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Women Are More Likely To Cheat On Ugly Men - MGTOW
Women Are More Likely To Cheat On Ugly Men - MGTOW Sandman 341 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: <br>Profit Specialist Group <br>video: <br> <br> <br>Scientific Redpills - Study finds: The uglier you are, the more your wife or girlfriend wants to smash other men when she can get pregnant. <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Alex and here's what he very briefly has to say: &quot;Hi Sandman. Thank you for your hard work. I really appreciate it.&quot; Well Alex thanks for the donation and I thought I'd cover a recent post from Going your own way dot com which I've put in the description called: &quot;Scientific Redpills - Study finds: The uglier you are, the more your wife or girlfriend wants to smash other men when she can get pregnant.&quot; Here's what someone named GrnB has to say and I quote: &quot;Studies like this are a great read, redpills with scientific evidence. I am going to translate this into normal English. The study title is: “Women's sexual interests across the ovulatory cycle depend on primary partner developmental instability”. Which means The uglier you are, the more your wife or girlfriend wants to be with other men when she can get pregnant. Another key line reads “Normally ovulating women have been found to <br>report greater sexual attraction to men other than their own partners when near ovulation relative to the luteal phase” meaning that normal girlfriends and wives do not want to bang their boyfriend or husband when they can get pregnant. The article continues by saying “In a sample of 54 couples, we found that women whose partners had high developmental instability (high fluctuating asymmetry) had greater attraction to men other than their partners, and less attraction to their own partners, when fertile.” Which means out of 54 couples, girlfriends and wives who had ugly boyfriends or husbands wanted to someone else even more when they were ready to get pregnant. The final line is that “females may sometimes benefit from a strategy in which they secure investment from a long-term mate and obtain genetic benefits from extra-pair partners.” Meaning Betabux and alphafux.&quot; unquote. Thank you GrnB for posting that. What I found really funnyg about the way it's worded is that author one Steven Gangestad has to tip toe around the truth. When he says that women will go for a man with more developmental stability it's such a vague term. Does it mean he has low stability when it comes to his career and income? Or does it mean he's looks aren't the best. What exactly is high fluctuating asymmetry. Does that mean his behavior as a provider protector isn't consistent and therefore she isn't happy? Does it mean that his face isn't symmetrical and that the black pilled community is right? That's exactly what it means and it stands for FA. They measured the symmetry of men's ear length, ear width, elbow width, wrist length, length of fingers, ankle width and foot width. The study also concludes that appearance wasn't the only determining factor but male behavior. That women want the complete package or that they are more likely to look elsewhere. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Profit Specialist Group: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Ad Photo Credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2. <br> <br>3.

Where Are All These Lesbians Coming From? - MGTOW
Where Are All These Lesbians Coming From? - MGTOW Sandman 367 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: <br>Profit Specialist Group <br>video: <br> <br> <br>Skirt Club <br> <br> <br>Men and Women Respond Identically to Erotic Images <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Truth Seeker and here's what he has to say: &quot;Hi, Sandman! I'm a guy from Norway pushing 50, that relies more on observation and research regarding women, than actual experience. What I have noticed is that women's lack of interest in men, is often explained away, with them wanting high status men, men with resources and sometimes men with the best bodies/DNA for their reproductive urges. But female homosexuality is becoming more and more common. Like Skirt-Club that has venues for bi-curious women in more than 20 cities all over the world: Then there is research showing no difference in how male and female brains react to erotic visual stimuli, and the complete failure of the magazine 'Playgirl' to attract female readers. Leading to the obvious conclusion that women are more aroused by women's bodies than men's. And the constant blaming of men for only 30% of women being able to reach orgasm, when women have no problem reaching it when being with other women. This might also correlate to the revelation made by one of the spicey websites that ends with the second word hub, that most of their female viewers watch spicy content with two women gettin it on. So these facts have led me to the conclusion that when it comes to sexuality, and not need for male validation, relationship or primal reproductive urges, women are more homosexual than heterosexual. Would love to hear your thoghts on these issues. Best Regards, 'Truth-Seeker'&quot; Well Truth-Seeker thanks for the donation and topic. I like to rely on as much data as possible and the first thing I want to share is this poll that I've shared before in another video showing that 16 percent of zoomers are LGBT. In 2 generations if the trend of doubling continues from one generation to the next fifty to sixty percent of males and females will be LGBT. The question is is this just the way women have always been or is there something more to it? My Sandman Spidey sense is telling me that since our soyciety has been over sexualized it's taking a lot more to turn both men and women on. Since the female body is more visually appealing I don't blame women for being turned on by it. Then again women being more interested in women might just be a natural part of our species. Take a look at this Tweet that Mr. Obvious shared about how the disintigration of the family and rise in homosexuality led to the fall of Rome. He thinks we are going through something similar in the west right now. I agree. Chastity is all about harnessing human productive energy to build civilization. Uncontrolled sexual energy leads to the destruction of civilization because when you're into pleasure you have nothing to show for it except a temporary good feeling followed by chasing the next sexual high. But when you aren't sexually satisfied you have to keep working on other things in life and transmute your sexual energy into your family or your work. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Profit Specialist Group: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Ad Photo Credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2. <br> <br>3.

Man Marries Corpse Bride Instead Of Girlfriend - MGTOW
Man Marries Corpse Bride Instead Of Girlfriend - MGTOW Sandman 278 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: <br>- Red Pill Ring <br>- <br> <br>Man's Married NOT to His Lover But a Corpse Bride <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Lord Jaguar and here's what he has to say: &quot;Soyciety will stop at nothing to shame me into a relationship I honestly thought I wanted for 30ish years or so. If I don't want one then their will be hell to pay. One time my father says to me, &quot;Dude don't clean the garage because it gives your mother something to complain about.&quot; I was a bit taken back and thought that was dumb. Now I understand it was bored women in the 1950's, bored from technology making life easier for them, that snapped from a Utopian level of happiness to cause chaos. The house was built to be cleaned and keep crazies the clown, aka modern women, at bay. Women were better off when they had to do dishes by hand because they didn't have an existential crisis due to time creep. Every time we invent a time saving device we have to fill the void, and now a days that means drugs or cheap meaningless sex. I heard from a contact that the homeless community doesn't just like to get spun out on heroin, but to shove a plunger up their poop chute to top it off. My contact says he misses the day when they just used to get spun out on heroin. But that's not the only thing I want you to talk about. I want you to comment on a movie review that I found recently that in Taoism some women that die unmarried get married after death to prevent a banshee/ghost from coming back from the dead and haunting the whole village. When I heard that I thought about dating again and I quit. In such a situation the man the family will select for the undead husk is the first schmuck to touch a red envelope left out in the open. Thanks for not getting our consent, and women complain about an expensive ring we buy for them, but they can give us a red economic rape envelope. So in essence, If women reject you, level up. If you reject women, they'll threaten a bachelor tax, force marriage, force reproduction, slander you, shame you, and now come back form the after life and haunt you and your loved/unloved ones! That's INSANE!!! Women hate rejection and accountability, and so do men, but if we come back from the dead to haunt the village because we didn't burdened with wedlock, the whole village would drop what they were doing and laugh you back into the nether realm. It would be the ghost equivalent of going postal in high school because you didn't get a date to the prom. Another tactic used by Western women is to threaten suicide when you catch them cheating on you.&quot; Well Lord Jaguar thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Red Pill Ring: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Video Motion Graphics Credits: <br>Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by &quot;;

Women Have A License To Lie - MGTOW
Women Have A License To Lie - MGTOW Sandman 340 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: <br>How &amp;amp;amp; Where to Buy HEX <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Lou and here's what he has to say: &quot;Hello Sandman been watching your videos since 2014. Huge respect for your efforts in liberating men in this gynocentric matrix we’re living in today. I wanted you to make a video on this phrase a pimp out of all people told me, and he said “Woman have the license to lie” When he said this, it just confirmed why I should stay going my own way Cheers&quot; Well Lou thanks for the donation and topic. Pimps are great at understanding female nature because they have to manage a menagerie of madames be able to wrangle them effectively so they don't run away. So they have to be amazing manipulators of women who themselves are amazing manipulators of men. Lies are in women's DNA. The women that took responsibility for their terrible actions didn't have their descendents make it here today because all the male cave men left them outside as super for sabre tooth tigers. So it's a biological instinct for survival. The reason they have that license to lie is also because of men's instinct to provide care and comfort for all women because it increases our chances of sleeping with them and passing down our genes. We accept the lies so we can lay down in bed with them. They have bred that characteristic into us and so long as we are in love with a woman in our lives and wearing those love goggles it amplifies our nature to simp. If you call out a woman on her lies there are always white knights there to brigade you for attacking her. How do you beat an opponent that has bred you to let her win? If you call a woman out on her lie. She will just continue to lie to you and agitate you even further. What's the point? You can't win unless you just walk away then her lies won't be heard by anyone. I'm tired of listening to women lie to men when both of us know it's not the truth and it's getting boring. I identify this specific NPC type of pattern of behavior in them and move on from it. It's annoying at this point. I don't get angry that I'm being lied to. I'm angry that a woman is lying to me and she doesn't understand why she's doing it in the first place. If she made the effort to understand it was a survival strategy then she could reason her way out of her bad behavior and tell me the truth and not worry that I would give her five across the eyes. But she's scared so the lies kick in. When they lie to me I don't even argue with them. I recognize that it's a lie and either work around them or avoid them. There's no use calling them out on it. They will continue to argue with you trying to convince you it's truth basically trying to gas light you into thinking that you're just imagining the truth along with her lies. Remember women go for distance and irritation. They don't tell you to shut up. Instead they talk so much that you get frustrated with them and stop talking because it's going no where. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Hex: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Banning Abortion Is Only The Beginning - MGTOW
Banning Abortion Is Only The Beginning - MGTOW Sandman 383 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: <br>Chris Whalen CPA <br> <br> <br> <br>China says it's restricting abortions to promote gender equality. <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from AA and here's what he briefly has to say: &quot;Hey Sandman, I just wanted to follow up with a previous donation I made where I was asking for playlists like this, and I'm glad you got it going. It makes it a lot easier for me to binge your videos.&quot; Well AA thanks for the donation and yes I'll keep the yearly playlist going forward. Since you didn't give me a topic I was planning to get into the Roe vs Wade debate. I think there's more going on here and that this is the latest battle in the cultural war for America's soul. Between Desantis fighting woke LGBT Mickey in Florida and must buying Twitter 2022 has been entertain thus far. But I keep getting a sense of dread that since the left has been going too far for the last ten years or so that the pendulum is now swinging from left to right and now we will see the over correction in the other direction. Twitter becoming open to all voices bring balance. But I don't agree that abortion should be taken away. It's just going to lead to a lot of coat hangers in back allies or doctors moving to states that will still allow it. The only benefit I can think of is that people in failed leftist states won't move to places like Tennessee and Texas if there's a ban. So that would be great because it would slow their destruction so they don't get a liberal lobotomy. I want balance to the American political force instead of power bouncing back and forth between the Sith and the Jedi. You decide which is which. I think the push to the right is probably being orchestrated by forces that want to see birth rates at the very least stabilize. But eventually cuckservatives will figure out that even traditionalism won't be enough to keep the population stable or growing. The left is right that at some point if humans stop reproducing you might get something like the handmaids tale. Except it won't be women forced to carry babies for wealthy men but women in third world countries might be paid a pittance to do so for wealthy men in the west. Afterall you could have had a kid through surrogacy in India for around 10k about ten years ago before they banned the practice for foreigners. I spoke to one woman and she told me she thinks were about to return to a time period where an alpha male might have a wife but he'll have concubines or secondary women in his life that he will have kids with. That's where I think were heading if birth rates keep falling but I don't believe it will work. Banning abortion in America the way China did about six to twelve months ago is not going to increase the population. What's next? Banning birth control pills and condoms? Women are claiming they will go on a sex strike if abortion is banned. Considering that 50%+ of the male population hasn't had sex in the last year that's not a punishment. That might be a reward for many men because they won't have to deal with a nagging women. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Ad Image Credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2.

I Stand With Lesbians - MGTOW
I Stand With Lesbians - MGTOW Sandman 244 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a specific topic so I wanted to cover two topics. The first one is the backlash from a BBC article where young anonymous lesbian women say they were coerced into having sex with trans lesbians. They said they were being pressured by friends and lovers with threats of violence and sexual assault if they didn't sleep with trans women. I spoke about this before that fifty percent of men in our society only have access to ten percent of the homeliest looking women. As a result they started an online campaign to help them share their story and promote it as a problem. The leftists are starting to eat each other both in and out of the bedroom. At least some of them are. The problem is that no matter how hard you try to make everyone the same to create unity and equality humans end up with differences. The only unity can come from disharmony. Where we all have freedom to follow our own beliefs and take our own actions. But the left doesn't like that. So now there's in fighting in the LGBTQLMNOP community and this is why religions go to war with other religions and different sects. In this case social justice warriors disagree on how they should be worshiping at the church of woke. The only solution for our differences is to find some other common identity not based on sex, race, financial status, sexual orientation, etc. And use that to bring us together. The BBC opinion piece talks about two lesbian women that were assaulted by a transwoman at university and were targeted because they were lesbians. The problem of course is that most of the left says that trans women are women. So therefore genetically lesbian women should be attracted to them. I've said before that if you're one of the 50% of men in the lower tier of guys and only have access to 5% of women out there, the homeliest of the species then you can gain access to better looking women by taking hormones and getting implants. Thirty percent of men right now are not getting an relationships or attention from women. I wouldn't be surprised if many guys are resorting this sort of behavior to gain access to a velvet vagina. The second topic I'll discuss in this video was from someone name Julian that wanted me to expand my content beyond female nature. I'll read his comments in the second half and pipe in. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways now back to incel men dressing up as women and shaming lesbians to sleep with them clown world show. I can understand why some men might play the part of turning himself into a passable female to get attention from women he might never get. There are a lot of thirsty men out there willing to do whatever it takes including modifying their bodies to appear feminine to gain access to women. I remember long time ago hearing a story about a gay guy that wanted a boy in his high school but the guy wasn't attracted to him. So he became trans and then the guy she now wanted began dating her. A story like that is going to make a lot of gay males think that taking on a female identity is going to help them attract a masculine man. Other men are going to see how woke culture is successfully helping them leave the incel category and if they alter their appearance then there are affirmative action programs available with six figure salaries too. Because every company wants to do the socially responsible thing and have a token tranny in the office.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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God Speed Vention MGTOW (Don't Get Married In Heaven)
God Speed Vention MGTOW (Don't Get Married In Heaven) Sandman 287 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

Vention MGTOW Channel:

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Rob and here's what he very briefly has to say: "I just put in a donation. I was wondering if you could do a video on Vention MGTOW. His life meant so much to so many and it appears his time is approaching to pass beyond the veil." Well Rob thanks for the donation and topic. I recorded a video with Lamprey Milt a while ago discussing Vention back about four months ago that we never released. I didn't want to release it because even though I don't make any ad money from YouTube I still felt a bit sleazy drawing attention to Vention MGTOW. He's a MGTOW YouTuber that started about a year before me and he was the first MGTOW I saw that showed his face on camera. It was a in a video called I am a warning to women where he was driving around and enjoying his life. We also learned that Ventions real name is Warren. It's almost like project Mayham from Fight Club where many of us in this
community only have a name in death. As for this video it's mostly going to be one record months ago. I could talk about the untimely demise of Vention. Six days ago he was in the hospital and his Kidneys had shut off and he was frantic to get home so that he could end his own suffering by taking care of business as he put it. If you know what I mean. He was clearly suffering. Unless you've ever experienced pain bad enough where you want to end it all then you can't relate. But he was hopped up on Morphine wrapped in Blankets and smiling so I guess the pain couldn't have been that bad. The video with Lamprey that I'm about to share covers many of the lessons Vention went through and if it helps one guy avoid his fate then Vention's life was not in vain. As of recording this I don't know if he's gone but I think it's safe to say rest in peace Warren. The pictures of hot fake female mechanics are all over this video as a tribute to him because he was a diesel mechanic. Anyways before I run the video let me run today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, here's the video with Vention:

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I Used To Be A Male Feminist - MGTOW
I Used To Be A Male Feminist - MGTOW Sandman 244 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off


Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Dr. B Real the author of Surviving 4th Wave Feminism. This is the second review for chapter 2 from his book. This chapter is titled I was a feminist and this is his story. During his undergraduate degree in the United States he was forced to take women's studies or he wouldn't be allowed to graduate. But he was stopped from enrolling because of one small problem, his gender. A lesbian professor in her mid fifties told him he wasn't welcome and asked him if he was a feminist and why he wanted to take her class? He said he was an equitist and told her that the course was compulsory for him to complete his degree. She accepted his answers and accepted him into the class. On his first day in class he was told by her that he needed to know that the class wasn't a place to meet women. He responded by saying, "Ma’am, I’m a 6’3" athletic rugby-playing-Australian-surfer on exchange at an American university dominated by fe?males – I can assure you; I don’t need to enrol in a class to meet women." But that wasn't funny because his joke was seen as sexist and misogynistic because he was elevating himself instead of degrading men. He was the only male in his class or club as he called it. He says the only reason he was allowed into that class was because of his nationality. Because he was a foreign student of the feminist professor didn't allow him into that classroom then it would look bad on the part of the university when welcoming foreign students. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200K in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back She-woman man haters club clown world show. So now that Dr. B Real was in his feminist utopia classroom because if he wasn't allowed in it might cause an international incident and cost the university money. So that's why I suspect they pressured the feminist professor to let him in. Two weeks into his indoctrination in the world of feminism he said this and I quote: "Wow! I truly knew none of this stuff. I can’t believe anyone would take steps to exclude half the population from this knowledge. If anything, this class should have more men in it than women. We all have so much to learn. This class was amazing!" unquote The class taught him about religion, immigration, homosexuality, racial inequalities and what happened during first and second wave feminism. He went on field trips to a woman's shelter, female standup comedian, feminist art exhibits and vegan restaurants in LA. He was also supposed to read the vagina Monologues but he was banned from doing so by his professor because he didn't have a vagina. He says the process was a slow indoctrination process. He says the class felt like a family and that he can see why women that leave home and their family of origin might cling to what's being taught because it replaces the community they had back at home. In a way universities are like a cult if you move away because they also cut you off from your past and try to reprogram you for the future. Two months into women's studies things began to change. The course went from reason and intellect to emotion and anger. His lesbian lecturer morphed into a woman of hate and retaliation and she said that their enemy was the white male patriarchy. That now makes sense because black lives matter was started by feminists. He was now being conditioned to hate all men, even the good ones and especially the white ones. Dr. B Real is now a white male in a class teaching women to hate white males. That's probably why the professor didn't want him in the class. She feared what might happen if he spread that information to other men. He saw the hypocrisy that if it hadn't been for men helping women in 1st and 2nd wave feminism then women never would have gained their freedoms. As his indoctrination continued he learned about a feminist thoery where white people were forcing black people to be whiter. Most specifically convincing black women to straighten their hair and lighten their skin and that this was somehow oppression.

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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Millions Of Chinese Men Go MGTOW & The Government Panics
Millions Of Chinese Men Go MGTOW & The Government Panics Sandman 411 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Why China’s youth are ‘lying flat’ in protest of their bleak economic prospects

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donation because I didn't get one for this video. If you want to suggest a topic you can through either Subscribestar or the Paypal email down below. As for this video most of us know about the Herbivore Man in Japan and MGTOW in the west. Now we have another group called lying flat in China and it's freaking out the CCP. The Chinese Communist Party has met an opponent it can't beat, female hypergamy and male indifference. It has identified one of those problems, the lying flat men and is trying to censor their version of MGTOW out of existence but at the same time they have a bline spot towards female nature. Women don't need a fancy movement like feminism to get what they want. Female nature is the feminist movement All women are feminists at heart and do what's in their best interests. I first heard about this story from an article I've put in the description called: "Why China’s youth are ‘lying flat’ in protest of their bleak economic prospects" and I want to read part of it and I quote: "Across the country, T-shirts printed with “Do nothing lie flat youth” have become hot selling items, and authorities are scrambling to suppress the phenomenon, fearful about a challenge to the established social and economic order. The movement’s roots can be traced back to an obscure internet post called “lying flat is justice”, in which a user called Kind-Hearted Traveller combined references to Greek philosophers with his experience living on 200 yuan (US$31) a month, two meals a day and not working for two years. He said “I can just sleep in my barrel enjoying a sunbath like Diogenes, or live in a cave like Heraclitus and think about ‘Logos’, “Since there has never really been a trend of thought that exalts human subjectivity in this land, I can create it for myself. Lying down is my wise man movement.” According to the anonymous poster, this humble existence left them physically healthy and mentally free. Although the original post has been scrubbed from the internet by censors, copies have spread quickly online, sparking lively discussion and videos that have garnered millions of views each. The rich and the authorities monopolize most of the resources, and more and more working class like us have to work from 9am to 9pm, six days a week. A survey by Chinese micro blogging site Weibo, conducted between May 28 and June 3, found 61 per cent of the 241,000 participants said they want to embrace the lying flat attitude." unquote So with that out of the way I'll share my thoughts about the new Kung Pow MGTOW in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Women Are The Cause Of War? - MGTOW
Women Are The Cause Of War? - MGTOW Sandman 288 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Pentagon Briefing On Removing The God Gene

Serenity, Origin of the Reavers

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Adonis. He has a lot to say. Especially a lot about the new Godzilla Versus King Kong movie so there are spoiler ahead. I wish he had told me that before I read his comments and had a chance to watch the film firt. So be warned. Before I get to his topic let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the video. Here's what Adonis has to say and I quote: "Dear Sandman, Do you believe that MGTOW transcends humanity into other species? I just went to the blockbuster monster movie Godzilla versus Kong this past weekend and I could not help but think how these monsters are the ultimate MGTOW's in the fantasy animal kingdom's that they have dominion over. The type-cast fluff protagonists in the movie, meaning the humanoids in the movie, have the usual role-playing parts, but two key female characters are a mother and a mute daughter. The young mute daughter seems to have perfected the art of becoming a Titan-Whisperer to Kong using sign language. This script fits perfectly in our 21st-century Gyno centric culture and feminist ideologies being spewed out by mainstream media Hollywood and all of the movie houses and made for Netflix and Amazon series. Being a Greek I cannot help but think of the juxtaposition of the Alpha Titans since ancient Greek culture was replete with great stories of humanity, gods, monsters, Titans, Super-Gods (Zeus, Poseidon, Apollo, Athena), Demi-gods and super heroes. Just like you Serbians, we here in the rest of the Balkan countries have watched the westernization of eastern Europe. There is an ironic twist in this movie that reminded me of the old adage beware of Greeks bearing gifts (ie the Trojan Horse ). In this case the Trojan horse seems to be Kong who finds a magical gift/weapon and I don't want to give away the plot line but it is fairly similar to human history throughout all cultures. Even the monster Kong falls to the spell of hypergamy and solipsism of these women particularly the mute little girl with whom he communicates using sign language. The women, even the little girl, use the all too familiar pre-programmed self-preservation by using and even abusing strong alphas to the point of destruction. This is evident and paramount when these women and humans are threatened, especially the mother and young daughter/Titan whisperer. The premise is age old. Two alpha monsters cannot occupy the same space or planet as one wants to have dominion over the other. The irony is that there is a MAN-made machine alpha which becomes the greatest threat to humanity. The movie starts out with great fight scenes individually and then collectively between Godzilla and Kong replete with 3-D effects as a video gamers dream. Lots of Mayhem Destruction and Smash. Unfortunately I don't see Godzilla or Kong getting any smash of their own if you know what I mean. Just all of the Hypergamous manipulation without any of the happy endings. The culmination of the movie ends up being an unexpected alliance between Godzilla and Kong who have to join forces to defeat this Man-made monster/Titan of gigantic proportions and technically-advanced weaponry. Man-Made being the operative term, with the Achilles' heel being the women using the two Alphas to do the necessary deeds for their own self-preservation and perpetuation of the species.

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News: Waifus Better Than Marriage (Morning Constitutional)
News: Waifus Better Than Marriage (Morning Constitutional) T.F. Monkey 887 Views • 5 years ago

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70 Year Old Woman Wants Me To Sleep Over! Inside Of Her! - MGTOW
70 Year Old Woman Wants Me To Sleep Over! Inside Of Her! - MGTOW Sandman 321 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Scott and he has a bit to say so before I get to it let me first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back, to clown work. A little bit later I'll get to the part about the 70 year old woman that wants me to come over and stay inside her pink room but first here's what Scott has to say and I quote: "Hey Sandman, This is an observation on cancel culture which emphasizes passive aggressive actions in terms of censorship, doxxing and shadow bans;; and the underpinnings of what drives these actions. I am of the impression that the empowerment messages that are promoted by popular culture towards women are confronting a disconnect in terms of social media vs. The social hierarchy that exists outside of it. Women are constantly offered up validation towards entitlement in television, movies and commercialized propaganda. Women are also able to find and receive validation on social media that can offer dopamine fixes. The problem is that this is not experienced in real life. The woman who is told she can have it all is clearly not receiving it all in terms of her options in life. The woman that is told she is beautiful, powerful and deserving doesn’t see this in the mirror as more women are facing obesity and a lack of marriageable partners. The woman who is told she can have children and a family is more likely to live below the poverty line as more children are born out of wedlock and raised in single family households. The United States in particular has the highest percentages in the world. Women are not going to reject the messages of validation and attention because this is how female nature creates self esteem and self worth. This is why when women complain about their problems they are not looking for solutions so much as empathy and validation from others. They do not want to feel kind they are alone but in the real world they increasingly are. The disconnect between the virtual superwoman and the real life woman is now so great that when anyone argues or seeks to dispel these notions of entitlement or attack the mechanisms that offer this validation? Women look at it as a direct attack on their character and self esteem and react to it as if directly threatened. In response women take action typically through shaming language at the oppressors of their validation. Female nature also pursues passive aggressive responses to these forces that they believe are threatening them either by rhetoric or simply existing which is where MGTOW comes into play. Women by nature do not launch direct assaults. They are more inclined to flank their issues and attack them accordingly. And their only recourse is to censor the detractors in order to spare the woman’s feelings while preserving their message and the commercial implications of it which in turn generates profits for them. In a consumer culture women make determinations towards 80% of goods and services. Corporations have acknowledged this and their messages do as well since they are in business to generate profit and act as “super simps” towards those ends. Other groups have noted this phenomenon and as far as their messages go they have seen how the system works and as consumers want the same solution to their online problems because what they also espouse in theory is not supported in their lives.

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Divorce Is Killing Dr. Dre? - MGTOW
Divorce Is Killing Dr. Dre? - MGTOW Sandman 339 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

Divorce is killing Dr. Dre at 55 an aneurysm in his brain. So much for living longer if you're married.

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Tom and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, Tom again. My last donation can be used for whatever topic you want. I love your content and will continue to support it, but it like to spread out some of my funds to support some other MGTOW creators I'd like to see succeed. Stay healthy, stay focused, and stay driven. You're saving lives." Well Tom thanks for the donations you've given me over time. I was originally going to cover this topic a long time ago when it was first revealed that Dr. Dre was going to getting divorced and simply call the video Dr. Dre Gets Divorced. But I couldn't get it out fast enough. So when I saw the Reddit post called: "Divorce is killing Dr. Dre at 55 an aneurysm in his brain. So much for living longer if you're married." I just had to pipe in before Dr. Dre smoked his last bong. Before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. Nicole Young and Dr. Dre were married for 24 years and in 2020 she filed for divorce because of irreconcilable differences. He's worth 800 million dollars so I bet she wants some of those dab-looms for more than two decades of cleaning his dong and also giving him two kids. In early January he agreed to pay her 2 million dollars in spousal support. But up to that point he was paying her just under three hundred thousand a month in spousal support. At least she didn't wait for ten years to go by in California before filing for divorce because that's when you can get lifetime alimony. I'm also really surprised that she isn't getting more. After all if he was paying her 3.6 million dollars a year for the next one hundred years that's still less than half of his fortune. He probably had some sort of prenup arrangement ahead of time. After all the guy had a number of girlfriends before her and he never married any of them. He probably figured that he was ready to settle down into polite society or something. Well done Dr. Dre. But still forty years of girlfriends and twenty-five years with a wife is enough to give anyone an aneurysm. Also Covid is making people in LA crazy and four suspects attempted to burgle his house. The attempt to get into his house came only a few hours after he went to the hospital. So someone was paying attention to the news and jumped on the opportunity as quickly as possible. By now you seen there really isn't much to the story of Dr. Dre and his wife. No sex tape scandals and no crazy divorce settlement numbers. Maybe Nicole stayed long enough for their kids to grow up? Fifty percent of the so called marriages that make it just how many of those does a guy marry a nagassaurus. A woman so loud and obnoxious that she's not going to divorce him because no man can stand the her voice and attitude because she's nothing more than a professional irritatrix driving men crazy even though they love her. Most men are happiest when they are slaves to others even when those others are killing us psychologically and physically. In that Reddit post there are guys that say that their wives nearly drove them to suicide.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

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Her Cooch Her Choice LOL - MGTOW
Her Cooch Her Choice LOL - MGTOW Sandman 333 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, here's a short topic for you. I'm so sick and tired of hearing women say my body my right when it comes to kids and getting an abortion. I will make an exception for woman to have an abortion if they can't survive pregnancy and/or were (r)aped and got pregnant against their will. But when they have consenting sex and are knocked up it's no longer her body it's theirs. Or how they steal our sperm or tamper with our condoms to get knocked up in a trap. Yet men can't say my sperm is my body. My sperm my choice. I find it hypocritical that women demanded abortion rights and men get none. Cheers! Well Teaven thanks for the donation and topic. The sperm doesn't belong to you once it leaves your body. It becomes contractual cum upon conception and you're now on the hook legally for twenty years of payments. Her cooch is a giant venus fly trap that captures twenty years of your labor and cash through the courts. You risk turning yourself in a slave everytime you have sex. Think about that the next time you blow your load into a lady that has more genital warts than a toad. Also Teaven don't forgot the trap when they say they are on the pill but they aren't. It's like a snake that says it's ok if they bite you because their venom sac has been removed. But you won't know until you actually get bit. I rarely hear a woman say our child. I think you're wrong on that point It's always either your baby or her baby. She tells you the the baby is yours when she wants something from you while you're still together with her and she tells you the baby is hers when she leaves you and wants something from you. It's like that time I got into a conversation with someone in the states and he told me we have troops in Iraq. The president Politician says our boys in Iraq but meanwhile they are his boys because he can order them to their death. By saying our boys it's like he's spreading the blame and responsibility for what happens to the entire country and away from himself. The ordinary citizen says we have troops in country a or b. The president says our troops are in country a or b. I'll explore this spermtastic topic in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the clown world bukkake show. The ownership of a woman's baby shifts like her hips depending on if it gives her the advantage or not. A cooch is also known as a type of belly dance for all the YouTube censors out there wondering why there are pictures of belly dancing babes in this video. Let's see if the title is offensive and it gets a strike. The alternate meaning of cooch is vagina for all you that haven't had a chance to drink the period blood koolaid yet. But apparently it's not an offensive alternative way to say VAG. So it should be ok and I won't be sweating balls too much with regards to the title afterall. Hopefully what little sweat there is some slut won't stand underneath with her dew rag trying to gather enough baby batter to matter. I briefly remember covering this topic before a few months ago but my memory isn't what it used to be and I can't remember the title of that video and what I said. The only point that was important was that the ownership of the child shifted depending on how much of an advantage it gave the woman that shot that sucker out of her cooch canon. Originally abortion was designed so that women that had nonviable pregnancies and those that got pregnant against their will.

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Here Comes The Whorenado! - MGTOW
Here Comes The Whorenado! - MGTOW Sandman 432 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Mystery Link: (Minus #5)

Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Anonymous 40 and he's got a lot to say. Before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. Here's what Anonymous 40 has to say and I quote: "Dear Sandman, one of the things I miss the most about the now defunct Tom Leykis show, Is that he had a segment called “ reports from the front “. This was an hour in which men would call in and tell what their lives were like in different situations : married, divorced, going through a divorce etc. I think it would be cool if in your radio show you would ask for reports from the front. I myself am a 40 year old divorced purple pill man (who has a much younger girlfriend) but I have one child in shared custody. I don't mind giving $1000+ a month of support to the child’s mother... I can afford it and this is what I was doing during my marriage anyways. I left my marriage when I felt ignored in so many major decisions, such as selling the house, arranging day care, and kicking my mother in law out of the house. It got to the point where I would put my child in day care and my then wife would cancel the day care. In the meanwhile, I was the only one working. The hardest part was that I was expected to work while also performing childcare when I got home. I was already so exhausted that I couldn’t drive to and from work. I thought I was going to die in a car accident. But when I would arrange for a baby sitter, the wife would un-arrange it and say it was my responsibility. I got sick, my hair was falling out, I was gaining weight, and yelling at my coworkers from stress. Why must men suffer so? What has happened? When did childcare and financial stability BOTH fall on the man? I was so exhausted that I couldn’t do my job properly and had to eventually resign. It was getting dangerous. I eventually decided that I couldn’t die, I had to take care of my family. The last straw came when my evil mother in law threatened to call the police on me and make up lies about me and my wife wouldn’t let me kick her out of the house. Instead she said I had to leave MY OWN HOUSE! That was when I knew I needed a divorce. My own home ceased being mine. I came to several conclusions: 1) if you are going to get married you should have a million dollars already. Literally. For childcare space in the house to live, etc. This will allow you to take a year off of work which you will probably need. 2) If you are going to get divorced you should definitely have 50/50 custody on paper, even if you don’t mean it or want it, I am serious. Give her any money she wants, that is less important, but you have to make it so your wife can’t legally take your time with your child away. 3) No woman is going to keep her career after having a kid, at least not for about 10 years. Never expect it. Yes, men are the only breadwinners. But you’ll have to do child care too. 4) Once a child comes, the woman thinks she can make all the decisions. You have to stand up to this, or hopefully find a nawalt that will follow your decisions. You know father knows best. 5) You don’t have to get married at 30. 20 something girls will date you into your late 30s and want to marry you. My main advice is to expect nothing from your wife once she gets her kid. You will do everything, you will be a single father but also with a wife to support. If you can’t handle that, then you probably don’t want to be married. I don’t think many guys want that these days." Well Anonymous 40 thanks for the donation and topic.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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Are Robots Better Than Real Women? - MGTOW
Are Robots Better Than Real Women? - MGTOW Sandman 394 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The MGTOW Book

Mystery Link:

Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I'm sending you this donation to get your attention, and to donate to your cause of MGTOW. I don't have a specific topic for you to discuss but I want to get in contact with you about a business proposition. My team and I have been actively developing an AI technology that can be useful in the development of sex dolls, I have been in contact with at least one. They've expressed an interest, given your plan to make "Sex Bots" happen; and your ability to reach large numbers of people; I believe we might have something; where my company can work diligently to provide a cloud based interaction system - and you with your ability to influence the masses can reach certain levels of success. Our technology that will service voice bots; this includes the capabilities for Sexbots by connecting to the service via IoT devices and have myself begun on a small prototype device that can connect to our platform. We are aiming at all kinds of different client bases, even businesses; and yes, the use case extends to your sex robots - for the voice and conversational
interaction. Let's chat. I've attached an email to this message and we can continue our discussion further and I think we can have something. Cheers." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and I have reached out to you just before I started to script this video. I'll discuss my thoughts on existing lover dolls and bots in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. When I saw the first Real Doll with an AI called Harmony I thought it was embarrassingly bad for a flagship company like Real Doll to put it out. The technology to have a realistic sounding AI is still a decade or more away. Plus you're looking at the face of a doll and it doesn't look real. The motion is limited although I recently saw a company that was starting to make dolls that would thrust back and forth when you were in them. That's the biggest innovation I've seen recently. But the biggest problem with dolls is there is no human element behind them. Look at it this way. The difference between a loverbot and a real woman is like playing against a bad computer controlled by an opponent versus playing against a real player. The human player will be unpredictable. In real life trying to find a girlfriend is like finding yourself a slot machine with a slit. You keep feeding her quarters and you may or may not get laid that day. When you eventually do all the times you didn't get laid are swept away and the when you score it's a whole lot sweeter. If you wonder why humans are easily addicted to gambling it's because it's our biological mating instinct taken advantage of by people in tacky casinos. Just think about when you're looking for fapping material and you're stuck in a rut and it's boring every time you bust a nut. You've seen all the good videos and then out of the blue one day you find a fantastic video with a woman that turns you on and suddenly that video provides you many wonderful sessions with your shwing shwang. That's what getting a doll is like. At first it's great but the more time you spend with it the thrill gets worn away along with the skin of your latex lover.

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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Shia LaBeouf Hurts Women - MGTOW
Shia LaBeouf Hurts Women - MGTOW Sandman 373 Views • 4 years ago

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Shia LaBeouf Sued by FKA Twigs for Sexual Battery, Citing Abusive Relationship

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is not brought to you by any donations because the coof is killing them. I know many of you guys can't support me because of Covid. The next best thing is to subscribe to me over on LBRY and watch my videos over there because the platform pays me in crypto. Link to it is down below. So with that out of the way I've decided to cover a story where Shia LaBeouf is being sued by his ex girlfriend FKA Twigs where the lawsuit says Shia Hurts Women. Those aren't my words in the title. That's what the court documents say. Here's what that article I put in the description says and I quote: "FKA Twigs has sued her ex-boyfriend, Shia LaBeouf, accusing the actor of sexual battery, assault and infliction of emotional distress . . . "Shia LaBeouf hurts women,” states the lawsuit, obtained by Variety. “He uses them. He abuses them, both physically and mentally. He is dangerous." Twigs was once woken up by LaBeouf towering over her, violently squeezing her arms against her will and choking her, according to the lawsuit. The alleged incident occurred during a trip to celebrate Valentine’s Day in 2019. As he was strangling her, the lawsuit claims, he was whispering, “If you don’t stop you are going to lose me.” After the alleged incident, LaBeouf became manic while driving back to his home. Barnett tried to get out of the car, as he threatened to crash the car, unless he professed her “eternal love” for him, and though he briefly stopped at a gas station, he “violently attacked” her, throwing her against the car, screaming in her face and attempting to strangle her, before forcing her to get back in the car. After the alleged altercation, Barnett texted a close friend, writing, “This is difficult to say but I am sure you know. I have been in an abusive relationship that has isolated me. It’s worse than you could imagine.” When filming “The Tax Collector,” LaBeouf got so into character, according to the lawsuit, he took on the role of a gangster in real life, and claimed to drive around Los Angeles, shooting stray dogs dead, so that he could get into the “mindset” of a killer. Barnett, an animal lover, was “profoundly disturbed and terrified.” LaBeouf also demanded she slept naked, and forced her to watch documentaries about murdered women before going to bed, per the public filing. LaBeouf apparently was paranoid and suffered recurring delusions about gang members breaking into his home, so he slept with a loaded rifle at their bedside, but insisted on keeping the front door unlocked. Barnett, feeling “trapped” in their shared bed, fearful he might accidentally shoot her if she stood up, would often text friends in the middle of the night to devise an escape plan. LaBeouf continuously belittled his then-girlfriend, and is accused of having frequent rage and bouts of jealously, even accusing her of dwelling on her former fiancé, actor Robert Pattinson, the lawsuit states. LaBeouf was so possessive, he would count the number of kisses she would give him on any given day, and berate her if it wasn’t enough. The lawsuit also claims LaBeouf knowingly infected her with an STD." unquote. I'll discuss all this and so much more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lamprey Milt:

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Are You Okay With Dying Alone? - MGTOW
Are You Okay With Dying Alone? - MGTOW Sandman 380 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Are you guys okay with dying alone?

Downtown Container Park - Las Vegas

Mystery Link:

Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Artur and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I’m leaving the topic up to you. Your content is always first class so whatever you want to cover. Thanks for helping all the men out there." Well Artur thanks for the donation. Well I was exploring reddit again for a topic and I found one called "Are you guys okay with dying alone?" by someone named BlackStreetXY and here's what he has to say: "So, I am almost 26 and an only child. My parents had me later in life so they are old right now. I have cousins, but most of them are aholes. I live in a city all by myself far away from family and friends. I have always been the hopeless romantic type thinking that I would have an awesome family of my own with a loving partner. That illusion is dead and it's dug 10 feet under and it's bones right now. The only thing that comes to my mind from time to time is the thought of “What do I do with my life until I die?”. And then the fear of dying alone sets in." unquote. so with that out of the way I put a link in the description to that reddit post. Before I discuss it further let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. In the case of BlackStreetXY he most likely took the red pill and marriage is no longer for him so now like so many guys he's dealing with and existential crisis because his life has no meaning and purpose. Men look for a purpose and the easiest one to understand and fall into is becoming a family man. It's suited to our biological imperative so it feels right. Going our own way is going against our biology and our hearts and instead following our minds. When we feel that life is pointless we focus on the fact that we are alive and that our lives will end one day and even though we have no reason for living we still don't want our lives to end. That leaves us vulnerable to women trying to convince us to go back to the plantation. Notice that it's always women that use the idea of dying alone as part of their shaming scheme when a man tells them he's going his own way. Meanwhile they are the ones that are going to die alone in a nursing home after nagging their husband to death because he's not trimming her bush correctly. Get your mind out of the gutter as I'm not referring to grey pube bush variety but the one in her front yard. He eventually falls off the roof and impales himself on the bush trimmers she accidentally left pointing at the sky a few moments earlier. Whoopsie. The idea is to find something worthy of giving your life to so your life can move forward so you stop obsessing with your mortality. All of us die. But not all of us truely live. Also a fate worse than death is chronic unrelenting pain. If you've ever experienced anything like that then you aren't afraid of dying. You welcome death. Ironically it's not until you welcome death that you don't really value life. It's at that moment in your life when you want to die due to physical pain that gives you the greatest gift you'll ever receive. But only if you get out of the pain somehow. That's when you really learn what matters in your life. That's when your regrets come flooding in.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
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Women Are Out Of Work & It's Funny - MGTOW
Women Are Out Of Work & It's Funny - MGTOW Sandman 504 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

⁣⁣⁣Sandman Contact Info & Store:
Email: [email protected]

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

First 'female recession' threatens decades of progress for US women

xsavannahsolox - Instagram

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by James and he didn't send me a specific topic so I wanted to cover an article called: "First 'female recession' threatens decades of progress for US women" which I've put a link to in the description. I've become a fanboy of Jeff Booth and he says that all human jobs are based on intelligent and that somewhere between five and twenty years from now artificial intelligence will be smarter than all humans. Meaning that in theory we will all be out of a job in the next couple of decades. Of course AI will become progressively smarter and take the lower skilled lower brain power jobs first. This first female pink collar recession caused by the coof which is leading to layoffs to mostly females because they make up the majority of service industry workers will only accelerate as companies replace potentially sick workers with robots and algorithms. Booth seems to think that there will be revolutions as a result of the financial and job disruptions thanks to technology and the collapse of the current inflationary monetary policy. Yes that will happen if it happens quickly but if it happens somewhat slowly enough people will accept the
reality that life sucks and there's nothing they can do about it. Half the men in society have been turned into soy boy manginas and when the cops sneeze on Antifa members they end up crying. My thinking is that wealth inequality can keep going on for a really long time and that robots will protect the rich and replace the jobs of waitresses and mostly female cashiers. That we will be living in a world filled with extreme poverty next to extreme prosperity. I know I've discussed that film Harrison Bergeron where the second American revolution happens in that movie when only fifteen percent of the people have jobs. But that film gives the plebs too much credit for rising up and overthrowing their government. I can easily see asset price inflation continuing and the gap between the haves and have nots continuing to rise. Women have less savings and assets so they will be disproportionately hurt by this. What will they do when I see automation replacing all the teller jobs in most stores in the next few years? I can easily see automation replacing Uber drivers too. Drivers are mostly male positions. Booth says that we are at level 2 and 3 of vehicle autonomy right now. But what happens when we get to level five? Then only five to ten percent of the cars on the road will remain as the majority of people will choose to share cars instead of owning them. But before guys lose what few jobs they do in manufacturing a lot more women will be let go. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the video. The article I shared says that the imaginary wage gap between men and women, which is actually an earnings gap will widen by two percent unlike a normal recession where it shrinks. Tens of millions of women may never return to work even with a vacine according to the Center for American Progress. Women also work more in industries like hospitality and tourism which will never be the same. Think of all those flight attendents and hotel cleaning ladies being let go. They say the male jobless rate is lower. Well that's what you get when men are more likely to work with things while women are more likely to work with people. Also women have the burden of child care with so man daycares and schools closed or with limited hours.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

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How To Hide A Billion Dollars From Your Wife - MGTOW
How To Hide A Billion Dollars From Your Wife - MGTOW Sandman 333 Views • 4 years ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman here's my suggestion for a topic. I work for a property management company. I don't know how many times I've seen this, I'm sure you've seen it, too, a "girl " becoming a "girlfriend" to a man named on the lease, and getting to live for free "under the table". Well Mr. Anonmyous thanks for the donation and topic. You're not giving me much to go on with regards to talking about this for a whole ten minutes. So I'll discuss it as much as I can and then when brain exhasts all the possibilities I'll discuss a video I recently watched called: "How To Hide A Billion Dollars (From Your Wife)" which I've put in the description. But before I cover both these things let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. So Mr. Anonymous you want to know why women move in with guys and live for free. I'm not sure if you mean that the guy moves out and leaves the apartment to the girlfriend after a breakup or if she moves in during the relationship and doesn't pay any rent? Recently I was talking to a guy that manages his own properties and installed cameras to keep track of the comings and going and in another video I made recently I discussed how women were bringing over different men into their apartments at different times. They were setting up cock carousels in his condo tower. I think he should rename it Vaseline tower after all the action they're getting up their poop chutes. It was multiple women doing this. In his case their names were on the lease. He said that from his property renting experience that females are a lot less likely to make noise and the places become a lot less filthy and in many cases trashed. The girls are more likely to keep the place tidy and have pride in their surroundings. Or so the story goes. But I'm sure with all the comings and goings out of the apartment he'll need a black like to see all the semen that's been deposited on the walls and ceilings in his rental units. Mr. Anonymous these women that move in with guys are obviously living for free and the simps that let them in are like the big bad wolf saying little simp little let me in. It's not just that they don't have to pay the rent it's that they are in a sense whores because they are trading head for a roof over their heads. As the wealth inequality in our society grows this will just be increasingly commonplace. It might work out to the advantage of the man because she's more likely to leave his apartment when they break up instead of the other way around because her name is not on the lease. But I'm sure Mr. Anonymous you've seen situations where guy leasing the apartment no longer lives there and he's broken up with his girlfriend and she's still living there. The guy ends up being responsible for the condition of the apartment even if she trashes or vandalizes the place. What about all the extra maintenance fees associated with having a second person living in an apartment and using the water, electricity and natural gas to heat her ass? She's stealing from the property maintenance company and instead of eating the cost they just increase the price for the other tenants in the building.

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