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If America Was American During The Pandemic - Governor's Address
If America Was American During The Pandemic - Governor's Address Absolute Veteran 23 Views • 3 years ago

Governor Ed Freedom discusses how to run a state during a pandemic. Bottom line: freedom trumps safety.

How to Deal with Negative Friends & Family
How to Deal with Negative Friends & Family Absolute Veteran 18 Views • 3 years ago

Men: you are who your friends and family are. Wanna see your future? Look at your friends. That's exactlyl what you'll be in life. Too many "men" sit around complaining about their lives, and do nothing to improve it.

Man Rules for Life from a Combat Veteran
Man Rules for Life from a Combat Veteran Absolute Veteran 34 Views • 3 years ago

It's time for men to quit victimizing themselves, man up, and accept responsibility for their poor choices in life. If a woman destroyed you, it's your fault for choosing a bad partner.

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