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my Ford F150 Truck Hood Vandalized again may 17th 2023 whitefish montana druggy locals suck!
my Ford F150 Truck Hood Vandalized again may 17th 2023 whitefish montana druggy locals suck! adeplorablegoy 17 Views • 2 years ago Hug a Disabled Veteran Project- <br>Help me Repair my once beautiful 2005 Ford F150 4x4 Truck and move to a Safer Home please! <br>Repair/ Safe Home GoFundMe Drive: <br>Thank You! <br>Warning: Montanans are famous for and will 'Gaslight' you as individuals and in a organized group! See Definition below... <br>* Gaslighting - is the subjective experience of having one's reality repeatedly questioned by another or a group. A colloquialism, the term derives from the title of the 1944 American film Gaslight, which was based on the 1938 British theater play Gas Light by Patrick Hamilton. <br> <br>Incredible amount of Vandalism done by my Montana Local Druggy neighbors to my 2005 ford F150 at CVApts colorado village apartments 445 wisconsin ave Whitefish Montana 59937 inside and out! 2020-2023 <br>Whitefish Montana Local Druggies Attack <br> <br> <br>Why? Whitefish Montana is Scary Dangerous! Town of Whitefish Lake Beach Montana USA 59937 <br> <br>* Because I told them to Quit flicking cigarette butts in front of my apartment (was literally walking over a field of them 100's of them and tracking them into my apartment on the bottom of my shoes). <br> <br> * Told them to &quot;PickUp their Poo&quot;! (My kitchen side yard was covered with 5 months of a carpet of smelly Dog Poo and eye burning Pee, you could smell it from 20 feet away. It all was within 3 Three Feet of my Kitchen window. I picked it all up, it is a Health Hazard, especially to children with still developing immune systems. Collected 2 Two grocery bags of it! Left one bag with a note &quot;PickUp Your Poo!&quot; at the offender front door and another bag and note &quot;PickUp The Poo!&quot; at the Cvapts Prop Mgr Office door.) <br> <br>* I also Reported to WFPD Sgt. Conway now WFPD Ass. Chief Conway that my Montana Local Druggy neighbors are Selling Drugs onsite from their CVApts to High School kids from the local High School right in front of within just 16 feet of the onsite Children's Play Ground (while children were playing 3 of them) and PO Boxes. I witnessed this, I directly Eye-witnessed the Hand Exchange of Drugs for Money! <br>&quot;I DID THE RIGHT THING!&quot; <br> <br>An this is my Punishment, for doing the 'Right Thing', 3 Three Years of constant Harassment, Terrorism, Vandalism, Theft and Burglary by Montana Local Druggies. My Neighbors! <br>$17,439.00 worth of Vandalism Damage to my 2005 Ford F150 Truck! as well as $2300. estimated value of personal property stolen from my CVApts apartment, as well as personal medical disability paperwork, letters, clothing, tools, priceless pictures x20+ (even stole my deceased mother picture), diaries, gun accessories, shoes, games, movie cd's, music tapes, priceless home made VHS VCR Home Movies from Military Service, Law Enforcement K-9 D.A.R.E. Demo's and Family Weddings... and there is more. <br>They went through everything! Literally took their time, had a CVApts KEY, a CVApts Prop Mgr passkey copy! It was a Montana Local Druggy Gang Organized Crime, a Criminal Gang Conspiracy against me, a Gang of CVApts Montana Local Druggies got 'Revenge' on me for 'Doing the Right Thing!' <br> <br>If you like to Help me Recover from all this Please Donate, I Thank You for your valuable time, consideration and assistance Greatly! <br> <br>Give a Hug to a Disabled Veteran:

Whitefish Montana Druggies MAD! Druggies SMASH my Ford F150 Radiator in!
Whitefish Montana Druggies MAD! Druggies SMASH my Ford F150 Radiator in! adeplorablegoy 13 Views • 2 years ago This is what my lovely Montana Local Druggy Neighbors at CVApts Colorado Village Apartments, 445 wisconsin ave, whitefish, montana, 59937 do when you call WFPD Police to Report their CVApts Drug Dealing Criminal Behavior, SMASH! SMASH! SMASH! <br> <br>i.e. Selling Drugs to x2 early teen age Children in front of other x3 young elementary school age children playing on the CVApts property playground. <br> <br>A US GOV USDA Rental Assistance HUD subsidized Property. <br> <br>Managed by IMI Property Management, IMI Infinity Management Investment Corp. <br> <br>Owned by WIG whitefish investment group - the actual property owners. <br> <br>They are all SLUMLORDS of a Whitefish Montana Local Drug Crime Den! <br> <br>They do not care! <br> <br>Colorado Village Apartments <br>445 wisconsin ave <br>whitefish, montana <br>59937 <br> <br>Whitefish Montana is Scary Dangerous! <br> <br>@darrypatters <br> <br>Helo/ Hug to a Disabled Veteran:

Druggies Attack my Ford F150 4x4 Truck! Don't Visit Whitefish Montana! It is Not Safe! Help a Disabled Vet, Thanks
Druggies Attack my Ford F150 4x4 Truck! Don't Visit Whitefish Montana! It is Not Safe! Help a Disabled Vet, Thanks adeplorablegoy 26 Views • 2 years ago <br> <br>Hi, i am a 54 yr old Disable Veteran who is being Terrorized by whitefish montana druggy locals for doing the right thing. <br>3 three years of constant terror harassment vandalism theft and burglary of my home, more then once with a cvapts prop mgr key! no bs! no one will help me! <br>my story: <br> <br>help link: <br>

Whitefish Montana Local Druggies Terrorist Attack - Help/ Hug a Disabled Veteran Darry Patters
Whitefish Montana Local Druggies Terrorist Attack - Help/ Hug a Disabled Veteran Darry Patters adeplorablegoy 15 Views • 2 years ago Beware Whitefish Montana! It just isn't Safe any more! Warning: Montanans are famous for and will 'Gaslight' you as individuals and in a organized group! See Definition below... <br> <br>please Help/ Hug a Disabled Veteran thank you - GoFundMe: <br>Please Help fix my Vandalized Truck! Thank You! Blessings upon You! <br> <br>Offsite Links: <br> <br> <br> <br>* Gaslighting - is the subjective experience of having one's reality repeatedly questioned by another or a group. A colloquialism, the term derives from the title of the 1944 American film Gaslight, which was based on the 1938 British theater play Gas Light by Patrick Hamilton.

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