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How To NOT Be An Oofy Doofy
How To NOT Be An Oofy Doofy Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 304 Views • 2 years ago

The Worst Thing That Can Happen To Women Is Hoptions
The Worst Thing That Can Happen To Women Is Hoptions Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 425 Views • 2 years ago

Why Do Women Hate Me? - MGTOW
Why Do Women Hate Me? - MGTOW Sandman 361 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: OK2B Cliche

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Hi EVeryone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Josh and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hey sandman love the content. I'm autistic, have adhd and ocd and would like you to talk about autism and how girls hate you when you have this condition. Hypergamy is a bitch. I'm even 6 ft 4!" Well Josh thanks for the donation and topic. On some level women they hate themselves for falling for you because of your height and probably good looks and it took a while to uncover your autism. Perhaps they feel like you wasted their time because your man wrapper didn't represent what was on the inside. It doesn't matter if a guy looks like Tom Cruise women still don't want to date him if he's rain man on the inside. They probably also think tO themselves if other people know about his Autism they say oh shit now everyone knows I've been talking to rain man. That's a 1980s reference for all of you younger than 35 or 40. Instead they want a normal man they can drag to family social gatherings that won't rock the boat and will behave himself. You should have seen back in the day when I made an inappropriate sexist remark at a party and other men started mimicking my behavior. The women all had horrified looks on their faces like the men just crapped in their cornflakes. Imagine a woman taking an awkward guy that's jittery and autistic to a party with her friends and he embarrasses her over and over again making her feel self conscious. A man on the autistic spectrum doesn't read social cues easily and has to learn them from scratch. In one way that means he's harder to manipulate by a woman because she doesn't know what he's thinking by looking at his non-existant body language. But on the other hand he's easier to manipulate because he's more likely to be too honest and trusting. Josh the ADHD is a bs things. Attention deficit means you're bored and you need to find something more challenging to do with your time. It's probably a way for the medical establishment to make boredom an illness and medicate you for it. You just need to run around in circles like a dog until you fall over if you have too much energy. Obsessive compulsive disorder means that if you find something you're passionate with you'll be able to outproduce almost everyone else doing the same thing and rise to the top. But a lot of guys use their OCD to obsess over stupid stuff. People are trained to see ADHD, OCD and Autism spectrum disorders as weaknesses. Yes they are socially. But when it comes to obsessing over something until you come up with a new idea it's a great thing. Remember that Nikola Tesla, Howard Hughes, Martin Scorcese and even Donald Trump have or had OCD. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor OK 2 B Cliche:

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How To Build A Sexbot - MGTOW
How To Build A Sexbot - MGTOW Sandman 233 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Two GPT-3 AIs talking to each other.

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Lech and he wanted me to share a Reddit post with two different AIs talking to one another. I've put that link in the description. If you want to know what the hell I'm talking about then check that out. Here's what Lech very briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, It's amazing how fast things are moving with technology. From chatbots to ai that can somewhat hold a conversation TTS also improves. Maybe one day your lovebot project won't need females to interact with at all like in the new blade runner?" Well Lech thanks for the donation and topic. With regards to the face to face AI conversation thanks for sharing it. The faces look real except the pauses when the face completely freezes which gives it away. They need to have a resting bitch face that still moves. The voices can also be done better compared to the voice to speech software I've seen out there on some YouTube Channels. Some of that is so good that it only messes up one the pronunciation of one in every one hundred words. Until the day comes when a real person replaces their YouTube presence with this technology and no one notices at all that's when you know we will be past the uncanny valley. I think I'll discuss this in today's video as well. What you sent me Lech is the technological development that is required to eventually create a fully functional AI loverbot. From what you sent me here's where we need to improve it before we can go further. Number 1, the voices of AI need to be 100 percent passable. We are 99% of the way there in the best of cases. But the average still sucks. Number 2 once we perfect text to speech software then we need to create a fake talking head and input the words and have the lips sync up perfectly and it has to be with software so a YouTuber can make two different videos saying the exact same words and you won't know how to tell the real version apart from the fake one. Step number three we need to take the fake yet completely passable words and video footage to match and create AI software that will comment on some issue using the person's voice patterns and appearance and have it be completely passable. The fourth step is to create two AIs that can have an interesting conversation with each other that's passable but also entertaining enough to build a following and gain subscribers. Once that's done you could see a podcast that's completely automated. No real people or voices. Just two pieces of software talking to one another. The fifth step would be to take the software and give it an android body and at that point put two such androids into a news studio and no one would know the difference if they were real or fake. Only at this stage would we we even be somewhat ready to create a real lovebot. But before I discuss more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to thirsty incels that think that android sexbots are only five years away clown world show. Even if what I said before the sponsor break happens we would still be heading down a road that leads down a dead end after fifty to one hundred years. At least that's the way Stanley Kubrick saw it for the elite Android makers in the film AI: Artificial Intelligence. Professor Hobby, the main robot designer was disappointed by the technology that was nothing more than something that mimics a human response. For the longest time I thought most guys would be like me and see through the silicon facade of a fake face and programming and want to interact with a real woman. I gave guys too much credit as well as myself. Because when I look at fapping material I don't care about the woman's personality and background story. All I care about is her appearance and basic sexual behavior. Also even though most women I've spoken to are like 3 dimensional marionettes with mammaries augmented with rudimentary social programming I still get butterflies in my stomach.

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Welcome To Incel Nation - MGTOW
Welcome To Incel Nation - MGTOW Sandman 289 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Yoshi and here's what he has to say: "Hi Mr. Sandman, Thank you for your daily dose of red pill. I am 38, and technically never had a real girlfriend. Some people, my family and friends, from time to time asked me if I am not straight. It is just that I am extremely careful about getting involved with women. The first "girlfriend" I had was a classmate in high school. She moved to another state right after high school graduation so we never got to hold hands. A few years later she got pregnant with a man and had to marry him. Then divorced him shortly there after. There was another girl after that whom I was really interested in. She, however, emphatically stated that she was not interested in relationships. Then out of nowhere she sent me a text saying she's gonna get married in three months. I was shocked. Where did this guy come from? Yet again after that another girl I was hanging out with suddenly announced she's getting married because...she got pregnant. The idea of girls sleeping before marriage was foreign to me until these incidents. That's the reason why I am single. I also feel that girls have such high demands that either I metaphorically grovel at their feet or forget about it. Last year a friend of mine, a really good, caring, honest, and family-oriented guy, someone I wouldn't mind introducing my sister to if I had one, told me his girlfriend cheated on him. He got home from work one day and found his girlfriend in bed with a younger guy. My friend had to break up with her. A few months after that he found another girl. This new girl had a son, no father, but the creepy thing he eventually found out was there were male cloths in her room. There was a guy in her life that she never told him about. So my friend broke up with her too. At this point in my life I don't know if I will ever get married, which is a bit concerning to be honest because growing up I have always imagined that it's the natural order of things for male and female to come together and raise families. Warm regards, Mr. Yoshi" Well Yoshi thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but first a word from today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring On 200k In Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the I've never kissed a girl and I feel fine virgin incel show. I'm not saying that mockingly Yoshi. That woman that told you she wasn't interested in relationships just meant she wasn't interested in relationships with you. She was basically saying it's not you it's me. I'm an independent whamen so please get away from me. The guy she got engaged to only three months later odds are she was already seeing him at that time you asked her out and she was worried that if she told you know that you might get pissed off or become violent. You're right that these days more and more women have very high demands and demand that you kiss their ass. But even that's not a guarantee that you'll get sex, love and reproduction from them. I feel bad for you because you were never given the choice to go your own way from women.

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Accepting That You Don't Have A Country Anymore - MGTOW
Accepting That You Don't Have A Country Anymore - MGTOW Sandman 349 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

Going Your Own Way Dot Com

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a topic so what I wanted to do is discuss a post I found on Going Your Own Way Dot Com which I put a link to in the description. So go over there and register with Jagermeister. Today his forum had new posts on 20 recent topics. I was promoting it back in 2014 and no one was listening to me and I guess now they are. Here's what someone on a threat called "Accepting That You Don't Have A Country Anymore" had to say and I quote: "So I was listening to the Turd Flinging Monkey show this last evening and something he said hit me hard. He pointed out in America that if you believe in freedom, you don't have a country anymore. He also stated that since you don't have a country, there's no point in trying to preserve anything about it. The Marxists have already won in America and are wearing the rotting corpse of the country. They are playing this once great nation like a marionette. There is no point in even trying to defend it. The original values the founding fathers brought with them no longer exist. Fighting for a people that hate you and for a country that hates you is a complete waste of time. All that can be done is focusing on one's self and protecting your own. That's it." unquote. I agree and I'm really worried up here in Canada. Things might get really bad here as we are having an election on the 20th of September and if our rubber ducky socks prime minster gets a majority there goes freedom of speech in the fall. Also on October 1st can't ride on a plane or train inside and outside the country without a vaccine passport. It's a federal mandate. I can still cross the border by car into the United States after getting a covid test and fly out of America. For now. But how much longer? I thought about going to Eastern Europe but their vaccination rates are even higher than here with 83% of adults getting the jab and they are trying to make it mandatory for everyone and are removing one freedom after another. Medical workers and teachers have to get it or lose their jobs. Airline employees too. I fear this is only the beginning until the possibility that vaccines will not only be mandatory to do certain things but that they will become necessary and forced where they will strap you down and give you a shot in the arm. That would be complete madness but it's not outside the realm of possibility. I not only feel like I no longer have a country that believes in freedom. But I also believe that TFM is right and we have to look at protecting ourselves at this time. I want to spend this video discussing ways to ghost in your own country in case the jab becomes forced and you want to escape it. I get the feeling they won't stop until everyone has it. It seems to be a bigger agenda at play here. But before I say more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways, now back to everyone with a needle in their arm like a heroin addict clown world show. I don't know how many of you are familiar with the four or five levels of MGTOW but it looks like at some point if there are forced vaccinations instead of just mandatory ones I'll have to become level four. First of all let me define the difference between mandatory and forced for those that don't know. Mandatory means you have to have it if you want to go to a public place or use a public service. You have the choice to refuse to get on a plane or train or not go to a ball game. But force is when the government says either you get this or we take you away and force it into your arm. If that were to happen I'm sure it would be a global thing or something mostly in the west and the only way to get around it would be to get off the grid and hide out in the wilderness. The first level of MGTOW or level 0 is when you're dating in Longterm relationships.

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She Rode The Whole Football Team Before Me - MGTOW
She Rode The Whole Football Team Before Me - MGTOW Sandman 221 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a more than generous donation from Nick. This is one of four videos I'm putting together for him. Here's what he has to say in this one and I quote: "Hi Sandman, Within the past few months I learned a key term from other channels called the “Imprint,” which I’ve never really heard you mention. The idea is that a woman’s first/second “true love” who she first ‘gave her heart and body’ to has that man’s “imprint” pressed upon her, such that she is fully and forever devoted to him, including willing to tolerate any of his mean behavior. This Imprint stays on her forever (or at least a long time), such that when that relationship fails, she can never really fall in love again. Thus in any future relationships for her she’s not able to “pair bond” with him. I think the Imprint plays more of a role than a high body count, since I was in a relationship with a woman who did not have a high body count but her first boyfriend she had during most of her 20s she still had feelings for even while dating me. I thought she was over him, and I didn’t know about the Imprint, so I was baffled, angry, and jealous, when I saw her start to cry when he got engaged and married to another woman. I was a far better marriage option for her than her Ex, but her heart was with him no matter how much Simping I did to win her over. I realized that even though she liked me, I could only ever be her consolation prize. Since becoming more aware, I’ve noticed that even on first dates women will casually bring up how she has a “best/good friend” that is a guy, which sets off alarm bells in my mind because to me that most likely means she’s still in contact with her Ex, even if he broke things off. Why do you not talk about the Imprint much? It seems far too important of a topic, so much so that I recently coined the phrase “The Imprint is undefeated.” unquote. Well Nick thanks for the donation and topic and donation. I'll cover it in just a sec but first a word from today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways now back to the women that ride so many men they don't even make it to their varsity football game away. I've heard many times that a woman can only truly bond or imprint with a man two, three or four times in her life and that after that she has had so many one eyed willies inside of her that it's impossible for her to truly imprint or bond with anyone ever again. It's been a few years since I've spoken about this topic. That's why you haven't heard me discuss it before. Even men can get such imprints. I know that after two or three adult relationships and red pill knowledge I can't truely love a woman without being extremely cautious. After my first major adult relationship where I was co-dependent and it took me three to four years to get over her I swore that I would never let myself get to that such a low point again so when I got into the next major relationship I made sure to have lots of friends to talk about things in life so I didn't have to rely on a future wife. I was so hurt, even though I was the one that ended that relationship that I could never love or trust another woman on that level again. I didn't want to feel that level of emotional anguish again. It took three to four years to get over that so called imprint and it took another ten years to be able to drive past the place we lived together without balling my eyes out.

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Women Are Freaking Out
Women Are Freaking Out Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 622 Views • 3 years ago

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OnlyFans Is Over - MGTOW
OnlyFans Is Over - MGTOW Sandman 400 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

OnlyFans reportedly seeks $1 billion valuation as it aims to pivot from porn

Support Court- "He's Making More Money!”

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I have another topic for you. Over the past few months I've noticed A lot of average looking women as Cam girls or ethots on Twitter advertising their bodies cheaply. What's really strange about it is usually women that are 7 and up on the rating scale That would sign up for this. But now you see mostly women who are 6 and below Signing up for this. Is The M.G.T.O.W movement so successful that women are desperate to be with a man by any means necessary or is this feminism telling women more lies about their body?" Well Teaven thanks for the donation as the jab goes around and almost everyone I know getting it and starting to live their lives my coaching call business is kaput because people are going out and talking to their friends in real life instead of paying to talk to me over Skype. They are also going out in real life and
meeting real women and starting to spend their money in bars and restaurants on broads with boobs. During the coof Onlyfans saw the number of creators on the platform go up ten times. So it's not your imagination that cam girls and ethots are struggling. This was predictable. I knew that after the coof many of the online sex workers wouldn't have a viable business anymore. Many of them didn't have a business and were only making a few hundred dollars a month from it. The ones that were lucky already had a presence before the pestilence and profited off their thotery as if they won the lottery. So now coof futures are falling on the open market. So sell mortimer sell. I'll discuss this as well as how Onlyfans is about to stop being a Porn site in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the women waving their boobs around like steak online and men ignoring them and therefore those women have to starve clown world show. According to an article I put in the description called "OnlyFans reportedly seeks $1 billion valuation as it aims to pivot from porn" they want to clean up their act the way that tumblr did and is looking to dump their reputation as a porn platform as it's looking to raise a billion dollars. They want mainstream backers and want mainstream celebrities and athletes to cum on board the platforms. But of course their fans won't see them cum anymore. This reminds me of the days when Ebay tried to kill off small sellers that made their platform. In the beginning that place was an online garage sale. I still buy vintage toys off there even though the fees are high. But I now have Facebook groups that I use where I buy many things instead of paying fifteen percent fees to Ebay. The problem for OnlyFans is that as they grow massive they need outside money for new servers and proper staff. To grow they need to get out of the smut business. The sex business is a double edged sword. You can make a lot of money but you won't get any respect. But it's also the perfect place to release revolutionary technology like virtual sex robots because no one takes it seriously.

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Looks Are The Most Important Thing For Women - MGTOW
Looks Are The Most Important Thing For Women - MGTOW Sandman 266 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

His video is brought to you by a more than generous donation from Nick and this is one of four topics I'm going to cover for him. Here's what he has to say and I quote: "Hi Sandman, Often times we hear that women are interested in a man’s wealth/status/etc, with his looks being secondary importance to her, while on the flip side we hear men are mostly concerned about a woman’s looks. But I think this popular presentation is largely false. After much thought, I have come to the conclusion that a man’s appearance/looks is the most important factor for most women, which I’ll now explain. From the time she’s 16 onward, a woman typically has her basic needs met by her parents, so all she’s really focused on is the thrill of a relationship, and thus she’s not looking at a man’s qualities/resources (especially if she’s not even planning to get married until her late 20s). In fact, a man within the age range of 16-30 often doesn’t even have resources, especially during high school and college, so all she can even evaluate him on is his looks. Online dating strongly supports this conclusion, since a woman only often sees/responds to a man with good looks. Until she gets into her 30s, women are typically comfortable enough in life or are not looking to settle down yet, so their evaluation of a man is surface level, which means his good looks are the most important factor. Realizing this, it’s not that women prefer “bad boys” or even Alphas, but rather she’s chasing the best looking men and will thus tolerate his bad behavior. And with this in mind, this explains why average to decent looking men don’t get much dating opportunity, especially with good looking women, regardless of how good, accomplished, intelligent, rich, etc, the man is. She simply cannot see past the surface level, and thus is only chasing after the top 20% best looking men. Meanwhile, on the flip side, a man will often be perfectly content with an average woman’s looks (4 to 7 out of ten), and has no problem dating an average looking woman as long as she has other good qualities he likes. I have experienced this in my own life a few times, when good looking women who rejected me while they were in their 20s would later on by their early 30s would suddenly go out of their way to try and get me to date them. They were thus turning to the Beta Simp Provider to settle for now that marriage was the goal. You and other Redpill content creators often talk about the Beta Provider, but I don’t think most of the time you all actually get to the heart of the issue, or even emphasize that looks are what she’s looking for. This truth is hidden behind the notions of Chad and Tyrone (the latter which most likely doesn’t have any wealth/education), but it is muddled by bringing up Chad/Tyrone’s tangential qualities such as macho personality, financial success, popularity, etc. These tangential qualities most likely come from being good looking, especially when he doesn’t even have to try that hard to attract women. Any man’s confidence would be “Alpha” if he didn’t have to put much effort in and women would chase him. The danger/error of many Redpill creators is that they spin the "men struggle to find a date" issue as if any of us could be Alpha if we just put in the effort to be, when the reality is looks aren’t really an effort thing for most of the top 20% best looking men.

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I'm Sick & Tired Of Pick Up tArdists Scamming Incels
I'm Sick & Tired Of Pick Up tArdists Scamming Incels Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 687 Views • 3 years ago

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Don't Ask Out Female Co Workers - MGTOW
Don't Ask Out Female Co Workers - MGTOW Sandman 276 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Dude risked his employment to learn a hard lesson

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from George. He didn't give me a topic and told me to choose something myself. So I'd like to read something I found on Reddit called: "Dude risked his employment to learn a hard lesson". It's a long read so before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, here's the comment someone posted on Reddit and I quote: "I was invited to my company’s luxury box to watch a football game. Normally a couple of bigwigs are there, a few big money clients or vendors, and a handful of other people. I was excited to go. One of the vendors brought a couple of their employees, including a woman who I would guess is in her late 20’s/early 30’s. She’s very attractive. About midway through the 2nd quarter, I was standing at the drink rail behind the seats, and she was across the room in a different conversation. I was turned partly in her direction while I was talking to our CFO, and she & I made eye contact. She smiled, I smiled. About 2 minutes later, she’s standing next to me. We strike up a conversation about the play on the field. She’s been a fan of this team for a long time. Conversation keeps going. We talk about the game, about our jobs, about our pets, then our hobbies, then where we went to school. We’ve got a lot in common, apparently. For the rest of the game, we keep talking. Other than getting drinks or using the restroom, neither of us moved from that spot on the drink rail. As the conversation goes, she’s laughing and smiling. Begins touching my arm when she laughs. Personal space shrinks and we’re standing in very close proximity (so much so that we’re talking on normal conversational voices, despite being in a crowded place). At one point, I had my hand on my beer, she had her hand on her drink, our hands were close. She reached her pinky out, and we....I dunno....held hands (fingers?) for a few minutes. Until one of us took a drink. Anyway- The football is winding down, all I’ve seen are green lights. My flirting game isn’t strong, but....I was sure this was going well. Anyway, exact quote from me- “I’m enjoying this, and think you’re cool. Would you like to meet up again sometime for a drink or something?” She flips out. I hear (loudly) how she HAS A BOYFRIEND (in a tone I can only describe as a mix of aghast and disgusted). I’m surprised she didn’t finish the sentence by calling me ‘creep’ or something. It was unbelievably embarrassing, in front of a number of high-ups at my company. And now I have no idea what I’m walking into on Monday, and am virtually sure my days of being invited to corporate events are over. Yesterday (Monday) morning, I was at work about 5 minutes before I got called into my boss’ office. The HR person was already there. I got a written Record of Discussion, an assurance that while it goes in my file there are no negative disciplinary implications. I have to retake sexual harassment training within the next 30 days (despite having just taken it last month). I tried to plead my case a bit, but HR said that what mattered was I made her feel uncomfortable. Uncomfortable enough to complain. When the conversation was over and HR left, my boss asked me to hang back for a minute. He said ‘That whole exercise was bullshit. All the way around’, and that I was still good with him. His advice- even if someone is coming on hard, don’t respond at work functions or around people I work with. Honestly, sounds like good advice to me right now." unquote.

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Help Me! YouTube Is Destroying My Channel - MGTOW
Help Me! YouTube Is Destroying My Channel - MGTOW Sandman 320 Views • 3 years ago

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Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations. I just wanted to let everyone know that things aren't going that great with regards to topic donations and coaching calls. The last six months to a year have been crazy when it comes to doing coaching calls. A lot of guys were calling me during lock down and then around the beginning of June it completely died down as the summer began and most places opened up. I knew that was going to happen and that income would go away. I also promoted the Brave Browser and received crypto from them until March of this year. But now that's stopped. Donations for topics have been relatively slim lately as well. But I'm not going to ask for money unless you really want to give it to me. If you want to help me in a sustainable way the best thing you can do to help me is by going over to and subscribing to me. You get crypto currency for watching content and you can then send it to an exchange and cash it out or give it to your favorite content creators. The great thing about the LBRY blockchain that houses the videos on is that unlike YouTube there are no content moderators, and no safety filters. The amount of money per view is also higher for creators than Google Adsense when you convert your LBRY tokens. I know it's tough to change and use a new platform but it's the best way to help me at this point so I'm going to ask. I asked years ago for you guys to move to Bitchute and there are twenty thousand subscribers there. But Bitchute has it's limitations and I'll discuss those in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Trans: Anyways, now back to the end of the Sandman content creation clown world show. Where I'm sitting at at this point in my Sandman channel's future is that it's my last option to grow my audience. Otherwise I'll probably have to do something else. Or do what I do in some other way. Bitchute is great but the problem is that after Trump was ousted the number of views went down on the platform as a whole which means that there aren't new people coming in and subscribing to my channel. Subscriber growth has slowed to a crawl. On YouTube I'm not gaining Subscribers but I'm not losing them either. But that doesn't matter because over time even your existing subscribers lose interest and your views eventually fall. Plus I'm worried about YouTube censorship via the Canadian government. Justin Skippy Trudeau's government is almost ready to pass bill C-10 which will begin the censorship process of online content in Canada. If that doesn't do me in then they will put out online hate speech legislation out later this year which might make it illegal for me to tell men to not get married. This is the world we are living in now. I might not even make it to my lofty goal of getting to ten years of content production if I'm threatened by potential prison time. I'm hopeful with LBRY and Odysee which is built on block chain technology and ensures that its creators' channels can never be deleted. When a channel video is created, it is recorded permanently in a distributed ledger on the block chain. It can never be censored. Over the last number of months I've been earning $1-2 Canadian per video off of 200-300 views. 2000 views is $10-20, 4000 views is $20-40 and so on. So long as the value of the LBC token is around ten cents. It's fallen a bit but I'm banking a bunch of them and if and when Bitcoin shoots to new highs I'll cash some of the out. Bitchute has been
declining with regards to viewers and what they should have been doing was getting advertisers onto their platform because if they did that it would just grow and grow because of advertising revenue. But I suspect that with time ad supported content will disappear off the internet because people will be mostly using ad blockers.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""


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Low I.Q. Indian YogiOabs Thinks He's Better Than You
Low I.Q. Indian YogiOabs Thinks He's Better Than You Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 358 Views • 3 years ago

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Why Have My Friends Settled For Ugly Girlfriends? - MGTOW
Why Have My Friends Settled For Ugly Girlfriends? - MGTOW Sandman 296 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to cover something a guy named Dez and Jager posted on Reddit and here's what he has to say and I quote: "Is it for the sex? What I'm really asking myself is this, and I know they are my friends and I should know, but it somehow baffles me and this is something you cannot ask people about: Why would these highly educated men, with very good and stable jobs, good health, in a west-European country, settle for these completely mediocre women (both in their late 20s) who could objectively be classified as ugly, intellectually non-stimulating, less educated, and above all not even a nice person? It baffles me what some guys are willing to do just to get laid sometimes!!" unquote. Yes guys have settled for women way below their league forever. I did it because it meant the odds were good I wasn't going to be dumped while I pumped. Pumped them that is. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the women as ugly as a dog wearing a thong clown world show. As I was saying this phenomena has been going on forever but since 2012 and Tinder showing up on the scene women are only one swipe away from being skewered by Chads and Tyrones so their standards have gone up with regards to who they are willing to bone. One guy on reddit below the post that Dez put up has to say this and I quote: "The average guy doesn't have "game". They certainly don't have game when they're 15 yrs old and pulling out of puberty. They're generally awkward at best. Plus the girls are (hypergamy) interested in guys that are "older" (better). So, the young guy finally loses his virginity to that fat beast. The "better looking" girls keep giving him difficulty, so he keeps going back to the fat-girlS and develops a "Fat-girl" fetish...why? Well, that's where he gets his play. As he gets older and his SMV improves...he doesn't realize it...and is still the awkward guy he's always been (Hello, HR?), so he's happy with the fat-girl/wife and sadly doesn't know any better. I've explained this to younger guys many times, PLUS you have the guy that picked the literally fat-and-ugly girl to build a family with so he doesn't have to worry about anybody trying to steal her from him. Good luck to those clowns." unquote. So that explains what I did by settling for relationships with a large marge because of not having to worry about her leaving because odds are she could find anyone better. Hypergamy is defeated by the gravity of saggy boobs and bottoms. If you can convince yourself that you have a fetish for larger women which is also something I did and which is something I no longer have a preference for. It's amazing what a man will convince himself of when he's getting sex on a regular basis. Also the idea that a guy doesn't really understand his own sexual marketplace value relative to a woman's is very important. Women are always looking around for a man that has no clue about his own value and they look for guys like that to trap into relationships. If a guy is happy and fat with a woman that resembles a hot air balloon really why is that a bad thing?

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

The Morning Constitutional: 5/26/2021
The Morning Constitutional: 5/26/2021 T.F. Monkey 1,173 Views • 3 years ago

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Go your own way guys

Women Can't Cope With Corona - MGTOW
Women Can't Cope With Corona - MGTOW Sandman 329 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Jason. He didn't send me a topic, just the donation. So I've decided that I want to cover something that's been no my mind for a while. The ways that men and women cope differently to the effects of Coronachan. House prices have gone up about thirty percent in Canada and I just got off the phone with two women today. One that's wealthy and coping with Corona by travelling down to Florida where she already has a house and where she doesn't have to deal with lock-down. The other one is also wealthy and she's trying to sell her town home and move further away from the city because she doesn't want to deal with lock-downs either. When a woman's civil liberties are threatened by being forced to stay home they are far more likely to make a rash impulsive decision to buy an overpriced house and I'm still not sure if money printing or women's desire for more living space that's pushing up the prices in a crazy way. Women cope with a bad reality by trying to escape to a better one. Men on the other hand can cope in that way too but I'm coping to covid through nostaligia. I'll discuss what I'm doing in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring On 200K in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the video. I didn't realize this but I found a way to cope with the sniffle sickness and low and behold many other guys are doing the exact same thing as me. It may sound completely crazy but I started the new hobby of purchasing vintage GI Joe toys and wanted to share with you guys what I've been buying. At first I thought to myself why the hell have I, a grown man taken a hobby that I haven't really done since my teens and early twenties. In my teens most specifically buying Star Wars toys. I even have some of them mint on card as you can see. I also have a bunch of loose figures missing their accessories that I picked up at yard sales over the years. My parents were new to Canada so they didn't have money to spend on stuff like this so I picked this stuff up in the late eighties and early nineties. By 1986 I was getting good toys but Star Wars was way over by then. Back in my early 20s I used to go to garage sales and pickup tons of transformers, gi joes, 100+ Nintendo games, he-man figures and other retro items. But I sold many of those. I wish I had never sold the Cobra Terrordrome I found at a garage sale for 250$. Now it's worth between one and two thousand dollars and at some point I'll pick one up again. Funny enough prices for vintage toys have gone up more than the thirty percent rise in housing since the coof started. Some figures I bought eight to ten months ago for twenty to to thirty bucks are now in some cases worth fifty bucks. The market is just as hot or hotter than the housing market. First it was about collecting the stuff that I had as a kid which are the first handful of pictures you'll see with the thunder machine and Havoc. Then it shifted to purchasing stuff other kids had that I played with and wanted. Then suddenly it became about army building which is something no did as a kid but I thought it was interesting. Now I'm trying to complete each series by year from 1983 to 1988. I lost interest a few times for a month or two and then I would go back to it. At first I went buck wild spending a ton of money but now I limit myself to two hundred and fifty bucks a month. Buying them mint on card is out of my budget. I picked up two opened carded figures at a year sale years ago and I still have the packaging and can easily put the figures back in. Being the perfectionist that I am in some cases I buy multiple identical figures and try to piece together a perfect one as you can see from this Big Boa where I have three different versions.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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