
Greetings, I am XT. As with many content creators, I am moving to MGTOW TV due to the rampant throttling and censorship of YouTube, so happy to be here! This channel is about MGTOW Philosophy, living a Red Pill Life, Inspiration, Humor, Psychology, and Traveling the World using my life experiences as a canvas. There is a bigger plan at work, but all undertakings need a place to start, and so here I am! My intent is to inspire and affect positive change in our world's societies by adding my creativity and voice to the fray. I will be picking apart the aforementioned topics by applying broad strokes first and then drilling down into finer ones; my purpose is to be a part of the change I want to see in the world. I do this by vlogging, creating videos that are meant to educate, inspire, and be entertaining! And to make income so I can keep doing this full time!
Gender : Male
Country :United States