footage. This video is considered Fair Use by YouTube and Federal Copyright Law. For further proof and information on Fair Use, please refer to:

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Sex is Meaningless!.mp4
Sex is Meaningless!.mp4 WarmPotato 109 Views • 5 years ago

SEX IS MEANINGLESS IN 2018! Long ago we had to build relationships with one another, now you press some things on your phone - and the sex comes straight to your door! This is why abstinence is going to make a comeback! The world is far too casual about sex and everyone is becoming the town bike! Now we got MGTOWS and PUA's coming out saying "Sex robots cost less than dating" - and they have a point ONLY because our society has been fooled into pursuing relationships soley for sex! If sex is all you have to offer, you're screwed! Grow a personality and MAYBE you'll have a chance at love - except no one wants herpes you town bike! Abstinence is the one true way, there is no counterargument! The Abstinence New World Order has come, the future is now! Go NoFap today!


Copyright Disclaimer
Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for Fair Use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and more. No copyright infringement intended.

The clips used in this video are brief and edited, usually with narration playing over it or showing amounts needed to make my point. I do not own or claim to own the rights to footage. This video is considered Fair Use by YouTube and Federal Copyright Law. For further proof and information on Fair Use, please refer to:

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Why REDDIT is TERRIBLE.mp4 WarmPotato 59 Views • 5 years ago

Reddit is a website that allows random internet people to meet up and discuss issues that are important to them, no matter how banal they truly are! (I was talking about the people, not the issues) The site operates on a system of upvotes and downvotes which is downright terrible considering if you are downvoted you lose your ability to respond to others and moderators SEE that you are downvoted meaning they're more likely to simply delete your posts or just ban you. Look, just watch the video if you want to know more, I'm developing carpal tunnel with all this typing XD

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Video Music:


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Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for Fair Use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and more. No copyright infringement intended.

The clips used in this video are brief and edited, usually with narration playing over it or showing amounts needed to make my point. I do not own or claim to own the rights to footage. This video is considered Fair Use by YouTube and Federal Copyright Law. For further proof and information on Fair Use, please refer to:

Please do not attack, bully, or harass anyone you see in the videos. That is not the intended purpose.

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