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The Harsh Dating Reality Str8t Men Must Accept In The West
The Harsh Dating Reality Str8t Men Must Accept In The West Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 750 Views • 4 years ago


AMS Almost Got MeToo'd
AMS Almost Got MeToo'd Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 399 Views • 4 years ago


Be The Invisible Man
Be The Invisible Man Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 419 Views • 4 years ago


Insecure Indian Girl Wants Betas In the Friendzone
Insecure Indian Girl Wants Betas In the Friendzone Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 573 Views • 4 years ago


4 Women Sharing 1 Man - MGTOW
4 Women Sharing 1 Man - MGTOW Sandman 389 Views • 4 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Humanity Has More Mothers Than Fathers, DNA Reveals

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Tyrone and here's what he has to say: ""Hey Sandman, I found some shocking gene studies that indicate we have more mothers than father throughout history. And another study that shows that around the time humans invented agriculture(based on archielogical evidence) something strange happened where for every 17 women that reproduced, only 1 male did the same. This could be the first time in history where some men had significantly higher amount of wealth than the rest... I'm not going to spell out the rest. Instead I just picture an image if a golden spade." Anyways thank for letting me share my thoughts and as a request could you give us your perspective on this new found research." Well Tyrone thanks for the donation and topic. I put the two links you sent me in the description so that everyone can follow along with what I'm going to be talking about. But first here's today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways now back to the video. The first article you sent me is called "8,000 YEARS AGO, 17 WOMEN REPRODUCED FOR EVERY ONE MAN" and talks about the rough dating scene after the advent of agriculture where 17 women reproduced for every one man. There was no mass die off of males but the theory is that somehow only a few men accumulated most of the wealth, power and status for themselves leaving nothing for the other men. Then as they gathered their wealth they passed it down to their sons and that allowed their sons to reproduce with the majority of women as well. But something changed along the way and eventually human societies for the most part turned into ones where only one man would pair off with one woman. The people being interviewed for the article give theories as to why so few men reproduced but they don't discuss why for the past few thousand years almost every man that's wanted to get married and reproduce has had that option. I can only speculate as to why things changed but I suspect that one other civilization out there figured out that if they gave every single man a wife that that man would be have a stake in their system and be willing to fight more ferociously to defend it from foreign invaders. That's probably also why western society is declining today and marriage rates are down because sure every man can have a wife, but for how long before she divorces him? Another question to ask is why did the other 16 men hang around and accept that only Cromagnon Chad got to reproduced but they didn't? The men that didn't reproduce it wasn't like they served zero purpose for the communities they lived in. Many men dedicated their lives to becoming Shamen or Priests, or warriors. They found purpose for themselves outside of reproduction. You can see this sort of pattern in many Matriarchal Native American populations especially. Or they were there as a replacement in case one of the Alphas died and the women needed a replacement flesh flute. Some of those same natives when the European settlers showed up were eager to give up hunting and the nomadic way of life for farming. Can you blame them for trying to get away from their matriarchal way of life? They saw that each settler had his own wife and more importantly authority over her in addition to the opportunity to pass down their genes. But what happened
when agriculture was first introduced to a tribe without that outside western influence?

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Female Nature Is A Myth - MGTOW
Female Nature Is A Myth - MGTOW Sandman 1,185 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Body Transformation Made Simple

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, In my humble opinion, there is a small semantical problem in the manosphere, the term “female nature” is heavily overused because most of the antisocial behaviors common among females that red pill content creators collectively refer to as “female nature” is NOT female “nature”, rather these behaviors are primarily cases of female NURTURE. There’s plenty of statistical and anecdotal evidence to support the fact that the narcissistic, hyper aggressive, and delusional behavior in women is learned and not instinctual. For example, it’s common knowledge that western women were much more feminine prior to the millennials coming of age, the same way that western men were much more masculine prior to millennials coming of age, but the increase in narcissism and aggression in women is fallaciously dismissed as “nature”, which erroneously denotes a genetic mechanism to what are demonstrably changes in cultural and societal ENVIRONMENTAL pressures. But while this environmental causal factor is largely ignored in women, the manosphere hypocritically (albeit correctly) blames indoctrination, single-motherhood, media, the absence of male role models, etc and lots of other ENVIRONMENTAL factors for the pussification of men. Notice how nobody in the manosphere ever refers to “submissive, self-hating, effeminate, sycophantic, simping” as “male nature.” For all it’s complaining about all the unfair feminist double standards against men, this is one anti-male double standard that the manosphere itself is at fault for. I’m certain most individuals in the manosphere are already aware of all of this, but are unaware of the damage this seemingly innocuous misnomer causes. When you call a human behavior “nature”, you are, by definition, calling it genetic and therefore unchangeable in the subject in question in any significant way, we all know that the antisocial behavior of women is learned and NOT genetic, therefore the manosphere unwittingly gives women an excuse for their destructive behavior, which obviously contradicts much of what the red pill exists for, to make men hold women accountable and suffer the consequences of their own actions. And red pill creators compound that problem when they hold men to the double standard of “nurture for men, nature for women” i.e. “men can learn, women can never learn.” We obviously can’t reasonably tell men that they need to “force women to learn responsibility and accept personal consequences, while simultaneously espousing that “women are biologically incapable of learning.” Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Body Transformation Made Simple:

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Ad Image Credits:

1. Handsome young fit muscular caucasian man of model appearance workout training in the gym gaining weight

2. Muscular young woman with beautiful body doing exercises with dumbbell. Sporty girl lifting weights in gym.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Jean-Claude Van Damme - License Free Green Screen Footage

Taking My Last Red Pill - MGTOW
Taking My Last Red Pill - MGTOW Sandman 415 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

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The Century of the Self - Part 1: "Happiness Machines"

The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of The American Dream [2004]

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mabus and here is what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, since the shutdown of the bars and cinemas I needed a new entertainment - and donating to your videos is a great substitute. I love to read the comments on the Videos you made for me, yes i am a troll - but no i never lied. Specially the comments on the supernatural made me think. I knew it would end up like that - but it is always good to get an anonymous reaction from strangers. Because in the real world many lie because they don't want to hurt my feeling or similar crap. And it reminded me that there are possible a lot of red pills i still have to discover. I took the one about girls - obviously, was forced to swallow the one about paranormal stuff, try to understand the financial slave market that the wallstreet created, took the one that slows down science with burocracy and still digest the nyhilistic reality that everything about me will be forgotten 100 years after my death, no matter what I do and even if i would earn the title of my pseudonym - mabus (see nostradamus)- I would still be forgotten, just a lot later. In case the stuff I mentioned won't be used, Are there any Red Pill suggestions i still have to take and how can I? Well Mabus, the third Antichrist according to Nostradamus you want more red pills besides the ones you just mentioned. I'll get to a recap of all the most important red pills in my life in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. So Mabus the first red pill I took in my life was back in the year 2000 when I heard about Edvard Barnes. I learned about pop culture and how corporate media and their propaganda turning me into a consumer
without my consent. I was pissed off at first for many months and then I got depressed because I saw the life that I had wanted. The job, house with a white picket fence were dreams that were manufactured and put in front of me that I didn't really want but was told to want them instead. Years later I watched a documentary series called the century of the self that sums up everything I learned and that put me into a depressed red pill malaise. I put a link to the first part in the description. The second red pill happened during my early twenties from around the time of 22 to 26. I started having weird paranormal experiences you would see in the x-files. Precognition, astral travel, I saw a UFO and experienced many syncronicities. That showed me that reality isn't exactly what it seems. Then from the age of let's say 27 to 32 in 2005 I watched the film The End Of Suburbia that scared me because it was pretty accurate at that time based on fossil fuel extraction technology at that time.

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Sandman Banned From YouTube !? - MGTOW
Sandman Banned From YouTube !? - MGTOW Sandman 627 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Bitchute Channel:

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Darren. He didn't send me a specific topic so what I want to do is discuss my opinion about being kicked off of YouTube. Obviously it hasn't happened yet but I'm not sure if you guys are aware of this but in the last two weeks there have been many relatively high profile YouTube channels that have been banned. Most of you know about Stefan Molyneux getting kicked off of YouTube a couple of weeks back with zero copyright and community guideline strikes. But many of you may have not realised that Turd Flinging Monkies Celestina channel as well as Dan Dicks over at Press For Truth and Roosh V were also kicked off the same way. I expect to be gone any day now. That being said if you like my content and want to watch it in the future then subscribe to me over there. Link is down below. I'm lucky I'm not gone already. A couple of weeks ago I put up a video with a racy thumbnail image. YouuTube took it down because I was showing cleavage. So now I have to be extra careful how much cleavage I show. Like it even matters. I'll probably be gone before the election and I don't even talk about the orange man. After they pulled down that thumbnail my channel was throttled down further and my views started dropping under ten thousand per video. For example the video they yanked the thumbnail off of got around ten thousand views on YouTube. But the same video got four thousand views on Bitchute and I don't even have twenty thousand subscribers on Bitchute. I have ten times as many on YouTube and only one and a half times the view. Give me a break. I'm being throttled. Anyways, I'll discuss this further in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. So in just four short weeks four content creators were thrown off that I follow. YouTube doesn't care about section 230 and have gone buckwild banning everyone for hate speech and for speaking the truth. In the case of Stefan Molyneux it looks like most of his audience has moved over to Bitchute and he still gets fifteen to twenty thousand views per video. While researching this video I thought that a lot of his traffic was coming from Twitter but on July the 8th he was also banned from Twitter. Plus he was simultaneously slandered so he couldn't defend himself. That's pretty much what happened to Alex Jones as well. Censorship has even hit Bitchute recently. Three to four days after that Disqus, the application they use for their comments section started deleting and censoring comments on Bitchute and also took our ability to post pictures and memes away. I don't like the Euro supremists showing up posting trash on my bitchute channel.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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Is Feminism Population Control? - MGTOW
Is Feminism Population Control? - MGTOW Sandman 395 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Sponsor 2 YouTube Link:

Destroying Male Spaces

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hey sandman, I always been curious about feminism and how it really all originated. To keep this short, I always have a good suspicion that feminism was somehow created by design from the elites to achieve their goal of population control. However, I could not seem to find any evidence anywhere in the internet that supports that theory, but again we live in the era where censorship has gone amok and most things we read online are basically the ones that "powers that be" want us to see/read and censors the news or people that they do not want us to see or read, especially when it comes to about women in general. It irks me that I keep hearing stories about how some of the well known MGTOW channels and news outlets that gets taken down, demonetized or heavily criticized because some girl complained to the "arm of the elite" (meaning news media anchors and the politicians) and basically does what they want so that more men like us do not have very good information about women and that elite's goal of reducing world population is still on track. Anyhow, that is just what I been thinking about a lot recently and wanted to see what you think about that. Please do keep my name anonymous so that we can protect ourselves from the corrupt powers that be that might censor us that dares calling them out. KEEP UP the great work and look forward to see your video response to this on Youtube. Cheers!" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I don't believe that feminism is the main cause of population reduction as it was already on the decline once we had industrialization and dense cities. Once people didn't need to have four or five children to help out on the family farm and they moved to a city for work children became a liability instead of an asset. Blaming feminism alone for that outcome is not accurate. I'll discuss this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. Feminism was around during the time of the suffragettes. That's what's considered first wave feminism. But it was around even before then with regards to women in Ohio in the 1850s and 1860s destroying brothels, bars and breaking barrels of bear with their fat foopas. It was also in the middle ages in England when the women petitioned the king to ban coffee shops to stop men from gathering. Those were movements about empowering women by suppressing male power. I put a link in the video to one of my earliest videos called: "Destroying Male Spaces" that discusses this at more length. If feminism was created by the elites it was created by elite women. The women that were the earliest on that train of female empowerment were already empowered themselves. They were daughters of aristocrats and industrialists. They convinced other women of lower status that if they too wanted higher status they needed to be empowered too by rising up against so called male injustice. Many such women weren't involved in the business of day to day living and had servants. Usually female ones. Many such women weren't involved in milking cows, cooking food and sewing clothes. It was all that surplus wealth in the 19th century that was responsible for feminism rising up in the west.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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The Cam Thot Friend Zone - MGTOW
The Cam Thot Friend Zone - MGTOW Sandman 358 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Body Transformation Made Simple

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from two donors. I figured their subjects were similar in that they wanted me to talk about can girls and E Thots so why do it in two separate videos? Especially with a subject that's already been beat off to death? No pun intended. The first donor is MGTOW smurf and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, If you have not done so previously I would enjoy hearing your thought on "cam thots" like the ones on platforms such as Chaturbate, FansOnly, CamSoda etc. It's obvious that real femininity is now rarely seen. Any minor child with computer access or a smart phone can click the "I am 18 or older" button and be instantly exposed to the perverse world around them. I do not see this "Female Liberation" trend reversing but only getting worse. If anybody ever asks "who hurt you," all you have to do is direct them to any one of these disgusting websites and show them the multitudes of diverse women doing repellent things for a few dollars. Personally everywhere I go now I don't see innocent, delicate, desireable, future young wives or mothers, I just see them as cam thots. Thanks again for all you do Sandman, good health to you and all my MGTOW brothers and CHEERS." Well MGTOW Smurf thank you. The second is Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I have a topic for you. What is The benefit of being friends with an E girl or THOT? I befriended two e-girls over the years at Cons and we follow each other on Twitter where I learned that they were THOTS. At first I thought that this was going to be a gold digger scam on me but I was wrong. Yes they did try to get me to sub to a onlyfans but I rejected it and said that we can still hang out and chat which was more beneficial for me because whenever we would chat and Skype each other, all of their secrets are spilt. One of them even said that she worried about the lack of simps in the world that will give her money or how to void a prenuptial agreement. The second one was when I was listening to TRUE STORY a YouTuber talk about MGTOW and the cheating women in the world. I've come to an understanding of why men cheat verses why women Cheat. What I found is women are more likely to cheat and men have better reasons for cheating. Not even lesbian couples are safe from a woman's disloyalty, a woman goes to Serve her country she comes home to find her girlfriend soon to be wife in bed with a man and all she (the cheater) could say was that "I was lonely". Well Teaven thank you too for the donation. I'll discuss my latest thoughts, no pun intended, about ethots in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Body Transformation Made Simple:

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Ad Image Credits:

1. Handsome young fit muscular caucasian man of model appearance workout training in the gym gaining weight

2. Muscular young woman with beautiful body doing exercises with dumbbell. Sporty girl lifting weights in gym.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Jean-Claude Van Damme - License Free Green Screen Footage

Love Doll Sales On The Rise . . Women Lose Their Minds - MGTOW
Love Doll Sales On The Rise . . Women Lose Their Minds - MGTOW Sandman 779 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Doll shops ‘can’t keep up with demand’ during coronavirus lockdown

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Jamaes. He didn't send me a specific topic so I've decided to cover a very interesting article I recently came across called: "doll shops ‘can’t keep up with demand’ during coronavirus lockdown". Apparently female chameleons have figured out that if you can't beat them, ie dolls, then join them. In the article Janet Stevenson a co-founder of a doll company in Florida said this and I quote: "“We are hiring as quickly as we can and have created several new roles in fulfillment management and customer support in both the US and Europe. What’s interesting about this massive increase in demand is that we are also seeing a changing demographic which is very positive for the doll industry and speaks to changing attitudes at home,” Stevenson told Forbes. What we are seeing now is doll use is going mainstream with men and women both enthusiastic about bringing a doll into their bedroom. The co-founder of the company, Stevenson’s husband, Amit, said couples are also fueling demand. We are seeing the sex doll industry go through a revolution during the pandemic with a huge increase in orders from both couples and male and single females, he told the UK’s Daily Star." So there you have it folks. Women have decided that it's better to let their husbands have dolls instead being scared of the technology. But have they let the Trojan Horse or should I say Trojan Whore into their bedroom? I'll explore that more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. I haven't really given it much thought before but what benefit would a woman buying a doll for the husband or boyfriend she's in a committed relationships in. First of all it reduces the risk that the guy is going to go and look outside the relationship for another woman. She doesn't have to worry about her plow horse prancing away if she gives him a doll to plow. She also doesn't have to put out as much because she can tell her husband I'm not interested tonight. Why don't you go play with your dolls? If he complains and she's the one that bought it for him then it will stir up drama and she'll pretend to get pissed off telling him that she paid for the doll and he doesn't appreciate it or her. Even if he doesn't use it when she suggests she can use that as an excuse to stir up more drama. To all the guys in relationships out there beware of women bringing dolls into the house. The object that leads to the sexual liberation of many single men leads to greater slavery for the man that's married. Don't think that women haven't already figured this out. They are probably plotting ways to use the dolls to their favor. Or if they haven't done it yet then they are in the process of figuring it out. If you have a partner and she buys you a doll she can force you to bang it even if you don't want to and get off on the sick pleasure of watching you get little to no pleasure from a giant piece of silicone. Ironic that for one man type of man what equals freedom only equals slavery for another. Another advantage to owning a doll is that you can always put them in the backseat when you're riding with your husband and take advantage of the three person car pool lane. I saw one guy with two dolls put one up in the front seat and one in the back.

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All Men Should Date Women - MGTOW
All Men Should Date Women - MGTOW Sandman 406 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Ancient Purity
- (Save 10% enter the code MGTOW in the check out)

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Young U.S. men having a lot less sex in the 21st century, study shows

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from The Network Firefighter. He didn't send me a specific topic with his donation so what I thought I'd do is cover something that someone named Luis sent me as a message and question through Facebook. So here's what he has to say and I quote: "Hi Sandman, This might seem counterintuitive, but shouldn't all men (and not just young guys) consider dating while they can? After all, women are getting progressively worse with every passing year and one day might make today's thots look like angels. What are you thoughts?" Well Luis thanks for the topic. I'll get to my thoughts in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity: Anyways, now back to the video. Luis you sound like myself when I made my monks of MGTOW video back in 2015. Mind you at least you're at least trying to rationalize a somewhat good reason for going to the plantation which is fomo or fear of missing out. Missing out on women because they are better today than they will be tomorrow. The reason I tell young guys to date especially in high school, with the right precautions, is because it makes sense. You know she's attracted to you for you and not your money, because you don't have any. It's the ultimate validation to be accepted as a the physical person that you are. When you're older you don't have any way to no for sure if she's attracted to you or if she's attracted to your casharoo and she wants to put it into her coocharoo pouch and hop out of there with more than half of your spoils and a baby roo in tow. You know to keep even more casharoo flowing from you. But seriously Luis what's an older guy going to miss out on besides herpes and women hopped up on antidepressants because their cats died? You're going to lose valuable time and money as you get older that you'll never get back in a world where it's harder and harder to get ahead because you're too busy chasing head. Yes women get progressively worse as they age and no I'm not talking about simply looks. I am also well aware that social justice and feminism is effecting girls before they become teenagers and we are seeing the rise in girls bullying boys because of it and boys aren't fighting back against that because they don't have the mental tools and using for physical fists and other tools is forbidden for them. Luis maybe you're dating right now and it's changing your perception of reality and that's why you're telling guys to date while trying to rationalize your decision. Maybe you're bargaining with yourself about going out and finding a girlfriend and you want my validation before you get a woman's? I don't know. Most guys over the age of forty understand there's little to no benefit getting married and probably little to no benefit dating. In my teens, twenties and early to mid thirties I was afraid I would end up all alone in my old age and quite honestly it brought me to tears many times. But now after forty the idea of not being alone in the coming decades brings anger and depression. Are you telling me that I should go out there and date right now because in ten years it will be even worse for me?

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America Is Done - MGTOW
America Is Done - MGTOW Sandman 548 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation Marcelo and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, I just sent you another donation. Just a little something to say thank you. I really enjoyed our podcast talk the other day and I hope you did too. Take care my friend. Cheers" Well Marcelo thanks for the donation and yes it was a good podcast and I'm sure everyone will enjoy it. I thought I'd take this donation to cover a reddit post called I've accepted that America is done by someone named quarantine machine and here's what he has to say: "I truly believe it started with the 19th amendment. This country had structure up until that point. The man was the breadwinner, had a loyal wife who stayed home with the kids and cooked dinner. The wife was loyal since there were serious repercussions for cheating on her husband. The world didn't quite cater to women's every whim at this time. As soon as the 19th amendment was passed, everything changed. Feminism was clearly in the forefront, and women were as power hungry as ever. From there on out, society has become more and more gynocentric. Today men are essentially forced to bow at the feet of women in order to get by, whether it's at work or at home (marriage). And don't even get me started with the #metoo movement. Nowadays if you dare ask a woman out and she doesn't like you, she can have you taken to jail with some sort of bs allegation. Same thing at work. If you're in competition with a woman for a promotion and you beat her out, she can make a false claim to HR and you'll be fired by the end of the week. You don't get to defend yourself, and she doesn't need any evidence. The fact that this is actually real is laughable. Like something out of 1984. This relates to BLM. BLM is a farce. African Americans have just as many rights as whites, and black men (6% of the population) commit over 40% of total crimes. What is this the result of? Bad parenting, single motherhood, broken families. What was that caused by? Feminism and gynocentrism. Oh and what about the people out protesting every day, where are they getting money to be able to live without working? Welfare checks, paid by your every day run of the mill, hard working American taxpayer. Quite the "American Dream" if you ask me. Maybe if these parties had consequences to their actions, things would be different. A couple of weeks ago I lived in a state where it was legal to burn down a church but illegal to hit a bucket of golf balls at your local driving range. This is the point we have reached. Now, everyone is forced to bow to BLM, AntiFa, women, LBGTQRSTUVWZYZ. All of it. I didn't hear about anyone wanting to be trans back in the 1950s, but here we are today with it being the "cool thing" to do. And if you dare disagree with them, you'll be burned at the stake with your reputation dragged through the mud. For in a country of lies, the truth is treason. By 2030, this country will be in total shambles from a degeneracy point of view, as if it is not already. Sad to see, but you reap what you sow. You enabled this America, so this is what you get." unquote. That's all stuff many of us know about and I'll discuss it in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWs Guide To Retiring On 200k in Southeast Asia:

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Women Travel Because They Are Boring - MGTOW
Women Travel Because They Are Boring - MGTOW Sandman 396 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

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Sponsor 2 YouTube Link:

Kool Buildings

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Kit Lindsay and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I've got a possible idea for a video. But I'm not sure if it would be a subject worth talking about. I was thinking about what is it about women and their need to travel as much as they can and as many places as they can? I'm sure you've noticed when you were online dating. 99% of women talk about traveling as if it's one of their qualities that makes them more desirable and if a man hasn't traveled the world, he's beneath her. Now, we know they are on a cock adventure in exotic erotic ports of call hoping to be banged by Ubangy Tyrone and Chad from Chad. My opinion is they travel so they seem smarter and so they have something to talk about besides themselves, although, it's still talking about themselves. Go figure. That's about it, my friend. Be safe and keep doing what you need to do and balance it out with things you want to do. Well Lindsay thanks for the donation and topic and I guess I'll tell everyone about today's sponsor and that of course is your company Lindsay Transmission: Anyways now back to the video. There are many reasons women travel and I'll go through them one by one and then I'll discuss why men travel. Quite often women are bored with the hedonism at home because the novelty has wore off so they go someplace else for a change of scenery. They seemingly never grow past simple pleasures. That allows them to enjoy life more fully than men in some ways but also limits them in other ways. So if it's all about pleasure and good vibes then you can see why women travel to meet exotic man meat in strange countries to express their sexuality. They also travel to try new foods, alcoholic beverages and take those danfangled narcissistic selfies. If they go to a beach resort they do it to also gain attention from their bikinis. Think about it, flying four thousand miles to put on a bikini. Of course there is also the idea of showing off ones status as wealthy enough to travel in the first place. To take enough time off of work to continue paying your rent at home while travelling abroad. On dating profiles they post they are looking for a man with wealth by posting pictures of themselves traveling. They are playing the part of the female chameleon projecting to men what they find attractive in a man. You're also right Kit that they travel to appear smarter and less boring than they really are. But as you mention it's always about them. They are always in the pictures and hardly ever take pictures of just the locals on their own. But what about creating something while hitting the road. Why not paint, write, take some artistic photographs or make a video documentary? Very few women do any of those things and even if they do they are usually the center of attention in those as well. I've known other women that virtue signal travel by helping orphans in Costa Rica.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

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Taking Katy Perry To The Cleaners? - MGTOW
Taking Katy Perry To The Cleaners? - MGTOW Sandman 328 Views • 4 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Emilio and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, Almost every video in which you speak with no requested subject I find above average on quality and interest. It feels like some subjects keep coming back in different formats so I myself would probably think of a common subject but phrase it differently, but then your response wouldn't be that different. Take this and feel free to talk about whatever you want, cheers and keep up the good work!" Well Emilio thanks for the donation and for leaving the topic up to me. Yes a lot of the same subjects keep coming up because guys have the same general questions. For this video I want to speculate about what the future may or may not hold for Katy Perry. Another female musician that could be following in the formerly fat footsteps of Adele and Britney Spears with regards to unholy matrimony. She probably thought to herself that she was lucky that she didn't marry some nobody the way that those other two starlets did and then get taken to the cleaners. Instead she married someone famous. I saw some cucked pictures of Orlando Bloom on the beach out of his pirate uniform and I thought to myself I wonder what his net worth is so I looked it up and apparently it's estimated to be about 40 million net worth versus Perry's net worth which is estimate between 125 million on Wikipedia and up to 330 million at another place I looked. I can't remember where that was. But even if it's only 125 million that's still three times more and they are engaged to be married but haven't tied the knot yet. Maybe Perry is smart to be engaged but not to actually marry Bloom. I don't know. From 2010 to 2012 she was married to Russell Brand and apparently he was sick and tired of her and told her he was divorcing her through a text message. You know you've got to be a difficult woman to live with when the man leaves you. I'll discuss all this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. My thinking is that Katy Perry probably had to settle with a man with less money and less famous than her. Either that or have no babies and family. Afterall, what good looking billionaire is going to take a post wall 35 year old woman, even if she's a famous singer. That's actually a trick question because that's what Janet Jackson did by marrying Wissam Al Mana, a Billionaire from Quatar and I heard that she got two hundred to two hundred and fifty million dollars from the divorce and in typical female fashion she got back together with her ex Jermaine Dupri. My guess is that Jermaine was the one that dumped her and they remained friends and she started talking to him and he thought sure I'll hit it again. But the Jackson family are shrewd business people. As for Perry regardless of if she initiates the divorce or Bloom does she stands to lose money because of her net worth. I'll follow the case very closely to see if they get married or not. They postponed their wedding in December of 2019 and there were rumors swirling that she got in a fight with her bridesmaid. There were also rumors that they were going to get a complicated prenup. Maybe she's trying to make sure he's not going to get all her golden dablooms after grabbing her saggy booty?

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