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Patterns of a Woman (RED PILL)
Patterns of a Woman (RED PILL) Chad Hart 77 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Pay close attention to a woman's behavior towards her last bf/husband.
How did she treat him during the relationship? Did she cheat on him? If
she did it to him she will do it to you. That is her pattern that she
will not deviate from. It is only a matter of time before the sick cycle
is repeated again. Every relationship she has is the same, with the
same problems, turmoils and headaches. Never commit to a woman who
cheated with you! If she cheated WITH you it is inevitable she will
cheat ON you. She is a cheater, she proved that by cheating on her
previous man with you. That is her pattern. Women never deviate from
their established life set pattern

If Her Word Isn't Good Neither is She (RED PILL)
If Her Word Isn't Good Neither is She (RED PILL) Chad Hart 41 Views • 4 years ago

⁣A persons word is everything. If they do not keep their word they are
not a good person regardless of other things they may do. How is a
person good when their word isn't? Most women today are not good
because their word is not good. A person is only as good as their word.
Never forget that!!!

Removing Her Tentacles One at a Time (RED PILL)
Removing Her Tentacles One at a Time (RED PILL) Chad Hart 57 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Women like to embed themselves into every aspect of a man's life and
existence similar to how the old story of the giant squid would wrap
it's tentacles around a ship and pull it down. Don't allow this to
happen to you.

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