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Nobody Wants These Indian Women - MGTOW
Nobody Wants These Indian Women - MGTOW Sandman 504 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: <br>The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce &amp; The Police Are Not Your Friends <br> <br> <br>Why Working Women Struggle To Find A Match <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from James. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to share an article called &quot;Why Working Women Struggle To Find A Match&quot; and here's what part of the article says and I quote: &quot;Neha has been asked how round her rotis are, how many kinds of paneer she can make, and — just as casually — what the purpose of her career really is if she doesn’t make bags of money. Over the last three years of searching for a partner on matrimonial sites, the Gurgaon-based psychologist has been questioned on her career both directly and indirectly. “I have been asked many times that the guy makes enough money, so what is the point of me working? They think of my work as social service, rather than a career,” says the 33-year-old, who says many of the men she’s spoken with share this attitude. “I have become very clear that my work is something I am passionate about and makes me feel content. If someone can’t see that, there is no point in proceeding.” Neha's experience is hardly unique. Women who work are less likely to get matches on matrimonial websites than those who do not, a new study has found. Diva Dhar a doctoral candidate at University of Oxford's Blatnik School of Government, conducted an experiment to test her hypothesis that working women are penalized in the marriage market and found that, in fact, women who have never worked receive 15-22% more interest compared to those who wish to continue working. Basically for every 100 men who respond to a woman who has never worked, only 78-85 will respond to a working woman.&quot; unquote Well folks it looks like the Roti's have come home too roost while these educated and employed Indian women are not getting their hands on a human rooster. It seems that Indian men have done something that European males have not. That of course is to red pill themselves on the fact that a career woman is a pain the rear and she makes a poor candidate for a wife and mother. Usually because uneducated women have a better attitude. Are less abrasive and combative. They are just more chill. Every woman I've dated with a university edumacation felt like she was special snob. Indian men have figured out that these sorts of women won't do traditional house-making and that's something their mothers did and they expect that same from their wives. I'm also noticing another interesting trend with Indian guys dating white women in Canada. I can't believe I'm saying this but Indian men in Canada are increasingly more masculine then the men of European descent around here. Just the other day I was out and saw a bunch of couples and there was a white woman with an Indian man. He looked like a man and she was of skinny and healthy proportions. Then on the other side of the street I saw a soy boy being walked by his tatted up hippo that probably wished could wear high heels. But they would get crushed to dust under her gravitational field. This comes on the heels of an Indian man pointing out Interracial couples with Indian men and white women. I think part of the reason for this is certainly that the vast majority of Indian women are educated in the west and back home these days. Young Indian guys for the most part are about a generation or so behind western men and they have more masculine fathers and feminine mothers. That's what I grew up around and no matter how much I tried to be with untidy career minded Canadian women things just wouldn't stick. It's a very stressful way to live and I'm glad Indian men are figuring this out. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor T Fitz: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Why Do Women Talk So Much About Useless Stuff? - MGTOW
Why Do Women Talk So Much About Useless Stuff? - MGTOW Sandman 351 Views • 3 years ago

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The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Fat Cat. She sent me a request and asked me to make something of it. I'll sum up some of what she said and share parts I think are important. First she mentions she had some sort of interview talking to some high-schoolers that was frustrating so she just needed vent about her experience. She gave the students her answer about the future of the industry she's working in 20 years and got a strange look from them. So she seems to have gotten confrontational and asked if there when any problems with what she said? Her answer covered technological, financial, economic, social, political, cultural and sexual aspects. The students just agreed to disagree and told her that don't know what the future holds non answer. My feeling is they did that either because they were intimidated that she would call them out on their body language or because maybe they thought she didn't know what she was talking about. She said they were happy with her answer, but she felt abnormal and weird and wrapped up the discussion because she felt uncomfortable. For the next part she says this and I quote: "A younger cousin wanted to talk to me at a family dinner a while back. She asked me a ton of questions and after a while I asked why she wanted to know. Apparently she went to the same middle- and high school as me. She heard a lot about me from the teachers. It was weird. Her brother went to the same school, but they never said anything about him which made it even weirder. So many teachers remembered me and had such nice things to say. It is true that I worked hard on my tests, projects and assignments even with my high absenteeism. But when was I nice, helpful and a team player? I felt disconnected to the girl she was describing. My peers had whole different view of me." unquote. If these two stories are correct then it means that Fat Cat believes she has useful things to teach younger people but I don't think they see it that way. They might perceive her as being worse than she perceives herself and her old high school teachers positive perception of her was probably because of her looks when she was in her teens and maybe how polite she was. Were they male teachers that remembered how hard they would hold on to their rulers? Her perception of herself is different than the way that other people see her. That's all I'm hearing. Why would she share this? Maybe she wants you guys in the audience that haven't liked her in years to think that you were wrong about her? When she thought she had important things to say kids in high school probably didn't want to offend her because odds are they were intimidated by an older woman. Plus they probably didn't want to get in trouble with their teacher. If they insulted someone their teacher brought in then they might have feared that their teacher would retaliate by giving them lower grades so while they did't like what Miss Fat Cat had to say they kept their mouths shut because of fear. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Men's Guide To High Conflict Divorce:

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Men Going Their Own Way Is Inevitable - MGTOW
Men Going Their Own Way Is Inevitable - MGTOW Sandman 377 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism: The War on the West - VOLUME 2

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Bob also known as Dr. B Real the Author of the 2 volume book series called Surviving 4th Wave Feminism. This is my review of the second chapter in his 2 volume book and it's titled: "The Inevitable - Men Going Their Own Way." He says that society appears to lack the emotional and social intelligence needed to recognize that men will inevitably go their own way if they are mistreated long enough. It's more than likely society just expect men to keep taking abuse to no end. Bob says this and I quote: "Men are being marginalized as nothing more than sperm-donors, human-wallets and labour-slaves is too loud to be silenced with the lies of fourth-wave-feminist commentary. So instead they promote that MGTOW as a group of unsuccessful, poor and unattractive men who can’t get a date." unquote. In actually incels are men who label themselves that. But 4th wave feminists can't call someone
a loser if they are already calling themselves that. Bob says that up until recently MGTOW didn't really have a label but that it was simply an objective truth that a man realized on his own. They used to call this being a confirmed bachelor in the past. The definition of confirmed bachelor according to dictionary dot com is this and I quote: "never intends to put a ring on anything. Ever. A confirmed bachelor is a “man who never intends to marry.” It has also been used as an offensive euphemism for a gay man." unquote. Many in the MGTOW community are used to being called gay for choosing not to date and marry. That sort of shaming language is common and doesn't work anymore. Bob continues by saying that according to Charles Darwin and evolutionary theory an organism has to prioritize survival first and reproduction second. For men that means financial, psychological and social survival among other things over the sexual variety. Bob is right when he says that according to 4th wave feminists mgtow doesn't buy into the idea that women are victims so therefore it has to be silenced by any and all means necessary. But the problem is how to silence a group of men that neither have a political ideology or hate? It's decentralized and leaderless. A western man going his own way builds more wealth while reducing risks in his life and lives a longer life. I'll discuss more about this MGTOW chapter in a fat fourth wave feminist moooment but let me first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection Part 2:

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15 Year Olds Dying Wish Is To Have Sex - MGTOW
15 Year Olds Dying Wish Is To Have Sex - MGTOW Sandman 444 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce

Child expert grants dying boy's wish to have sex

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from David on Patreon. He didn't give me a topic so what I thought I'd do is cover an article called: "Child expert grants dying boy's wish to have sex" from the Independent in Ireland which I put in the description. It's a short article so I'll read it and give everyone my thoughts about. Here's what it says and I quote: "CHILD psychologists in Australia have condemned a colleague's decision to allow a 15-year-old boy with terminal cancer to have sex with a prostitute before he died. The case has sparked an intense ethical debate while arousing considerable public sympathy. The identities of the boy, who died last week, and the psychologist have not been disclosed as the specialist concedes that what happened was illegal. Details of the extraordinary case emerged when the psychologist anonymously contacted a Sydney radio station, days after his patient's death. Without speaking to his parents, the boy had apparently told staff at a Sydney hospital believed to be the Royal Alexander Children's Hospital of his desire to lose his virginity. When the boy's psychologist canvassed opinion among colleagues, he said there was an initial suggestion to organise "a whiparound to pay for a prostitute". The idea was rejected on legal grounds, but a group of friends were later allowed to escort the boy out of hospital and take him to a prostitute in King's Cross, Sydney's red-light area. His parents were not consulted. The specialist said the boy's greatest wish had been to experience sex with a woman, adding: "He was very, very happy, and only disappointed that it was over so quickly." The radio station was inundated with telephone calls and e-mails in support of the psychologist's action. However, Australia's medical establishment has accused him of overstepping his role and potentially damaging the dying boy's relationship with his parents. However, the hospital psychologist insists that he acted correctly. "He'd been sick for quite a long period and his schooling was very disrupted, so he had not had many opportunities to acquire and retain friends," said the specialist. "But he was very interested in young women and was experiencing that surge of testosterone that teenage boys have." "It was a part of therapy," he said, "People talk about a trip to Disneyland being therapeutic. What's the difference?" unquote. I'll tell you what the difference is. Women are probably afraid that first it starts with dying boys paying for working girls in the land down under. Then someone says why shouldn't every teenage boy do the same? Soon all young teenage boys start having smash 16 parties where they go down to Kings Cross to have some lady go down on them. I say 16 because that's the age of consent in Kangaroo country. But we all know what's going to happen now. The psychologist that made the suggestion that people collect money to fulfill this boys dying wish will probably lose his medical license. He just made a suggestion to do it and didn't actually go through with it. But he's guilty in the court of public opinion and will probably be cancelled. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Men's Guide To High Conflict Divorce:

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Men Going Their Own Way From The Democratic Party LOL - MGTOW
Men Going Their Own Way From The Democratic Party LOL - MGTOW Sandman 351 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Profit Specialist Group

Democrats Have A Man Problem

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James. He didn't give me a topic so I decided to cover an article called: "Democrats Have A Man Problem" from the Washington Examiner. It's not all that long so I'll read it here and then give my thoughts on. Here goes and I quote: "As Democrats investigate what went wrong in the 2021 elections and what is going wrong heading into the 2022 elections, a familiar pattern is emerging: Men are abandoning the party in droves.Just this week, snippets from the Democratic Governors Association’s postmortem of the Virginia governor's race were made public, including the report’s conclusion, which read, “We need to address the long-term problems that exist for Democrats with Latinos and black men.” On background from a source with knowledge of the findings in the memo, the Washington Examiner has obtained the underlying data driving this conclusion. It turns out that Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe actually improved on President Joe Biden’s margin among black women (+78 for Biden compared to +87 for McAuliffe). But at the same time, McAuliffe’s support among black men fell off a cliff (+74 for Biden compared to +55 for McAuliffe). This growing gender gap among blacks is also evident among Hispanics. A recent Wall Street Journal poll found that while a strong 55% of Hispanic women said they would vote for Biden in 2024, an even stronger 56% of Hispanic men said they would pull the lever for President Donald Trump. That 56% support among Hispanic men almost matches the 61% of white men who voted for Trump in 2020. So why are men leaving the Democratic Party? Perhaps it is because the entire Democratic agenda seems designed to make men irrelevant, and men have begun to notice. Consider the slideshow Biden’s White House released to promote their Build Back Better agenda this October. Very similar to a slideshow produced by President Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign featuring a fictional “Julia,” Biden’s “Linda” goes through life with new Democratic programs helping her along the way. We see Linda pregnant with her son “Leo,” but Leo’s father is not mentioned. We then see Linda benefit from an expanded Child Tax Credit, government-subsidized daycare, and government-run Pre-K, but no man shares in their life. It is as if fathers didn’t exist. Not only do these programs seem designed to make men irrelevant, many of them actually make it harder for men to marry the women in their lives. According to the Tax Policy Center, for example, a mother making $19,000 a year would lose almost $1,000 a year in expanded child tax credit benefits if she were to get married. The subsidized daycare in Build Back Better also contains steep benefit cliffs that punish couples who tie the knot. Democrats may not care if mothers raise their children alone — 73% of them say unmarried parents can raise children just as well as married couples. But reality is quite different. While many boys raised by single mothers do turn into fine men, overall, boys from single-parent households fare far worse on average than boys raised in married households. Even after controlling for income, boys raised by single mothers are more likely to get suspended in school, more likely to get arrested, less likely to graduate college, and less likely to find a job than boys raised by married parents. Boys need fathers. Ideally their own father, but research has shown that boys raised in neighborhoods where fathers are common do better than boys in neighborhoods where fathers are rare.

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Simps Falling In Love With Anime Waifu Girls - MGTOW
Simps Falling In Love With Anime Waifu Girls - MGTOW Sandman 331 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

The Legend of Zelda

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Anakin Simpwalker and here's what he has to say: "Hey there Sandman, I’d like to get your opinion on the recent popularity of waifu gacha games. With the incredible success of some recent games that let you spend copious amounts of money to either get or power boost anime girls, I have to wonder how this all ties in with the modern reality of men. When I mean waifu gacha games, I’m referring to games like Genshin Impact, Azure Lane, and Fate/Grand Order. Out of these, Genshin Impact is one that released a little more than a year ago and earned more than 2 billion dollars in profits. It’s an insane amount of profit for a game which could easily have you spend a few hundred dollars just to play as one of the girls, much less to give them any power boosts. I understand the game being fun and the characters being well made, but for a game that normalizes spending hundreds and possibly thousands on your favorite anime girl, there must be some tie in with the current reality of both women and society. I’d like to know what your opinion is on this Sandman. Thanks for all the good work!" Well Anakin Simpwalker thanks for the donation and topic. Sex and violence go hand in hand. Elephant seals batter each other to death during mating season for a chance to reproduce. Men fight each other for the girl. The reward for violence done well is a chance to spread your seed. So is it any wonder that guys want to get violent on a game screen as a scantily clad female. We've all done it. If it was as Sonya Blade in Mortal Kombat or a female warrior elf stripped down to her tighty whities in World Of Warcraft. That was the character I most played back in my mid to late twenties. It was something sexy to look at while I was slaying monsters. As for why guys pay money to play these games and get extra powerups and boosts a lot of incels play these games and can't get a date. If I had to guess I'd say about 30-40% of the male population is that way. So a few hundred dollars on sexy waifu characters weapons and dresses is what they might spend on two or three of their theoretical dates. The biggest gaming market in the world is China in 2020 with 41 billion dollars. The US is next with 37 billion. Japan and Korea are next with 25 Billion. The rest of the countries are European with about 24 Billion. So that means that 66 billion is in East Asia and the Europe and North America make up 61 billion. So if you're a game developer you're going to develop games with sexy Asian Characters instead of ones that are white. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection Part 2:

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The Single Mother Problem - MGTOW
The Single Mother Problem - MGTOW Sandman 382 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The Red Pill Developer

A Way To Deal With The Single Mother Problem


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by James. He didn't give me a topic so what I want to talk about is a recent post on going your own way dot com from someone named therealist and here's what he has to say and I quote: "Gentlemen, After attempting, yet again, to be understanding of a woman's "plight" (having two kids with a deadbeat) and getting, yet again, the same exact result I have found a way that we should deal with this problem. I know a lot of you still use dating apps for the occasional pump and dump. I am also sure that you probably get hit up by a single mother at least once a week. I know I do. And its always the same "my ex wont take care of these kids but, I am not looking for a man to take his place and help me" (yes they are they always are thats why they are on the site to begin with). We need to make these breeder cows understand that we are not some kind of reserve they can run to when the hot ex convict they had to procreate with unsurprisingly doesn't show up. Why should we play another mans save game? Why should we help these heffers? Its not our fault they took a running start into the wall. So my proposed idea is this: Whenever a single mother hits you up on an app report them for scamming. Make things up if you have to. These women need to understand that we are no longer going to take this bs. You all know as well as I do that they aren't looking for love. They are just looking for someone to replace the deadbeat. We seriously need to send a message that THEY messed up and now they have to live with the consequences. Gentlemen... Lets make this happen. Lets send a message." Well James thanks for the donation and thanks to the realist for posting his strategy on how to deal with single mothers. I don't think it's nearly enough. Women know that thirsty men around out there that made it to their thirties as virgins and were probably picked last while playing sports as boys on the school yard and now they are being picked last by women, many of them being single mother. Such guys were never in the sexual marketplace so they don't understand that they are the men of last resort if she has a kid or two. A woman like that might sweeten the deal by letting a simp spawn up her slit and make himself a token downy baby. Two or three percent of societies men going their own way starving such women for attention aren't going to make a difference. The only thing that might would be if all men went silent for a day and refused to speak to women. We could call it men's day of silence. If we didn't talk to women are more importantly listen to them for a week or two women would lose their minds. Then they would return to the sexual marketplace bargaining table defeated and have to make all kinds of concessions. But of course this would only work if all men were forced to keep silent with women under some sort of punishment. As for the single mother problem I'll get to that in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Developer:

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Replacing Male Heroes With Female Ones - MGTOW
Replacing Male Heroes With Female Ones - MGTOW Sandman 277 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
How & Where to Buy HEX

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Hog Jumper and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I would like to request a video and I have some ideas you could probably expand on very well. 1. I always loved the book character of Sherlock Holmes. He is definitely a MGTOW and avoids women to keep his mind clear and his time free. But more importantly, he is the embodiment of competence in his domain. Good detective, chemist, boxer, shooter, actor. He has all the necessary skills and it goes over well in the books because he is presented as a refined gentleman who took a lot of time to get to that stage of success. He is really an archetype to aspire to. 2. Old movies often tried to keep the spirit of the books. But newer productions cannot seem to be content with displaying him as supremely competent. They either turn him into a silly action hero (R.DowneyJr.) or into an autistic Sheldon Cooper character ie (BenedictCumberbatch). In both versions he is not just a serious man who works for his success, but either a dandy or a childlike autist who got all the skills for free and uses them in an almost slapstick fashion basically like undeserved magic powers in the Harry Potter universe. They turned the "old hero" archetype into Harry Potter. 3. A similar thing happened with Star Trek and Star Wars. In old Star Trek episodes, the captain stays calm under pressure. In the remakes, he has shouting matches and fistfights with Spock on the bridge. Star Wars is the same, just look at the scenes when baby-Vader gets angry and slashes his light saber at his own spaceship controls. It looks and feels like narcissistic children playing in a spaceship with magic powers. The story is just a flat background to that. 4. I just finished one of your latest videos where you talk about demographics and about us just being uncivilized idiots playing in the remains of the wealth of our ancestors. The tendency of Hollywood to turn every story of skill into slapstick magic matches that theme very well. 5. I grew up in Germany in the 2000s and my whole life I was shocked how there was no appreciation of competence in school, church or in public. Nobody there taught you about life. It felt like they wanted you to stay a child. Many teachers were old, but barely grown up themselves. No pride, no competence, just dumb jokes and time wasting. And Hollywood adapted perfectly to the new audience and keeps turning everything into infantile childrens' stories. I would love to hear you give your opinion on this. Maybe you can expand the picture or see new parallels. Or find out where I am completely wrong. Also, the block chain space is really interesting because with equal treatment by unbiased automated systems, suddenly meritocracy comes back... Usually until it gets regulated away by the state. But at least our times are interesting." Well Hog Jumper hopefully that's not a nickname because you slay fatties in bed, I'll get to your request in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Hex:

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Women Ban Smoking In New Zealand - MGTOW
Women Ban Smoking In New Zealand - MGTOW Sandman 438 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Kevin. He didn't give me a topic so it's time to cover the powerful women in New Zealand that want to ban those 14 or younger in 2027 from ever being able to buy cigarettes for the remainder of their lives. The plan comes from a woman Ayesha Verrall and the female New Zealand prime minister. New Zealand like all countries with socialized medicine have to take on the costs of health care for those with lung cancers. Lung Cancer is the leading cause of death from Cancer. More than prostate, colon and prostate combined. Pancreatic is the third most deadly. But this move is scary because it tells me that your freedom depends on the financial state of the country you're in. If they want to save money on something like lung cancer they will ban smoking for the greater good. I used to work in a Bingo Hall a couple times a week in the nineties and would reek of cigarettes. It probably shaved off a year or two of my life. I was standing and running around inhaling more smoke then the people sitting below that cloud of smoke. I agree with this ban on smoking in theory but I see it as a stepping stone to something far worse down the road. It all started with taking away your freedom to gather and travel without a jab. Now they are taking away your right to smoke. This all reminds me of a scene from Demolition Man. In that film Sly Stallone wakes up in the year 2032 and meat is not good for the environment and anything deemed not good for ze environment is illegal. The film also makes smoking, gasoline and meat illegal as well as salt. Even though salt is a necessity for living and you will die without it. Without meat you don't get your vitamin b12 or k2. But of course you know that if that were to come to New Zealanders they will still export their meat and dairy products to China so they can eat them. It probably just won't be permitted for the citizens of New Zealand to eat them. They will eat ze bugs instead. Well there goes my Phillip Morris Stock. I better sell it all now before America starts a ban on smoking too. All of this makes me think that first they banned smokers from being indoors with others in New Zealand. Then they banned smoking altogether. Today they are banning the unjabbed from being indoors with others. I'll let you use your imagination as to what comes next. The problem is there's an aging boomer demographic that votes in governments and in socialized medicine you have monopoly medicine. Countires restrict the number of medical licenses to protect doctors and eliminate the competition of private clinics that might actually cure people. You have to wait six months to a year before seeing a specialist and by then you cancer if you have it spreads. This New Zealand smoke ban is interesting because Canada just made pot legal as well as many US States. They were hoping to cash in by being the dealer of choice but they were charging too much tax in San Francisco so people still buy it from illegal drug dealers. So now they are lowering the taxes on it to compete with the free market criminals because government regulation and tax is inefficient. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Men's Guide To High Conflict Divorce:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. Sandman 392 Views • 3 years ago

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Chris Whalen CPA

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations. If you want to request a topic you can through a donation through Subscribestar or Paypal. Links are in the description. A while back Lamprey Milt contacted myself and Wheat Waffles so we could have a conversation. But for some reason it looks like he flaked out. So instead of wasting the time we decided to talk about a bunch of other issues. But before I get to those let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

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Dying Mom Takes Out NY City Billboard For Post Wall Daughter - MGTOW
Dying Mom Takes Out NY City Billboard For Post Wall Daughter - MGTOW Sandman 303 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Mother helping daughter find love with billboard in Times Square

Your Ontario Liberal &amp; candidates

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James. He didn't give me a specific topic so I wanted to cover a story about a woman named Beth Davis that supposedly paid to put up a billboard with her daughter Molly on it in Times Square new york. The news stories and videos don't really make mention that it's really a cleverly disguised advertisement for a company called Wing man and their Wing man App. Beth Davis is dying and has Cancer that is spreading everywhere so odds are she wants grand kids and is probably hoping that this last hail mary pass works out before she goes to Heaven to meet Mary. There's a reason the ad is being put up in New York City. It's the biggest bang for her dying bucks. Plus the men in New York City are higher earners and can you imagine what the response to that Billboard must be like. They are probably categorizing men based on age, height, wealth and odds are there are thousands of men trying to get a date with her. If cancer doesn't kill her in the next couple of weeks keeping track of all the men responding to the ad probably will. Her daughter looks like she's 35 and not the 30 years of age that she really is. I thought this was a woman virtue signalling that she wanted to find love for her daughter before she died. That it was all about altruism and helping daughter get a better life. The fact that it's a dating app just cheapens her life. The fact that besides grandkids she might want to be there for her wedding. The story is clearly being publicized to pull on your heart strings and the nut sack strings of thousands of thirsty New York men. The publicist that created this did a good job because it makes perfect click bait headline material for the hundreds of news outlets out there competing to sell advertising. Besides the idea that Beth is a desperate mother trying to find a husband for her daughter I thought this was a story that was all about the desperation women feel in the dating market. This story is perfect clickbait because it gets red pill and black pill men to click on it thinking that women are suffering so much they can't find a date and
have to take out billboards to do so. Whenever I make a video with a title with women suffering more guys click on it. How many of you read the headline and thought to yourself this is another one of those stories about where have all the good men gone? The ad is even next to Olivia Rodrigo and she looks so much better. That's clearly there intentionally so that as men look at the hot woman they can't have they see a woman next to her that looks like a five or six that they can date. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism:

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Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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No Women In Your Life Means A Happy Life - MGTOW
No Women In Your Life Means A Happy Life - MGTOW Sandman 383 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Profit Specialist Group

Manslaughter and Not Justification

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Fried Chicken and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I am sure you have already heard of the story of an ex-wife defying a Court Order to turn over son to his Father and the ex-wife's simp ending the Father. As usual the woman is the cause and Men are still too stupid and thirsty to realize that no wife = happy life. I will go even further and simply say no woman in your life = happy life. I am sure the ex-wife swallowed her simps schwing-schwang and load after her simp ended her kids father. Now her simp gets to smack the fathers kid around as much as he wants. We don't need to be boyfriends or husbands anymore. We don't need to be fathers anymore. We need to live the most free and happiest life a Man can possibly have. Living a woman-free life means you will be untouchable by women's lack of accountability, feminist family courts and the state. Thank you sandman and I hope I spelled schwing-schwang correctly :) I've attached a link about a custody battle between a ex-husband and ex-wife and how the woman and her new simp turned against the ex husband." Well Fried chicken, I'll call you FC for short thanks for the donation and topic. I put the link you sent me in the description. I've never made a video about a story where a simp deletes a woman's ex-husband because she got the two of them to fight. I'll review that story momentarily but firstly I agree with you FC that not having women in your life is a blessing. When you're a nice guy you typically have women coming out of the floorboards like attention cockroaches. Then when you ignore them and make it clear you don't want to talk to them they just disappear as if they are trying to punish you by taking away female validation. They go from Obsession to nothing in one second. They are just out there searching for another tampon man. But even if you can avoid women at home and at work they are still out there like the politician Elizabeth Warren attacking so called greedy Turkey farming corporations for raising thanksgiving and Christmas day prices and not the government cronies like herself that are printing money. She's gas lighting mostly male run and built corporations. She's trying to distract you from the very same thing she's accusing you of. As men we are forever being touched by women's lack of accountability so long as women are politicians and treasury secretaries and soon presidents too. Perhaps the new Bitcoin city in El Salvador will free us from wasteful government spending as it's a tax free zone. Anyways, I'll discuss more as well as the story about an ex-husband being taken out behind the shed like old yeller with a boom stick just for wanting to see his own son in a second but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Cash Discount Pro:

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48 Year Old Woman Pretends To Be 22 Years Old - MGTOW
48 Year Old Woman Pretends To Be 22 Years Old - MGTOW Sandman 297 Views • 3 years ago

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- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Mom, 48, stole daughter’s identity to start college, date young guys

Nicole Arbour EXPOSED As A Liar - With Proof (Vs Matthew Santoro)

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from 101 Bananas and here's what he briefly has to say and I quote: "Hi Sandman, Here's something interesting or at least funny to me. I've shared a weird, outrageous article called: "Mom, age 48, stole daughter’s identity to start college, date young guys" This is what post-Wall women have been reduced to nowadays. And also have you considered posting your videos on Rumble?" Well 101 Bananas thanks for the donation and topic. I put a link to that article in the description and here's what the article has to say and I quote: "A Missouri woman is facing jail time after she admitted to stealing her estranged daughter’s identity in order to secure student loans, enroll in college — and pursue her sexy co-ed fantasies. Laura Oglesby, 48, posed as her daughter, Lauren Hays, for more than two years in an elaborate scam that fooled both the federal government and locals in the small town of Mountain View. In 2016, Oglesby applied for a Social Security card in Hays’ name, which she promptly received in the mail. From that point on, Oglesby — who originally hailed from Arkansas and was then age 43 — assumed her daughter’s identity, saying her name was Lauren Hays and that she was only 22 years old. She admitted to assuming the identity of her estranged daughter, Lauren Hays. The fraudster even started seducing unsuspecting men in their early 20s. “Everyone believed it. She even had boyfriends that believed that she was that age: 22 years old,” Chief Jamie Perkins of the Mountain View Police Department told the New York Times. Disturbing photos appear to show Oglesby even had her own Snapchat account where she pretended to be Hays and posed with an array of youthful filters over her face. “She had completely adopted a younger lifestyle: clothing, makeup and personality. She had completely assumed becoming a younger person in her early 20s,” Detective Stetson Schwien, told the local ABC outlet. Oglesby moved in with local couple Avery and Wendy Parker, a pair of apparently kind strangers in Mountain View who believed she was a young woman running away from a domestic violence situation. She applied for financial aid and received $9,400 in federal student loans, $5,920 in Pell Grants, and $1,863 in finance charges. Oglesby even worked at the local Mountain View library, where locals knew her as Lauren Hays. However, after more than two years, the elaborate scam came crashing down in August 2018. Police in Mountain View were contacted by authorities in Arkansas who believed Oglesby had committed financial fraud by using the name of her daughter. Oglesby is facing five years behind bars without parole after pleading guilty to one count of intentionally providing false information to the Social Security Administration. Under the terms of her plea agreement, Oglesby must also pay $17,521 in restitution to Southwest Baptist University in Missouri and to her daughter. The real Lauren Hays has not yet spoken out about her mom’s scam — or how their relationship deteriorated." Unquote. Well 101 I'll get to my thoughts about a 44 year old woman passing for 22 in a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book:

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Drew Barrymore Struggles To Date As A Single Mom - MGTOW
Drew Barrymore Struggles To Date As A Single Mom - MGTOW Sandman 301 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

Grey Gardens (2009)

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Please discuss Drew Barrymore and how her dating life is no more. She went on television crying and complaining about how it's so hard for her to date because she can't bring men home because she has two daughters that she doesn't want to disturb. She's virtue signalling that she's a good mother because she doesn't want to bring strange men home into her bed with her kids around. She was on CBS morning and is called brave for opening up about how difficult it is to date as a single mother. It makes me smile to see her suffer after hitting the wall." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. It's good to see that you guys want to see more train wreck videos of post wall celebrities. If you want them I'll keep making them. They seem to be popular for whatever reason. This story is probably just her looking for attention and relevance. She spoke to Bobby Berk of "Queer Eye." for her talk show. CBS brought her after seeing the clip of her crying about how she can't find a man because once again it's one of those stories where people want to see celebrities suffer. But how can anyone take an actresses tears seriously when she's paid to cry on cue. Especially after she's had practice acting for over forty years since she was a little girl. But most people are stupid and they can't recognize crocodile tears when they see them. She's just manipulating her fans and audience to feel sympathy for her. People that don't like her will also watch to see her so called pain because that will make them feel better too and keep her in their thoughts. It worked on you Mr. Anonymous. Besides getting more views and attention she's probably also hoping that some powerful Hollywood type will talk to and shame some other single rich Hollywood type man into dating her. Seeing her upset and single triggers own group preference in women and men instinctively rush to the aid of a woman that's in trouble. Women think one day they might be in her position too. So they might work to hook a sister up and build up some social currency incase the same thing happens to them one day. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back to Drew Barrymore going from Charlie's Angel to Middle aged milf clown world show. This woman really thinks her audience is stupid. Why can't she just meet with men someplace else and hire a babysitter for the night like most normal divorced women? It's not like she can't afford to rent a hotel room or a whole house on airbnb for the night. What about her children seeing her cry on television and feel guilty because their mother is unhappy because of them. Because if they weren't around then she could go out and date men. You know for sure that her kids are watching their mommy on television and they probably don't understand ratings and media attention. I wouldn't be surprised if her daughters were miserable like the daughters in the last celebrity story I covered with Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards. With Drew Barrymore I was only able to find this one rare photo of the three of them together and boy of boy don't those daughters look super happy. Of course I'm being sarcastic. But when Barrymore is smiling ear to ear and they look shy and upset you know it's not looking good.

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Genetic Dead End - MGTOW
Genetic Dead End - MGTOW Sandman 337 Views • 3 years ago

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Body Transformation Made Simple

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Chill and here's what he has to say: "Hello there Sandman, I have my next video topic for you and its kind of heavy. As my red pill rage continues to make me avoid relationships, I feel as though I am slowly mourning the children I will never have. I heard Stefan Molyneux say in a speech that "around 40% of the men [in all of history] did not reproduce" and I am going through the stages of grief as I move into acceptance that I will be one of these men. As I accept my status as a "genetic dead-end" as I've heard it termed, I find myself unmotivated to better myself or even maintain myself. The only reasons I can find to exercise and increase my lifespan are a desire to see an extra decade or two of video game development before I die. I find it hard to resist the ice cream when I go grocery shopping when I have nothing to live for but my own self-enjoyment. I even lack the motivation to brush my teeth anymore. My mindset is getting more and more nihilistic. I often find myself using the expression "the juice is not worth the squeeze" that is usually reserved for relationships with women, but I will also apply it to life in modern society. 2/3 of people don't like their job, and we work 5 days out of 7. That fact alone has begun to make me consider having a child as inflicting a lifetime of suffering, toil, and misery upon an innocent dormant soul, just so I can enjoy the reward chemicals released from my brain for having achieved vicarious immortality. Sandman I know you have mentioned surrogates and artificial wombs, but I also wouldn't want to give my child the handicap of a single parent, and since taking the red pill, I have almost no confidence that a woman would remain loyal and committed long-term to a guy like me anymore. I've never had the good looks to attract women. So I naively though I'd go to college, make a lot of money, and then find the confidence in myself that would attract women to me just like the good-looking guys (because women weren't gold diggers of course). Now I can't even search for better paying jobs because the more I make, the more the government takes for child support if I drunkenly impregnate some thot, and if I lose that high paying job, and go down to lower income, I know the court probably won't reduce my child support, and I may go into a spiral of failing to meet payments, losing my license, losing my job, homeless and finally suicide, all for a child I won't even be allowed to meet. So as you can see Sandman, the red pill has started to bring me to a pretty nihilistic place. Any advice to help come to peace with the fact I won't have kids and can you offer any motivation to take care of myself despite that knowledge? Well Mr. Chill thanks for another donation and for sending me your request. But before I get to it let me first tell you about today's sponsor body transformation made simple:

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1. Cheerful young couple in love having fun outdoors. Man and woman screaming and fighting for fun. Bride and groom posing for photographer.

2. Collage of upset brides- square banner size

3. Muscular young woman with beautiful body doing exercises with dumbbell. Sporty girl lifting weights in gym.

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Stupid Men Taking Their Wife's Last Name - MGTOW
Stupid Men Taking Their Wife's Last Name - MGTOW Sandman 169 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
How & Where to Buy HEX

Meet the men taking their wife’s surname

The Few Republicans Who Stopped Congress From Drafting The Nation’s Wives, Sisters, And Daughters Deserve Our Praise

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This videos is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, Please cover this article. It's all about men, I mean simps, taking their wife's surname. Thanks" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I put that article in the description for people to checkout. The author of the article Samanta Selinger-Morris believes that women taking their husband's last name is an archaic tradition. I agree because I've said before the the best thing for humans to do with regards to last names is for the men to keep theirs and women to also keep theirs and any boys should be named after the fathers last name and any girls after the mothers. That makes it a lot easier for future generations to follow their family tree. But the way that birth rates are going there won't be family trees more like a family tree stump. The article says that a guy named Dalton decided it was a good idea to take his wife's last name because it took her years to build up her last name which is attached to her business. Dalton's wife is also shorter than him in the picture in the article. I'm not sure if she's wearing high heels to help emasculate him or if she's just naturally shorter because you don't see below her knees. This article is from Australia and it says that in Canada, Ireland and the United States the trend of men taking women's last names has been a trend in those countries and it has now firmly landed in Kangaroo land too. They article says that women are no longer the property of men so it doesn't make sense that women take a man's last name. But with the family courts being as tough on men as they currently are a married man might as well belong to his wife and the state. The article even says that domestic violence is more closely linked to men seeing the women they're with as being their property. If you believe a woman is more likely to be assaulted by a man if she takes his last name you'd think that was insanity. Surprise I don't. The men that take their wive's last name are so full of soy they can't make a fist without their wrist going limp in an effeminate way. I'll discuss more about about this Australian Cuckaroo trend in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Hex: Anyways, now back to the cucked like a Kookaburra bird clown world show. I can't believe this article's author actually found three different couples willing to share their story. Samantha says that men changing their last name to their wife's promotes gender equality. It doesn't. It promotes female superiority and that the man is the property. True equality would be if both of them kept their last names. That's what I always wanted to happen if I ever married anyone. That's the most egalitarian solution. One man she interviewed named Chris Boyd changed or hyphenated his last name to Idermark-Boyd and had this to say and I quote: "It would feel wrong to have my father’s family name,” says Idermark-Boyd, a lawyer from Sydney who now lives in London, noting that his wife has few relatives, globally, and their new surname is a way of ensuring that her family line continues. “We’re really happy with the decision that we’ve got our own little identity.” unquote. The first way women are shift the culture is by hyphenating names and then eventually emasculating their men by forcing them to change their last names. It's a power play and it's not about equality. But it's about superiority and technically about ownership through those family courts. I always saw women taking their husband's last name as an advantage. If a woman doesn't change her last name when she gets married then all of her ex boyfriends can still find her online through social media. It's like she puts on a cooch cloak and disappears from sight from all the men that may have once pursued her.

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She Cheated! 20 Years Of Marriage Over - MGTOW
She Cheated! 20 Years Of Marriage Over - MGTOW Sandman 139 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce

20 Years Of Marriage Over

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a topic so I thought I'd cover a story I found on the cheating Stories subreddit. It's a mostly useless subreddit for men because it women plugging their own cheating stories to distract from the fact that it's women that are the ones that are more likely to cheat on men than the other way around. It's a smoke screen of queefs to prevent men from figuring that out. As for the story I want to share it's from someone named Crazy Note and here's what he has to say and I quote: "My I'm a 48 year old male and my marriage is now officially over. We were really happy for 10 years but something snapped in her. She's a year older than me and she became cold and distant for about the last 10 years. I went through all of the emotions and scenarios. I blamed myself, I blamed her hormones, and I had the gut feeling she was cheating. Well, about 2 weeks ago we had a talk and she said that she felt bad for the way she was treating me, but that she just doesn’t have romantic feelings for me anymore. She considers me a good friend. I decided to move out and try the solo life and have all the arrangements in place to get settled within the next two weeks. But, last night we had another talk and my paranoia crept back in about her cheating and I just couldn’t shake the feeling. So this morning I pulled the asshole move of snooping and have now confirmed the cheating. She was adamant last night and for a while now that she just wants to be alone and has no feelings for anyone, including her once close family. I told her that I suspected her of cheating and that I thought I knew who it was but she went as far as to say that the guy was secretly gay and she was just a friend. My wife of 20 years of marriage, who I’ve had a mystical feeling connection to since 7th grade is just a lying cheater and it messes me up. I’m now super angry and will be grabbing some essentials from home this evening and sleeping on a family member’s couch until my new place is ready. I’m a really easy going guy and it scares me that I’m so angry. I’ve told her that I’m leaving today and to not be home when I get there to pack. I would never harm her, but I would definitely say some mean things to say to her face to face. So, I guess I’m destined to have trust issues for the rest of my life. I backed every crazy thing she wanted to do without question and supported her in every way and have been rewarded with a sloppy hand job video of her and her boss. Relationships suck! So, my real point or lesson here it to trust your instincts. If you feel something is off with your relationship, it probably is. Good luck out there everyone." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and I'll discuss more from sloppy Joe who's wife gave her boss a hand job in a jiffy but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Men's Guide To High Conflict Divorce:

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Women Will Welcome The Social Credit System - MGTOW
Women Will Welcome The Social Credit System - MGTOW Sandman 348 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Cyclone Steve and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I was re-watching your October bitcoin video as well as another one where you discuss vaccine passports and social credit scores by a financial pundit. I recalled you saying that precious metals are becoming less popular in favor of crypto currencies. There is a financial pundit claiming that widespread acceptance of crypto currencies (and then mandatory acceptance followed by exclusive acceptance) is one of the requirements for a society with social credit scores and massive restrictions of freedom. Do you ever worry that "It's a trap!'? Thanks for the great work." Well Steve thanks for the donation and topic. There are so many possible places that crypto came from. It could have been created by the CIA or NSA as a Trojan horse or Trojan token to get people to get used to using digital currencies by incentivising the early adopters to become as rich as lottary winners. The people that make big gains in the beginning of Crypto would encourage adoption. It starts with the promise of financial freedom with decentralized currency but eventually moves to central banks forcing everyone to use CBDC's or central bank digital currencies. Of course I worry about that. But without Bitcoin I would be more worried about inflation than I currently am. Adoption of the Bitcoin network is growing at 1 to 2 times the adoption rate of the internet in 1997 or 1998. Bitcoin might be the way to get us to give up our paper currency and precious metals. That's why I'm keeping my gold and silver as well as bank notes outside of the banking system. From my experience the financial wizards always throw an unexpected curve ball at you. Look at what happened with social media. First they gave us true freedom of speech on platforms like YouTube, Twitter and Facebook and then later they took it away or clamped down on it. It all looks like an elaborate bait and switch scenario. Back from 2014 to 2018 when I was monetized and my channel was growing on those platforms I thought to myself how could the platforms not see they are letting ordinary people have a voice and influence change? How this all relates to women is that women will conform to whatever is expected of them. If Bitcoin brings up central bank currencies women will adopt them because all in the name of security so they can't be robbed by criminals. Meanwhile the real criminals are the central bankers stealing money through inflation and most women have no idea. Most see the number in their bank account going slightly up or staying the same in their savings account, if they even have one and they don't question what is money? Women welcome vaccine passports, social credit scores and central bank money the way they welcomed going to work when they convinced themselves they were free at work while being slaves at home. Putting women into positions of power and authority is going to speed up the change. All in the name of protection and safety. Women already operate based on an informal social credit system. So they will be fine under techno-fascism. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

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Women Banning MGTOW Ideas
Women Banning MGTOW Ideas Sandman 446 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

The Manipulated Man - Audio book - Esther Vilar (Human narration)

A God Among MGTOW - Esther Vilar

Can't Attack What You Cannot Define (rambling on)

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from LHB and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I have been red pilled for about two years since I broke up with my manipulative and aggressive ex. She tricked me into having a child with her and now I have to fight in court to get to see my son for a year and a half already. I live in the UK. I have consumed a lot of red pill content including yours Sandman but recently it was a book by Ester Vilar called The manipulated man, which has blew my mind and solidified all of my red pill knowledge until that point. I would love to hear your opinion on Ester's book I attach a link to free audio book so you can listen to it when you a free. I believe every man should have read this book. If you have reviewed this book already, please choose a topic of your choice, something in line of Red pill Bible or MGTOW Bible. I appreciate your daily content, keeps me red pill protected. Wishing you well as I also suffer with autoimmune disease, however not as severe as yours. Keep well." Well LHB thanks for the donation and sharing the link to the book. The book was digitally burned and banned from the Amazon store recently. I've already make a video about Esther Villar near the beginning of my YouTube days and I put a link to it in the description. She is an honorary god among mgtow because she dared to be a feminine feminist believing that equality begins with men learning the low down on women the way that women know the low down on men. That men are the oppressed sex and that we are happy in our slavery. I used to promote the book through ads on my channel and it's a breath of fresh air for a woman to say that men are the oppressed sex. The system doesn't exactly want men to learn about our slavery and walk away from the plantation. I'll take your advice LHB and cover another topic or two for the remainder of this video instead of covering The Manipulated Man which I believe I reviewed back at the end of 2014 or early 2015. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways now back to women trying to ban ideas because they hurt their feelings clown world show. A while back someone named Openroader shared a video and message with me. The video is called: "Can't Attack What You Can't Define" as well his his predictions about the future. Here's what Openroader has to say and I quote: "My own prediction... A decade from now... No babies being born... Old Maid apartments funded through government help. A Bachelor tax...but by then, many guys will be retired or in the country, shifting labor to gardening, wood cutting and other untaxable activities. Women will forever blame men. longer caring and mass exodus to the deep country." unquote. I agree with Open
Roader because I'm seeing a ton of new popular YouTube channels about hunting and wilderness exploration, Building your own log cabin on cheap land and using the wood on your property to heat your cabin as one about a guy that bought a ghost town in Nevada. Guys want to escape into the wilderness and work the land because there are far fewer variables than dealing with a gynocentric soyciety. The housing bubble in Canada is bad unless you're a low income woman and if you are you can put yourself on a list to get brand new subsidized housing in the cities while you hunt for a sexy man with resources to rescue you.

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Why Women Pick The Worst Men - MGTOW
Why Women Pick The Worst Men - MGTOW Sandman 329 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Profit Specialist Group

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Raphael and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, There is something known as the grandfather paradox, where if you were to travel back in time, you could kill your parents before you were born. Do you think a similar paradox might exist for women? Not to make this about religion but it seems Adam and Eve proved that matter what, women are never completely happy or satisfied, even if you give them paradise with everything included. So imagine if we lived in a perfect world where money is eliminated, work is completely voluntary, and talents, intellect, and creativity are the main drives that pays instead. It still seems that women in that perfect society will pick guys who has the most talent, skills and etc. The point that I am making is that maybe this is the harsh unbearable truth and has to be accepted. In nature female animals seem to bare the same resemblance. They only like the alpha males but love their children to death and not actually him. Scientists say it is to bare the best genetics but that isn't entirely true because many are still born with birth defects. Maybe its to pass on big evil. BTW, animals are firece. Iol, I'm just joking but if women actually did it right, they would pick guys not based on a who is a better model, or evil alpha but rather based on their picks the same way men do: 1. Personalities and depth 2. Passiveness (Humbleness) 3. Talented, Intelligence, And Heart 4. Societal Engagement (Fun, slightly comedic) 5. They can take the lead too but not to compete, much rather to teach and enlighten This is the men's model, but if women selected guys based on this model, the paradox can be broken or be treated as a loop hole. You can still travel faster than light by other means in theory too. What do you think?" Well Raphael thanks for the donation and topic. The Grandfather Paradox is BS. Even if you could go back in time and kill your parents before they were born quantum physics says there are multiple realities that exist at the same time. The first time I saw what appeared to be the multiverse was in the film back to the future part 2 where Biff gets his hands on the greys sports almanac and Marty and Doc go back to the future but their own experiences and memories are intact. I've also had precognitive dreams that allowed me to change the future and now I'm probably in another universe. Marty also wouldn't have just disappeared if his parents never met. He would have returned to the future to find that Biff had married his mother because he was the alpha male. Marty would still exist but his mother and father just never would have had him. But in reality we just won't know until we invent time travel and mess with the past. In an alternative reality I never would have sold my half a million bat tokens. If I had kept them I would have had a million bucks right now. Instead I swapped them out for Bitcoin and to pay my tax and as a result I didn't ten x my money. Who would have predicted that from a company that's growing at about fifty percent a year with regards to it's user base? I also hold a bunch of library tokens and won't be selling them which means based on my luck they will end up be worthless. Anyways, I'll discuss more about the paradox of pussy and women choosing the wrong men in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Cash Discount Pro:

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