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This is how you ghost. Husband moves out ....
This is how you ghost. Husband moves out .... celestinas_side_dick 99 Views • 4 years ago

Someone forward this to that guy whose wife moved her Felon Convic Ex into his house.

All you need to know about modern life in one opening scene.
All you need to know about modern life in one opening scene. celestinas_side_dick 65 Views • 4 years ago

Stoggification Quake IV

From Hospital Birth, to School Indoctrination to the Feudal reality of every human being, all there is to save you is a rifle in the skilled hands of freedom loving men.

Unwanted medical procedures, serving pussy, government authority, it's all the same, culture is installed into us, and we will kill our neighbor who was force installed a slightly different culture.

If covid has taught us anything, it is how much the machine will take and never let go.

No state, country or person is free. All are on a track, being injected or about to be. The Strogg doctors probably tell themselves they are doing the right thing. The Strogg Leaders believe they are right. Evil always feels it is good.

Take a few moments to watch this scene. Breath it in, experience the horror of powerlessly watching the person ahead of you go through what you, as the viewer are about to go through. Feel the cold metal of the table and the strap, and the remorseless android floating around you.

How many old defenceless people have they already forced through this procedure.

What will stop them from doing it to you, when you are old and defenceless.

When you are old, the technology will be near perfect.

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