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Fake Mgtow keewon Hamilton says I'm married to Mr. Elite  (Cyber friendship over)
Fake Mgtow keewon Hamilton says I'm married to Mr. Elite (Cyber friendship over) PennyMgtow 16 Views • 5 years ago

Between fake mgtow Mike, fake mgtow RPOS RPOS, and many others....the fight to be the top fake mgtow has grown. Within their circles in discord ....beef has grown. Almost some type of lion king type of mess.
Keewon lives with his mom and granddaddy in section 8 housing. They like Mr. Miles likely survive off monthly food stamps. He also has severe disabilities that are straight jacket worthy. At times he makes funny jokes about life on the plantation.
Keewon has shown to be jealous of Mr. Elite's life in the past.

Keewon has never had a girlfriend, so copes by joining the fake mgtow family. He gets unattractive women who suffer with low self esteem to allow him to pump and dump in his childhood room. Keewon puts his phone on mute during every live because it's usually his granddad calling him to do the dishes and such.

Keewon uploaded a live last week...he took down out of fear. In that live I wish I had saved he said this

1) Mr. Elite a simp
2) How he's not afraid of Mr. Elite
3) That he looks better then Mr. Elite
4) That Mr. Elite has a son and he (Keewon) has no kids, so he's more mgtow
He said some other things that had me like...damn lol.

Now in this now removed video (3 hours long) Keewon claimed that Mr. Elite is my husband and we need to work on our relationship. In recent days out of random anger Mr. Elite has called me a ho, simple bitch, fat,and how he is going to keep on roasting. Keewon heard the love in Mr. Elites voice? The others in keewon's live tonight from mgtow life , freaky, ect agreed with Keewon....and they also go to Mr. Elites lives.
Mr. Miles won't be happy to hear such things on the youtube streets. Mr. Miles the fake mgtow been cyber stalking me nearly a decade with high hopes and he too is a fake mgtow.

Keewon has said if a bitch stand close to him he's fucking.......... thats not mgtow.
Mgtow is about fighting for equal rights for men. Mens rights.
We live in a society thats been stomping on both men and boys (the good ones) we have to fix this.
Can turkey Elite and down syndrome Keewon patch things up?
Doubt it.