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Modern women want an equality buffet
Modern women want an equality buffet Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 60 Views • 1 year ago


*INSTANT KARMA* Entitled Stay At Home WIFE Files For Divorce & INSTANTLY Regrets It!
*INSTANT KARMA* Entitled Stay At Home WIFE Files For Divorce & INSTANTLY Regrets It! Darius_M 171 Views • 1 year ago

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Megan's Body Count Is Hot Topic On TikTok! Are Real Men Not Into Modern Women?
Megan's Body Count Is Hot Topic On TikTok! Are Real Men Not Into Modern Women? ReplicantPhish 116 Views • 2 years ago

Megan's Body Count Is Hot Topic On TikTok! Are Real Men Not Into Modern Women? <br> <br>#tiktok #megantheestallion #street

Chris Rock - Only Women, Children, and Dogs are loved unconditionally
Chris Rock - Only Women, Children, and Dogs are loved unconditionally NeoTheOutflanker 206 Views • 3 years ago

Chris Rock - Red Pill King of Comedy

Women are getting desperate - Episode 23
Women are getting desperate - Episode 23 TheLoneWolf 271 Views • 3 years ago

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Indonesian Man Marries Cow - MGTOW
Indonesian Man Marries Cow - MGTOW Sandman 272 Views • 3 years ago

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Indonesian Man Allegedly Marries Cow

‘Lucky’ author Alice Sebold apologizes to man wrongly convicted of her rape

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I want to do is cover a story I ran into a while ago about an Indonesian man that allegedly married a cow because the people in his town found out he was fornicating with it and they arranged a wedding for him and the cow. Or so the story goes. I first ran into this story when I was discussing a 74 year old woman that believed her husband had come back and was reincarnated as a cow and then licked her. The cow sleeps next to her in her bed where her husband used to sleep. That video mentioned the man from Indonesia so I thought that the next donation I got without a topic it would be a good idea to investigate the shaming a guy got from his village that led him to marry a cow. I jokingly said that if he did marry a cow it would be a blessing because a human wife nags and a cow moos and I'd probably choose the moo too. So I managed to find an article which I've linked to in the description. Here's what the article says and I quote: "Allegedly in 2010, a young man, 18-year-old Ngurah Alit from a village called Yeh Embang, was briefly enchanted by a member of the bovine species. And, get ready for the cringe, made it with that cow. Yep, definitely feeling my last meal coming up right about now. He had believed the cow was a young and beautiful woman who had paid him some flattering compliments. Clearly, we're dealing with a somewhat less than a full deck or the young man was accurate in his assessment that the cow shape shifted into the form of a comely woman and seduced him. His friends and neighbors were nearly as incredulous as you or I may have been, and solved the bestiality problem the only way you can: by feeding the beast. Taking a note from the bad parenting playbook the town elders had him marry the cow. The headman said (in effect), "If you love that cow so much, why don't you marry her?" So, marry her he did. Unfortunately, during the ritual, Alit passed out and his mother started screaming. (How was she not already screaming after finding out that her son wanted to marry a cow? This I'll never know.) And then a villager had weighed in with their two cents: "Poor kid. He’s actually a quiet kid." I'm not sure how helpful this assessment had been at the moment, but it's good to know a little more about the prospective groom from a writing standpoint. And then, after making the man marry the uddered mammal, the villagers drowned her. They also pretended to drown the groom in order to exorcise the village of the shameful spirit of bestiality. The village chief then declared the village to be officially "cleansed from the defilement from the incident," and everyone went about their day." unquote. Here I thought there would be a happy ending with this mad lad sticking his large head up a cows vag. But I guess not. I guess it was all about shaming him and taking away his true love. While the woman in India gets to keep the cow in her bed. Talk about double standards if you're a man versus if you're a woman. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Hex:

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Go your own way guys

What is the manosphere? - Episode 19
What is the manosphere? - Episode 19 TheLoneWolf 58 Views • 3 years ago

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Is This The Greatest MGTOW In The World?
Is This The Greatest MGTOW In The World? Sandman 381 Views • 4 years ago

⁣This Is The Greatest MGTOW In The World?

The Saylor Series | Episode 1

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

A while back I sat down with Lamprey Milt from MGTOW Chats. Were toying with the idea of doing a two hour livestream once a month and then chopping it up into 4 half hour segments as separate episodes. In this chat we spoke about a few different things including Bitcoin and the man I believe might just be the greatest MGTOW of our time if Bitcoin goes up and up. He made a billion dollar bet on his publicly traded companies balance sheet in what amounts to almost single handedly declaring war on central bankers. Things are about to get real if other companies follow suit. I hope you guys enjoy the chat and let me know if Lamprey would make a good co-host for a monthly podcast and how we can improve our on air chemistry? Before I get to the video let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity:

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My MGTOW Journey Begins - MGTOW
My MGTOW Journey Begins - MGTOW Sandman 442 Views • 4 years ago

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- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I'd like to to do is cover a post I found on Reddit called: "And so, my MGTOW journey really begins" Here's what the person starting that post has to say: "I've been MGTOW for around 3 years. That hasn't stopped me from getting into bed with several women. But I've realised that every single woman in the last 3 years has been a stereotypical "AWALT" candidate. Let me give some examples and then explain why my journey begins now. One chick I hooked up with asked me to drive her home after we banged. On the way home her phone rings. "Who is calling you at 1am??" I asked. "My husband. He wants to know why I'm out late." She replied. I almost crashed the damn car. I had absolutely NO idea she had a husband. Still feel sorry for the guy now. Number two I hooked up with a freaky chick who was into weird kinky shit. Then she asked how long I've been single. Technically 3 years of MGTOW but I just said "a while, you?" And she said she'd split with her boyfriend under a week ago after being together 7 years. 7 years and you bang a random guy under a week later?!? You Thot!!!!! Number three Dated a widow - she was late 30's and seemed nice. After we hooked up a few times she told me she wanted to hook up with other guys to test the waters (aka ride the carousel) I'm 31, almost 32 and I've been dating/banging since I was 15. I've only ever met one woman I wanted to spend my life with and even she became a cheat, a total liar and backstabber. I think I give up on this shit permanently. I've bought myself a house in a super quiet area with a little forest attached to it. I've got myself a new car. I'm essentially living for myself now. I dreamed since I was 15 that I'd find "the one" and get married, have kids, train them in martial arts and be happy ever after. But that shit is fairy-tale. Not in this lifetime. I don't know if I'll get to 80 and regret it all but right now, there's no alternative. I'll probably spend a little less time on Reddit and start growing my own fruit/veg, living off the land, eating healthy and living by my rules. Wish me luck gentlemen. Until next time, mgtoown is signing out." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and thank you MGTOOWn for the topic. I'll discuss your words in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200K in Southeast Asia: Anyways now back to the clown world show. MGTOOWNs story is similar to my own. You go your own way from women in terms of marriage and co-habitation but you continue to sleep with women. But then over time you see them for who and what they are instead of what you want to see them as. You think things are great and then as this guy learned they are already married and cheating on their husbands and think nothing of it. Or they get involved with another man immediately
after their relationship ends. In my five year relationship in my early to mid twenties I eventually learned that she met the man she married after me the next day after we broke up. She told me as much the last time I spoke with her. I was still distraught at that time and we were still technically together.

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Women Don't Like Me But They Like My Money - MGTOW
Women Don't Like Me But They Like My Money - MGTOW Sandman 346 Views • 4 years ago

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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Do you think men will ever have the upper hand over women in the dating world?

Cherry 2000 (1987) Nightclub and Mustang Scenes

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Medusa Theory and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hey, Sandman! Medusa Theory here again! I adopted that moniker when i started going my own way back in 2018, shortly before I discovered you and mgtow. thank you, Sandman! I just wanted start paying you back in gratitude for the years you spent explaining female nature to me. Thank you, Sandman." Well Medusa Theory thanks for the donation. You didn't send me a topic so I'd like to cover a reddit post asking the question: "Do you think men will ever have the upper hand over women in the dating world?" which I've linked to in the description. Here's what someone named TigerThen has to say and I quote: "Recently, among my circles and on the internet I've been noticing that women walk around like hot shit, "I'm the price", or (post about how much they hate men) but then with their next breathe they say subscribe to my onlyfans or cash app me. I can list more, but it's kind of infuriating just how much power women have over men in the dating world. Men are reduced to begging dogs while undeserving women are put on a pedestal and given an inflated ego. Women hold all the cards in the dating world, I feel sad every time I see a man dating a misandrist. You never see women dating misogynists because they have options. I know many red pillers say the wall is a great equalizer, but I don't really see it that way, women between the ages of 18-55 will always have a higher sexual market value then men, because many men will always be horny. I know this sounds petty, but I kinda wish women had to go through what we go through. I want to see them get starved of any sexual desire from the opposite sex, have them beg for a crumb of male attention the way men have to, but I just don't ever see that happening. Sorry for the long post, just wanted to get this thought across." Unquote. Well I'll discuss the frustration that Tigerthen feels in the current sexual marketplace in just a moment but let me first tell you about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back with the show. I find it interesting that Tiger said that women don't date misogynists because they have options. He's right because women used to date misogynists all the time back in the 1950s, 60s and 70s. Just watch old movies and tv shows if you want to see a glimpse of the ideal man back then. Even in the late eighties and early ninties you had characters like Al Bundy on TV and Archie Bunker before that putting women down all the time. Now society has seen a role reversal where it's become socially acceptable and even encouraged for women to mock men and do it out in the open. It's men that are relegated to the backwaters of the anonymous parts of the internet to express themselves. It's not just power in the so called dating market as Tiger calls it but I prefer calling it the sexual marketplace.

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GOLD DIGGER PRANK GOES WRONG (USA) Doggk 161 Views • 4 years ago

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DAD APOLOGIZES TO DAUGHTER ANGRY AT HIM.. (USA) Doggk 211 Views • 4 years ago

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MGTOW Is The Most Dangerous Thing For Women
MGTOW Is The Most Dangerous Thing For Women Sandman 495 Views • 4 years ago

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- Ancient Purity
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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Juan and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman I just heard the video about you not playing the game with YouTube. So I though about what you said and thinking about dropping the MGTOW label to reach out and saving more lives. These are only my thoughts. I think we should stand our ground with the MGTOW label. I know your bleeding chips brother especially through this beer bug but you had mave it this far on YouTube for a reason. The label they know if you leave you’ll take millions with you. We can’t save all our blue pill brothers, (For once upon a time we too were Simp Lords lol) All kidding aside though you change everything with the label and once the virtual sex thing happens it’ll break the cycle of the human species repeating itself. But please stand your ground. It’s a harsh reality. Take it from me, I’m a American Mexican who’s a man that openly talks at family gatherings about everything and especially red pill philosophy to other Mexican men. I do it because I know I won’t red pill everyone but at least a few to change the course of our future." Well Juan thanks for the donation and for sharing your thoughts. I've given more thought about the idea of dropping the MGTOW label and won't do it for now so long as things are ok financially for me. But at some point I might have to if I want to do this full time. But I haven't been backed into that corner yet even though YouTube has completely demonetized my channel and throttled my traffic back. Lately traffic has gone up a bit which makes me happy. The owner of said that it won't work if I create a new channel and get it monetized because YouTube already knows who I am. He's most likely right but you never know. YouTube has been a bit better regarding censorship the last number of months. But MGTOW is the most dangerous thing for women and I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity: Anyways, now back to the show. What pisses me off is the MRA, PUA, Feminist, Incel and even MGTOW channels that exist without the label are all monetized. MGTOW stirs up so much fear in women that they are ok if men talk about female nature and make channels that get five to ten million views a month like Better Bachelor and Think Before You Sleep. But god forbid that you give a name to this phenomena which people can quickly look up and get a coles notes summary of the belief system. Leftist feminists are a wacky bunch. They believe that somehow punishing those that use the acronym MGTOW by taking their money and therefore power away, power of course being the only thing they truly understand that somehow we will stop doing what we do. This has worked for many content producers but not myself. They either re-branded, dropped the label or stopped producing content and they are no longer on the left's radar screen. I saw it as a challenge to keep using the acronym and keep my money and power. To adapt to what they've thrown at me. So that's why the author of that relatively recent Guardian article mentioned me and all the views I get on YouTube and no one else in the manosphere. Because I keep the idea of a name to unite our ideas together alive. In a way I am making it mine because I rarely see anyone use it these days. They occasionally mention MGTOW deep in their videos towards the end but they are like the student of Hogwarts avoiding the name Voldemort.

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The MGTOW Documentary
The MGTOW Documentary Sandman 443 Views • 4 years ago

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MGTOW Documentary:

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ron. He didn't send me a specific topic so I'm going to cover the recent MGTOW documentary by the YouTuber known as Spetsnaz. I'm glad he put me in there. I'm sure that Stardusko probably told him not to put me in but he decided to put my Intro to MGTOW video in. His work kind of reminds me of what happened back when the Red Pill Documentary was put together a few years back. It featured mostly the MRAs at that time and at the very end there was a small section on MGTOW. I think that a lot has changed in the seven years since Spetsnaz first started producing content. I remember hearing huMAN and him discussing how they couldn't understand that young guys in their late teens and early twenties were completely nihilistic about relationships and dating. That they weren't interested in going through the experiences of older millenials and younger generation X types. That we saw our relationship experiences as a sort of badge of honor. But the main MGTOW voices out there with regards to content producers are now mostly over 40. MRA voices are in their late forties, fifties and sixties. Both groups have become out of touch with reality when it comes to the dating dynamics out there so I'm really glad that Spetsnaz decided to include footage from the Black Pill documentary which is one of the main incel contributions to the manosphere. Those in the Incel community are trying to maximize their looks, personality and financial status to get a relationship. The Puas are trying maximize their appeal to women so they can get laid and the MRAs are trying to make the laws more balanced so they can get married. I would call them the three whoresman of the femmepocalypse. All three groups appear to be all about female validation. This is something I wish Spetsnaz had spoken about. Men going their own way aren't looking for the validation of women as the cornerstone of their philosophy. I'll get to more of my thoughts about the MGTOW documentary in a moment but before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to the show. When I first went my own way back in 2013 the dating markets were different because most people weren't using Tinder back then. But what bothers me about the manosphere in general is that men went from seeking equal rights for men so men could get safely married again. To men going their own way so we could live our lives for ourselves and now with the rise of incel thanks to the dating market we are seeing men in that part of the manosphere changing their faces and looks with cosmetic surgery and other trickery just to get a girlfriend. Men are seeking out validation again. Call me crazy but it's almost as if women figured out that men were going their own way from relationships and marriage so what better way to put a stop to that then to deny men marriage and relationships in the first place. That way men wouldn't go from having enough of female nature where we were sick of it to the point
where we didn't get enough at all so were constantly thirsty. Of course that's not what happened.

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Mean Drama Queens LOL - MGTOW
Mean Drama Queens LOL - MGTOW Sandman 266 Views • 4 years ago

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- Ancient Purity
- (Save 10% enter the code MGTOW in the check out)

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Email: [email protected]

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Klemens. His story is a long one so before I read it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity: Anyways, now onto the clown world show. Here's what Klemens has to say: "Hey Sandman, About a year ago, I met a girl in drama school and we started dating. We had some dates and started to canoodle, but when I slept at her place for the first time, she started to ghost me. I didn't understand what was going on, there was great chemistry and we so had much fun. We had 3 or 4 dates afterwards, but she cancelled it every time on the day of or the day before. I suffered and my friends said I should let go of her, but I couldn't. I still felt that same chemistry, when I met her in school. She also behaved very strange in drama school, she looked at her phone all the time and tried to make me jealous about another guy in the class. I went to a psycho therapist and she told me, that I have psychological issues, because of the sickening relationship with my mother. I moved out of my parents home and started to ghost my parents, because of the emotional abuse. I went to the therapist, because I thought she could help me, but nobody could help with my feelings for that girl. My mind got crazy, I still saw her in school and felt that chemistry. Eventually I dated some other girls, that approached me after my performances or at my student dorm. I canoodled with them and slept with them, but I still couldn't get the other girl of my mind. No other girl gave me that emotional high. Luckily Corona hit in and the drama school was closed during the last semester, so I got some distance. I couldn't see her, so my mind cleared up a bit. Last month she wrote me again asking if I need a lift and we drove together to the school. I thought I have another chance now. We had another date, but after this date the bullshit started again, she started to cancel dates again in the last minute and ignores me. The last week in drama school was probably the most painful week ever. She entered the room huged another guy and ignored me, even though I was standing right next to him, she didnt even say hello. If I dont approach her at school and hug her, she ignores me and doesnt even look in my eyes. That is a real pain in the neck, because if you are in an acting class, you have to work together and improvise etc. My mood was very bad, during the exercises I had to leave the room 3 or 4 times, because I couldnt handle it or had to cry. But finally, I am starting to realise, what bs is going on. If I start to talk to her or if we a do an exercise together, she always grins at me, for no reason. And if I did't touch her or hug her that day, she starts to do something during improvastion exercises, where I have to touch her in one way or another. All that stuff is completely intentional on her side. she pushes my emotional buttons all the time. Everybody thinks I am going nuts or making this stuff up, but she is really intentionally pushing my buttons. She makes me jealous with other guys in the class, if I ignore her for a longer period of time and become emotionally cold, she approaches me again, but as soon as I am emotionally hooked again, she becomes cold again. This is going on for almost a year now. I am really happy, that I started to realise what is going on. I even understood, why I crave her love so much. She treats me the same way like my abusive mother did. My mother is emotionally distant, thats why I craved her love so much, because I can't have it! My mother treated me "ok", as long as I did, what she wanted me to do.

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Klemens. His story is a long one so before I read it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity: Anyways, now onto the clown world show. Here's what Klemens has to say: "Hey Sandman, About a year ago, I met a girl in drama school and we started dating. We had some dates and started to canoodle, but when I slept at her place for the first time, she started to ghost me. I didn't understand what was going on, there was great chemistry and we so had much fun. We had 3 or 4 dates afterwards, but she cancelled it every time on the day of or the day before. I suffered and my friends said I should let go of her, but I couldn't. I still felt that same chemistry, when I met her in school. She also behaved very strange in drama school, she looked at her phone all the time and tried to make me jealous about another guy in the class. I went to a psycho therapist and she told me, that I have psychological issues, because of the sickening relationship with my mother. I moved out of my parents home and started to ghost my parents, because of the emotional abuse. I went to the therapist, because I thought she could help me, but nobody could help with my feelings for that girl. My mind got crazy, I still saw her in school and felt that chemistry. Eventually I dated some other girls, that approached me after my performances or at my student dorm. I canoodled with them and slept with them, but I still couldn't get the other girl of my mind. No other girl gave me that emotional high. Luckily Corona hit in and the drama school was closed during the last semester, so I got some distance. I couldn't see her, so my mind cleared up a bit. Last month she wrote me again asking if I need a lift and we drove together to the school. I thought I have another chance now. We had another date, but after this date the bullshit started again, she started to cancel dates again in the last minute and ignores me. The last week in drama school was probably the most painful week ever. She entered the room huged another guy and ignored me, even though I was standing right next to him, she didnt even say hello. If I dont approach her at school and hug her, she ignores me and doesnt even look in my eyes. That is a real pain in the neck, because if you are in an acting class, you have to work together and improvise etc. My mood was very bad, during the exercises I had to leave the room 3 or 4 times, because I couldnt handle it or had to cry. But finally, I am starting to realise, what bs is going on. If I start to talk to her or if we a do an exercise together, she always grins at me, for no reason. And if I did't touch her or hug her that day, she starts to do something during improvastion exercises, where I have to touch her in one way or another. All that stuff is completely intentional on her side. she pushes my emotional buttons all the time. Everybody thinks I am going nuts or making this stuff up, but she is really intentionally pushing my buttons. She makes me jealous with other guys in the class, if I ignore her for a longer period of time and become emotionally cold, she approaches me again, but as soon as I am emotionally hooked again, she becomes cold again. This is going on for almost a year now. I am really happy, that I started to realise what is going on. I even understood, why I crave her love so much. She treats me the same way like my abusive mother did. My mother is emotionally distant, thats why I craved her love so much, because I can't have it! My mother treated me "ok", as long as I did, what she wanted me to do.

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Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

MGTOW A Cowardly Attack
MGTOW A Cowardly Attack REDPILLMARRIED 144 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Violence through other men is the calling card of a cowardly woman.


Why Simps Pay For The E Thots
Why Simps Pay For The E Thots KEEPER 61 Views • 4 years ago

The Progression of the Simps

Dont Trust Women Ever
Dont Trust Women Ever MgtowMonkMode 64 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW IS Freedom

Woman Tried To Have Her Man Arrested For Domestic Violence Luckily He Recorded The Incident For Evid
Woman Tried To Have Her Man Arrested For Domestic Violence Luckily He Recorded The Incident For Evid rpwarrior 154 Views • 4 years ago

She was charged with a misdemeanor for false report. Always record your interactions with women have a camera in dashboard of your car. Screenshot everything, before you meet talk about having sex and record the phone call where she agrees and after you hookup record the call of her saying she had a good time with you and screenshot the convo. Be safe out here.

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