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613  Masculists Can Use Women's Higher Conformity and Agreeableness to Men's Advantage (Masculism,
613 Masculists Can Use Women's Higher Conformity and Agreeableness to Men's Advantage (Masculism, Hugo de Garis 22 Views • 1 year ago

de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers <br> <br>Flyer No. 613 <br>Title : Masculists Can Use Womens Higher Conformity and Agreeableness to Mens Advantage <br>Text URL : <br>All Flyers URL : <br>Book : MASCULISM, Mens Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 610+ Masculist Flyers for Mens Studies Courses; by Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis, (freely downloadable, in MS Word format, from) <br>Descr : This flyer makes the claim, that once there are millions of masculists, they will create enough female masculists, so that female conformity pressure can then kick in, causing women to convert women to female masculism, more effectively than men can. When there are millions of masculists, millions of their monoconscious feminist girlfriends will be more readily converted to biconscious female masculism, due to womens higher level of agreeableness, i.e. not wanting ideological confrontation with their masculist boyfriends. Masculists need to take advantage of these two female tendencies, to create enough female masculists, that they help men in the menfairing of the gender laws, thus liberating billions of men.

"Sad Little Man" by Five Times August (Official Music Video) 2021
"Sad Little Man" by Five Times August (Official Music Video) 2021 sithsith 46 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Music and animation produced by Five Times August. Download/Stream "Sad Little Man" on Spotify, Amazon, Apple Music and more:

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Sad little man sitting deep in a lie
He’s dead in his soul but he’ll keep you alive
Do what he says, not what he do
‘Cause the truth is for him and the lie is for you

Sad little man but he’s treated like a God
As the faithless pray to a fake and a fraud
Worship the man, pledge to his word
One shot, two shot, now you get a third

Sad little man
Sad little man
You better run now while you know you can
Sad little man
Sad little man
You don’t fool me you sad little man

Sad little man gonna trap you like a dog
Put your head in a net while they eat you raw
Don’t ask why, just comply
‘Cause fear is the drug that the doc prescribed

Sad little man, you can watch him on the news
Preaching to his choir while they learn the rules
Some feel safe and some feel healed
But they’ll all hold his hand as he makes the kill

Sad little man
Sad little man
You better run now while you know you can
Sad little man
Sad little man
You don’t fool me you sad little man

Sad little man and he wants your kids
Some might live while the rest get sick
So put them to the test and listen for the yell
When the truth comes out he’s gonna burn in hell

Sad little man
Sad little man
You better run now while you know you can
Sad little man
Sad little man
You don’t fool me you sad little man

You can’t fool me you sad little man

? The World is Rising UP. The REVOLUTION Will Not Be Televised.⚡️?
? The World is Rising UP. The REVOLUTION Will Not Be Televised.⚡️? Jess Sosnoski 98 Views • 3 years ago

⁣? The World is Rising UP. The REVOLUTION Will Not Be Televised.⚡?

The only way out of this by computing forever
The only way out of this by computing forever sithsith 47 Views • 3 years ago

⁣The only way out of this by computing forever

Paris FR: Police Afraid Of Being Encircled & Isolated (Their Tactics) Flee From Protestors
Paris FR: Police Afraid Of Being Encircled & Isolated (Their Tactics) Flee From Protestors Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 99 Views • 3 years ago

The people are coming after the cops, the corrupt departments of health, and the police management and their corrupt politicians.

NYC Is Officially Frog Soup. RPM
NYC Is Officially Frog Soup. RPM REDPILLMARRIED 129 Views • 3 years ago

⁣We told you so, but oh well.

Fasting For Survival Lecture by Dr Pradip Jamnadas
Fasting For Survival Lecture by Dr Pradip Jamnadas erick rendoza 336 Views • 3 years ago

Dr. Jamnadas details the rationale behind dietary restriction and fasting.

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Pradip Jamnadas, MD, MBBS, FACC, FSCAI, FCCP, FACP
The founder and chairman of The Galen Foundation is a medical graduate of the University College of London, England with post-graduate training at Yale University in Cardiology. He has a successful specialty practice in Orlando, Florida since 1990 and performs interventional procedures and is a consultant cardiologist with a large diversified inpatient and outpatient practice. He has been recognized in Orlando Magazine as Top Doctor in Cardiology for multiple years over the past decade. He is also a clinical assistant professor of medicine at The Florida State University and University of Central Florida. He is a renowned lecturer and teacher, with a passion for high tech interventions when called for, yet places greater emphasis on prevention measures.

How to Stop Your Doctor Killing You
How to Stop Your Doctor Killing You mrghoster 40 Views • 3 years ago

I will be posting a couple of Dr Vernon Coleman's Video's as he ask's us all to get the word out. I myself her in the UK, long before I found this video have moved away fron NHS England and my GP who quite frankly is a complicit "QUACK" and like German Medical people in WW2 has been sucked into this Covid thing , like GP's and Nurses were sucked into the NAZI insanity? but as we know history will always be destine to repeat itself. If you want to deal with your own health then abandon the Pill Popping side of the NHS drug runner's and pushers if you are healthy enought to do thi?.

We Are at War | Live From The Lair
We Are at War | Live From The Lair Terrence Popp 489 Views • 3 years ago

⁣We’re already at war and have been for decades. And now the enemies are within our own ranks.
#CivilWar #WWIII #LiveFromTheLair

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Woke Women Will Disappear? -  MGTOW
Woke Women Will Disappear? - MGTOW Sandman 378 Views • 3 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

A Rotating Synthetic "Womb" Kept Mice Embryos Alive For Six Days

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by Mattick and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I had an interesting question that occur to me today. Will feminism simply die out like the dodo? In today’s glorious Golden Age of 4th wave feminism there are two categories of women; those with children and those without. Woke women, 200-pound blue haired land-whales a.k.a feminists, hypergamous career women, and the many others that suffer some form of Princess Syndrome all share one thing in common. They don’t reproduce, or is maybe fairer to say very little. Are we seeing some form of self-selective breeding process occurring amongst women? You know, the same type that happens with canines? Is Mother Nature stepping in and removing the negative attributes of toxic femininity from the human gene pool? Leaving the remaining women with mostly positive attributes; women that do not so easily buy into and conform to the anti-male rhetoric that comes from feminism. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this Sandman? Keep up the good work, you really are making a huge difference to so many men’s lives." Well Mattick thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. Mattick you are right that women on the left end of the political spectrum are less likely to get married and have children then those on the right. Or they are more likely to have only one child and therefore pass less of their values down to the next generation. Demographers in the United States have begun to wonder why the new generation in their teens entering adulthood is the most conservative one since the second world war and the answer for that of course is that conservatives are having more children than the liberals and they are passing some of their values down to their kids. To make up for that the left is pushing for more immigration for predominantly Latin American countries that are more accepting of communism and socialism. The right makes new recruits in the bedroom. The left recruits at the border and the airport. Barren leftist feminists don't really care about having children but they care that their values will live on in other people. Every person has a specific world view and the more we spread it and the more other people embrace it the more this validates our opinions and beliefs. MGTOW is different than these two groups because we predominantly recruit over the internet and regardless of what many of the conservative white nationalists say about us not wanting to procreate many of us would welcome that option if it came with far fewer risk. Woke women of course won't disappear completely. There will be conservative women that leave their Southern Baptist Church groups and ride the purple hair and tattoo cock carousel. I also suspect that there will be more conservative women in the future as the cost of living continues to go up and people become impoverished. Poor people tend to live under the same roof as their parents because they can't afford a place of their own. Parents tend to impose stricter rules. Even if they don't always follow them and still ride the carousel it's a lot tougher doing it under your mothers roof then if you're on your own.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Hidden Agenda Behind Feminism - MGTOW
Hidden Agenda Behind Feminism - MGTOW Sandman 342 Views • 3 years ago

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Chris Whalen CPA

The Red Zone Episode 3

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you brought to you by a donation from Alex and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, If you like you can discuss StudioBrule's video called "The Red Zone Episode 3" which talks about the hidden agenda behind feminism, and how we are not only having feminist propaganda shoved down our throats, but also that censorship is being used as a weapon against us to further give those pushing the agenda more power. I don't think it's a coincidence that there is a feminist in charge of the highly censored YouTube, and I also don't think it's a coincidence that her feminist sister is in charge of 23&me overlooking everyone's DNA. Makes me wonder what kind of information sharing is going on between the two. Both women and the elites are complicit in this agenda, but for different reasons. Elites do it to destroy society, dis-empower men, to further increase their own power, while women do it out of their own selfish ignorance. I think there are simply too many obvious red flags to suggest that women got this far on their own. Once you take into account all of the times feminism has been pushed in the news, advertising, large organizations, the UN, movies, music videos, large donations from the elites, etc. it becomes obvious that women are not the only ones pushing this crap onto our society. Please share the Red Zone Ep. 3 link with your viewers also in the description. Hope that helps!" Well Alex thanks for the donation and topic. I've shared the video link in the description. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. Alex I agree with you that women have become the useful idiots of the elites. Women tend to be more likely to follow insane rules and agendas and that's why the elites are more likely to use them. Plus they can use their sexuality and take away female validation from men in order to control men too. The agenda is not so hidden. Bringing women into the workforce using women's own cognitive dissonance against them. Making them think they are free while being forced to work. I've actually me Steve Brule a few times in real life. He's the creator of the video you want me to review. I suggest you guys follow him. He's a good guy. Even though he's an MRA that works with Janice Fiamenco and I don't think she likes me all that much. She's an antifeminist MRA professor from Ottawa, Canada. I said that feminist women and traditional women are like two lions fighting each other and the victor will feast on the resources and life force of all men. I called out women's game and she didn't like that and had to make a response video a while back. I guess that's when you know you've struck a nerve. So what does Steve Brule say in his video titled Feminism's role in a one world government and what we can do about it? He starts with the typical new world order stuff like the the green new deal and mandatory vacination. He discusses the elites and how they want to usher that one world government to consolidate power. According to Christianity, if you believe in it, they will all fail until the anti-christ shows up with his buddy the false prophet and they together will do it. Not some king or corrupt technocrat. The so called antichrist is also a MGTOW that's supposed to be a military leader that gives away what he conquers to those loyal to him. That doesn't sound all that bad at all. I'd rather take that guys side instead of someone like Henry Kissenger or George Soros.

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Why The Dating Market Sucks - MGTOW
Why The Dating Market Sucks - MGTOW Sandman 322 Views • 3 years ago

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Swan Bitcoin (Americans Only)

Manuel Gris - Why the Dating Market sucks : A message for Incels

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Manuel and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I'm years of 45. I have almost always been single, which makes me sad in some way, but the rest of my life is quite more successful which make it more bearable. I'm politically a libertarian, and I'm quite passionate about this philosophy. I recently made a video where I share my thoughts on incels and the dating market, where I explain that the main problem is the welfare-state. I would be glad for you to review my video in exchange of a donation and tell me what you think of it. Thank you." Well Manuel thanks for the donation and topic. I put a link to your video in the description so that people that want to can watch it and subscribe to your channel. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Swan Bitcoin: Anyways, now back to this video which will be an absolute incelebration. Manuel knows all about the welfare state because he comes from North America's largest Welfare State Quebec, the French speaking province in Canada. The federal government keeps sending money to the province to appease them so they won't to leave the country by declaring independence. Also Quebec has the highest taxes in Canada according to him. But I believe it's no coincidence that after the 1960s once women started working and welfare payments started showing up in the early 1970s in America that meant that women were far less dependent on men for money and survival. Is it any wonder tha the birth rates started to drop below replacement level around this time? In your video called Why the Dating Market sucks: A message for Incels you mention that the fundamental cause of modern problems between men and women is the responsibility of the welfare state. I both agree and disagree. Government giving women money is one cause and the other is corporations doing the same. Giving women jobs and making it socially acceptable to enter the workforce. As for dealing with the issue of there being so many single incels out there you say that you can't morally force a woman to be with you if you're an incel. That this would be slavery and rape. But in a sense we men did just that in a sense by not allowing women to work. They were forced to find a man to be with or they wouldn't be able to survive unless they became prostitutes. You mention this too and I agree with it. Women are free but if they have no way to make money their freedom is worthless. But now for the first time in history women have freedom to work or not work and the government will give them money. You also mention in your video that you don't exactly see yourself as an incel because you're picky when it comes to women. But you do mention that the welfare state is immoral because of taxation. That it threatens us with violence if we don't pay our taxes. Taxes that quite often go to support women. I think that's a yes and no situation. Yes taxation is immoral but you're forgetting that the greatest taxation is through inflation. It's an invisible tax.

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War Is Good For Chinese Women? - MGTOW
War Is Good For Chinese Women? - MGTOW Sandman 281 Views • 3 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

Top 11 Richest Gamers In The World

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a mystery person who's message I can't find. He wanted me to cover what would happen to Chinese women if there was a war between the United States and China. Of course no one really takes the prospect of such a war seriously because there's the nuclear deterent present with regards to mutually assured destruction. But let's say there was a way between the United States and China that somehow didn't lead to the end of the world. What would it mean for the women of China? For most of the history the east has been the dominant power and only in the last handful of centuries have western nations been the center of global power. If China won a hypothetical war then you could see the ideal female form shift away from white males which have higher sexual marketplace value all over the world to Chinese males. I doubt it because European males have blue eyes and blonde hair and height so maybe western gold digging women would try to get together with more Chinese men but I doubt this because they aren't as skinny and Asian men don't want European women unlike Asian women that find European men attractive. If this hypothetical war lead to massive male casualties then it might tip the gender ratio back into men's favor. To answer the question that is the title of this video war is not good for Chinese women if large portions of the male population died because then it would tip the scales of power in the sexual marketplace back in the favor of men. The imbalance is bad because for every 119 males born in China in 2005 there were only 100 females being born. So that leaves about sixteen percent of the men in China as incels with no wife. But a modern war will not effect the male population all that much because the wars of the near future will be fought with drones and minimal casualties. Or they will be fought by countries trying to produce the most crypto currency. The hash rate wars as Max Keiser has said before. China apparently has the most cheap hydro power in the world and mines have the world's Bitcoin. A war like that will be great for Chinese women because their men will make a fortune and lavish those women with luxury goods. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. I remember years ago learning about Kublai Khan and his more famous grandfather Ghenghis Kahn and how Kublai Khan conquered China. I read stories about how Chinese princesses were taken out of their lush palaces and forced to become the wives of generals that were part of the Mongul Hordes after they broke through the great wall of China and took over the country. They had move into nomadic style tents and were forced to live outside of of built structures for the first time in their lives. Like a Chinese princess going camping. I don't think that camping is really all that big a thing in China today. Let alone seven to eight hundred years ago. If the United States won a war between themselves and China then you can sure bet there would dozens of new military bases popping up all over China and Chinese women would be lining up at those bases ready to trade BJs for Green Cards. Chinese women are already doing that in China with Western men. I remember watching ADV China's YouTube channel and one of the guys on there shared a story about a Chinese woman with a good career that was ready to love him long times but he wasn't attracted to her. So she ended up with another European man because after a woman gets into her Thirties in China she's a leftover woman and it's not socially acceptable to marry her if you're a Chinese man so many Chinese women try to find a white man to marry instead.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

MGTOW Are The Terrorists Of The Manosphere?
MGTOW Are The Terrorists Of The Manosphere? Sandman 387 Views • 3 years ago

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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism


MGTOW Monk - Putting GQ Magazine and hack writer on blast!!

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by a donation. If you want to sponsor a video topic then you can make a request through paypal, subscribestar or patreon. As for this video there are two things I want to discuss. The first part is from Chad Reno and he wants me to discuss what a couple of Muslim guys have to say after they watched my Introduction To MGTOW video. The second part is a GQ article that shares the same title as this video. But let me do the first part so here's what Chad Reno has to say and I quote: "Hey Sandman I really like your videos and just wanted to let you know that these really popular Muslim apologists on the Mohammed Hijab YouTube channel just made a video about you and it's gaining a lot of traction, but I suggest you watch the whole thing first because me summarizing their main points obviously won't do them justice. They largely agree with the points you bring to the table but argue that you're coming at it from a place of "extremism", that is to say the opposite end of the spectrum when it comes to feminism; An emotional reaction as they put it. They largely reaffirm your points and suggest taking it down a notch so as to come at it from an academic perspective and go mainstream. However, I personally don't see this going anywhere in my opinion as this has already been attempted before for the past two decades alone and gone nowhere, ultimately proving it's more than a lost cause trying to redpill normies let alone blackpill them. Basically, they're trad apologists and will try to push Islam as the based solution to the incel epidemic, hypergamy, feminism etc which is true in a way. Rather, it would be were it ultimately not for the influx of various subversive elements infiltrating their way into the culture of modern Islamic societies influenced via ' ' "western" ' ' Neo-liberal degenerate progressivism/feminism, spearheaded by our friendly ' ' "you know whos" ' ' in an attempt to destabilize the normies, but I digress. They regularly have discussions with a wide variety of different people so I'm guessing they'd probably be open with having you on to discuss MGTOW/blackpill/hypergamy/the incel problem etc. It'd be a productive discussion with a lot of redpills here and there and will ultimately help redpill some more normies if anything." Well Chad Reno thanks for the topic and I'll cover it and the GQ article in just a sec but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. What a crazy world we are living in feminists writing hit pieces are calling us MGTOWs Mujahidin's and Muslim's, where the term Mujahidin comes from are calling us just as extreme as feminists. The two guys discussing my intro to MGTOW video start by saying that it's extremism when I said that many women today will rip out a man's heart and testicles through his wallet. That's actually part of a line from Robbin Williams. Remember I made this video they are reviewing back in early 2014. Is it really extremism after we all saw what happened to Robbin Williams a short while later when he killed himself because he couldn't keep paying his lifetime alimony?

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Feminist claims "Men need to respect ALL women"
Feminist claims "Men need to respect ALL women" Texting Prince 152 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Back here at female dating strategies to cover this post...

"Men need to respect ALL women"

Let me know if you guys agree with that mentality or not



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Watching the Narrative Fall Apart | Live From The Lair
Watching the Narrative Fall Apart | Live From The Lair Terrence Popp 1,035 Views • 4 years ago

⁣The left is losing the culture war. That's why they're throwing a temper tantrum.

"How Not to Become a Millennial" is available on Amazon now!

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1 man vs 3 female cops
1 man vs 3 female cops Grin_Reaper 119 Views • 4 years ago

This is one of TFM's old videos which was taken down for violating TOS. I'm uploading it here because it's funny and it shows how useless female cops are.

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